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以机载LiDAR离散点云数据为数据源,基于植被冠层孔隙率与叶面积指数的关系,提出一种反演大田玉米叶面积指数的方法。对反演LAI和实测LAI进行对比分析,结果表明:基于Axelsson改进的不规则三角格网加密方法可以将地面点和非地面点分开,结合高分辨率影像能够提取出玉米冠层点云;基于孔隙率反演LAI,尼尔逊参数的选择对结果影响很大,利用扫描天顶角模拟尼尔逊参数,LAI反演结果接近于真实情况。利用机载LiDAR点云数据能精确地反演大田玉米LAI,该研究方法适用于中等高度的农作物,可以扩展到甜菜、甘蔗等其他中等高度农作物。  相似文献   
基于高速摄影技术对缩放型喷嘴进行空化射流试验,以揭示不同进口压力下空化射流流场特性,分析进口压力对空泡云演化规律的影响.结果表明:淹没式空化射流形成的泡云呈周期性变化,即在1个周期内包含空化初生、发展、脱落、溃灭4个不同阶段,并在空泡云脱落时达到最大的空泡面积、密度和宽度.由于随着射流入口压力的增大,喷嘴形成的射流速度加快,在射流边界层内速度梯度增大、射流核心区与伴随流的剪切作用增强,高速射流所产生的空泡云长度、面积和密度均呈增大趋势.同时,随着进口压力的增大,边界层内湍动能增大,加剧了部分流体的不规则运动,导致空泡云边界更加模糊且呈交错分布,空泡云的脱落频率不断增大.研究结果对提高空化射流在金属材料强化和石油钻井、破岩等领域的应用具有重要的理论意义和指导价值.  相似文献   
建立射流混药器模型函数特性方程,理论分析不同结构参数的射流混药器混药状态下的压力比h与混药比q的函数关系,对面积比m∈(0.86,12.76)内25种面积比的射流混药器在工作压力范围0.4~1.2MPa内5个工作压力水平下进行在线混药特性试验,分析不同面积比射流混药器的压力比与混药比的变化规律。试验结果表明:射流混药器的h-q特性曲线斜率只与面积比m有关,与工作压力无关;不同面积比的射流混药器的压力比h和混药比q都呈线性递减,小面积比的射流混药器具有小混药比及高压力比的特点。定压力比h=0.35时,只有面积比m4.34的射流混药器处于混药工作状态(q0),其他面积比的射流混药器均处于回流状态(q0)。面积比m对射流混药器的混药区间hj影响显著,面积比m从1.34增大到4.13,混药区间hj从0.68衰减到0.35,降幅48.5%。以最大混药比q0.1、混药区间hj0.3 5为设计需求,射流混药器的面积比m范围为1.7 3~4.1 3。  相似文献   
基于无人机影像匹配点云的苗圃单木冠层三维分割   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈崇成  李旭  黄洪宇 《农业机械学报》2018,49(2):149-155,206
近年来较多的树冠提取算法以激光雷达数据为基础,然而激光点云数据量大、冗余多而且采集成本高。本文基于无人机影像匹配点云提取单木树冠轮廓,研究一种成本可控、能够补充甚至部分替代激光雷达的小范围森林制图方案。以福建省三明市某林场内苗圃地作为研究对象,在稠密的无人机影像匹配点云中截取2个25 m×25 m的样地作为测试样本。预处理后,首先构建植被冠层高度模型,以局部最大值法探测树冠位置并标记为种子点;从这些种子点形成的初始区域开始生长,迭代计算直到全部的影像匹配点云归并完毕;最后,将算法提取的树冠轮廓导入Arc GIS中获取树冠轮廓矢量边界,并与手绘参考树冠叠加,利用F测度实现精度的评定。依此方案,在2个林分范围内的树冠提取F测度均达到了89%以上,单木冠幅提取的误差在0.14 m以内。结果表明,该方案简单有效、精度可靠,适用于小范围、高精度的植被制图。  相似文献   
基于点云的谷粒高通量表型信息自动提取技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄霞  郑顺义  桂力  赵丽科  马浩 《农业机械学报》2018,49(4):257-264,248
在进行水稻的数字化考种、表型与基因关联分析和数字农业仿真模拟时,需要大量的谷粒表型信息作数据支撑。本文提出了一种基于三维点云的谷粒高通量表型信息自动提取方法,能同时自动获取谷粒的三维模型和40个表型参数,实现谷粒形状的定量和定性描述。首先,通过对谷粒点云数据进行聚类分析,完成谷粒点云的分类;其次,实现谷粒的三维重建,对谷粒离散点云进行柱面构网,获取谷粒点云的三维模型数据;最后,根据不同表型参数的特点,实现了谷粒的三维表面积和体积、长、宽、高、3个主成分剖面的周长和面积等11个基本参数与长宽比、长高比和体积比等11个衍生参数以及18个形状因子的自动提取。利用Handyscan 700型手持式激光扫描仪获取的谷粒高精度点云数据进行实验,成功实现了谷粒表型参数的自动提取,测量结果可达毫米级。基于主成分方法分析了各表型参数的权重。以游标卡尺测量值和Geomagic Studio测量值作为真值,长、宽、高的平均相对误差为1.14%、1.15%和1.62%,体积和表面积的相对误差为零,3个主成分剖面面积的平均相对误差为1.82%、2.12%和2.43%。本文方法与人工测量方法及软件测量方法相比,精度相当,且具有批量、自动、人工干预少(仅数据采集阶段需要人工操作)以及效率高的特点。  相似文献   
Yakun TANG 《干旱区科学》2018,10(6):833-849
It is essential to understand the water consumption characteristics and physiological adjustments of tree species under drought conditions, as well as the effects of pure and mixed plantations on these characteristics in semi-arid regions. In this study, the normalized sap flow (SFn), leaf water potential, stomatal conductance (gs), and photosynthetic rate (Pr) were monitored for two dominant species, i.e., Pinus tabuliformis and Hippophae rhamnoides, in both pure and mixed plantations in a semi-arid region of Chinese Loess Plateau. A threshold-delay model showed that the lower rainfall thresholds (RL) for P. tabuliformis and H. rhamnoides in pure plantations were 9.6 and 11.0 