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Puri  S.  Swamy  S.L.  Jaiswal  A.K. 《New Forests》2002,23(1):45-61
Populus deltoides Bartr., a native of North America, is generally grown in India above latitude 28 °N. One hundred and six clones were evaluated for four years at Raipur situated at 21°12N latitude and 81°36E longitude. These were grown on vertisol soil. Based on growth and survival performance in the nursery for two successive years, nineteen clones were selected for field evaluation. The best five clones (G3, G48, 65/27, D121 and S7C1) were planted in an agrisilviculture system at a spacing of 4 × 4 m with soybean grown as an intercrop. After 4 years these clones had an increment of DBH by 66.5 to 77.5% and of height by 42.2 to 78.6% within one year when compared to that observed at 3 years of age. In rank order of growth the best five clones were 65/27 > G3 > D121 > G48 > S7C1. Total biomass varied between 20.9 to 35.8 Mg ha–1 in different clones. Among the tree components, stemwood accounted for 52–61% of the total biomass, followed by branches (20–25%), bark (9–13%) and leaves (7–10%). No significant variation between net primary productivity and photosynthetic efficiency was found in different clones. Soybean productivity decreased as the trees aged, reaching 40.5 to 58.1% in 4-year-old trees.  相似文献   
First decade findings on the impacts of organic matter removal and soil compaction are reported for the 26 oldest installations in the nation-wide network of long-term soil productivity sites. Complete removal of surface organic matter led to declines in soil C concentration to 20 cm depth and to reduced nutrient availability. The effect is attributed mainly to the loss of the forest floor. Soil C storage seemed undiminished, but could be explained by bulk density changes following disturbance and to decomposition inputs of organic C from roots remaining from the harvested forest. Biomass removal during harvesting had no influence on forest growth through 10 years. Soil compaction effects depended upon initial bulk density. Soils with densities greater than 1.4 Mg m−3 resisted compaction. Density recovery was slow, particularly on soils with frigid temperature regimes. Forest productivity response to soil compaction depended both on soil texture and the degree of understory competition. Production declined on compacted clay soils, increased on sands, and generally was unaffected if an understory was absent.  相似文献   
Detailed studies have been undertaken to define pruning regimes for Eucalyptus nitens, but little is known of E. globulus responses to pruning although this is a more commonly planted species. This paper describes experiments that aimed to identify (a) levels of pruning that reduce E. globulus growth, (b) physiological processes contributing to those growth responses, (c) the incidence of decay and factors influencing decay incidence following pruning of E. globulus, and (d) comparative responses of E. nitens and E. globulus to live branch pruning. Results of a field experiment indicated that removal of between 30 and 50% of the crown length was appropriate for E. globulus plantations verging on canopy closure. The significant reduction in height growth associated with removal of 50 or 70% of crown length suggested pruning should remain below 50% of crown length if reduced stem growth of pruned trees was to be avoided. Stem volume was only significantly reduced over the period of the experiment by 70% pruning, but it was estimated that standing volume following removal of 50% of crown length would be reduced by 82 m3 ha−1 over a 20-year rotation if there were no other silvicultural interventions. The growth responses observed were probably related to large reductions in leaf area following 50 or 70% removal of crown length. Trees responded to pruning by changing patterns of biomass partitioning to favour stem growth at the expense of branch growth. A glasshouse study determined that light-saturated net CO2 uptake (Amax) increased following pruning. E. nitens seedlings had both a higher baseline Amax and higher Amax following pruning than did E. globulus, which could partially explain the greater effect of pruning on E. globulus growth than has been observed for E. nitens in other studies. This result, as well as apparently different patterns of foliage distribution through the crowns of E. globulus and E. nitens, suggested that models of pruning responses need to be parameterised for both species. In addition, a more conservative pruning regime may be appropriate for E. globulus than E. nitens. Pruning increased the frequency of branch traces with decay infection, and there was a trend towards increasing decay outbreaks with increasing pruning severity. Decay outbreaks were more likely to occur following pruning of high angle or larger diameter branches.  相似文献   
