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Cucumber chilling-resistant cultivar Changchun mici and -sensitive cultivar Beijing jietou were used in this study to investigate the effects of exogenous PAs on protection against chilling injury as well as on changes of physiological features, and the fluctuation of free PAs content in the leaves under chilling stress. Upon chilling treatment, free spermidine (Spd), spermine (Spm) and putrescine (Put) were remarkably induced in the leaves of cv. Changchun mici 1 day after treatment. The induction of Put declined thereafter, whereas Spd and Spm levels increased steadily. In the leaves of cv. Beijing jietou, Put content was increased only at 1 day after chilling while Spd content decreased significantly upon chilling treatment. Chilling reduced soluble protein content, and decreased the activities of antioxidant enzymes, including superoxidase dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) only in Beijing jietou. However, these changes could be renovated by exogenous application of Put and Spd. It was also found that pretreatment with Put and Spd diminished the increased electrolyte leakage and malondialdehyde (MDA) content caused by chilling in the leaves of both cultivars. Pretreatment of methyglyoxal-bis-(guanylhydrazone) (MGBG), the PAs biosynthetic inhibitor cancelled the effects of PAs in most of the treatments. Moreover, histochemical staining and quantitative measurements showed that exogenous application of Put and Spd eliminated but MGBG exaggerated the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) accumulation caused by chilling stress, especially in leaves of Beijing jietou. Interestingly, Changchun mici was found to contain higher endogenous free PAs contents compared to Beijing jietou. While no significant difference of SOD, POD and CAT activities was found between non-chilling Changchun mici and Beijing jietou seedlings, the former exhibited higher APX activity than the latter. These results suggest that PAs play important roles in the tolerance of cucumber against chilling stress, which is most likely achieved by acting as oxidative machinery against chilling injury.  相似文献   
  • 1. Australian freshwater turtles are widely distributed throughout the continent, and in each river catchment there are at least two taxa. In south‐eastern Australia Chelodina longicollis and forms of Emydura macquarii co‐habit within a waterway, although they have been shown to partition habitat within the water column in non‐urban bodies of water. Limited comparative data are available for the urban populations.
  • 2. Within urban Sydney C. longicollis (eastern long‐necked turtle) and Emydura macquarii dharuk (Sydney short‐necked turtle) share habitat. However, in contrast with non‐urban studies of C. longicollis and other sympatric E. macquarii taxa, it was observed that the population profile of the two species was similar at all sites, and that C. longicollis were present in greater numbers than E. m. dharuk.
  • 3. The continued degradation of preferred habitat, low recruitment, and potential competition from introduced turtles place both species in a precarious position.
  • 4. The shallow, impounded waterways of the regulated urban bodies of water align more closely with the preferred habitat of C. longicollis than with that of forms of E. macquarii, which prefer deeper flowing waters or large wetlands adjacent to rivers. Emydura m. dharuk may be at greatest risk of extinction in urban areas.
