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Summary We tested the effects of two organic fertilizers (composts) and lime on the soil fauna of a spruce stand. One compost was obtained from chopped wood and the other from household garbage. At the time of distribution the pH of the control plots averaged 3.2, the garbage compost had a pH of 7.5, and the wood compost of 6.2. During the experimental period the pH of the compost layers decreased. The pH of the former litter layer beneath the composts showed a steep increase after 5 months, but beneath the treatment with wood compost this effect did no persist. Liming increased the pH only slightly in the litter layer. The two types of compost, the litter layer, and lumbricids (Lumbricus rubellus) were analyzed for concentrations of essential and potentially toxic elements. The element burden was highest in the garbage compost with 7- to 11-fold concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb, Mg, and Cu compared to the needle litter. K, Ba, and Ca were 4 times more concentrated. L. rubellus showed an increased Cu concentration after extraction from the highly contaminated sites of garbage compost. Despite the differences in Pb contamination in the needle litter and in the two compost types, all investigated individuals of L. rubellus contained similar concentrations of Pb. In contrast to Pb, Cd accumulated in this lumbricid. Seasonal fluctuations of microarthropods, their total abundance, and differences in the colonization of the compost layers were observed. Collembola abundance was significantly increased in the garbage compost plots in July 91. There were generally more Prostigmata in the control and limed plots than in the compost plots. Oribatid numbers fell under all treatments compared to the controls. Mesostigmata were identified to species level and 33 species were found in the experimental areas. Certain species, such as Arctoseius cetratus and Uropoda minima, were only found in the treated sites.  相似文献   
We report on the distribution of arboreal Collembola in relation to canopy microclimatic conditions and distance from a forest edge. Collembola were collected by pyrethrum misting from the canopy of 12 m commercial plantations of Pinus sylvestris and Picea sitchensis at two sites in northern England, using transects running perpendicularly from a sharp edge (against open moorland). Temperature and humidity were co-recorded at 1.5 m elevation. Eleven species of Collembola were recorded, dominated by four known to be arboreal (Entomobrya nivalis, Lepidocyrtus lanuginosus, Vertagopus arboreus and Anurophorus laricis) but also including small numbers of supposedly edaphic forms, notably Protaphorura armata. All species were at higher density in the P. sitchensis plantations, but otherwise displayed no consistent community structure. Only four significant edge effects were detected in the Collembola data (out of 60 tests), none of which fitted an exponential model. By contrast the majority of the micro-meteorological data showed significant edge effects which were well modelled by an exponential function. It is concluded that the distribution of arboreal Collembola showed no edge effects, despite the latter being detectable in their meteorological environment.  相似文献   
Interactions between crops and soil micro- and mesofauna within the root zone were investigated under field conditions on sandy loam on a larger spatial scale and in columns in the laboratory on a smaller spatial scale. During the vegetation period of summer wheat from April to July 1999 soil samples were taken monthly directly from the root zone within plant rows and between plant rows hardly penetrated by roots. Abundances of Enchytraeidae, Collembola, soil flagellates, enzyme activities and contents of total carbon and nitrogen were determined. Additionally, a laboratory experiment was carried out with soil columns. Soil from the field was defaunated and inoculated with soil fauna (Enchytraeidae, Collembola, earthworms) in different combinations. Furthermore, summer wheat was sown. Enzyme activities, soil flagellate abundance and contents of total carbon and nitrogen were measured after 2, 6 and 14 weeks. Our field results revealed considerable interactions between plant roots, sampling date and soil layer affecting Enchytraeidae and Collembola. Within plant rows flagellate numbers correlated higher with Nt and Ct than between plant rows. In the laboratory close relationships between soil fauna as well as enzyme activities and nutrients contents were found within the root zone.  相似文献   
