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以早籼稻金早09为试材,研究不同有机肥施用水平(设空白对照、每666.7m2施有机肥0、250、5007、50、1 000 kg 5个水平)对金早09主要农艺性状及产量的影响。结果表明:金早09每666.7m2施用500kg有机肥产量最高,其产量水平达到414.58 kg;纯施化肥处理和常规处理相比增产8.7%。 相似文献
川麦42的1BS染色体臂对小麦主要农艺性状的遗传效应 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
川麦42的1BS染色体臂来源于人工合成小麦亲本Syn769。利用川麦42与含1BL/1RS易位系的四川小麦品种川农16构建的127个重组自交系(RIL, F8),经3年4个环境的遗传评价,比较了川麦42的1BS和川农16的1RS染色体臂对小麦产量构成因子和产量的遗传效应。结果表明,RIL群体中川麦42的1BS染色体臂株系和川农16的1RS染色体臂株系在分蘖力、成穗率、全生育期、小穗数、收获指数和籽粒产量6个性状上存在显著差异; 1BS染色体臂有利于提高成穗率和收获指数,而1RS染色体臂有利于提高分蘖能力和增加小穗数,1BS株系的籽粒平均产量比1RS株系增加2.91%。鉴于1RS染色体臂上的抗条锈病基因丧失抗性,其携带的黑麦碱基因对加工品质有明显的负向作用,而川麦42的1BS染色体臂携带高抗条锈病基因YrCH42, 并对小麦籽粒产量有正向作用,因此建议在小麦遗传改良中利用川麦42的1BS替换1RS染色体臂。 相似文献
《Journal of Cereal Science》2014,59(3):472-478
To study the role of abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellin (GA) sensitivity in regulating pre-maturity α-amylase (PMA) in wheat grains, plants were grown in a glasshouse under cold-shock and ambient conditions. α-amylase activity in response to applied ABA and GA was measured in detached-grains with the embryo removed (in vitro) and in intact-grains attached to the plant (in situ). The in vitro experiment was conducted using Spark (low PMA-susceptible genotype) and Rialto (highly PMA-susceptible genotype), with the aim of defining the time point for GA-sensitivity. The results showed an increase in GA-sensitivity at about 640 degree days after anthesis (DAA) in Rialto. There was no evidence for a change in ABA-sensitivity in either variety. The in situ experiments were conducted using genotypes from a Spark × Rialto doubled haploid population segregating for the Rht-D1a (tall) or Rht-D1b allele and for the presence or absence of 1BS/1RS. For Rht-D1a (tall) or Rht-D1b genotypes with or without 1BS/1RS, the cold-shock significantly increased GA-sensitivity, whereas there was no significant change in ABA-sensitivity. These results show PMA is related to an increase in GA-sensitivity that occurs in the aleurone at around 640 degree DAA, and can be enhanced by environmental factors (e.g. cold-shock). 相似文献
【目的]为明确浙北稻区直播单晚水稻的适宜播期和播量提供理论参考。【方法】以常规中熟晚粳秀水09为试材,在桐乡市龙翔街道和乌镇针对不同播期和播量开展研究,分析播期和播量对生育特性、穗粒结构和产量的影响。[结果]不同播期和播量对苗峰出现期、齐穗期、成熟期以及株高、总叶龄均有明显影响。随着播期的推迟和播量的增加,有效穗数增加,每穗总粒数和实粒数显著减少,千粒重也略有降低,产量下降明显。[结论】秀水09作当地直播单晚栽培的最佳播期为5月底至6月初,最佳播量为30.0~37.5kg/hm^2。 相似文献
Marc Faget Markus LiedgensBoy Feil Peter StampJuan M. Herrera 《European Journal of Agronomy》2012,36(1):1-8
The use of living mulch (LM) systems for maize (Zea mays L.) cultivation may reduce soil erosion and nitrate leaching. However, the yield of maize cultivated in LM is lower than in conventional farming systems. This decrease has often been attributed to belowground competition, but the lack of a suitable method to demonstrate such competition has prevented further investigation. A recently developed method allows for the direct and non-destructive observation of root growth in LM. Maize expressing a green fluorescence protein was grown in monoculture or together with Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.). Root growth was screened in minirhizotrons from the time of sowing to the anthesis of the maize.Compared with the maize cultivated without Italian ryegrass, the cultivation in the LM significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the shoot dry matter (56%), leaf area (39%) and mean root density (41%) of the maize at anthesis. An analysis of variance showed that the reduction due to the living Italian ryegrass in the root density of the maize was not significantly different from the reduction in leaf area. Similarly, the reduction in the root density and shoot dry matter of the maize were not significantly different. The roots of the LM maize grew in the soil where the LM was removed but also where the LM continued growing. This study constitutes the first direct quantification of root growth and distribution in a LM system. 相似文献
从早期金融衍生证券市场产生发展入手,回顾了早期权定价理论并在此基础上对BS模型进行了简单的回顾推导,最后结合中国证券市场现状及BS模型提出了一些发展和完善证券市场的建议。 相似文献