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目前,在我国大部分地区的果实采摘主要依靠人工进行操作,纯人工操作虽然在采摘过程中能够对果实进行保护,但采摘果实费时费力且存在高空作业危险的问题,效率较低,人工成本较高。随着社会的发展,出现了各式各样的采摘机和摘果平台,虽可提高采摘效率,但基于果树种植密度较大、果实生长高度不一及大小各异的特性,使用此类采摘机和摘果平台经常使果实在采摘过程中容易造成果实损伤而影响其外观品质,且采摘系统制造成本较高。目前也设计出各种果实机械采摘器,虽然成本得以降低,但存在携带不便或操作复杂或只局限对果树一定高度范围内果实采摘或对果实保护度不够等种种问题,导致果实采摘操作不便、效率较低且采摘质量较差。因此,发明一种可配合人工操作进行果实采摘的便携式简易便捷型机械工具显得极其重要。我们发明了一种便捷剪式摘果器,通过铰接杆带动摘果碗剪切刀片闭合剪断果蒂,从而实现果实的快速且安全采摘。该摘果器属纯机械设计,设计巧妙,结构简单,便携性好,操作方便快捷,成本较低,很适合在我国果实采摘领域内大面积推广应用。  相似文献   
以‘天赐五号’、‘天赐八号’、‘蓝金’和‘奥尼尔’等4个蓝莓品种作为授粉品种,对‘灿烂’兔眼蓝莓进行异花授粉,以‘灿烂’兔眼蓝莓自花授粉为对照,研究了不同授粉品种对着果率、果实品质和果实外观性状的影响,以期为‘灿烂’兔眼蓝莓生产栽培选择适宜授粉树提供科学依据。研究结果表明:4个授粉品种与‘灿烂’间都具良好的亲和性,对着果率、可溶性固形物含量、花色苷、总酸含量、单果重、纵径、横径、果形指数、萼洼、果蒂、萼片、果形和果梗分离等性状均有显著影响。虽然‘天赐八号’授粉后着果率显著低于‘天赐五号’、‘蓝金’,但其着果率仍可以达到70%以上,同时其可溶性固形物含量、花色苷、总酸含量、单果重、纵径、横径、果形指数等亦显著优于其他授粉品种,这表明‘天赐八号’为‘灿烂’最佳授粉搭配品种。  相似文献   
近几年来‘王林’苹果苦痘病的发病率较高,为了探索防治办法,2018—2019年在瓦房店市驼山乡大魏村‘王林’苹果园进行施用“聚能螯合钙+硅”+生物有机肥试验。结果表明:第1年好果率达到90.2%,比对照提高15.0%;第2年分别为96.82%、22.23%。病果的病斑数也明显减少。  相似文献   
制度建设是科研院所提升科技创新能力、推进成果转化应用、开展科技服务的重要保障.文章重点介绍了中国热带农业科学院椰子研究所制度建设的经验和做法,并结合科研院所实际,从制度建设的方法、程序、执行等方面提出了加强科研院所制度建设的建议.  相似文献   
黑木耳产业对栎木资源的依赖是该产业发展和生态文明建设不相适应的突出表现,因而选取果树替代传统栎木是促进黑木耳产业绿色生态发展的潜在途径。本文选取苹果树木屑、桃树木屑、桔树木屑和核桃树木屑为黑木耳主要栽培基质,通过菌丝生长速度、菌丝密度、菌丝色泽以及锁状联合数目等指标考核最佳果木木屑袋栽基质。结果表明,黑木耳菌丝在桃树木屑袋料基质上生长最好,生长速度(5.62 mm/d)比对照组(5.24 mm/d)提高了7.25%;菌丝生长势较好,边缘整齐、浓密、色泽洁白且锁状联合数目较多;选取78%、82%、86%和90%等4个不同桃树木屑配比,通过不同袋料基质对桃树木屑黑木耳袋栽基质进行优化研究,最佳果木黑木耳袋栽基质配方为:桃树木屑78%、米糠19%、红糖1.5%、石膏粉1%、石灰粉0.5%,此时黑木耳菌丝的生长速度(10.06 mm/d)比对照组的生长速度(5.88 mm/d)提高了71.09%,且锁状联合数目最多。本研究结果表明,桃树可替代栎木进行黑木耳袋料栽培,为黑木耳产业的绿色高质量发展奠定基础。  相似文献   
为研究黄腐酸钾作为一种腐植酸类肥料对大棚杨梅营养生长及果实品质的影响,以18生盛果期大棚东魁杨梅树为材料。设秋季基肥施用矿物源黄腐酸钾200 g/株处理和清水对照(CK)。结果表明:基施黄腐酸钾处理与CK相比,春梢梢长、梢粗、叶长、叶宽、叶厚和叶绿素SPAD值分别增加36.16%、-1.23%、13.09%、-0.41%、26.23%和0.77%,梢长、叶长、叶厚的差异显著;大棚杨梅的单果重、可溶性固形物含量、总糖含量、维生素C含量、总黄酮含量和花青素含量分别增加6.03%、3.69%、5.74% 、5.32%、1.15%和6.26% ,总酸含量降低9.42%,除总黄酮含量外均为差异显著,口感和外观得到显著改善。基施黄腐酸钾能有效促进杨梅营养生长,明显改善杨梅果实品质,在生产中具有良好的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) is an important economic resource for Morocco's rural populations. This species is used in reforestation actions and its cultivation in modern orchards is being undertaken to valorize marginal lands and substitute for drought sensitive species. However, little data is available on its intra-specific variability and its adaptability. Morphological characters of pods and seeds from 13 ecoregions of private-domesticated carob were used to assess phenotypic variation of this species. These stands extend from south-west to north-east and cover a wide range of Morocco's ecoregions. Pods length, width, thickness, seeds number, pulp weight, seeds yield and seeds length, width, thickness and weight were measured for 390 trees (30 trees per ecoregion). Statistically significant differences were found between ecoregions for all characters which were examined, what indicates a high phenotypic diversity. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster of all ecoregions lead to identify two major and opposite groups (the northern ecoregions; and the central and south-western ecoregions). Ecoregions of the north of Morocco exhibited the largest and the thickest pods with the highest pulp weight while other ecoregions have relatively short pods but largest proportion of seed yield. Similarly, the northern ecoregions are characterized by the heaviest seeds. A correlation matrix between morphological characters, geographic parameters and precipitation exhibits a positive and a negative correlation of pods thickness and pulp weight with the latitude and the altitude, respectively. Seed yield and weight are negatively and positively correlated to pod width, pod thickness and pulp weight, respectively. In addition, seed weight is positively correlated with the latitude. The geographic pattern of the carob tree and its variability are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