Phenolic compounds have been shown in several studies to have important ‘carryover effects’ on litter decomposition, microbial nutrient immobilization and nutrient availability. These effects arise in part because of the adverse effect they have on the feeding activities of litter-feeding invertebrates such as micro-arthropods that drive decomposition processes. However, the interactive effects of phenolic compounds and soil micro-arthropods on litter decomposition are poorly understood. Phenolic compounds can easily be removed by acetone rinsing from living lichens, allowing us to specifically test the role that phenolic compounds (and their removal) have in controlling the effects of micro-arthropods on the decomposition of their litter. We performed a litter-bag experiment aimed at exploring how lichen litter mass loss and nutrient release during decomposition was affected by phenolics (by using acetone rinsed and non-rinsed lichen material) and micro-arthropod activity (by using different mesh sizes to allow or exclude entry by micro-arthropods) for each of six contrasting lichen species (Cladonia rangiferina, Cladonia stellaris, Evernia prunastri, Hypogymnia physodes, Pseudevernia furfuracea and Usnea dasypoga). Both the removal of phenolic compounds and the presence of micro-arthropods accelerated mass and nutrient release overall, but not for either of the two Cladonia species. Removal of phenolics also had an overall positive effect on the effects of arthropods on the loss of P, but not mass and N, from the decomposing lichens. Further, for U. dasypoga, but not the other species, natural levels of phenolic compounds deterred micro-arthropods from accelerating mass loss, and the removal of these compounds enabled micro-arthropods to enhance its decomposition. Our findings that lichen phenolic compounds can sometimes interact with micro-arthropods to influence lichen litter mass loss and nutrient release during decomposition assists our understanding of how lichens and their consumers may impact on organic matter dynamics, biochemical nutrient cycling and other related ecosystem processes.  相似文献   
Collembolan assemblages were studied in two different regions of the Arctic, on the Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago and upon the Putorana plateau (Southern Taimyr). The comparison of assemblages, developed in similar plant associations of the polar desert zone and of nival belt of Subarctic mountains, revealed that there are no common features in their species composition even though their structures were similar. This fact could be considered as an additional argument of the biota uniqueness of the polar desert.  相似文献   
Sanjiang Plain is the largest concentrated area of freshwater wetlands in China, however nearly 80% of these freshwater wetlands were drained or reclaimed in the past 50 years. It is important to know whether wetlands reclamation would affect soil invertebrates, especially the winter-active invertebrates. During November 2011 to April 2012, we used pitfall traps and in-field direct observation methods to study the activity of collembolans in wetland, and a reclaimed forest plantation and soybean field. In total, 3465 collembolans were captured and identified to 8 species from 6 families. Desoria sp. 1, Desoria sp. 2 and Desoria sp. 3 were the three dominant species. Collembolan abundance and assemblages were significantly affected by the land use changes. The results showed that (1) Collembola captured by pitfall traps showed a highest abundance in wetland, with ∼50% decreased abundance in soybean field, and ∼75% decreased in the forest plantation. (2) Collembola activity changed during the winter season, their activity significantly increased from early winter to late winter; with a peak in March in all three land use types. (3) Collembola assemblages were affected by land use changes with a significant decrease of frequency of Desoria sp. 3 and a significant increase of frequency of Desoria sp. 2 in soybean field and forest plantation. (4) Collembolan densities on the snow surface usually peaked between 1400 h and 1500 h, and decreased quickly when the temperature dropped below freezing. Mean abundance reached 119 individuals m−2 on the snow surface in wetland, 152 individuals m−2 in soybean field, and 64 individuals m−2 in forest plantation. All collembolans moved up and down through the snow profile depending on temperature, no collembolans were found on the snow surface in the evening. Our study indicated that the reclamation of wetland resulted in a significant decrease of abundance and a different assemblage of winter active Collembola in Northeast China, but land use changes did not change their pattern of activity: Collembolans were rarely active in early and middle winter and mostly active in late winter. Their daily densities on the snow surface fluctuated according to both air temperatures and land use types.  相似文献   
报道发现于我国长白山的弹尾目 (Collembola)中隶属于 10科 15属的 2 5种新记录种 ,观察标本保存在北京自然博物馆  相似文献   
