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就联合国粮食及农业组织出版的文献类型及特点进行了简要的概述,同时提出了作为特色资源的粮农组织出版物在资源建设中一些具体的管理办法。  相似文献   
 将我国新城疫病毒标准强毒F4 8E9株的血凝素 神经氨酸酶基因克隆于真核表达载体 pcDNA3 中 ,进行鉴定后筛选阳性质粒。将此阳性质粒进行大量法提取并纯化后作为基因疫苗以每只鸡 10 0 μg的剂量肌肉接种 4 5日龄SPF鸡 ,并以 pcDNA3 空质粒作为对照。结果表明 ,新城疫基因疫苗能够诱导机体产生新城疫病毒特异的血清IgG抗体反应 ,但产生抗体所需的时间较长 ,抗体滴度的增加较为缓慢。人工接种新城疫强毒后 ,基因疫苗免疫组 4 / 6的鸡得到保护 ,而且保护鸡具有明显的抗体反应 ,2只鸡未得到保护 ,但其死亡时间明显迟于对照组鸡 ,死亡鸡具有典型的新城疫病毒感染鸡的病理形态学变化。  相似文献   
研究利用系统动力学软件STELLA构建FAO Penman Monteith模型,进行系统动力学建模与生态建模相结合的尝试。研究发现,实际太阳辐射模拟值与GIS空间插值结果基本吻合,变化趋势一致;潜在蒸散发量估算值与SEBS模型估算值接近,基于时间序列的变化趋势基本相同,较好地反映了逐日蒸散发量的时间异质性;敏感性分析发现潜在蒸散发量对反照率、回归常数、辐射系数和研究区纬度值(取值范围为37°39°)变化不敏感;系统动力学在分析复杂系统动态、模拟不同条件下系统因子之间相互作用以及响应过程中具有明显优势;STELLA本身强大的建模功能及友好图形界面在生态学及相关研究领域中有广阔前景;多学科方法、多时空尺度、多物理过程相耦合的研究将是以后该领域研究的重点和趋势之一。  相似文献   
Several factors affecting stocks of soil organic-C have been identified, including climate, soil texture, and drainage, but how these factors and their influence vary spatially is not well documented. The State Soil Geographic Data Base (STATSGO) was used to estimate soil organic-C stocks of Montana and Kansas and to map spatial variation of soil properties. Regressions across map units of area-weighted estimates of soil organic-C, clay content, and drainage class show that clay content is positively correlated with organic-C in Kansas, but that drainage class is a better indicator of soil with high and low organic-C stocks in Montana. About 85% of Kansas is covered by Mollisols. These grasslands of the North American Great Plains are where the paradigm relating clay content to stabilization of soil organic-C was developed. In contrast, clay content does not covary with soil organic-C across Montana. Only 30% of Montana is covered by Mollisols; the remainder includes rangeland, covered primarily by Aridisols and Entisols, and forests, covered by Inceptisols, Spodosols, and Histosols. Although other unidentified factors contribute to spatial variation in soil organic-C stocks in Montana, drainage class distinguishes the C-rich and the C-poor soils. When taken with similar results correlating soil C stocks with drainage class in a separate study of Maine, soil wetness emerges as an important controller of soil organic-C in northern states of the USA. Another objective was to compare STATSGO estimates (1:250,000 scale) of area covered by soil orders with estimates from the FAO/UNESCO Soils Map of the World (1:5,000,000). Agreement was excellent in Kansas and reasonably good in Montana. When used with regionally specific estimates for soil-C, the FAO map holds promise for regional and global extrapolation of soil C stocks.  相似文献   
48 %菜草净EC 15 0 0、180 0ml/hm2 可有效防除茄果类蔬菜田杂草 ,除草效果可达 90 %以上 ;同时菜草净具有明显的壮苗效果 ,可有效提高蔬菜的株高、茎粗及鲜重等秧苗素质指标。综合考虑节本安全 ,建议菜草净的用量以 15 0 0ml/hm2 为宜。  相似文献   
The objective of the present work is characterizing some parameters in the lay phase in the lines of heavy broilers breeder Cobb Avian 48, Arbor Acres Plus and Ross 208, reared under the same commercial conditions in the tropics. Monitored three batches of approximately 18,000 females each (one for each genetic type), from weeks 24 to 64, according to the conditions of handling and power described by the generic lines distribution companies. Although no differences were found for feed intake, Cobb Avian was presented a lower rate of feed conversion, being also that presented the highest percentage of implementation and production of incubables eggs, which meant that it was in line with the highest cumulative production of chickens by bird and week for tropical conditions studied. To adjust the lay data to a Gorssman model, in order to predict the parameters that characterize the lay modeling, estimated the best behavior for Cobb Avian 48 females, because while it takes more time to reach the level of putting constant (5.30 weeks) and maintain it for less time (2.4 weeks), they manage to put constant high (79.11%) level, considering that the largest number of eggs per bird (171.19 vs. 164.54 and 160.11 in Arbor Acres and Ross 208, respectively).  相似文献   
