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有机栽培对杂交粳稻产量和品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以杂交粳稻(常优2号、常优5号、甬优8号)和常规粳稻(淮稻5号、南粳46、南粳5055)为试材,比较研究了有机和常规栽培方式对两种类型粳稻的产量和品质的影响,探索了有机栽培条件下杂交粳稻实现稳产优质的可能性。结果表明,有机栽培杂交、常规粳稻平均产量分别为8.11 t hm–2和6.29 t hm–2,前者比后者高28.93%。有机栽培杂交粳稻的群体总茎蘖数低于常规粳稻,但成穗率较常规粳稻增加了6.5个百分点。两种类型水稻叶面积指数和光合势在各生育期均表现为有机栽培常规栽培,但有机栽培杂交粳稻叶面积指数和光合势降幅较小。有机栽培条件下,杂交粳稻生育后期平均群体生长率是常规粳稻1.29倍,干物质积累比例高出8.81个百分点。有机栽培略微降低了杂交粳稻的加工品质,但显著改善了外观品质,提高胶稠度、降低直链淀粉含量,对蛋白质含量影响较小,总体上改善了蒸煮食味品质。有机栽培下杂交粳稻产量优势明显且有较好的品质性状,在有机稻米产业发展中具有独特的应用价值。  相似文献   
雪灾对农业影响的损失评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了分析雪灾对宁波市农业影响的损失,并对其进行评估。本研究选取宁波市2014年一次降雪过程,基于自然灾害理论,综合考虑形成雪灾损失的危险性、暴露性、脆弱性和防灾减灾能力,将遥感、地理信息技术与雪灾损失相结合构建雪灾损失评估模型。结合土地利用类型图,提取农业用地,将雪灾对农业影响的损失区域划分为低损失、中损失和高损失,并进行分区评述。结果表明:余姚市的积雪覆盖面积最大,且雪灾各损失等级所占面积均最大,受灾最严重;海曙区、江东区和江北区无积雪覆盖,无雪灾损失。雪灾高损失区域主要位于海拔较高的余姚南部和鄞州西部山区。  相似文献   
稻渔综合种养技术研究进展   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
稻渔综合种养可使农业从单一经营转变为复合经营,从平面生产转变为立体生产,是农业转方式、调结构的重要发展方向。为进一步促进稻渔综合种养研究的深入开展和稻渔综合种养模式的推广应用,综述了中国稻渔综合种养技术的发展概况,阐明了稻渔综合种养模式的增产增效作用及与之配套的稻田工程技术、安全植保技术、安全施肥技术、鱼病防治技术、水质管理技术的实施过程,指出了稻渔综合种养模式对产业的支撑作用,展望了稻渔综合种养模式的发展前景,并提出了稻渔综合种养模式的重点研究方向。  相似文献   
麻疯树PIN基因家族的鉴定与生物信息学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PIN基因家族是一类调控植物生长素极性运输的重要载体元件。本研究利用功能已知的拟南芥PIN蛋白家族为参考序列,在麻疯树全基因组数据中共鉴定出9条PIN基因,并针对9条JcPIN基因开展系统的生物信息学研究,开展进化树构建和基序分析以及基因表达研究和密码子偏好性解析。结果发现:9条麻疯树PIN蛋白多属于由碱性氨基酸组成的稳定蛋白,均为位于细胞质膜上的非分泌蛋白;蛋白家族含有保守的N末端结构域,二级结构与拟南芥PIN蛋白相似;进化结果表明麻疯树PIN基因与毛果杨PIN基因家族关系最近;表达分析发现了4个可信度较高的麻疯树PIN基因,密码子偏好性分析确定了13个高频密码子,揭示了异源表达JcPIN时需要改造的密码子。研究结果可为将来开展麻疯树PIN基因家族的功能研究奠定重要基础,也为麻疯树其他基因家族和其他拥有大量数据的植物基因家族研究提供参考。  相似文献   
Organic farming requires cultivars that are specifically adapted to this low input cropping system. Hence, organic farmers and scientists joined in a participatory breeding approach to develop region-specific genotypes of spring faba bean for organic conditions in Germany. A set of 49 genotypes with contrasting degrees of heterozygosity and heterogeneity was used in field trials across five locations in Germany during 3 years 2004, 2005 and 2006. The material involved 18 inbred lines, their 18 polycross progenies, one blend of inbred lines, one blend of polycross progenies, one blend of hybrids and ten checks. Inbred lines are uniform, thus giving the option to be specifically adapted; whereas the polycross progenies and synthetics (Syn-1; predicted from the inbred lines and polycross progenies performance) are partly heterogeneous and heterozygous, thus giving the option to evolve. Agronomic performance was assessed and a “personal appreciation” score of the material was assigned to each genotype by each partner. This personal appreciation was strongly influenced by biotic and abiotic constraints faced by the crop in each location and by the expected grain yield of the genotypes. Uniformity was apparently appreciated by organic farmers. In all locations, the highest yielding inbred line yielded slightly better than the predicted highest yielding synthetic. However, this slight disadvantage of the synthetic is very likely to disappear if the synthetic (Syn-1) is propagated during successive generations.  相似文献   
Organic farming has gained in importance in Germany during recent years. Therefore an increasing demand exists for varieties with specific adaptation to this farming system. In the present study we therefore conducted comparative field experiments with modern maize breeding materials under organic versus conventional farming conditions (ORG and CON, respectively) to estimate quantitative genetic parameters needed for developing optimal breeding strategies and to investigate the perspectives of selection for specific adaptation to ORG. Starting from two broad samples of elite germplasm, consisting of 178 flint