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河西走廊是古代中原文化和西域文化的交叉地带,也是古丝绸之路的重要通道。为了给研究东西方物质和文化交流在中国农业发展史上的作用提供实物证据,对甘肃民乐东灰山和西灰山现有材料采用遗址剖面土壤样本浮选、分拣、鉴定和理化分析方法,以现代作物种子为对照,确定遗址炭化作物籽粒的种类、性状差异及年纪。结果显示,东灰山遗址发现了炭化小麦、大麦、谷子(粟)、糜子(黍、稷)、黑麦、荞麦和燕麦籽粒,以及胡桃壳、枣核等;西灰山遗址发现了炭化小麦、谷子、糜子和大麦籽粒;两个遗址的作物种植结构基本一致。东灰山和西灰山发现的作物以小麦最为古老,距今在3 800~3 600年之间,西灰山小麦种植历史稍早于东灰山。在新石器晚期至青铜器时代,河西走廊的粮食生产已有比较合理的作物种类结构,包括小麦、大麦、谷子、糜子、黑麦、荞麦和燕麦等。炭化小麦籽粒较小,且大小不均匀,说明人工选育程度低。如对东灰山和西灰山作物和植物遗存开展系统性发掘,可能还会有更多新发现或新认知。  相似文献   
The reproductive performance of 2 commercial turkey breeder lines was examined using reciprocal crosses between sires and dams of each line. One line had been selected using artificial inseminations performed at biweekly intervals, whereas the second line had been selected using inseminations performed at weekly intervals. The hypothesis was proposed that sires and dams of the 2 lines differ because of different abilities for sperm to penetrate the inner perivitelline layer (IPVL) and fertilize eggs.Fertilized eggs to hatch poults for the experiment were obtained from the primary breeders and were incubated using conditions recommended by the industry. Hens (n = 72) and toms (n = 15) from each strain were identified and reared in preparation for a reproductive cycle using commercially accepted standards. Beginning just prior to the onset of egg production and at weekly intervals thereafter, half of the hens were inseminated with semen from males of the same line, whereas the remaining half received semen from the opposite line. Eggs were collected from the pens daily and set in incubators to determine fertility and embryo survival. At biweekly intervals 3 eggs per pen were used for counting sperm penetration holes in the IPVL. Data were collected for fertility, hatchability, and time that embryos died for each of the pens. Dam and sire affected IPVL penetration independently. A dam by sire interaction influenced fertility, whereas hatchability was affected only by dam. Thus, it is concluded that selection of dam and sires for commercial breeders alters IPVL sperm penetration ability of hens as well as egg-binding ability of sires.  相似文献   
The hepatic lipidosis (HL) in fattening turkeys is a disease has been known for a long time, but the cause and pathogenesis is still not clarified. A recent study reported unexplained high levels of iron in liver tissue of fattening turkeys suffering from HL. In this study, the iron status, possible infectious or inflammatory influences in form of an acute phase reaction and the analysis of fatty acid pattern in liver tissue of turkeys affected by HL were examined. Three cases of HL on three different fattening turkey farms were investigated during the outbreak of the disease. Clinically affected and non-affected animals were subjected to a pathological examination, where the diagnosis HL or non-affected was made. In total, 70 birds were examined (40 with HL, 30 without HL) and blood and liver samples were taken. Additionally, samples from 15 slaughtered birds were taken as a further control group. In liver tissue, the iron content and the content of long-chain fatty acids were determined; in blood samples, ferritin and transferrin were measured. The iron content in liver tissue was more than three times higher for animals with HL than among non-affected animals and the control group. The transferrin levels were lowest for animals with HL, highest in the control group and in between for non-affected animals. The fatty acid pattern in liver tissue of affected animals indicated a shift from polyunsaturated fatty acids to saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids compared to the control group and the non-affected animals. Overall, the non-affected animals of a flock affected by HL were similar to the healthy animals of the abattoir. The low acute phase protein levels for animals with HL together with high iron contents could indicate a previous malnutrition/starvation period and/or severe liver damage for those animals suffering from HL.  相似文献   
实验研究了 Lasota 疫苗2次免疫火鸡后,其中枢和外周免疫器官及消化道和呼吸道局部免疫组织中免疫细胞的动态变化。结果表明。2次免疫后,火鸡法氏囊,脾脏、盲肠扁桃体、哈德尔腺和支气管粘膜的浆细胞和淋巴细胞显著增多;胸腺、脾脏、法氏囊与盲肠扁桃体的酯酶阳性 T 细胞数明显升高,巨噬细胞程度不同地增加。ND 强毒攻击后,2次免疫火鸡免疫器官、组织的细胞免疫和体液免疫反应进一步增强,全部免疫火鸡获得免疫保护。对照火鸡则呈现全身和局部细胞免疫及体液免疫机能衰竭,全部发病死亡。  相似文献   