Self-sterility in cherry (Prunus avium L.) is one of the most important problems in commercial cherry orchards in Iran and many other countries. The main objective of this research was to determine self-fertility rate and blooming phenology of 25 commercial cherry (P. avium L.) cultivars in Iran. This study was conducted during 2006–2007.Results revealed that the stage of bud swell in all cultivars began late second decade of March, which lasts 8–11 days. In all cultivars the duration end bloom to petal fall stage took 5 days. Cherry cultivars were classified into three groups considering their overlapping pollination. The cultivars each group had a great overlapped pollination toward each other. The results also showed that there was a significant difference among cultivars in respect of the fruit set (P < 1%). The fruit set of open pollination treatment among the cultivars varied in range of 7.36–41.58%. However fruit set was not observed in isolated pollination (artificial and natural self-pollination). In open pollination, the cultivars were also classified into four groups, i.e. weak fertility (Moreau and Ferracida), mean fertility (Siah Mashhad, Napelon, Proteva, Haj usefy, Lambert, Roshun, Sefid Ghermeze Baghno, Arak, Belamarka, Siah Shabestar, Ghermeze Rezaeyeh, Abardeh, Soraty Lavisan and Victoria), good fertility (Peshrase Mashhad, Dovoumras Mashhad, Bing, Shesheiy Mashhad, Siah Ghazvin and Sefid Rezaeyeh), very good fertility (Zarde Daneshkadeh, Dirrase Italia and No. 1 karaj). All cultivars were found to need cross-pollination and included in self-sterile group.  相似文献   
To evaluate the most appropriate rootstocks for mandarin production in Egypt, vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of ‘Marisol’ clementine (as newly introduced cultivar in Egypt) grafted on Sour orange (the common rootstock), Cleopatra mandarin, Carrizo citrange and ‘Swingle’ citrumelo were evaluated under the Egyptian conditions during 2004/2005 and 2005/2006 seasons. Trees were grown in a private farm at ‘Wady El-Mullak’ region, Ismailia Governorate (Latitude, 30°36′ N; longitude, 32°14′ E; Altitude, 10 m above sea level).  相似文献   
We tested the effect of extended drying of half the root system on fruit yield and fruit Ca concentration, an indirect measure of fruit quality, in avocado (Persea americana Mill. cv Hass). In a field experiment on a sandy soil, withholding irrigation and plastic sheeting was used to dry the root-zone beneath the whole canopy (DD) or half the canopy (WD), compared with well-watered trees (WW). The irrigation water contained added nutrients and was slightly saline. Yield, shoot growth, leaf conductance, leaf and fruit water status and mineral concentrations of leaves and fruit were studied. The responses of treated trees were assessed in the following season during which normal irrigation practices were restored. With respect to yield, the WD treatment behaved the same as the DD treatment. It reduced yield by more than half and proportionately more than the reduction in water supply thus reducing irrigation efficiency. Re-watering did not restore yield of WD or DD-trees in the next season. The WD and DD treatments had no effect on the concentration of Ca in the fruit mesocarp and so are unlikely to affect fruit quality. The main impact of reduced water supply on the trees was fruit abscission and this was linked to dry soil around the roots rather than the water status of the leaves or fruits. We conclude that extended drying of half of the root-zone in one season reduced irrigation efficiency for two seasons by promoting the abscission of developing fruit to the same extent as occurred when the whole root system was exposed to extended drying.  相似文献   
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