and dent lines, respectively, fractions of 11 flint and 11 dent lines were selected based on their testcross performance under ORG. A corresponding set of lines was selected under CON. Testcross performance was evaluated in three regions of Germany and selection of superior lines was practiced across two stages in 2004 and 2005, respectively. The specifically selected lines were crossed in a factorial manner for production of experimental inter-pool single-cross hybrids which were field-tested under ORG and CON in two regions in 2006. Average grain yields were about 16% lower under ORG than under CON. Variance components and entry-mean heritability coefficients under ORG largely resembled those obtained under CON. Phenotypic correlations between ORG and CON were moderate for grain yield and strong for grain dry matter content. No consistent estimates were obtained for the corresponding genotypic correlation for grain yield. At the first stage of testcross selection no evidence of specific adaptation to ORG or CON was observed whereas the factorial crosses tested in 2006 displayed distinct, yet non-significant, advantages when evaluated under the respective target farming system. A small top fraction of hybrids showed outstanding performance under both ORG and CON. The chances of detecting such broadly adapted genotypes are increased if ORG test sites are included in the regular testing system.  相似文献   
近年来中国南方地区频繁遭遇干旱,给农业生产和人民生活造成了巨大危害。为促进中国南方地区旱作农业的发展,保障南方地区粮食和经济作物安全,总结了中国南方地区旱作农业发展的现状、意义;重点分析了南方地区旱作农业发展中存在的主要问题;提出了南方旱作农业发展的主要对策:加强农田工程建设、选育抗旱品种、加强抗旱保水技术的开发和应用、利用节灌补水技术,提高水资源利用率。  相似文献   
太湖流域粳稻两类群体种子活力性状有利等位变异的发掘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王洋  郭媛  洪德林 《作物学报》2010,36(5):754-763
发掘粳稻种子活力性状的优异等位变异和携带优异等位变异的载体材料可为培育适于直播的高活力粳稻品种提供遗传信息和育种材料。以太湖流域粳稻94个品种构成的自然群体和粳稻品种秀水79与粳稻恢复系C堡衍生的247个重组自交家系(RIL)群体为试验材料,利用斜板发芽法发芽,调查生长7d的幼苗根长、苗高和干重3个种子活力性状,采用Tassel软件中的GLM方法和Win QTL Cartographer2.5软件中的CIM方法进行种子活力性状的QTL分析,发掘有利等位变异和相应载体品种。结果表明:(1)在太湖流域粳稻自然群体中共检测到11个与种子活力性状相关联的SSR标记位点,共发掘出42个控制种子活力性状的优异等位变异,其中控制根长的17个,控制苗高的13个,控制幼苗干重的12个。携带种子活力性状优异等位变异且效应值较大的载体材料有滇屯502选早、扬稻6号、开青、籼恢429和C堡等。(2)在RIL群体中共检测到9个与种子活力性状相关的QTL,其中2个控制根长,4个控制苗高,3个控制幼苗干重。除控制幼苗干重的qDW-2a的有利等位变异RM525-143bp来自秀水79以外,其余8个位点的有利等位变异均来自C堡。(3)两类群体均在第1染色体上检测到与根长关联的SSR标记位点,均在第2、第8和第11染色体上检测到与苗高关联的位点,均在第2染色体上检测到与幼苗干重关联的位点,且在自然群体中检测到优于和多于家系群体的等位变异。  相似文献   
生猪的规模化养殖与环境保护:困境及选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生猪的规模化养殖是中国目前生猪养殖的主要方式及未来趋势,规模化养殖会带来生猪产量的 提高和成本的下降,也会造成环境的污染和破坏。笔者借鉴美国生猪规模化养殖过程中的经验和教训, 提出生猪产业发展过程中应该注意的环境问题,指出生猪养殖过程中的粪便的循环利用和生物修复技 术将是未来研究的重点,同时提出应该将治污成内部化,实现生猪养殖的合理规模。  相似文献   
The meal value of Soybean for monogastric animals is determined partly by sucrose, raffinose and stachyose. Of these, sucrose is desirable, while raffinose and stachyose are indigestible, causing flatulence and abdominal discomfort. The objective of this study was to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling seed sucrose, raffinose, and stachyose in a set of 140 SoyNAM (Nested Association Mapping) recombinant inbred lines (RILs), developed from the cross between lines IA3023 and LD02‐4485. A total of 3,038 SNP markers from the Illumina SoyNAM BeadChip SNP were used to map the QTLs for sucrose and the RFOs, raffinose, and stachyose. Significant genotypic differences (p < .001) among RILs were observed for sucrose, raffinose and stachyose contents across years. A 3038 Illumina SoyNAM BeadChip SNPs identified three QTLs for sucrose, one on chromosome 1, explaining 10% variance and two on chromosome 3 each explaining 22%. Raffinose QTL was detected on chromosome 6, explaining 6% variance. The mapped QTLs were novel and spanned regions harbouring candidate genes with roles in plant growth including seed development.  相似文献   
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