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中国作为渔业大国,取得了举世瞩目的成就,但同时面临发展瓶颈。论文例举世界主要渔业强国秘鲁、日本和挪威的渔业发展模式,得出不同国家渔业强国的经验启示,并在此基础上提出我国渔业大国发展方向与策略,即要更加重视增加供给以补充需求,更加重视推进产业技术革命,更加重视开发利用渔业健康水资源,更加重视渔业资源的全球市场配置。  相似文献   
Migration is a common behaviour among salmonids, but not all individuals within a population migrate, instead becoming residents and remaining in their natal streams. This phenomenon, known as “partial migration,” is well studied among sea‐run and lake‐run populations; however, the lower migratory benefits and costs for mainstem‐run individuals question whether the same mechanisms can be applied for stream‐dwelling salmonids. In this study, we investigated main stem‐run timing and body condition of partially migratory stream‐dwelling Dolly Varden charr (Salvelinus malma) in the Shiisorapuchi River in central Hokkaido, Japan. Based on commonly observed patterns in sea‐run and lake‐run salmonids, we predicted that migration would occur during spring and consist predominantly of age 1 +  females with some small subordinate males. Traps were placed at the mouths of two small tributaries along the Shiisorapuchi River periodically from May to December 2015. Adipose fin samples were taken for DNA to sex the individuals. Consistent to initial predictions, downstream movement occurs only once in the spring, dominated by age‐1 +  females. Trapped fishes (presumed migrants) were slightly longer but slimmer compared to the fish caught in the tributaries (presumed resident), which may be equivalent to smolts in anadromous populations. Regardless of migratory habitat, mechanisms driving partial migration in salmonids may be the same as long as production between natal stream and feeding habitats is significantly different.  相似文献   
对粘皮鯔鰕虎鱼Mugilogobius myxodermus在滇池水体的食物组成、摄食策略进行分析,初步探讨其对滇池饵料资源环境的适应性,为进一步研究其生态入侵策略积累基础资料。在东大河湿地公园湖滨带设5个采集点,2014年5月9-10日及10月10日进行了2次样品采集,分别采集到粘皮鯔鰕虎鱼17尾、130尾。滇池粘皮鯔鰕虎鱼5月份种群内以成熟个体为主,10月份转变为以幼鱼为主。粘皮鯔鰕虎鱼消化道共检出23种食物类型,主要有多种枝角类、桡足类、介形虫及摇蚊幼虫等。以出现频率评价,5月份主要摄食枝角类、桡足类、摇蚊幼虫及蛹和介形虫,10月份主要摄食枝角类、桡足类、介形虫和摇蚊幼虫;以数量百分比评价,5月份较多的饵料种类为桡足类、尖额溞、摇蚊类幼虫和网纹溞,10月份较多的饵料种类为介形虫、桡足类和摇蚊幼虫、轮虫等。初步揭示粘皮鯔鰕虎鱼入侵早期种群具有喜好底栖食物的广食性特征,但仍需进一步探索其在滇池流域广阔生境中如何在不同时空尺度上针对不同的饵料基础所采取的摄食策略的差异,深入研究其在与先期入侵的近缘种的摄食竞争中如何取得生存机会。  相似文献   
Miyazono S, Aycock JN, Miranda LE, Tietjen TE. Assemblage patterns of fish functional groups relative to habitat connectivity and conditions in floodplain lakes.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 578–585. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – We evaluated the influences of habitat connectivity and local environmental factors on the distribution and abundance patterns of fish functional groups in 17 floodplain lakes in the Yazoo River Basin, USA. The results of univariate and multivariate analyses showed that species–environmental relationships varied with the functional groups. Species richness and assemblage structure of periodic strategists showed strong and positive correlations with habitat connectivity. Densities of most equilibrium and opportunistic strategists decreased with habitat connectivity. Densities of certain equilibrium and opportunistic strategists increased with turbidity. Forested wetlands around the lakes were positively related to the densities of periodic and equilibrium strategists. These results suggest that decreases in habitat connectivity, forested wetland buffers and water quality resulting from environmental manipulations may cause local extinction of certain fish taxa and accelerate the dominance of tolerant fishes in floodplain lakes.  相似文献   
超高产大豆育种研究的进展与讨论   总被引:42,自引:4,他引:42  
根据现时大豆品种产量潜力水平提出中国大豆超高产育种目标,并从大豆产量性状遗传改良、理想株型育种及杂种优势生产利用探索等方面综述了与超高产大豆选育相关的研究进展,同时对今后的大豆超高产育种研究进行讨论。  相似文献   
青藏高原草地资源发展面临的问题及战略选择   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
青藏高原草地资源生态功能突出,同时也是这个独特高寒山区发展的重要依托资源.作为一个以牧区半牧区为主的民族区域,青藏高原实现可持续发展有着深远的地缘政治意义,在草地资源发展战略中,既要突出保护,又要在全国一盘棋的视角下加快草业产业化的发展,减轻草地资源的人口压力.  相似文献   
江苏外向农业发展的现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外向农业是现代农业的重要内涵,发展外向农业是江苏实现农业现代化的重要突破口.入世以来,江苏省委、省政府高度重视外向农业的发展,先后出台了加快发展外向型农业的政策和措施,并采取一系列步骤加以推进,确保江苏省外向农业取得较快发展,并逐步跃进全国先进行列,农业国际竞争力得到日益提升.然而,如何在建设现代农业中更好地发挥外向农业的作用,这是每一个外向农业工作者必须思考的课题.本文分析了江苏农业利用外资、农产品出口、农业对外经济技术合作以及农业对外交流等现状,研究了近5年江苏外向农业发展较快的内外因素,比较了江苏省与发达国家或地区以及山东、广东和浙江等省的差距及其原因,并就发展中存在的主要问题提出了对策建议.  相似文献   
老年旅游市场开发研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
周荣华  魏俊益 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(14):6670-6671
介绍了老年旅游的概念,分析了老年人的消费心理与老年旅游市场中存在的问题,并提出了开发老年旅游市场的策略。  相似文献   
以项目为载体的林业碳汇作为重要交易标的,已经在国内外主要的碳交易市场体系中频繁出现。但是,由于不同碳市场产生的背景、主要目标及交易规则的差异,对参与交易的林业碳汇项目开发标准与具体要求不尽相同。合格的可交易林业碳汇在全球林业碳汇市场中所占份额依然很小,林业碳汇尚未发挥其应有的作用与潜力。文中在对国内外林业碳汇市场发展概况进行简要梳理并对目前主要林业碳汇项目类型及其特征进行比较分析的基础上,结合我国碳市场发展与森林经营特点,提出了我国林业碳汇的未来发展策略:一是立足国内,建立多元化林业碳汇市场;二是立足资源优势,重点发展森林经营碳汇项目;三是加强林业基础数据与信息化建设,降低林业碳汇项目交易成本;四是加强不同碳市场衔接与协同,并积极参与国际市场交易。  相似文献   
介绍了一种适用于网络带宽不稳定环境下的高效、可扩展、自适应以及鲁棒性高的视频流压缩与传输技术,并以此为基础最终实现了一个流媒体系统。该系统由流媒体压缩和网络传输控制两部分组成,详细介绍了这两部分所采用的关键技术。  相似文献   
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