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针对艾比湖流域生态环境灾害,分析其成灾原因及发生规律。从改变水量分配时间格局的角度,分析入湖水量季节调控的可行性并提出实施方案。具体为通过人工引、蓄水设施将秋、冬季入湖地表径流蓄积起来,在春季大风、沙尘多发季节注入湖中,减少此时沙尘天气的发生。确定春季所需补充的水量,先以湖区地形图为基础建立湖区数字高程矩阵,然后回归计算湖面面积与湖水体积对应函数,此时根据实测的当年春季湖面面积即可算出达到预定湖面面积所需水量。按照此方案修建人工引、蓄水设施并实施调控后,既可以治理流域沙尘天气,又可最大限度节省水资源。  相似文献   
Such the geological hazards as landslide, rockfall, debris-flow and so on frequently occur in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area, so it is a very practical and immediate job to explore the mechanism caused the geological hazards and how to forecast and control the geological hazards. For this reason, this paper introduces the situation of the geological hazards occurred in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area and the major type and feature of the geological hazards occurred in Chongqing, and discusses the basic principle about the modern nonlinear science applied to the geological hazards and the creep-slip, stick-slip occurred on the joints of rock mass and the monitoring technology of the geological hazards.The basic thinking is put forward which can be applied the modern nonlinear science to the geological hazards occurred in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area.  相似文献   
Dated shorelines of late Pleistocene pluvial Lakes Lahontan (Great Basin Desert, northwest Nevada) and Mojave (Mojave Desert, eastern California) provide timelines for the assessment of alluvial fan sedimentation at the lake margins during the late Pleistocene to early Holocene. Two sets of alluvial fan systems have been mapped: the Stillwater fans, feeding Lake Lahontan; and the Zzyzx fans, feeding Lake Mojave. Their contrasting morphologies suggest different responses of the two fan systems to late Pleistocene to early Holocene climatic change. At the time the Stillwater fan systems underwent minimal sedimentation, with the catchment hillslopes apparently stable. The Zzyzx fans experienced major changes in water and sediment supply from the catchment hillslopes. There was a major phase of hillslope debris-flow activity, followed by fanhead trenching and distal fan progradation. Both areas were wetter and colder in the late Pleistocene than they are today, but during the transition to the Holocene the Zzyzx area was more likely to experience intense rains associated with the monsoonal penetration of warm moist tropical air into the Southwest. Vegetation reconstructions for the late Pleistocene to the early Holocene suggest that catchment hillslopes in the Mojave supported a desert shrub vegetation, but those in the Stillwaters supported juniper woodland and grasses at low elevations and pine at higher elevations. Contrasts in hillslope vegetation cover together with storm activity may account for the different responses of the alluvial fans to climatic change during the Pleistocene to Holocene climatic transition. After the falls in lake levels of Lakes Lahontan and Mojave in the early Holocene, both areas underwent aridification, resulting in reductions in hillslope vegetation cover. Increased storm runoff led to fanhead trenching and distal progradation of the alluvial fans. Variations in fan style at that time may relate primarily to base-level conditions resulting from different gradients on the exposed lake shores.  相似文献   
