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针对中国高寒荒漠草原区牧草种植模式单一、产量水平低下的草业畜牧业生产现状,探究更为有效的灌水模式以提高牧草产量,以实现区域水土资源高效利用。以燕麦和箭筈豌豆混播草地为研究对象,采用大田试验对比分析了7种调亏灌溉模式(拔节期轻度亏水BW1:65%~75%,拔节期中度亏水BW2:55%~65%,拔节期重度亏水BW3:45%~55%,开花期轻度亏水KW1:65%~75%,开花期中度亏水KW2:55%~65%,开花期重度亏水KW3:45%~55%,以全生育期充分灌水QW0:75%~85%为对照)对混播草地土壤水分、土壤温度和土壤养分及牧草株高、茎叶比、产量和水氮利用效率的影响。结果表明:1)平均土壤贮水量随灌水亏缺程度的提高呈降低趋势,同一亏缺度条件下,拔节期亏水与开花期亏水间无显著差异。2)水分亏缺处理的平均土壤温度显著高于充分灌水处理,且水分亏缺度一定时,拔节期亏水处理的平均土壤温度显著高于开花期亏水处理。3)收获后各处理的土壤养分含量较播种前呈降低趋势。与充分灌水相比,开花期轻度亏水可显著提高土壤速效氮含量,而中度或重度水分亏缺不利于牧草对土壤速效磷和钾的吸收。4)同一灌水模式下,燕麦株高、茎叶比和产量均显著高于箭筈豌豆。7种灌水模式的草地耗水量为386.1~502.6 mm,与处理QW0相比,处理KW2的灌水量减少20.6%,牧草总产量无显著差异,可获得较高的水分利用效率(31.5 kg·hm-2·mm-1)、灌水利用效率(81.0 kg·hm-2·mm-1)、氮素吸收效率(0.99 kg·kg-1)和氮肥偏生产力(191.1 kg·kg-1),是高寒荒漠区燕麦与箭筈豌豆混播人工草地节水、增产和高效的水分管理模式。  相似文献   
对藏北典型区域那曲县进行了生态文明统计测度与评价,并对未来8年生态环境与经济协调程度进行预测,为藏北牧区生态文明建设提出对策与思路。采用生态模型评价的方法,在分析生态文明内涵、发展、描述、评估和评价的基础上,寻求了一组具有典型代表意义并能反映藏北牧区生态文明建设各方面要求的特征指标;以那曲县为例建立了评价指标体系,利用生态脆弱地区"生态环境-经济发展"系统评价模型对当地生态文明建设的现状和目标进行了定量判断。引用协调发展程度计算模型,采用灰色系统方法(GM(1,1)模型)对那曲地区过去及未来经济与生态环境协调发展程度进行计算并预测。结果表明:那曲县生态环境与经济相互协调发展程度相对较低,2001~2013年生态环境与经济发展处在初级协调发展类和勉强协调发展类之间,未来8年协调发展程度呈下滑态势。  相似文献   
高寒区山生柳硬枝扦插灰色系统理论分析研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究利用灰色系统关联度分析方法,对山生柳(Salix oritrepha)硬枝5种不同扦插处理的关联度及其扦插繁殖中的8个观察指标值间的关联度大小进行了计算分析,结果表明:山生柳硬枝扦插繁殖观测指标间的关联度大小依次为:保存率主根长度茎粗株高一级分枝数地上生物量鲜质量侧根数量;硬枝扦插5种不同处理的关联度大小依次为:覆膜简易塑料大棚育苗袋育苗杯露地。主根长度、茎粗和株高3个观测指标是影响山生柳扦插繁殖成活率的主要指标因子,覆膜处理是山生柳在高寒区最适合的快繁技术。  相似文献   
浙江省发展新蚕区的起伏及其成因研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对浙江省建国以来发展新蚕区历程的回顾,总结出历史上曾有过新蚕区发展的3次大起伏,同时分析了每次起伏发生的原因以及从中可吸取的经验和教训。  相似文献   
朱鸣鸣  徐镀涵  陈光燕  李平  成启明  陈超 《草地学报》2021,29(10):2323-2331
为了探究贵州喀斯特区域不同土壤利用方式对土壤质量的影响,我们对该地区的林地、人工草地、天然草地、农田、弃耕地5种土地利用方式下的土壤理化性质进行研究。基于最小数据集对该区域的土壤质量进行评价,构建的最小数据集包括:土壤pH值、容重、全盐、阳离子交换量、全氮、有效铜、有效铁等指标。结果表明:全量数据集和最小数据集获得的土壤质量均表现为林地 > 人工草地 > 天然草地 > 农田 > 弃耕地;人工草地、天然草地、农田、林地的土壤质量等级为二级,位于土壤质量分级中的"较高"水平,弃耕地土壤质量为三级,位于"中等"水平。以上结果表明,人为对自然生态系统的开垦降低了土壤的质量。  相似文献   
AIM: To determine if the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) of young Thoroughbred horses changed in size and echogenicity in association with early race training.

METHODS: Cross-sectional area (CSA) and echogenicity were determined ultrasonographically at five levels of the SDFT of the forelimbs of 2-year-old fillies (n=14), corresponding to 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 cm distal to the accessory carpal bone (DACB). Measurements were made before and after a 13-week period in which a trained group of seven horses was compared with another group of seven untrained horses.

