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Our goal was to evaluate how avian assemblages varied along a gradient of urbanization in the highly fragmented landscape of coastal southern California. We measured species richness and abundance of birds within continuous blocks of habitat, within urban habitat fragments that varied in landscape and local habitat variables, and within the urban matrix at different distances from the wildland interface. These comparisons allowed us to characterize patterns of avifaunal response to a gradient of urban fragmentation. At the fragment scale, we found that fragment area was a strong, positive predictor of the total number of breeding species detected per fragment; total bird abundance per point count also increased with fragment size. Tree cover was higher in small fragments, as was the abundance of birds that typically occupy wooded habitats. Comparisons between core, fragment, and urban transects revealed differing patterns of response of individual bird species to urbanization. In unfragmented habitat, we recorded a relatively high diversity of urbanization-sensitive birds. In urban transects, these species were rare, and a relatively few species of non-native and anthropophilic birds were common. These urbanization-enhanced birds were also recorded in previous urban gradient studies in northern California and Ohio. Bird communities along the urban gradient reached their highest richness and abundance in fragments. The marked difference in vegetation structure between urban and natural landscapes in this arid shrubland system likely contributed to this pattern; the presence of native shrubs and exotic trees in fragments enabled both shrub and arboreal nesters to co-occur. As is characteristic of biotic homogenization, urban fragmentation in coastal southern California may increase local diversity but decrease overall regional avifaunal diversity.  相似文献   
Five main conclusions arise from this review of the responses of species to anthropogenic disturbance in Madagascar: First, species’ reactions to anthropogenic disturbance are generally negative, but remain poorly known. Our knowledge is patchy among and within higher taxonomic groups; we are still largely gathering case studies. Second, taxonomic groups vary considerably in which proximate factors are most important. Third, several groups show differing responses within different ecoregions. Whether these differences are consistent across groups requires further testing. Fourth, related species often have divergent reactions to disturbance, even within lower taxonomic groupings (families or genera). Thus, we cannot rely on phylogenetic relatedness or even ecological similarity to infer similarity in responses. Finally, disturbance typically reduces species diversity (especially of native and/or endemic species), but also causes species turnover, typically with forest specialists replaced by grassland generalists, and endemics replaced by non-endemics (including invasives). Given these knowledge gaps, we stress the urgency of applied studies that assess species’ ecology, behaviour and health across disturbance gradients, including purely anthropogenic landscapes. Remaining natural vegetation and protected areas will be unable to preserve Madagascar’s biodiversity under the impact of climatic change; we must understand responses of plants and animals to disturbance in order to create buffer zones and corridors combining secondary, degraded and natural habitats.  相似文献   
通过在青海湖的蛋岛、鸬鹚岛、海心山、三块石、布哈河口等鸟类栖息地的鸟类种群数量监测,甘子河乡、沙岛东、克土、小泊湖、湖东种羊场、倒淌河镇元者、青海湖农场、哈尔盖乡、快尔玛乡、生格乡等地进行普氏原羚种群数量监测。目前,普氏原羚种群数量为702—845只。11月份种群数量比8月份增加22只,仅增长4.21个百分点;5个鸟类...  相似文献   
In this paper data on the bird community overwintering in the subalpine zone of Sagarmatha National Park (Khumbu Himal area, Nepal) are presented, with particular emphasis on habitat structure and bird-habitat relationships. The impact of land use and management on the conservation of diversity is analysed and discussed. Four habitat types were considered: mixed forest, pure juniper forest, dwarf rhododendron shrubbery and cultivations. Mixed forest supports the richest avifauna, but forest birds are sensitive to over-exploitation of their habitat: bird density, species richness and diversity are significantly lower in heavily utilised forest. Here, the lower density of rhododendrons, firs and birches, together with their younger age, seem to be unattractive to insectivorous gleaners and granivores, which prefer tree- and understorey-rich spots of unutilised forest. Terraced cultivations also are a rich habitat for wintering birds, and traditional cultivations with hedgerows and scattered bushes have a great potential for bird conservation. Juniper woods are important habitats mainly for frugivores, whereas dwarf rhododendron shrubberies support the poorest avifauna. This study emphasises that forest birds and habitats are severely threatened. As deforestation is the consequence of the tourist pressure for fuelwood along the trekking route to Mt. Everest Base Camp, a strict regulation of tourist-related developments is essential to preserve biodiversity and manage land uses within sustainability.  相似文献   
In an agricultural landscape in eastern Austria eight terrestrial organism groups were investigated as potential biodiversity indicators. We present a cross-taxon congruence assessment obtained at the landscape scale using two groups of plants (bryophytes and vascular plants), five groups of invertebrates (gastropods, spiders, orthopterans, carabid beetles and ants) and one vertebrate taxon (birds). We tested four different approaches: correlated species counts, surrogate measures of the overall species richness that was assessed, a multi-taxa (or shopping basket) approach and a simple complementarity algorithm. With few exceptions, pairwise correlations between taxa, correlations between one taxon and the species richness of the remaining groups, and correlations between a combination of the richness of two taxa and the remaining species richness were highly positive. Complementarity-derived priority sets of sampling sites using one taxon as a surrogate for the pooled species richness of all other taxa captured significantly more species than selecting areas randomly. As an essential first step in selecting useful biodiversity indicators, we demonstrate that species richness of vascular plants and birds showed the highest correlations with the overall species richness. In a multi-taxa approach and in complementarity site selection, each of the eight investigated taxa had the capability to capture a high percentage of the overall species richness.  相似文献   