mm, respectively, and the time lags (τ) after rainfall were 1.15 and 1.76 d for corresponding species, respectively. The results indicated that P. tabuliformis was more sensitive to rainfall pulse than H. rhamnoides. In addition, strong stomatal control allowed P. tabuliformis to experience low gs and Pr in response to drought, while maintaining a high midday leaf water potential (Ψm). However, H. rhamnoides maintained high gs and Pr at a low Ψm expense. Therefore, P. tabuliformis and H. rhamnoides can be considered as isohydric and anisohydric species, respectively. In mixed plantation, the values of RL for P. tabuliformis and H. rhamnoides were 6.5 and 8.9 mm, respectively; and the values of τ were 0.86 and 1.61 d for corresponding species, respectively, which implied that mixed afforestation enhanced the rainfall pulse sensitivity for both two species, especially for P. tabuliformis. In addition, mixed afforestation significantly reduced SFn, gs, and Pr for P. tabuliformis (P<0.05), while maintaining a high leaf water potential status. However, no significant effect of mixed afforestation of H. rhamnoides was observed at the expense of leaf water potential status in response to drought. Although inconsistent physiological responses were adopted by these species, the altered water consumption characteristics, especially for P. tabuliformis indicated that the mixed afforestation requires further investigation.  相似文献   
区域农用GNSS基准站云端管理方法与系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对区域农用卫星导航定位基准站规模化应用中存在无效冗余、频率干扰和基准不统一问题,提出基于云端管理构架实现区域基准站管理与信息共享的初步解决方案。选择石河子市作为研究区,获得3个企业总计84个固定基准站的备案数据,计算任意2个基准站的站间距ΔD和频率差ΔF形成数据集E。在此基础上,利用GIS空间分析和数值统计方法,分析基准站无效冗余和同近频干扰,开展基准站坐标平差与精度验证,开发基准站管理服务系统原型。研究表明,由于缺乏技术和管理协调,区域农用GNSS基准站无效冗余、频率干扰和频率浪费难以避免,所统计的84个基准站占用了26.7 MHz频带,使用了47个频点,其中30个基准站使用单独频点,站间距40 km以内时多达18对基准站频率相同,29对基准站频率相近(ΔF≤25 k Hz)。石河子东北18个基准站,平均冗余率达263.2%,中心区冗余率更高。固定基准站通过坐标平差可以提高站址精度,有利于发挥基准站冗余的有效性和提高差分信号接入的可靠性,3个验证点的经度坐标差最大为0.011 m,纬度坐标差最大为0.023 m,精度分别达到毫米级和厘米级。管理服务系统原型和手机端APP原型的初步测试表明,系统可以实现基准站备案、建站辅助、基准站查询和频率推荐等功能,可以提高基准站管理效率和减少干扰现象。  相似文献   
Miombo woodlands support agriculture, biodiversity, and multiple ecosystem services across an extensive part of sub‐Saharan Africa. Miombo is frequently overutilised with deforestation and degradation resulting in significant land use and land cover change (LULCC). Understanding the drivers of LULCC is essential to achieving sustainable land management in miombo woodland regions. Within a remote miombo area of south‐west Tanzania in the Kipembawe Division, Mbeya Region, social survey and ecological data were used to identify the direct and indirect drivers of LULCC. Our findings show that tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum ) production results in an estimated annual deforestation rate of 4,134 ± 390 ha of undisturbed miombo woodland, of which 56.3 ± 11.8% is linked to the post‐harvest curing process. This deforestation represents 0.55 ± 0.06% of the wooded area of the Kipembawe Division. The