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基于体积法对黄土细沟侵蚀沿程分布模拟的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵宇  陈晓燕  米宏星  莫斌 《土壤学报》2014,51(6):1234-1241
通过土槽冲刷试验结合体积法估算不同流量(2、4、8 L min-1)和坡度(5°、10°、15°、20°、25°)条件下,细沟侵蚀体积及其分布规律,进而研究黄土细沟侵蚀过程及坡度、流量对其的影响。结果表明:细沟侵蚀过程不是沿其均一恒定的,累积侵蚀泥沙量及含沙量均随着细沟的增长近似呈指数增加,且这个趋势在陡坡和大流量下更为显著。坡度和流量的增大均能造成累积侵蚀泥沙量及含沙量的增加,即导致细沟侵蚀程度加重,但是流量对于侵蚀的影响权重远大于坡度。且实测的侵蚀泥沙总量及水流含沙量与体积法测得累积侵蚀泥沙量及含沙量的对比验证了本试验体积法估算细沟侵蚀总量及沿程分布规律的准确性及实用性,其结果为细沟侵蚀动态过程研究及预测提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
概述了辽宁省气候、地质构造、地形、地貌、土壤及社会人文环境,分析了这些环境因素对辽宁省土壤侵蚀与侵蚀沟发展的影响.结果表明,辽宁省土壤侵蚀产生和加剧是多种因素共同作用的结果.辽西、辽东和辽中等不同区域土壤侵蚀强度与侵蚀沟分布密度存在差异,这种差异正是侵蚀环境不同造成的.在人类活动、土地利用不合理的条件下,某些自然因素对土壤侵蚀的影响明显地凸现出来,侵蚀沟的产生与发展是土壤侵蚀达到严重程度的标志.  相似文献   
Abstract. Continuous cultivation of soils of the semiarid tropics has led to significant land degradation. Soil erosion and nutrient loss caused by high runoff volumes have reduced crop yields and contributed to offsite damage. We compared a number of soil management practices (tillage, mulch and perennial/annual rotational based systems) for their potential to improve crop production and land resource protection in an Alfisol of the semiarid tropics of India. Runoff and soil erosion were monitored and surface soil and sediment were analysed for nitrogen and carbon to determine enrichment ratios. Amelioration of soils with organic additions (farmyard manure, rice straw) or rotating perennial pasture with annual crops increased soil carbon and nitrogen contents and reduced runoff, soil erosion and nutrient loss. Soil erosion totalled less than 7 t ha–1, but enrichment ratios were often greater than 2 resulting in up to 27 kg N ha–1 and 178 kg C ha–1 being lost in sediment. Up to an extra 250 mm of water per year infiltrated the soil with organic additions and was available for crop water use or percolation to groundwater. The results show that there are good opportunities for reducing degradation and increasing productivity on farms.  相似文献   
Multi-scale system approaches in agronomic research at the landscape level   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Spatial multi-scale analyses of actual land use system performance as determined by spatial yield variability reveals the need for landscape research in agronomy. Main ‘drivers’ of spatial yield variability for five different crops in Honduras, Costa Rica and Ecuador were identified. It is demonstrated how they vary with spatial scales and that landscape-related factors often play a large and significant role in when the variability in yield is determined. These results indicate that landscape experiments in agronomy are relevant. Apart from empirical analysis, spatial–temporal explicit modeling of landscape process dynamics such as water and soil redistribution within a landscape can give insight in the performance of agronomic systems within a dynamic landscape context. For a case study in the South of Spain it is demonstrated how within a landscape this type of research can determine the on- and off-site effects of water and soil redistribution in agro-ecosystems. Only after a spatially explicit multi-scale system analysis and explorative landscape process modeling is completed, relevant agronomic landscape experiments can be designed.  相似文献   
The potential for wind erosion in South Central Colorado is greatest in the spring, especially after harvesting of crops such as potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) that leave small amounts of crop residue in the surface after harvest. Therefore it is important to implement best management practices that reduce potential wind erosion and that we understand how cropping systems are impacting soil erosion, carbon dynamics, and properties of rangeland sandy soils. We evaluate the effects of cropping systems on soil physical and chemical properties of rangeland sandy soils. The cropping system included a small grain–potato rotation. An uncultivated rangeland site and three fields that two decades ago were converted from rangeland into cultivated center-pivot-irrigation-sprinkler fields were also sampled. Plant and soil samples were collected in the rangeland area and the three adjacent cultivated sites. The soils at these sites were classified as a Gunbarrel loamy sand (Mixed, frigid Typic Psammaquent). We found that for the rangeland site, soil where brush species were growing exhibited C sequestration and increases in soil organic matter (SOM) while the bare soil areas of the rangeland are losing significant amounts of fine particles, nutrients and soil organic carbon (SOM-C) mainly due to wind erosion. When we compared the cultivated sites to the uncultivated rangeland, we found that