Habitat-suitability modelling is being increasingly used as a tool for conservation biology. Although studies at large spatial scales are more appropriate for reserve design and management, there is a scarcity of published work on local, high-resolution applications of such models. In this work we develop high-resolution habitat models (1 ha) and study habitat preferences (focal points) of Dupont’s lark Chersophilus duponti, an endangered shrub-steppe passerine, in the partially overlapping Special Protected Area for birds (SPA) and Important Bird Area (IBA) of “páramos de Layna” (NW Spain), to assess both the adequacy of the reserve’s limits and the effect of land-use changes on the species’ population size. Both analytical approaches show that the Dupont’s lark favours flat areas characterized by small shrubs with bare ground, so that, for example, a conversion of dry crops to shrubs promoted by agri-environment schemes under CAP could increase the population size up to 80%. Although the IBA and SPA are similar in size - as compelled by EU environmental policy - the latter shows rugged topography typically avoided by the species. We further discuss the possible conflict between EU environmental and agricultural policies on the conservation of this species and suggest it can be addressed with our study approach.  相似文献   
We combine mist-net data from 24 disturbance treatments taken from seven studies on the responses of understorey Amazonian birds to selective logging, single and recurrent wildfires, and habitat fragmentation. The different disturbance treatments had distinct effects on avian guild structure, and fire disturbance and the isolation of forest patches resulted in bird communities that were most divergent from those in continuous, undisturbed forest in terms of their species composition. Although low-intensity logging treatments had the least noticeable effects, the composition of understorey birds was still markedly different from the composition in undisturbed forest. This analysis demonstrates the importance of preventing habitat fragmentation and the spread of fires in humid tropical forests, and highlights the need for more research to determine the long-term suitability of large areas of degraded forest for forest birds.  相似文献   
Prescribed, biennial burning in forest understory started in Cuivre River State Park, Missouri, USA, in the late 1980s to help restore the forest to conditions that existed prior to European settlement. Bird surveys were started in 1996 on two burned and two unburned sections of the park to determine what effects the burning and subsequent changes in vegetation were having on bird populations. Birds were sampled at 17 60-m radius point counts on each study area; each point was sampled twice per year during the main breeding period from 1996 through 2002. Total abundance and species richness differed among the four areas but no differences could be attributed to burning. Some individual species, however, differed in abundance and frequency of occurrence between burned and unburned areas. For example, Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea), Kentucky Warbler (Oporornis formosus), and several species of woodpeckers were more abundant on burned areas; Ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapillus), Worm-eating Warbler (Helmitheros vermivorous), Wood Thrush (Hylocicla mustelina) and Acadian Flycatcher (Empidonax virescens) were among the species more abundant on unburned areas. As a consequence, overall community composition differed significantly between burned and unburned areas of the park, but did not differ between burned areas or between unburned areas. Prescribed burning was instituted to restore vegetation to presettlement conditions and has started to achieve that objective. Restoration also has affected and likely will continue to affect bird populations. Future maintenance of a full complement of bird species, including a number of neotropical migrants, will be dependent on presence of both burned and unburned forest habitat.  相似文献   
Changes in ecosystem structure caused by urbanization produce a reduction in photosynthetic productivity, which can lead to reductions in resource availability for birds. Here, we analyzed the relation between photosynthetic productivity and bird assemblages in a subtropical urban ecosystem, in North-Western Argentina. We used Generalized Linear Models to assess the responses of bird abundance, richness and diversity to photosynthetic productivity, vegetation cover and distance to main natural forest. We found higher bird richness and diversity with increasing photosynthetic productivity and vegetation cover, and with decreasing distance to forests; while total bird abundance was positively related to vegetation cover. When we classified bird species in different groups, based on their use of the environment, we found that species adapted to urban environments were more dependent on photosynthetic productivity, while species related to native forests were more dependent on the distance to source forests. Understanding the factors that affect bird assemblages in cities is important for the development of strategies for urban planning and conservation.  相似文献   
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