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上涉湖湿地湖区总面积4148hm2,是典型的淡水湖泊湖泛水沼泽湿地,属浅湖和沼泽湿地草甸相连续的湿地生态系统。湿地共有维管束植物581种、底栖动物29种、鱼类74种、兽类23种、鸟类111种。目前存在的主要问题是水域生境被人为阻隔、水生植物多样性降低、野生动物生存受到威胁等。在调查湿地现状的基础上,提出了湿地功能区划分建议。  相似文献   
  • 1. Recreational shore fishing along the coast of the marine reserve of Cap de Creus (NW Mediterranean) was studied in 2007 and 2009 based on roving creel surveys (on‐site angler surveys during which anglers' harvests are examined by the survey clerk). The study aimed to assess the biological impacts of this leisure activity on coastal fish stocks and the potential risks arising from the use of exotic baits.
  • 2. Recreational shore fishers employ seven different fishing techniques, of which the bottom fishing rod (a fishing rod whose hooks, together with the bait, lie on the bottom or near it by means of a heavy weight) is by far the most widely used method (nearly 90% of observations). In total, 25 fish species were identified in the catch from the bottom fishing rod.
  • 3. The estimated annual shore fishing catches (c.3 tons) are much lower than those obtained by recreational boat and spear fishing (c.20 tons each), and those from commercial (artisanal) fishing (c.50 tons). The weighted mean vulnerability index and trophic level values in the catch from the bottom fishing rod are 52.2 and 4.03, respectively.
  • 4. A minimum of 43% of the baits used by the shore anglers were live, non‐native species (mostly polychaetes).
  • 5. Overall, results highlight the impact of shore angling on coastal fish communities of a protected area and the increasing environmental risks arising from the use of exotic marine baits, which constitute a potential and unregulated vector of introduction of non‐native species in the Mediterranean. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Marine protected areas (MPAs) are often promoted as tools for biodiversity conservation as well as for fisheries management. Despite increasing evidence of their usefulness, questions remain regarding the optimal design of MPAs, in particular concerning their function as fisheries management tools, for which empirical studies are still lacking. Using 28 data sets from seven MPAs in Southern Europe, we developed a meta‐analytical approach to investigate the effects of protection on adjacent fisheries and asking how these effects are influenced by MPA size and age. Southern European MPAs showed clear effects on the surrounding fisheries, on the ‘catch per unit effort’ (CPUE) of target species, but especially on the CPUE of the marketable catch. These effects depended on the time of protection and on the size of the no‐take area. CPUE of both target species and the marketable catch increased gradually by 2–4% per year over a long time period (at least 30 years). The influence of the size of the no‐take area appeared to be more complex. The catch rates of the entire fishery in and around the MPA were higher when the no‐take areas were smaller. Conversely, catch rates of selected fisheries that were expected to benefit most from protection increased when the no‐take area was larger. Our results emphasize the importance of MPA size on its export functions and suggest that an adequate, often extended, time frame be used for the management and the evaluation of effectiveness of MPAs.  相似文献   
