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中国作物分子育种现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分子育种是现代农业发展应用推广最迅速的育种新技术,对作物遗传改良产生了深远的影响。国际农作物育种已经进入分子育种时代,以DNA重组技术和基因组编辑技术等为代表的现代生物技术已成为世界上作物遗传改良的重要手段。本综述简要介绍了国际分子育种发展趋势,并对中国作物分子育种现状和国家相关政策导向、集成创新、科研管理体制、生物种业发展和人才现状等方面进行了分析,以期为中国农业和科技管理部门、生物技术工作者、育种家和种子企业提供参考。  相似文献   
It is proposed that the standard economist's model of optimum land use is extended to include the interaction with land cover and land condition. Such a model allows consideration of the influence of market factors and government policies and programmes on land use patterns and management practices, and the feedback effect on land cover and land condition. Recent developments in the approach to modelling land condition, which include the joint consideration of economic factors and physical processes, are discussed. Factors affecting the pattern of agricultural land use in Australia are then reviewed. The importance of considering economic and physical interactions when assessing land use patterns is increasingly being recognized in research and policy development. If research is to meet the needs of land managers in the future then economists and physical scientists will need to integrate their data modelling capabilities in order to address natural resource management issues.  相似文献   
为探明花后低温对小麦胚形态发育的影响,以半冬性小麦品种烟农19和春性小麦品种扬麦15为材料,人工模拟花后低温,采用树脂切片、显微结构观察及Image-Pro Plus软件图像分析等技术,研究小麦胚在花后低温下的形态变化。结果发现:(1)低温处理后两小麦品种胚的脱氢酶活性均降低,扬麦15的降幅大于烟农19;(2)低温延迟了小麦胚的发育进程,影响胚面积的增长和结构的分化;(3)低温影响盾片细胞发育,抑制盾片上皮细胞的伸长和底部上皮细胞层数的增加,同时使薄壁细胞贮藏物质增多;(4)低温对小麦胚分化过程影响较大,对小麦胚芽分化的抑制作用较明显,对胚根分化影响不明显,同时低温还抑制胚轴细胞数目的增加、体积的增长和贮藏物质的积累;(5)低温影响胚乳输导细胞的发育,减慢输导细胞解体进程。以上结果表明,花后低温使小麦胚结构分化延迟、体积增加减慢;春性小麦胚发育进程对花后低温的响应程度大于冬性小麦。  相似文献   
以高油品种为试材,研究了高油花生品种荚果发育过程中荚果的鲜重、干重及籽仁干重的变化规律.结果表明:0321-31和鲁花12号荚果发育晚、速度慢,持续时间短;冀花4号、冀花5号、冀花2号和R1549荚果发育较早、速度快,持续时间长;不同花生品种荚果发育规律表现一致,即荚果发育初期,以荚果膨大为主;始花40 d后,荚果发育进程加快;始花47~54 d,荚果鲜重和干重快速增加,但含水量仍在60%以上;始花54~68 d,荚果鲜重和干重继续增加,但幅度不大,而荚果鲜重则随含水量的急剧下降而减少;始花68~82d,荚果含水量较少,荚果干重和籽仁干重再度急速增加,始花82 d时达到最大值.  相似文献   
本研究遵循动物福利"5F"原则,结合150家规模化奶牛养殖场实地调研数据,构建奶牛场动物福利评价体系,测度动物福利水平,并进一步建立嵌入动物福利水平测度值的规模化奶牛养殖场收入函数,验证关联效应.结果表明:生理福利和环境福利是影响我国规模化奶牛养殖场动物福利的最重要的2个维度,受访的规模化奶牛养殖场生理福利和环境福利的...  相似文献   
北海市瓜菜大棚设施栽培现状与发展对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从规模、新技术应用、栽培模式、效益等方面阐述了北海市瓜幕大棚设施栽培的现状,同时分析了存在的问题,并针对现状和存在的问题提出了政策扶持、创建品牌、强化培训、加大投入和加强产品质量检测等发展对策,旨在促进大棚设施栽培产业的健康可持续发展.  相似文献   
The Central Asian countries face high water scarcity due to aridity and desertification but excess water is often applied to the main irrigated crops. This over-irrigation contributes to aggravate water scarcity problems. Improved water saving irrigation is therefore required, mainly through appropriate irrigation scheduling. To provide for it, after being previously calibrated and validated for cotton in the Fergana region, the irrigation scheduling simulation model ISAREG was explored to simulate improved irrigation scheduling alternatives. Results show that using the present irrigation scheduling a large part of the applied water, averaging 20%, percolates out of the root zone. Several irrigation strategies were analyzed, including full irrigation and various levels of deficit irrigation. The analysis focused a three-year period when experiments for calibration and validation of the model were carried out, and a longer period of 33 years that provided for an analysis considering the probabilities of the demand for irrigation water. The first concerned a wet period while the second includes a variety of climatic demand conditions that provided for analyzing alternative schedules for average, high and very high climatic demand. Results have shown the importance of the groundwater contribution, mainly when deficit irrigation is applied. Analyzing several deficit irrigation strategies through the respective potential water saving, relative yield losses, water productivity and economic water productivity, it could be concluded that relative mild deficits may be adopted. Contrarily, the adoption of high water deficit that produce high water savings would lead to yield losses that may be economically not acceptable.  相似文献   
Water management and crop production for food security in China: A review   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Food security is a high priority issue on the Chinese political agenda. China’s food security is challenged by several anthropogenic, sociopolitical and policy factors, including: population growth; urbanization and industrialization; land use changes and water scarcity; income growth and nutritional transition; and turbulence in global energy and food markets. Sustained growth in agricultural productivity and stable relations with global food suppliers are the twin anchors of food security. Shortfalls in domestic food production can take their toll on international food markets. Turbulence in global energy markets can affect food prices and supply costs, affecting food security and poverty. Policy safeguards are needed to shield food supply against such forces. China must make unremitting policy responses to address the loss of its fertile land for true progress towards the goal of national food security, by investing in infrastructure such as irrigation, drainage, storage, transport, and agricultural research and institutional reforms such as tenure security and land market liberalization. The links between water and other development-related sectors such as population, energy, food, and environment, and the interactions among them require reckoning, as they together will determine future food security and poverty reduction in China. Climate change is creating a new level of uncertainty in water governance, requiring accelerated research to avoid water-related stresses.  相似文献   
盱眙县境内湖泊众多,水产资源十分丰富。著名的“盱眙龙虾”集养殖、加工、销售于一体的经济已成为当地主导产业,对发展农村经济、增加农民收入起着重要作用。盱眙农业综合开发紧紧围绕做大做强龙虾产业,通过建基地、办市场、扶企业、强产业。发挥农业开发“助推器”作用,促进了龙虾生产与销售,加速了龙虾产业的发展。  相似文献   
邵阳县农业综合开发工作紧紧围绕农业增效、农民增收这一目标,不断加大农业综合开发力度,促进了农业经济持续增长。通过项目建设有效改善水利条件,提高了抵御自然灾害的能力。以农业综合开发项目区为平台。按照“三合”要求.创新开发模式,整合支农项目,实行规模开发,引领助推新农村建设。  相似文献   
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