Long-term (1992–2002) effects of climate changes on soil Collembola in Scots pine Pinus sylvestris forests in North Vidzeme Biosphere Reserve (northern Latvia) are investigated. The study was carried out in three forest stands of different age, young (30–40 years), middle aged (50–70 years), and old (150–200 years). One hundred soil samples were collected within each sampling site once a year in autumn over a period of 11 years. In total, 66 species of Collembola were found. Species richness varied between 47 and 56 and density of Collembola from 7300 to 8300 ind m−2. A statistically significant increase in the sums of positive air temperatures (4 °C) was recorded during the period of investigation. Precipitation and thereby soil moisture showed considerable year-to-year fluctuations. Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling of the data yielded two axes explaining 48.6% and 38.6% of the variation. Axis 1 coincided with the trend of sums of positive air temperature (r=0.66). Axis 1 corresponded best with the negative impact of warming of climate on Collembola, mainly on the euedaphic species inhabiting the deeper layers of the organic soil horizon. Axis 2 was considered reflecting the effect of soil moisture fluctuations (correlation with moisture r=-0.62) on litter dwelling, mostly hemiedaphic Collembola. Species richness tended to decrease gradually in all forest sites during the study period from 29–36 to 13–26 species. Correlation between axes (r=0.455) indicated interaction effects between positive air temperatures and soil moisture. Forest age showed no substantial effect on the community structure, therefore the changes observed cannot be explained by ecological succession.  相似文献   
Soil microinvertebrates are closely associated with soil decomposition and nutrient cycles and may be particularly responsive indicators for soil management practices. However, identification of appropriate bioindicator species for many systems has been severely limited by a lack of information on species taxonomy, distribution, and functional role. We evaluated Indicator Species Analysis (ISA) as an objective method for assessing the indicator potential of different taxa without regard to their ecological role or expected management response. Restricting ordination and site classification to significant indicator morphotaxa reduced the dimensionality of the community data matrix by 69% while only slightly decreasing the efficiency of unsupervised classification (from 87.2 to 84.4%); the percentage of total variability explained by first two PCA axes increased following ISA. When these same indicator morphotaxa were used to classify an independent set of samples, the percentage of total variability explained by the first two PCA axes increased from 55.3 to 65.2%; cluster analysis of the test dataset correctly classified 47 out of 50 plots by cover type (94% accuracy). However, restriction of analysis to indicator morphotaxa alone reduced detection of differences between sampling dates relative to the complete dataset. Although care needs to be taken to ensure that the dataset used for indicator selection is fully representative of underlying temporal and spatial variability, ISA appears to overcome many of the limitations associated with parametric and multivariate approaches for identifying indicator morphotaxa and has the potential to greatly reduce the taxonomic expertise and labor costs associated with sorting and identification of soil microarthropods.  相似文献   
Replacement of native deciduous forests by coniferous stands was a common consequence of former European afforestation policies. However, these changes have proven to lead to serious ecological problems. Therefore, re-establishing mixed forests with native tree species became an increasingly popular management strategy to fulfil the demands of multi-functional forestry. We report about changes in collembolan assemblages and microbial performances during conversion of pure coniferous stands to mixed forests. The study was carried out in the Black forest area (SW of Germany), where a gradient of conversion from pure spruce stands (S1) to equally mixed stands (spruce, beech, and fir) at S4, through two intermediate stages (S2 and S3) was selected. Results clearly indicated strong modifications of the collembolan communities with an enrichment of the assemblages over the course of the conversion process. Mean species richness increased by 47% from S1 to S4 accompanied by diversity indices (Shannon and Simpson) higher at S4. Significantly different soil biota assemblages were found at each phase of the conversion process. Spatial turnover and nestedness contribute almost equally to the modification of assemblages from S1 to S2 while later on in the mixing process only spatial turnover was acting. Concomitantly, significant shifts in the functional structure of the collembolan assemblages were depicted, deep-dwelling collembolan (euedaphic) being, surprisingly, the most responsive group. In contrast, neither microbial nor coarse environmental parameters were influenced by the factor “conversion phase”. We suggest that stimulation of Collembolan communities after the mixing process was mainly due to the input of more suitable food sources and/or microhabitat increases. Our findings underline the crucial role of aboveground processes on the belowground system, with the intensity and scheme of the mixing-process as important factors to consider when aiming at soil biodiversity improvement in forest systems.  相似文献   
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