  • 5. Across urban Sydney, the low numbers of E. m. dharuk compared with C. longicollis may be due to the lack of mobility of E. m. dharuk such that individuals tend to be stranded in sub‐optimal habitat. In contrast, C. longicollis has a greater propensity for overland movement, and a preference for the ‘new habitat’ resulting from urban impacts on the associated waterways, and thus appears to be able to utilize these modified urban waters more successfully.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
芭蕉属野生种的地理分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芭蕉属起源于热带亚热带区域,对芭蕉属野生种质资源的研究始于20世纪40年代。通过检索INIBAP的多个数据库和相关文献,归纳整理出芭蕉属野生种的分布规律,为野生蕉的种质资源保存、利用以及品种鉴定提供一定的理论依据。经分析,目前已经报道的芭蕉属共有52个野生种,其中真芭蕉组(Eumusa)11个,观赏蕉组(Rhodochlamys)9个,澳蕉组(Australimusa)13个,红花蕉组(Callimusa)18个,不确定组(Incertae sedis)1个。马来西亚、印度尼西亚、巴布亚新几内亚、印度和中国均分布有不同的3组芭蕉属野生种,但马来西亚和印度分布的种数最多,各分布有15种,约占总数的29%,可能是芭蕉属野生种的多样性中心。  相似文献   
Freshwater fish species and Baltic salmon (Salmo salar) are important to small-scale fisheries in Finland and Sweden. The formerly local markets for these species have expanded as trade has been opened up to international competition. In this study we use cointegration analysis to test the spatial integration of freshwater fish markets in Finland and between Finland and Sweden. The analysed fish species are salmon, perch (Perca fluviatilis), pikeperch (Sander lucioperca), European whitefish (Goregonus lavaretus) and pike (Exos lucius), and the data covers ex-vessel prices from 1993 or 1995 to 2004. We found that the regional prices in Finland were cointegrated. This indicates that the prices are determined on a single market in Finland. Moreover, the study suggests that Finnish and Swedish markets in Baltic salmon, whitefish, pikeperch and perch were partially integrated, while integration of pike markets could not be found. The political implication is that an essential part of the local small-scale fisheries’ operational environment is determined outside the national borders.  相似文献   
郭雅玲  赖凌凌 《热带作物学报》2011,32(11):2152-2156
以福鼎大毫茶为原料,以摊放程度、杀青方式、二青方式为因素,进行3因素2水平L4(23)正交试验,从感官品质、生化成分含量、茶汤色度值和滋味化学鉴定得分等品质指标探讨微波杀青、微波二青工艺对大叶类卷曲形绿茶品质的影响。结果表明,微波工艺对提高绿茶"清汤绿叶"品质和滋味鲜爽度有益,能够显著提升卷曲形绿茶的色泽、明亮度、绿度、鲜度和总体品质。综合感官审评结果和品饮习惯,认为卷曲形绿茶的优选工艺流程为:"摊放减重率20%~25%→微波杀青→揉捻→炒二青→搓团提毫→烘干"(即Q4),制出的卷曲形绿茶外形色泽绿润、梗鲜绿,与传统工艺的品质风格迥然不同,香气清纯、滋味鲜爽、汤色绿艳、叶底绿亮均匀。  相似文献   
为溧阳市生物多样性的保护与利用提供依据,以溧阳市生物物种资源普查成果报告和溧阳天目湖森林公园植物资源调查报告为本底数据,采用综合指标体系评价方法对溧阳市生物多样性进行评价。结果表明:溧阳市生物多样性的综合评分为75分,其中物种多样性评分为35分,生态系统多样性评分为40分。溧阳市生物多样性评价结果等级为一般。  相似文献   
在分析景谷县的有关植物研究基础后,记载了景谷县森林植被,国家珍稀濒危保护植物,统计了全县植物种类数量,在此基础上分析了主要经济植物资源,并讨论了确定了景谷县森林植物区系敏感区的原则,根据其原则确定景谷县威远江流域、小黑江流域等7个地区为景谷县森林植物区系敏感区。  相似文献   
根据2008年4,5,6月在浙江中北部沿岸禁渔区线内45个站位开展的产卵场调查资料,研究分析了该海域鱼卵、仔稚鱼的种类组成和数量分布。结果表明,本海区共出现鱼卵、仔稚鱼64个种类,分别隶属13目36科47属,能鉴定到种的有47种,鉴定到科的有17种。3个航次的调查共采集到鱼卵5 846个和仔稚鱼5 502个。其中4月最少,仅采集到鱼卵366个和仔稚鱼1 445个,分别占鱼卵和仔稚鱼总数量的6.26%、26.26%;5月份共采集到鱼卵1 530个和仔稚鱼1 551个,分别占鱼卵和仔稚鱼总数量的26.17%、28.19%;6月份数量最多,共采集到鱼卵3 950个和仔稚鱼2 506个,分别占总数的67.57%、45.55%,4—6月鱼卵、仔稚鱼的数量呈月递增趋势。鱼卵中石首鱼科未定种最多占10.06%,其次黄姑鱼占6.45%,再次为凤鲚占总数的6.06%。凤鲚仔稚鱼数量最多,占总种类数的34.06%,其次为虾虎鱼科仔稚鱼,占24.25%,再次为鲻科鱼类仔稚鱼,占23.57%。调查发现杭州湾是凤鲚的主要产卵场,其仔稚鱼也主要分布在杭州湾内,少量分布在舟山渔场和鱼山渔场。小黄鱼产卵场主要分布在舟山渔场、鱼山渔场外侧。从产卵时间和渔场分布来看,鱼山渔场是最早集中的水域,随着时间推移,产卵场的中心区向北部水域的舟山渔场转移。研究的海域内重要经济鱼类大黄鱼、小黄鱼、银鲳的鱼卵数量百分比明显下降,由1960年的优势种成为现在的非优势种;主要经济鱼类中鳓、凤鲚所占比例相对增加,但绝对数量有所下降。在某种程度上说明,沿岸水域资源补充量有所减少,这可能与水域环境变化及过度捕捞导致亲体量减少有关。  相似文献   
刘东  黄新春  唐文乔 《海洋渔业》2019,41(1):107-117
隆头鱼科是体形最为分化、体色最为多变的一个类群,其所包含的种类数位居海洋鱼类第2位。尽管经历了260多年的分类研究,隆头鱼科在分类单元和物种鉴定方面仍存在许多争论和疑问。回顾了隆头鱼科分类学发展史,总结了系统发育学的研究成果,描述了隆头鱼科关键分类特征和基础生物学,概述了几个分类较为复杂的主要属的研究进展,根据分子系统发育,推测几个主要属为复系群,是颌骨摄食功能进化导致种间显著遗传分化的结果。同时,参考1750—2017年期间的文献资料,考证和修订了中国隆头鱼的同物异名和错误命名,厘定中国隆头鱼科有38属150种,并提出我国需要广泛深入的开展隆头鱼科物种的普查和鉴定研究工作及利用分子生物学技术开展隆头鱼亲缘地理学的研究建议,为隆头鱼的起源、物种多样性、分布格局成因以及在海洋生态系统中的功能研究提供基础数据及理论研究参考。  相似文献   
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