通过调查研究,总结广西石灰岩山区番荔枝栽培的成功经验,借鉴区外番荔枝栽培经营及研究的最新成果,结合广西岩溶山区的特点,从番荔枝的生物学特性与适生环境、实生苗培育、嫁接苗培育、整地造林、合理施肥、除草抚育与生草栽培、整形修剪、人工授粉与保花保果、病虫害防治及果实采收等方面介绍番荔枝在广西岩溶山区的栽培经营技术。  相似文献   
通过对长安双竹村夏、秋季不同性质土层CO2释放量的测定,本文研究了不同性质土层CO2释放规律及其差异。资料表明,从当日早晨到次日早晨,不同性质土层土壤CO2释放量均呈现由低到高再到低的变化规律;土壤CO2释放量与土层性质有密切关系,马兰黄土土层CO2释放量最高,其次是黏性土,释放量最低的是含砾石中细砂土;土层CO2释放量变化与气温的变化呈现负相关。  相似文献   
Calibration of the self-thinning frontier in even-aged monocultures is hampered by scarce data and by subjective decisions about the proximity of data to the frontier. We present a simple model that applies to observations of the full trajectory of stand mean diameter across a range of densities not necessarily close to the frontier. Development of the model is based on a consideration of the slope s = ln(Nt/Nt−1)/ln(Dt/Dt−1) of a log-transformed plot of stocking Nt and mean stem diameter Dt at time t. This avoids the need for subjective decisions about limiting density and allows the use of abundant data further from the self-thinning frontier. The model can be solved analytically and yields equations for the stocking and the stand basal area as an explicit function of stem diameter. It predicts that self-thinning may be regulated by the maximum basal area with a slope of −2. The significance of other predictor variables offers an effective test of competing self-thinning theories such Yoda's −3/2 power rule and Reineke's stand density index.  相似文献   
对宁夏回族自治区银北地区盐碱地野外土壤表层光谱反射率和土壤全盐及盐分进行定量分析,筛选出各土壤盐分指标的敏感波段,然后采用全回归和逐步回归的方法建立各盐分的预测模型。结果表明:表层土壤高光谱反射率r,及其平滑去嗓处理后的值R,lg(R)与全盐含量呈极显著正相关关系,1/R,lg(1/R)与全盐呈极显著负相关关系,(R)'和〔lg(1/R)〕'在特定单波段处表现较佳;土壤表层光谱反射率与CO32-的相关性最强,其次是SO42-;土壤光谱反射率与Na+的相关性在各种变换方法下均较强,其次为Mg2+,与Ca2+的相关性最弱。基于R的逐步回归方程为全盐含量预测的最佳模型;基于土壤光谱反射率拟合土壤CO32-的准确度略高于对土壤HCO3-;敏感波段估测土壤SO42-含量的决定系数明显高于其他阴离子;采用〔lg(1/R)〕'逐步回归得到的方程拟合土壤Na+,K+和Mg2+含量相对于其他变换方式效果更理想。预测模型中对土壤全盐和Na+的模型精度较高,预测能力强;光谱对土壤SO42-和Mg2+的预测能力也较强;对土壤Cl-和Ca2+的预测稳定性、预测能力和精度都较差。  相似文献   
棉花群体叶面积载荷量与产量关系及对源的调节效应研究   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
通过对棉花单位叶面积负载的生殖器官量的研究结果表明:较高的叶面积载荷量[以单位叶面积负载的果节数(个/m2叶)、结铃数(个/m2叶)及生殖器官干重(kg/m2叶))能够促进棉花群体叶片光合强度提高和养分向棉铃输送增多,因而群体成铃数增多,产量提高。同时由剪叶、疏蕾试验揭示了,当群体叶面积系数控制在适宜范围内,可通过提高叶面积载荷量使产量进一步上升,群体叶面积系数过大时,通过减少叶面积,提高叶面积载铃量可以使产量增加。而当叶面积过小时,虽叶面积载荷量增大,但终因光合面积太小,产量下降,因此叶面积载荷量可作为反映棉花群体源库是否协调及改进栽培技术的依据。  相似文献   
随着农村经济的发展,农业种植结构的不断优化,也呈现出了一些对林业建设的不利因素,致使部分地段造林质量下降,结合实际,实事求是的制定乡村造林工作规划,对推动林业发展,加强生态环境建设都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
沟壑密度调查应采取水文网络法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沟壑密度是评价小流域沟蚀程度的指标,具体地反映了小流域沟蚀轮廓。目前,对于沟壑密度调查,尚无统一规定,有方格网法,小斑号法等。这些方法虽能描述小流域沟蚀现状但不能为沟壑治理的工程设计提供前期资料。水文网络法,从沟道发育入手,将大流域依沟道分布划分为若干小流域,结合工程布局进行调查,计算结果与其它方法相同,结论相同,而基础资料均为以后的工程设计提供了必要的准备,可随时调用。  相似文献   
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