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In the present study the impact on autochthonous (adherent) bacteria in proximal intestine (PI) and distal intestine (DI) of Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua L.) was evaluated following feeding of a control diet and a diet supplemented with 5% chitin. The autochthonous gut bacteria were investigated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). Analysis of the microbiota associated with PI and DI of Atlantic cod indicate that dietary chitin modulate the intestinal bacterial community. For example, band 25 ( Escherichia coli–like), band 14 ( Anaerorhabdus furcosa–like) and band 29 (uncultured bacterium–like) in PI were depressed by dietary chitin (P < 0.05). The number of bands (23.7 ± 5.4) in DI of fish fed chitin was marginally higher than the control fish (16.7 ± 2.1) (P = 0.065), and the relative abundances of band 6 (swine faecal bacterium–like) were marginally stimulated by dietary chitin (P = 0.095). Furthermore, the present study reports several novel sequences not previously reported in the gastrointestinal tract of Atlantic cod. Whether the dietary effect of chitin on gut bacterial community has any positive effect of fish health merits further investigations.  相似文献   
乳酸菌Lact.1和Lact.2降解胆固醇的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从发酵菠萝、桔子中分离选育到2菌株,经鉴定为乳酸菌,将菌株接种到含有胆固醇MRS-CHOL液体培养基中,在38℃条件下,恒温培养3d后,测定胆固醇的降解率、pH值和菌数的变化.结果表明:2菌株都具有降解胆固醇能力,随着培养时间的延长和接种量的增加,降解率都呈现增加趋势;在基质中胆固醇浓度较低时,胆固醇降解率都逐渐增高,而当浓度不断增加时,胆固醇降解率都出现下降趋势.但2菌株之间又存在不同变化幅度.在降解过程中,pH值和菌数也相应发牛了变化。  相似文献   
[目的]从绍兴市售酸奶中分离并鉴定乳酸菌,研究乳酸菌分离株对6种抗生素的耐药性。[方法]利用MRS培养基迎过稀释法分离酸奶样品中的乳酸菌并进行菌落计数,对分离菌株进行革兰染色和生化反应鉴定,同时采用纸片扩散法进行耐药性分析。[结果]从15种绍兴市售酸奶样品中共分离出31株菌,生化反应鉴定为嗜酸乳杆菌(6株)、保加利亚乳杆菌(7株)、嗜热链球菌(11株)和双歧杆菌(7株);活菌计数结果显示,4份样品(26.7%)中乳酸菌计数低于国家标准,11份样品(73.3%)中活菌计数符合国家标准规定;耐药性试验结果显示,31株乳酸菌对4种抗生素均有一定程度的耐受性,且90.3%的菌株具有多重耐药性,能耐受2~3种抗生素。[结论]绍兴市售酸奶中乳酸菌已具有一定程度的耐药性,对酸奶产品进行耐药性监测和安全评价已势在必行。  相似文献   
生防菌株E26对部分生态因子的影响   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
 通过检测土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium sp.)E26菌株在水中的存活和对根际土壤和根表微生物的影响探讨E26菌株对水源和土壤微生物的影响,为生态风险性评价提供依据。试验结果表明,E26菌株可以在蒸馏水、自来水、河水和雨水中分别存活24~44、24、5和6~10d;E26菌株对葡萄根际土壤和根表细菌、真菌和放线菌群体数量均无显著的影响。  相似文献   
从天津市等地的菜园土中筛选出6株具有较强反硝化能力的菌株,可使柠檬酸盐培养基中硝酸盐浓度降低30%~80%,其中以F1401效果最好。对F1401在农田灌溉水中的硝酸盐降解能力进行测定,结果表明,在静置条件下,随着YB培养基培养的F1401菌液投入量的增加,硝酸盐降解效果越明显,并且对于硝酸根浓度为150 mg/kg的农田灌溉水,2mL菌液是最佳投入量。  相似文献   
小麦根际pH,细菌数量,有机质变化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马健 《干旱区研究》1998,15(2):66-69
通过研究灰漠上和碱化灰漠上中小麦根际、非根际pH、细菌数量和有机质含量变化,发现两种土壤小麦根际上中细菌数量和有机质含量比非根际上中高。由于较低的pH值,因而灰漠土中小麦根际、非极际土中的有机质含量和细菌数量均高于碱化灰漠土中。  相似文献   
