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Importance of melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) in the regulation of oocyte maturation has been studied in a carp Catla catla. Melatonin secretory cells were immunocytochemically localized only in the end vesicle. Diurnal and seasonal studies indicated that the serum levels of melatonin exhibit a minimum diurnal value in the mid-day of all seasons, but the peak value is attained either at mid-night or just before the onset of light. Moreover, highest seasonal value of melatonin was noted in the post-spawning phase. Administration of melatonin at different doses (25, 50, or 100 μg/100 g body weight) for 1, 15, or 30 days resulted in either pro- or anti-gonadal effects depending on the reproductive seasons. In vitro study revealed that incubation of oocytes with melatonin 4h prior to addition of MIH in the medium led to an accelerated rate of oocyte maturation through the formation of a complex of two proteins (MPF), cyclin B and cyclin dependant kinase, Cdc2. Moreover, melatonin pre-incubation considerably increased MIH stimulation of histone H1 phosphorylation as compared to MIH alone. Taken together, gathered information promotes the idea of a physiological role of melatonin in the maturation of oocytes in Catla catla.  相似文献   
根据斑马鱼(Danio rerio)Myf-6基因序列设计引物,用鲤(Cyprinus carpio)肌肉组织总RNA,经RT-PCR扩增获得Myf-6基因开放阅读框(ORF序列)720 bp,GenBank登陆号为GU339054。编码239个氨基酸,与斑马鱼、大西洋鲑、刀鱼、河豚等同源性分别为90%、76%、76%和72%,但与哺乳动物如人、牛、兔、小鼠和绵羊的同源性较低,为59%~60%。利用半定量RT-PCR分析鲤Myf-6基因的mRNA表达特性,结果在心脏、肾脏、脂肪、肝胰脏、肌肉和脾脏中均检测到Myf-6基因的表达,并且在肌肉组织中表达量显著高于其他组织(P0.05)。Myf-6基因表达随着生长发育变化呈下降趋势,在较大规格试验鱼(500 g)的表达极显著低于其他两种规格(50~60 g1、20~130 g)试验鱼的表达(P0.01)。  相似文献   
脆化异育银鲫(Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch)生态、生理学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
比较研究了标准脆化的脆肉鲫(异育银鲫)与普通异育银鲫的生理生态学特性差异。脆肉鲫的横轴/纵轴、净重/总重、脏重/总重分别为0.5868±0.0301,0.8407±0.0272,0.1612±0.0248,而普通银鲫则分别为0.5107±0.0423,0.8065±0.0097,0.1935±0.0097,脆肉鲫与普通银鲫的形态学指标差异极显著(F值F0.01)。饲料中蚕豆营养成份的摄取是直接导致异育银鲫脆化的原因,并影响银鲫的正常生理生态学指标,脆肉鲫(异育银鲫)与普通异育银鲫体长(L)与体重(W)关系的体征指数方程明显不同,分别为W普通鲫=0.00000016L3.3375,W脆肉鲫=0.00000378L3.9683,肥满度系数分别为K普通鲫=0.0023,K脆肉鲫=0.0035。试验表明,脆肉鲩养殖中混养脆肉鲫的最佳方案为放养规格4cm/尾、密度2250尾/hm2,力争特定生长率在两年内平均值达到1.3488±0.0212水平,脆化度为0.41kg/cm2以上的合格脆肉鲫。此外,脆肉鲩养殖场内几乎所有摄食蚕豆的鱼类都会出现不同程度的脆化现象。文章还就进一步完善脆肉鲫养殖生产规程,合理调控放养密度和养殖水环境因子,提高脆肉鲫混养技术和养殖效益进行了讨论。  相似文献   
鲤、鲇及草鱼肌肉理化特性的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以杂食性的鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、肉食性的鲇(Silurus asotus)和草食性的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)为研究对象,测定了2龄鱼的背部、胸部、腹部和尾部肌肉的pH值、滴水损失、熟肉率、失水率、胶原蛋白含量及剪切值等理化指标,对3种鱼不同部位的肌肉理化特性进行了比较,初步探讨了鱼肉理化特性与食性的关系.结果表明,鲤、鲇及草鱼肌肉的pH值为6.2 ~6.7,3种鱼肌肉间pH值无显著差异(P>0.05);鲤、鲇及草鱼各个部位肌肉之间以及3种鱼之间的肌肉滴水损失率均无显著差异(P>0.05);每种鱼各部位肌肉之间的熟肉率无显著差异(P>0.05),熟肉率表现为:草鱼>鲤>鲇(P<0.05);同一种鱼不同部位肌肉的失水率无显著差异(P>0.05),3种鱼之间的失水率表现为:鲇>鲤>草鱼(P<0.05);同一种鱼不同部位肌肉的胶原蛋白差异显著(P<0.05),3种鱼之间差异也显著,鲇>鲤>草鱼(P<0.05);同一种鱼不同部位之间的剪切值差异显著(P<0.05),3种鱼之间的剪切值表现为:鲇>鲤>草鱼(P<0.05).综合比较可见,淡水经济鱼类的肌肉理化特性与其食性存在一定的相关性,肉食性鱼的嫩度偏低,剪切值大,胶原蛋白含量高,失水率和滴水损失较大,保水能力也相对较差,且同一种鱼各个部位间的肉质理化特性也存在一定差异.  相似文献   