Reporting carbon (C) stocks in tree biomass (above- and belowground) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) should be transparent and verifiable. The development of nationally specific data is considered ‘good practice’ to assist in meeting these reporting requirements. From this study, biomass functions were developed for estimating above- and belowground C stock in a 19-year-old stand of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong) Carr.). Our estimates were then tested against current default values used for reporting in Ireland and literature equations. Ten trees were destructively sampled to develop aboveground and tree component biomass equations. The roots were excavated and a root:shoot (R) ratio developed to estimate belowground biomass. Application of the total aboveground biomass function yielded a C stock estimate for the stand of 74 tonnes C ha−1, with an uncertainty of 7%. The R ratio was determined to be 0.23, with an uncertainty of 10%. The C stock estimate of the belowground biomass component was then calculated to be 17 tonnes C ha−1, with an uncertainty of 12%. The equivalent C stock estimate from the biomass expansion factor (BEF) method, applying Ireland’s currently reported default values for BEF (inclusive of belowground biomass), wood density and C concentration and methods for estimating volume, was found to be 60 tonnes C ha−1, with an uncertainty of 26%. We found that volume tables, currently used for determining merchantable timber volume in Irish forestry conditions, underestimated volume since they did not extend to the yield of the forest under investigation. Mean stock values for belowground biomass compared well with that generated using published models.  相似文献   
林木细根动态及其在矿质养分循环中的作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张立华  叶功富  侯杰 《福建林业科技》2005,32(4):155-159,174
林木细根在森林生态系统能量流动和物质循环中起着重要作用。近年来,随着人们对细根功能的深入认识和研究方法的发展,细根研究成为当今森林生态学的研究热点之一。本文简要介绍了细根研究普遍采用的研究方法及其优缺点、适用性;并综合前人的研究成果,对林分细根生物量、分布、分解和周转以及细根在养分循环中的作用等研究结果进行综述。  相似文献   
在广西忻城县喀斯特石山区对三种不同植被恢复模式 (任豆间种竹子模式、金银花模式、竹子模式 )地上部分生物量进行测定 .结果表明 :① 3种不同植被恢复模式的净生物量 ,显示出金银花(1 19t·hm-2 ·a-1) >竹子 (1 0 4t·hm-2 ·a-1) >任豆间种竹子 (1 0 1t·hm-2 ·a-1) ;②各种模式地上部分生物量的主要营养 (N ,P ,K)含量 ,显示出任豆间种竹子 (75 0 9kg·hm-2 ) >竹子 (33 4 0kg·hm-2 ) >金银花(2 2 95kg·hm-2 ) ;③各种模式地上部分生物量的主要营养含量的分配 ,均显示出N >K >P的规律。  相似文献   
SuccessionisthedynanucdeveloPInentofecosystemswhichcanbecharactetindbyenergyandndneralcyclings.Eachsuccessionstagehasitscharaceristicsofelementcycling.SomeschOlarshaveStatedbutbrieflawsofnutrienCyclinginsuccessionstagesI"3I.InthespaPer,thenutrientcyclingcharacterishcsofbirchsuccessionseriesinXiaokinganlingwerediscussed.SwrYAasAroarernoDSThestUdyareaislocatedinLiangshniNatUralReservesinthendddieofXiaox-ing'anlilg(l28"53,2o'rE,47olo'5O"N).Theclimat6belongstocontinentalmonsoonclimate,W…  相似文献   
秦岭松栎林带生物量及其营养元素分布特征   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
秦岭脱齿栎林、油松林和华山林(包括0-60cm土层)营养元素总贮量达29.2500-390.1739t.hm^-2,其大小为锐齿栎林>华山松>油松林,土壤中营养现贮量占系统总量的93.10%-99.39%,植被层和凋落物层仅占0.57%-3.00%和0.10%-1.99%;3林分乔木层生物量、木材蓄积量和营养元素积累量平均值分别为120.483t.hm^-2,129.384m^3.hm^-2和1226.9kg.hm^-2,锐齿栎林>油松林>华山松林。3林分林下植被层生物量现存量和营养元素积累量平均值分别为1.553t.hm^-2和53.1kg.hm^-2,锐齿栎林最大,华山松林最小。林下凋落物现存量和营养元素积量平均值分别为17.475t.hm^-2和502.5kg.hm^-2,3林分凋落物现存量、营养元素含量及其积累量都存在明显的差异。锐齿栎林、油松林和华山松林营养元素年吸收量、归还量、存留量和平均归还率分别为33.4、147.2和264.3,195.6、66.9和84.1,138.8、80.4和180.2kg.hm^-2和0.585、0454和0.318,3林分各营养元素的年吸收量,归还量和存留量也存在一定的差异,锐齿栎林干和皮中Ca和Mg含量远远高于油松林和华山松林的,锐齿栎林多代连作势必导致营养元素的大量流失,特别是Ca和Mg,会破坏土壤原有离子动态平衡,引起林地土壤理化性质改变,林地生产潜力逐渐下降。  相似文献   
SiteandmethodThesiteislocatedintheSuiIingDistrictofHeiIong-jiangProvincefromN47"26'toN48"o6',E127"37'toE128"28'.TheaveragesIopeis15".Themeanelevationis349m.ThemeanannuaItem-peratureis-o.4t.TheaccumuIatedtemperatureof31ooCis1986C-Theamountofprecipitationisfrom6ooto8oomm.Thefrost-freeseasonisabout13od.ThemainsoilisdarkbrownsoiI.The17plots(o.o4hm')fordifferentages,differ-entsitesweremeasured.OnesampletreewasseIectedineverypIot,ThefalIenstemanalysistreesweredividedwithonemeterortwometer…  相似文献   
我国生物质能源开发利用的现状   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
生物质能源是一种丰富的可再生能源,本文对我国生物质能源的开发利用现状作了简单综述,提出了生物质能源研究的主要发展方向。  相似文献   
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