为研究大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea)肠道细菌的群落结构,提取大黄鱼肠道内容物和肠壁样品总DNA,构建细菌16SrDNA克隆文库.分别从两个文库中随机挑选阳性克隆子测序,序列同源性分析和系统进化分析结果表明:在大黄鱼肠道中存在梭杆菌纲(Fusobacteria)细菌、拟杆菌纲细菌(Bacteroidetes)和γ-变形细菌纲(γ-Proteobacteria)细菌.肠壁样品细菌多样性高于肠道内容物样品.梭杆菌属细菌在肠道内容物样品中占据优势地位,而肠壁样品则以拟杆菌属细菌为最优势细菌类群,其次是梭杆菌属细菌。两个样品中均只检测到少量γ-变形细菌纲细菌.  相似文献   
硅酸盐细菌对矿粉和土壤的解钾作用研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
以含钾矿粉和土壤为材料,用硅酸盐细菌进行解钾试验。结果表明,硅酸盐细菌对不同类型矿粉的解钾能力不同:炭渣>石骨子>绿豆岩>正长石。解钾量与矿粉粒径密切相关,随矿粉粉径的减小而增加:y=9.675x-0.721,r=-0.992**。硅酸盐细菌接到土壤后长期培养,可增加土壤中的速效钾,但其增加量不稳定。土壤的营养条件对硅酸盐细菌的解钾效果有一定影响。  相似文献   
An experiment was conducted to assess the effect of supplementation of cellulolytic gut bacterium with plant protein‐based diet on growth, digestibility and digestive enzyme status of tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon. Bacillus sp. DDKRC1. (JN641289), a potential cellulolytic bacterium, isolated from the gut of Asian seabass was used as feed supplement in this experiment. The shrimps of group I, II and III were fed with control diet (without bacterial supplement, D1), diet supplemented with live Bacillus sp. DDKRC1. at 2.94 × 10cfu per 100 g feed (D2) and diet fermented (48 hr) with same bacteria (D3) respectively. At the end of the 42 days experiment, shrimps of group II showed significantly better (< .01) growth and protein efficiency ratio (PER) and lower (< .01) feed conversion ratio (FCR) as compared to group I and III. Dry matter, cellulose, hemicellulose and lipid digestibilities were significantly (< .01) higher in group II than other two groups. Cellulase, amylase and protease activities in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract were significantly (< .01) higher in group II as compared to other two groups. Total heterotrophic count, amylolytic, cellulolytic and proteolytic bacterial counts in gut were significantly (< .01) higher in group II as compared to other two groups. Haematological analysis indicated better (< .05) immune response in groups II and III than control group. Diets D2 and D3 showed better effect on growth, digestibility, FCR, survival and immune response of P. monodon as compared to D1.  相似文献   
从凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamai)养殖体系中筛选得到具有群体感应淬灭(Quorum quenching, QQ)活性的潜在功能菌,并对菌株进行16S rDNA鉴定、安全性评估及发酵条件优化。采用根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens) A136液体X-gal法进行活性菌株筛选,发现2株细菌(BDZ5和W1B)的发酵液对信号分子己酰基高丝氨酸内酯(C6-HSL)具有显著的降解作用,但经沸水浴处理后均丧失降解活性。经16S rDNA基因序列分析,菌株BDZ5和W1B分别被鉴定为芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)和科贝特氏菌属(Cobetia)。安全性评估结果显示,菌株BDZ5和W1B均无溶血性,且对多数抗生素具有敏感性,注射2株活性菌未提高凡纳滨对虾死亡率,且对凡纳滨对虾血清免疫酶活性无显著影响。单因素条件优化结果显示,在起始pH为7.0、盐度为20、0.0005%的MnCl2条件下培养48 h后,菌株BDZ5达到最大生长量;在起始pH为6.0、盐度为40、0.05%的CaCl2条件下培养48 h,菌株W1B达到最大生长量。2株菌的最适信号分子C6-HSL降解条件与其生长条件有所不同,在起始pH为7.5、盐度为30、0.0005%的MnCl2条件下培养48 h,2株活性菌对信号分子C6-HSL的降解率达到最大值。研究表明,菌株BDZ5和W1B可作为益生菌应用于水产养殖,为基于QQ角度防治对虾细菌性病害提供优良菌种。  相似文献   
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