perception of high incomes from tobacco cultivation has encouraged migration of both agriculturalists and pastoralists into the area, resulting in higher livestock numbers that lead to further degradation. Higher human populations need more woodland resources such as fuelwood and building materials and more farmland for food crops. Continued deforestation will reduce the long‐term profitability of tobacco cultivation due to a lack of fuel to cure the crop and could render production unviable. Action is urgently needed to conserve globally important biodiversity resources while enabling agricultural and pastoral activities to continue. Improved governance, together with sustainable land management strategies and diversification of livelihood strategies, can reduce dependence on tobacco cultivation and contribute to a sustainable future for this ecoregion.  相似文献   
缙云山针阔混交林土壤呼吸速率对降水输入量变化的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为探讨亚热带季风性湿润气候地区降水对土壤呼吸的影响,于2014年选取重庆市缙云山自然保护区内针阔混交林为研究对象,通过人为拦挡和增水方式模拟不同降水输入量对土壤呼吸速率的影响,包括达到土壤含水量的70%(增水70%,70%A),100%(增水100%,100%A),130%(增水130%,130%A)及对照(CK)和零降水(Z)5种情况。结果表明:(1)不同降水处理下土壤呼吸速率日变化均呈单峰变化曲线,并在12:00—14:00之间达到最大值;其年内月变化也为单峰曲线,于8月份达到最大值,12月份达到最小值。(2)适当增水可以提高土壤呼吸速率与10cm深度土壤温度的Pearson相关性,但指数模型的拟合度以对照组最好,减水和过度增水都会减少其相关性;温度敏感性Q10值的变化情况与其相同。(3)土壤呼吸速率与10cm深度的土壤含水量的相关性总体很低,但明显受到土壤水分条件影响,除零降水处理表现为极显著正相关外,对照组几乎不相关,增水处理转为明显的负相关,尤其增水130%后呈显著负相关。(4)在研究地区的自然环境条件下,增水100%时提高了土壤呼吸速率,也扩大了其变化范围,减水明显降低了土壤呼吸速率。  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to determine whether an increase in plant diversity could modify the structure of the nematode community in favour of less pathogenic species and whether it affected the lepidopteran stalk borer, Eldana saccharina . Four sugarcane cultivars were planted either singly or as a mixture in the furrow. Nematodes were enumerated when the crops were 6 months old for five successive 10 to 13 month old crop cycles. Results showed that the mixture of cultivars had little significant impact on the overall abundance of the plant-parasitic or free-living nematodes. However, the nematode community structure within the mixture was slightly different to that observed on any single cultivar planted on its own and there was a higher than expected proportion of Helicotylenchus dihystera during the first three crops. With successive crops and in all treatments, there was an overall trend of increasing proportions of Meloidogyne javanica in the nematode community. However, the way that the change in the species-balance occurred in the mixed cultivar plots suggested a resistance to the evolving dominance of M. javanica . These results showed that sugarcane cultivars interacted within the rhizosphere when planted in a mixture because the observed nematode community in the mixture differed from that expected. The level of damage caused by E. saccharina was slightly lower in the mixture than expected from the actual cultivar composition.  相似文献   
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