the SOM-C and soil organic matter nitrogen (SOM-N) increased with increases in crop residue returned into the soils. Our results showed that even with potato crops, which are high intensity cultivated cropping systems, we can maintain the SOM-C with a rotation of two small grain crops (all residue incorporated) and one potato crop, or potentially increase the average SOM-C with a rotation of four small grain crops (all residue incorporated) and one potato crop. Erosion losses of fine silt and clay particles were reduced with the inclusion of small grains. Small grains have the potential to contribute to the conservation of SOM and/or sequester SOM-C and SOM-N for these rangeland systems that have very low C content and that are also losing C from their bare soils areas (40%). Cultivation of these rangelands using rotations with at least two small grain crops can reduce erosion and maintain SOM-C and increasing the number of small grain crops grown successfully in rotation above two will potentially contribute to C and N sequestration as SOM and to the sequestration of macro- and micro-nutrients.  相似文献   
After the 1998 North 25 Fire in the Wenatchee National Forest, eight study sites were established on steep, severely burned hillslopes to examine the effectiveness of postfire seeding and fertilizing treatments in increasing cover to reduce hillslope erosion, and to measure the nutrient content of the eroded sediment. At each site, four 4 by 9 m plots were located with four randomly applied treatments: seed (winter wheat, Triticum estivum) at 34 kg ha− 1, fertilizer (75% ammonium nitrate and 25% ammonium sulfate) at 31 kg ha− 1, seed and fertilizer, and untreated control. Sediment fences were installed at the base of each plot to measure erosion rates and sample the eroded sediments. In addition, precipitation amounts and intensities, surface cover, canopy cover, and nutrient concentrations in the eroded sediments were measured for four years after the fire. Total precipitation was below average during the four-year study period, and most erosion occurred during short duration, moderate intensity summer rainfall events. The overall first year mean erosion rate was 16 Mg ha− 1 yr− 1, and this decreased significantly in the second year to 0.66 Mg ha− 1 yr− 1. There were no significant differences in erosion rates between treatments. In the first year, the seeded winter wheat provided 4.5% canopy cover, about a fourth of the total canopy cover, on the seeded plots; however, the total canopy cover on the seeded plots did not differ from the unseeded plots. The below average precipitation in the spring after seeding may have affected the winter wheat survival rate. In the fourth year of the study, the mean canopy cover in the fertilization treatment plots was 74%, and this was greater than the 55% mean canopy cover in the unfertilized plots (p = 0.04); however, there was no accompanying reduction in erosion rate for either the seeding or fertilization treatments. Revegetation by naturally occurring species was apparently not impacted by seeding during the four years of this study. The pH of the sediment as well as the concentrations of NO3–N, NH4–N, and K was not affected by seeding or fertilizing. The nutrient loads in the eroded sediment were minimal, with most of the nutrient loss occurring in the first postfire year. These results confirm that seeding success is highly dependent on rainfall intensity, amounts, and timing, and that soil nutrients lost in eroded sediments are unlikely to impair the site productivity.  相似文献   
Tillage is defined here in a broad sense, including disturbance of the soil and crop residues, wheel traffic and sowing opportunities. In sub-tropical, semi-arid cropping areas in Australia, tillage systems have evolved from intensively tilled bare fallow systems, with high soil losses, to reduced and no tillage systems. In recent years, the use of controlled traffic has also increased. These conservation tillage systems are successful in reducing water erosion of soil and sediment-bound chemicals. Control of runoff of dissolved nutrients and weakly sorbed chemicals is less certain. Adoption of new practices appears to have been related to practical and economic considerations, and proved to be more profitable after a considerable period of research and development. However there are still challenges. One challenge is to ensure that systems that reduce soil erosion, which may involve greater use of chemicals, do not degrade water quality in streams. Another challenge is to ensure that systems that improve water entry do not increase drainage below the crop root zone, which would increase the risk of salinity. Better understanding of how tillage practices influence soil hydrology, runoff and erosion processes should lead to better tillage systems and enable better management of risks to water quality and soil health. Finally, the need to determine the effectiveness of in-field management practices in achieving stream water quality targets in large, multi-land use catchments will challenge our current knowledge base and the tools available.  相似文献   