RESULTS: Level below the accessory carpal bone had a significant effect on CSA and Level 8 was smaller than all other levels except Level 12, while Level 12 was smaller than Levels 4 and 20 but not different from Levels 8 and 16. There was a significant interaction between level and time due to effects observed at Level 8. The CSA at Level 8 measured pre-training was different from that of Levels 4 and 20 in both pre- and post-training groups (p<0.05), but when measured post-training was not different from any other measurement. There was also a significant interaction between treatment group and time. There was no difference between CSA for the untrained and trained groups at the pre-training observation (p=0.9), but post-training the CSA (pooled over all levels) in trained horses was significantly larger than that of the untrained horses both post-training (p=0.019) and pre-training (p=0.034), and was not different from the pretraining CSA recorded in the trained group (p=0.29). Treatment group had no effect on echogenicity (p=0.43), while echogenicity was less at the end of the trial in both trained and untrained horses (p<0.001).

CONCLUSIONS: Early training for racing was associated with an increase in mean CSA of the SDFT. Other factors such as age and maturity may play a role in limiting this increase.  相似文献   
陇东旱塬地区冬小麦水肥效应耦合模拟研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用无底铁框作微区,选择冬小麦生育期降水量(P)和施氦量(N)进行水肥效应模拟研究,得出冬小麦产量(Y)与降水量和施氮量的关系为Y=2505.6713+5.3422N-0.0251N2+24.3482P-0.0325P2+0.0074NP.水肥耦合方程为Nc=73.4805+0.2325P.当降水量由160mm增至400mm时,最高产量由5993.93kg/hm2提高到7710.39kg/hm2,最高产量施氮量Nmax由126.51kg/hm2增至165.48kg/hm2,经济施氮量Nopt由78.60kg/hm2增至107.12kg/hm2,Nc值则由110.55kg/hm2增至166.50kg/hm2.在降水量小于400mm时有Nopt < Nc < Nmax成立,且Nopt与Nc差值较大,说明旱塬地区单以经济施氮量为施肥标准不能充分发挥降水的增产潜力.提出了以上壤水肥宏观调控的原则,编制出陇东旱塬地区冬小麦合理施肥的方案.  相似文献   
张术根  姚翠霞  王超 《安徽农业科学》2009,37(29):14276-14278
以美国Landsat-7陆地卫星ETM^+ 遥感影像数据为信息源,利用遥感图像处理软件PCI V7.0进行波段4/3比值增强处理和波段1、3、4、5主成分分析,采用主组分加比值合成影像图的方法,即ETM^+ 4/3(R)+PC3(G)+PC1(B),提取各类地物分类信息,研究昆明地区土地利用情况。结果表明,主组分+比值合成影像图的影像分类方法是一种可行的影像分类方法;研究区的土地利用类型组成结构和分布情况大致反映了昆明地区的现状,结果是可靠的。  相似文献   
Tree height and crown allometries reflect adaptations for resource acquisition and structural stability, as well as plastic responses to a heterogeneous environment. While both light and soil resources limit growth and influence competitive responses in tropical forests, the effects of belowground resources on allometries are less understood, especially within the understory. To characterize outcomes of tree competition along an edaphic resource gradient, we quantified variation in height and crown allometries of six Bornean tree species from contrasting regeneration niches (light-demanding vs. shade-tolerant) on two soil habitats (clay-fine loam and sandy loam) within a 52-ha forest dynamics plot. Using empirically-fit allometric parameters and diameter growth rates from plot census data, we modeled tree height and crown area growth over the projected life span of each species. Based on resource competition theory, we hypothesized that tree species specializing on and populations of generalist species growing on the relatively moister, more fertile clay-fine loam soil habitat would have faster height and crown growth rates, compared to those on the sandy loam habitat, regardless of regeneration niche. Among soil specialists and within generalists of both genera, trees growing on clay-fine loam had taller stems and larger crowns at a given age and faster height and crown area growth rates at most sizes than trees on sandy loam. Differences in height and crown growth were driven by the faster diameter growth rates of trees on clay-fine loam, not by differences in height- and crown-diameter allometries, as trees on sandy loam were significantly taller at a given diameter, and differences in crown allometry were not consistent across soil habitats. Characterizing the height and crown growth responses of trees along resource gradients provides insight into the mechanisms that maintain diversity in tropical forests. Our results point to the importance of adaptive and plastic responses to both above and belowground resource availability in determining the allometric growth of trees and suggest that this diversity of responses may contribute tree species coexistence through competition-based trade-off mechanisms and variation in growth among individuals. Additionally, as the importance estimating natural carbon sequestration increases with the escalating effects of anthropogenic climate change, differences in tree growth and architecture across soil habitats also have implications for the approximation of forest carbon storage on heterogeneous tropical soils.  相似文献   
蔡晓华 《安徽农业科学》2008,36(17):7225-7226
[目的]探索苇状羊茅在安康地区适应性。[方法]试验按海拔高度在川道、低山、中山区设立3个试验点,观察物候期,测定植株高度、产草量及耐热性。[结果]苇状羊茅以秋季播种为宜,5月上中旬抽穗扬花,植株平均高度103.4cm,产草量可达56415kg/hm2。苇状羊茅适应性强,即使在冬季也能始终保持青绿,在夏季38℃的高温下生长良好。[结论]苇状羊茅具有耐热、耐旱、生长快、绿期长、易管理等特点,适于在安康地区栽培,是生态建设、发展绿色产业的优良草种。  相似文献   
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