This study documents the history ofpollution inputs in the Burlington region of LakeChamplain, Vermont using measurements of anthropogenicmetals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Pb, Cd, and Ag) in four age-datedsediment cores. Sediments record a history ofcontamination in a region and can be used to assessthe changing threat to biota over time and to evaluatethe effectiveness of discharge regulations onanthropogenic inputs.Grain size, magnetic susceptibility, radiometricdating and pollen stratigraphy were combined withtrace metal data to provide an assessment of thehistory of contamination over the last 350 yr inthe Burlington region of Lake Champlain. Magneticsusceptibility was initially used to identify land-usehistory for each site because it is a proxy indicatorof soil erosion. Historical trends in metal inputs inthe Burlington region from the seventeenth through thetwentieth centuries are reflected in downcorevariations in metal concentrations and accumulationrates. Metal concentrations increase above backgroundvalues in the early to mid nineteenth century. Themetal input rate to the sediments increases around1920 and maximum concentrations and accumulation ratesare observed in the late 1960s. Decreases inconcentration and accumulation rate between 1970 andthe present are observed for most metals. Theobserved trends are primarily a function of variationsin anthropogenic inputs and not variations in sedimentgrain size. Grain size data were used to removetexture variations from the metal profiles and resultsshow trends in the anthropogenic metal signals remain. Radiometric dating and pollen stratigraphy providewell-constrained dates for the sediments therebyallowing the metal profiles to be interpreted in termsof land-use history.  相似文献   
黄淮麦区若干高产小麦品种穗光合性能及产量性状的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了解黄淮麦区几种高产小麦品种穗光合特性及产量性状,为筛选高光合育种亲本提供依据,以矮抗58、百农418、百农419、豫麦49和周麦18为试材,研究了其穗部光合速率、叶绿素含量、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、颖壳横切面结构及产量性状变化规律。结果表明,百农419穗部表现出较强的光合特性。在开花期、花后7 d及花后15 d其光合速率分别比矮抗58高14.12%,42.86%,6.11%,比百农418高2.69%,4.65%,4.50%,比豫麦49高11.45%,12.08%,16.24%,比周麦18高22.92%,6.35%,10.64%;其颖壳叶绿素a含量和总叶绿素含量较高,Chla/Chlb分别比矮抗58高22.47%,20.04%,0.41%,比百农418高5.72%,18.63%,3.21%,比豫麦49高6.14%,25.68%,0.56%,比周麦18高12.35%,21.26%,2.49%,具有较强的光能捕获能力;Fv/Fm在4个测定时期均最高;此外,百农419颖壳细胞组织较厚,维管束数目较多,大维管束的周长与面积较大,具有较强的"流"能力。产量结果显示,百农419的理论产量和实际产量分别高出矮抗58 25.22%和14.05%、高出百农418 17.15%和10.82%、高出豫麦49 23.74%和19.28%、高出周麦18 8.55%和8.57%,差异显著。综合试验结果认为,百农419穗部光合能力较强,产量较高,具有作为绿穗灌浆高光效育种亲本的潜力。  相似文献   
榆林市风沙区水土保持植物配置模式初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
榆林市风沙区是我国西北黄土高原地区水土流失最为严重的地区之一,合理配置水土保持植物措施,可有效降低风沙危害、减少入黄泥沙、改善生态环境。根据该区立地条件类型的划分,以小叶杨、沙柳、沙棘、柠条、爬地柏等乔灌木为主,提出4种水土保持植物配置模式:1)对于平缓沙丘及丘间低地,采用迎风坡前方下部种植灌木或每隔1个沙丘进行乔灌混交的种植模式;2)对盖沙土梁峁坡及沟坡,采用在沟坡配置灌木纯林,梁峁坡为乔灌混交的模式;3)沟谷地川滩地地势平坦,坡度较小,以农田防护林带建设为主;4)盐碱土河滩地主要选择耐盐渍的树种和草种,与河水主流方向成30°~45°交角栽植林带,采取行间混交或带状混交。这些水土保持植物配置模式可为同类地区的水土保持植被建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   
余敦  陈文波 《水土保持研究》2011,18(4):107-111,116
土地生态安全评价是生态安全评价的的重要组成部分,也是当前土地可持续利用研究的前沿课题,对其进行研究有着极其重要的意义。利用2001-2007年的相关数据,借助于物元模型对鄱阳湖生态经济区的土地生态安全进行研究。结果表明:(1)鄱阳湖生态经济区土地生态安全状况,由2001年较安全状态下降到2005不安全状态。(2)2005-2007年土地生态安全由不安全状态到临界安全状态,状态有所好转。研究也证明了利用物元模型进行区域土地生态安全评价是可行的,这种方法可作为土地生态安全评价研究的新方法。  相似文献   
合肥经济技术开发区的社区建设在全国开发区解决“三农”问题方面具有重要的示范作用。作者分析了合肥经济技术开发区社区建设的背景及原因,回顾了合肥经济技术开发 区社区建设的进程及其取得的巨大成效,最后探讨了社区建设面临的一些问题和进一步健康发展所需要的制度创新。  相似文献   
厄尔尼诺和大气环流异常与1998年洞庭湖区洪涝的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了厄尔尼诺与湖南洞庭硝区洪涝的统计相关和西太平洋副热带高压(简称副高)与1998年洞庭湖区洪涝的关系。结果表明,在厄尔尼诺次年洞庭湖区域出现洪涝的频率较大,副高 形成1998年洞庭湖区洪涝的重要原因。  相似文献   
通过洪涝发生前后卫星遥感资料和有关气象,水等资料进行综合分析,研究江西省尤其鄱 阳湖区1998年6月、7月特大洪涝灾害的发生特点和危害程度。根据近年来卫星遥感监测实况资料鄱阳湖主体及其附近区域水体淹没模型。  相似文献   
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