追施氮肥对皖麦48产量及主要品质性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
于2005~2006年,选用弱筋小麦新品种皖麦48,通过追氮量和追氮时期两因素试验,研究其对产量和主要品质性状的影响.结果表明:(1)本试验条件下,以追施184.5 kg·hm-2氮素产量最高,在返青期、起身期、拔节期追施,最高产量分别达到6062.5、6 472.0和6 883.0 kg·hm-2.(2)当基肥纯氮迭135 kg·hm-2,籽粒蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量等指标只有在不追肥时才能达到国家弱筋小麦品质标准;而追肥时面团稳定时间、吸水率均达到弱筋小麦品质指标;吹泡仪P和L及P/L值均达到弱筋小麦标准,W值返青期各追肥处理均达到弱筋小麦标准,当起身期追肥低于114 kg·hm-2、拔节期追肥低于90 kg·hm-2时.W值达到弱筋小麦标准.  相似文献   
饲养雄蚕品种是提高蚕丝品质和蚕茧生产效益的重要途径之一。以引进的性连锁平衡致死系S-14为母本,用普通家蚕品种夏6为优良性状基因供体回交改良性连锁平衡致死系,经2轮杂交、自交、回交组成的循环改良和纯化,育成经济性状优良的家蚕性连锁平衡致死系平48,将该品种与家蚕限性皮斑品种限7组配成夏秋用雄蚕杂交组合限7×平48。经浙江省家蚕新品种实验室联合鉴定,该雄蚕品种的雄蚕率达99%以上,在农村生产鉴定试验中表现出强健好养、产量高、丝质优等特点:张种产茧量和50 kg桑产值分别较对照品种秋丰×白玉提高8.4%和9.4%;茧丝长、解舒丝长、解舒率和干茧出丝率分别较对照种提高7.9%、12%、2.57个百分点、1.54个百分点。新品种2009年通过浙江省家蚕新品种审定,适合在长江中下游蚕区的夏秋季饲养。  相似文献   
Reference crop evapotranspiration (ETo) is a critical part in water cycle and water balance of ecosystem,which is greatly important to effective utilization of agricultural water resoumes and for making reasonable irrigation system.In order to propose a suitable method for computing ET0 in North Xinjiang,based on daily meteorological data from May 1 to September 30,2010 provided by Weather Station of Fuhai County,we used FAO56 Penman-Monteith as the standard formula to compute ET0,compared the differences and relations between such the method and other 4 calculation formulas,and analyzed the cause of the deviation,finally evaluated the applicability of computational method in North Xinjiang.The results showed that the calculation results by FA056 PM Method was approximate to that by FAO Penman method and IA method,of which the relative error was 9.26% and 13.51% respectively,the ET0 results calculated by PT method and HS method were generally greater than the results by FAO56 PM,and their deviation was very obvious.  相似文献   
Accurate estimation of reference evapotranspiration (ETo) is essential for water resources management and irrigation systems scheduling, especially in arid and semiarid regions such as Iran. In the present research, constant coefficients of Hargreaves–Samani (CH–S) and Priestley–Taylor (CP–T) equations were locally calibrated to estimate the ETo based on the FAO–Penmen–Monteith (PM) method as standard method. For this purpose, meteorological data of eight synoptic stations located in the northwest of Iran were used during the period of 1997–2008. The outcomes showed that the values of CH–S and CP–T were 0.0026 (instead of 0.0023) and 1.68 (instead of 1.26), respectively. Also, at stations with high wind speed, the values of calibrated coefficients of CH–S and CP–T were maximum. Then, the estimated ETo values using adjusted CH–S and CP–T coefficients were compared to the obtained actual ETo values by PM method using root mean square error and mean bias error indices. The results indicated that the new calibrated H–S and P–T equations have good agreement with the PM method for estimation of the ETo. Moreover, the equation of Ravazzani et al. was calibrated in the studied region. It was concluded that in general, the mentioned equation was shown better performance than original H–S equation.  相似文献   
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