Limited data on pollutant emissions from poultry operations are available to assess the effect of these operations on the environment and to put their contribution in perspective with other sources of pollutants. To alleviate this problem, numerous studies at various poultry facilities have been undertaken to improve the knowledge base in quantifying emissions of NH3 and size-fractionated particulate matter (PM). For these emission data to be of practical use for government agencies and policy makers, the emission rates must be reported as an emission factor with a production unit that enables the emissions from one poultry operation to be correlated to another poultry operation. This paper presents a compilation of NH3 and PM emission data from several studies in the form of emission factor on a per-500 kg of live weight or animal unit basis. In addition, best management practices that lower pollutant emissions from poultry operations have been reported along with their effectiveness at reducing NH3 and PM. Unfortunately, the compiled data were insufficient to characterize the variability in emissions caused by differences in house design, suggesting that more studies are needed to complete a comprehensive emission inventory. Once complete, this inventory will enable poultry producers to estimate emissions from their facilities and, if necessary, select management practice(s) to lessen their emissions of NH3, PM, or both.  相似文献   
The effect of dosage and application mode of l ‐carnitine on plasma lipid and egg‐yolk cholesterol of breeder turkeys, hatchability of eggs and post‐hatch growth response was investigated using 180 breeder hens. The hens were assigned to six dietary treatments in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangements of two application modes of l ‐carnitine (diet and drinking water) supplemented at 0, 50 and 100 ppm (mg/kg or mg/l) levels, respectively. Each treatment was replicated five times with six hens per replicate. Dietary inclusion of 50 ppm l ‐carnitine showed the lowest (p < 0.01) plasma total cholesterol (TC) and low‐density lipoprotein concentration (LDL). Breeder hens offered 50 ppm l ‐carnitine with no regard to application mode recorded the highest (p < 0.01) plasma high‐density lipoprotein (HDL). Hens offered 50 and 100 ppm l ‐carnitine irrespective of application mode also showed reduced (p < 0.01) egg‐yolk TC concentration at 32 weeks of age. Dietary supplementation of 50 ppm l ‐carnitine for breeder turkeys recorded the lowest (p < 0.01) egg‐yolk triglyceride (TG) at 40 weeks of age. Hens offered 50 ppm l ‐carnitine irrespective of application mode recorded the highest (p < 0.05) hen‐day egg production. Incidence of dead‐in‐shell also reduced (p < 0.05) with increasing dosage of l ‐carnitine. Dietary supplementation of 50 ppm and oral application in drinking water of 100 ppm l ‐carnitine for breeder turkeys resulted in highest (p < 0.05) egg fertility. Offsprings from breeder hens fed diets supplemented with l ‐carnitine recorded no post‐hatch mortality. Highest (p < 0.05) post‐hatch final live weight and weight gain was obtained with poults obtained from hens fed diet supplemented with 50 ppm l ‐carnitine. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of 50 ppm l ‐carnitine for turkey hens showed improved serum lipid profile, egg fertility, reduced dead‐in‐shell, egg‐yolk cholesterol and resulted in improved post‐hatch growth performance.  相似文献   
鸡传染性法氏囊病(IBD)是一种严重危害养禽业的高度致死性和免疫抑制性传染病。为研制IBD重组火鸡疱疹病毒(HVT)活载体疫苗,本研究构建了表达鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)保护性抗原VP2基因的重组HVT并对其体外生物学特性进行了分析。通过RT-PCR扩增IBDV超强毒株VP2基因并克隆入pCI载体,获得重组真核表达质粒pCI-VP2。用限制性内切酶将携带CMV启动子的VP2基因表达框架切下,连接于入门质粒pENTR,构建获得重组入门质粒pENTR-VP2。将pENTR-VP2与HVT重组黏粒H3-Kan/ccdB进行LR重组反应,构建重组表达黏粒H3-VP2。用H3-VP2与其他4个相互重叠并覆盖HVT全基因组的黏粒共同转染鸡胚成纤维细胞(CEF),拯救获得重组病毒rHVT-VP2。将重组病毒在CEF中连续传至20代后用PCR、间接免疫荧光试验和免疫印迹试验进行检测,并绘制重组病毒体外生长曲线,分析其体外复制特性。结果表明,重组病毒rHVT-VP2能够稳定表达VP2蛋白,rHVT-VP2在CEF中的复制能力与亲本病毒无明显差异。重组病毒rHVT-VP2免疫鸡后能够诱导产生IBDV中和抗体,并对IBDV强毒株攻击引起的死亡提供90%免疫保护。重组病毒rHVT-VP2的构建为研制IBD重组HVT活载体疫苗奠定了基础,对IBD的防控具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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