宜兴茶园土壤侵蚀及生态影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
张燕  杨浩  金峰  张洪  彭补拙 《土壤学报》2003,40(6):815-821
茶园是苏南丘陵坡地的一种典型利用方式 ,其上发生的土壤侵蚀及产生的生态影响不容忽视。而要测度土壤侵蚀 ,137Cs示踪法是目前使用较多的一种有用工具 ,但要用此法 ,需找到研究区的137Cs背景值 ,并建立合适的估算模型。本文在对宜兴茶园研究时 ,确定了这里的137Cs背景值为 2 2 0 0Bqm- 2 ,并建立了估算耕作土壤的较合理的模型h =Hc× (Cref-Ct) /(Cref-Cin)。在此基础上衡量了研究对象的土壤侵蚀量 ;并进一步探讨了由此引发的生态影响 ,包括土层减薄、土壤质地改变和养分流失这样的直接影响 ,以及与之相应的一些间接影响 ,如能耗增加、水体富营养化及土地适宜性变化等 ;并且 ,还采用等值侵蚀模数这个指标 ,在与其他地区尤其是黄土和红壤区比较中揭示了苏南地区土壤侵蚀的生态危害的严重性  相似文献   
In the Eastern Rif of N Morocco, soil conservation is seriously threatened by water erosion. Large areas of soil have reached an irreversible state of degradation. In this study, the 137Cs technique was used to quantify erosion rates and identify the main factors involved in the erosion process based on a representative catchment of the Eastern Rif. To estimate erosion rates in terms of the main factors affecting soil losses, samples were collected taking into account the lithology, slope and land use along six selected transects within the Boussouab catchment. The transects were representative of the main land uses and physiographic characteristics of that Rif sector. The reference inventory for the area was established at a stable, well preserved, matorral site (value of 4250 Bq m− 2). All the sampling sites were eroded and 137Cs inventories varied widely (between 245 and 3670 Bq m− 2). The effective soil losses were also highly variable (between 5.1 and 48.8 t ha− 1 yr− 1). Soil losses varied with land use. The lowest average values were on matorral and fallow land (10.5 and 15.2 t ha− 1 yr− 1, respectively) but much higher with alfa vegetation or cereal crops (31.6 and 27.3, respectively). The highest erosion rate was on a badland transect at the more eroded part of the catchment, with rates exceeding 40 t ha− 1 yr− 1 and reaching a maximum of 48.8 t ha− 1 yr− 1.The average soil losses increased by more than 100% when the slope increased from 10° (17.7 t ha− 1 yr− 1) to 25° (40. 8 t ha− 1 yr− 1). Similar results were obtained when comparing erosion rates in soils that were covered by matorral with respect to those under cultivation. Lithology was also a key factor affecting soil loss. Soils on marls were more erodible and the average erosion rates reached 29.36 t ha− 1 yr− 1, which was twice as high as soils on the glacis and old fluvial terraces (average rates of 14.98 t ha− 1 yr− 1). The radiometric approach was very useful to quantify erosion rates and to examine the pattern of soil movement. The analysis of main erosion factors can help to promote rational soil use and establish conservation strategies in the study area.  相似文献   
Soils were examined at 2505 m elevation in Haleakala's crater (Maui, Hawai?i) beneath 50 adult Hawaiian silversword plants (Argyroxiphium sandwicense DC.); mean canopy diameter was 42.0 cm. Exposed volcanic Inceptisols (Andic Humitropepts) seem significantly eroded beyond the dense rosette crowns, but remain unaffected below plants. Rosettes are perched on isolated basal soil mounds or pedestals 27–121 mm high (mean: 77.5 mm). Geomorphic field response of soils below rosettes and adjacent (∼ 100 cm apart) bare soils differs. Infiltration rates are higher under plants (mean: 158.7 mm/min) than in exposed control soils (60.0 mm/min). Soils below silverswords also show greater shear strength (146.1 g/cm2) and compressibility (2.795 kg/cm2) than unprotected soils (36.1 g/cm2, and 0.108 kg/cm2, respectively). Soil in the plant mounds contains more organic matter; this has influenced other pedological properties, which also differ substantially between sampling positions. Substrate under plants has a porosity ∼ 53% higher than exposed soil, while bulk density is 62% higher in soil outside the plant crown. The observed microtopographic differences are ascribed to greater soil erosion by rainsplash and runoff outside the silversword canopy. The dense rosette crown effectively intercepts raindrops; soils beneath plants also have a high surface cohesiveness provided by a dense network of fine plant rootlets and partially decomposed organic material. Higher runoff rates occur on the less permeable substrate beyond rosettes, which is affected by soil crusting.  相似文献   
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