鱼病防治对网箱养鲤的养殖成败至关重要。本文结合作者近年来的网箱养殖科研成果和出口商品鱼的生产实际,明确了网箱养鲤的鱼病防治原则为防重于治、防治结合,中西结合、内服为主、外用为辅,阐述了网箱养鲤的选药、给药及防治方法,提供了网箱养鲤鱼病防治的中、西药组方和使用方法,认为采用"挂袋法"防治网箱养殖鱼病值得商榷,供网箱养殖者参考。  相似文献   
为研究鲤浮肿病毒的感染方式及在锦鲤各组织器官中的动态分布,在水温20~22℃,溶解氧7~8mg/L试验条件下,采用注射、浸泡、划伤后浸泡3种方式人工感染锦鲤,观察了试验鱼的发病和死亡情况;检测了鲤浮肿病毒在感染鱼体内各组织器官中的存在情况,探讨了主要被感染组织的病理变化。试验结果显示,采用注射、浸泡、划伤后浸泡3种方式均可导致健康锦鲤感染该病毒,病鱼出现昏睡、烂鳃、凹眼等症状,累积死亡率35%~88%。锦鲤感染该病毒后至少有3d的潜伏期,随后病毒在鳃组织中大量增殖,至7d达到高峰,病毒量314.8个/ng,之后病毒量开始逐渐下降,至12d在鳃组织中检测不出病毒。鲤浮肿病毒在肾、肝、脑、肌肉和脾中存在的时间较短且病毒量较低,在血液和肠道中未检出。结合鳃组织病理切片可知,鳃为该病毒感染的主要靶器官。本研究结果为鲤浮肿病的诊断和防控提供了一定的科学依据。  相似文献   
螺旋藻对彭泽鲫生长性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过向彭泽鲫(Pengze Crucian Carp)的基础日粮中添加螺旋藻,以研究其促生长效能。结果表明:2%、4% 这两种添加剂量均能显著提高彭泽鲫的生长性能(P<0.01),试验组和对照组的相对增重率分别为125.42%、137.66%和 103.43%,饲料系数比对照组分别提高了9.82%和15.18%,成活率也有不同程度的提高。  相似文献   
黑龙江野鲤肌肉营养成分分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
应用生化分析方法对黑龙江野生鲤肌肉中的营养成分和蛋白质中氨基酸含量进行了定量分析。结果显示:黑龙江野鲤肌肉中水分含量为48.14%,粗蛋白含量为17.89%,粗脂肪含量为1.13%,灰分含量为1.23%,无氮浸出物为1.61%。黑龙江野鲤肌肉蛋白质中含有18种氨基酸,总量为17.85%,其中8种人体必需氨基酸含量为7.48%。  相似文献   
鲤鱼DNA对鲮鱼耐寒性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用常规显微注射法将鲤鱼总DNA注入鲮鱼受精卵,并将受精卵培育成鱼种。以自然降温方式及人工降温方式测试并比较了实验组鲮鱼与正常鲮鱼的耐寒能力。结果表明,实验组鲮鱼的耐寒能力优于正常鲮鱼,但改善是有限的。  相似文献   
This investigation was performed to monitor hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT, and its metabolites, refered to as DDTs), plasma levels of estradiol-17β (E2), and the gonadosomatic index (GSI) between sampling sites of unpolluted ponds of Gujartal, Jaunpur (control site) and the polluted rivers Gomti (Jaunpur) and Ganga (Varanasi), which affect the reproductive physiology of some edible catfish and carp during the pre-monsoon season. HCHs and DDTs were measured by gas liquid chromatography (GLC) and hormones by radioimmunoassay (RIA). The results indicated that the level of HCHs and DDTs was very high in both the catfish and the carp captured from the polluted rivers compared with the fish captured from the control site. The GSI and E2 values were lower in both groups of fish when compared to the fish from the control site. The results also indicate that catfish showed greater bioaccumulation of HCHs and DDTs than carp, above the permissible limit, as compared to the fish from the control site. In conclusion, fish from the Gomti and Ganga rivers were highly polluted when compared with fish from the control site, as was evident from high levels of tissue bioaccumulation of HCHs and DDTs and decreased levels of plasma E2, inhibiting the reproductive physiology of these species at the receptor level. The levels exceeded the maximum residue limits (MRL) as recommended by Codex, hence it is suggested that the fish should be avoided for food purposes.  相似文献   
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