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Apparent digestibility coefficients (ADCs) for dry matter, crude protein, energy and essential amino acids for five commonly used feed ingredients were determined for juvenile spotted rose snapper Lutjanus guttatus (average body weight 90.6 g). ADCs were determined using the stripping technique to collect faeces after fish were fed a reference diet and test diets composed of 700 g kg?1 reference diet and 300 g kg?1 test ingredient. Chromic oxide (Cr2O3) was used as an inert indicator. Ingredients tested included sardine fishmeal (FM), canola meal (CM), tuna by‐products meal (TBM), poultry by‐product meal pet grade (PBM‐PG) and solvent‐extracted soybean meal (SBM). In general, all ingredients showed high digestibility values for all essential amino acids, although differences were detected among ingredients. ADC values for dry matter, protein and energy ranged 77.0–80.4%, 84.3–82.5% and 89–88.8%, respectively, for marine ingredient and land‐based animal protein sources, and 75.0–74.2%, 81.5–80.9% and 87.4–86.8%, respectively, for the plant‐based protein source. SBM, TBM and PBM‐PG should be further evaluated in feeding trials as partial FM replacements in rose snapper L. guttatus diets. Knowledge of ADC values for these ingredients will allow feed producers to develop nutritionally balanced, low‐cost feed formulations for this species.  相似文献   
1. A botanical conservation index, derived from the national and local rarity of aquatic macrophyte species, and also hydrophyte‐species richness, were determined for 57 ponds in East Yorkshire, England. 2. Ponds were selected to represent diverse origins (i.e. ancient moats, village ponds, gravel pits, clay pits, borrow pits and ponds of miscellaneous origin). 3. High conservation indices and species richness were found in gravel pits, clay pits and borrow pits. 4. When the ponds were grouped on the basis of water chemistry and on vegetation, using SPSS hierarchical cluster analysis and TWINSPAN respectively, the groups did not reflect conservation value or pond origin. 5. High conservation indices and species richness were, however, associated with the presence of adjacent freshwater bodies and bankside angling. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
试验研究了不同盐度下(3和22),以鱼粉和大豆浓缩蛋白为蛋白源,配制6种不同动植物蛋白比的饲料对凡纳滨对虾生长、成活和肝胰腺可溶性蛋白质含量的影响,饲养试验为期40 d。结果显示:(1)饲料动植物蛋白比可显著影响凡纳滨对虾增重率、成活率、肝体指数、肥满度和肝胰腺中可溶性蛋白质含量。增重率随饲料动植物蛋白比升高而升高,但当饲料中动植物蛋白比升至29∶8时,增重率不再明显升高,其它指标均先随饲料动植物蛋白比升高至一定程度,而后则稍有下降;(2)盐度22组对虾的增重率、成活率和肥满度显著高于盐度3组对虾,肝体指数却显著低于盐度3组,不同的盐度对凡纳滨对虾肝胰腺可溶性蛋白含量的影响不显著;(3)双因素方差分析结果显示,盐度和饲料动植物蛋白比对凡纳滨对虾增重率、成活率和肝体指数存在显著交互作用,最大值分别出现在盐度22下全动物蛋白饲料组、盐度22下全动物蛋白和动植物蛋白为29∶8的饲料组、盐度3下饲料动植物蛋白比为14∶23的饲料组中;(4)Broken-Line分析表明,3‰盐度下凡纳滨对虾最适饲料蛋白比为29.12∶7.79~30.29∶6.71,盐度22时为26.05∶10.95~29.03∶7.44。结果提示,饲料中氨基酸的组成和含量会随配方中动植物蛋白配比而改变,且不同盐度下凡纳滨对虾对饲料中动植物蛋白比的要求有所不同,但配饵中适当的动植物蛋白比可以满足虾对各种氨基酸的适宜需求。因此,在养殖过程中,需结合实际的养殖环境和饲料蛋白源种类,来设计适宜的实用饲料配方,这样才能达到降低生产成本,提高经济效益的目的。  相似文献   
由于自花不孕、旱地造林技术不当等因素导致楸树Catalpa bungei资源急剧下降。利用水分特征曲线测定3个楸树品种(金丝楸,周楸2号,圆基长果楸)的11个水分特征参数,旨在为我国干旱、半干旱地区造林树种选择及进一步开发楸树资源提供理论依据。供试1年生楸树扦插苗分别进行Hoagland营养液 + 120 g·L-1PEG 6000模拟干旱胁迫处理(Ⅰ)及Hoagland营养液对照处理(Ⅱ),处理1 d后,取茎段用hammel逐渐升压连续测定法进行测定。结果表明,在饱和含水时的渗透势Ψπ100、组织充分膨胀时的压力势Ψp100、质外体水Vb、质外体水与共质体水比值Vb/Vf、质外体水相对含量CAW指标评价上金丝楸抗旱能力最强。利用抗旱性指数公式综合评价楸树品种的抗旱能力为:金丝楸Ⅱ>周楸2号Ⅱ>周楸2号Ⅰ>金丝楸Ⅰ>圆基长果楸Ⅱ>圆基长果楸Ⅰ。因此旱地造林宜选用金丝楸,其为较耐旱的类型。表2参23  相似文献   
研究丁酸钠植物精油复合制剂对南美白对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)生长性能、肠道微生物及非特异性免疫的影响.试验分为2组,对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验组饲喂基础日粮+2.5 kg/t 丁酸钠植物精油复合制剂.结果显示,相比对照组,试验组南美白对虾增长率提高11.73%(P<0.01),质量增加率提高13.5...  相似文献   
The present trials aimed to investigate the effects of replacing fish meal with plant proteins in diets for cod, using a regression design where fish meal constituted the control. The plant protein diets were formulated to meet the amino acid requirements according to NRC (1993) and contained corn gluten meal, soybean meal, a mixture of these, or a mixture of wheat gluten meal and soybean concentrate. The plant protein fraction constituted up to 440 g kg−1 of the extruded diet. Two feeding experiments were conducted, one at high (11 °C) and one at low (6.5 °C) temperature. High growth and feed utilization were obtained in all diet groups at both temperatures. However, only in Exp.1 (11 °C), growth and feed utilization were linearly reduced by increases in dietary soybean and corn gluten meal, while no such effect was detected in Exp.2 (6.5 °C). Reductions in protein retention were seen at both temperatures with use of all evaluated plant protein sources. Due to large amounts of plant protein ingredients in diet, differences in diet amino acid composition were seen. These were partly reflected in the muscle free amino acid pool. Dietary plant ingredients did not affect whole body, liver or muscle proximate compositions, or liver indices. In both experiments, blood parameters were within the range of earlier reported normal values and indicated, together with low mortality, good fish health status. The results show that there is high potential to use protein‐rich plant ingredients in diets for Atlantic cod.  相似文献   
比较虾蟹池塘中微齿眼子菜、线叶眼子菜、菹草、空心莲子草和穗花狐尾藻5种水草的常规营养成分、总类胡萝卜素、脂肪酸和氨基酸含量,并结合5种水草的生长特性和对底泥再悬浮的抑制作用,综合评估这5种水草在淡水虾蟹养殖中的应用价值.试验结果显示:(1)菹草水分含量显著高于其他4种水草,微齿眼子菜、线叶眼子菜和空心莲子草的粗蛋白和粗...  相似文献   
The denitrifying woodchip bioreactor is designed to remediate nitrate-rich water, including those produced from aquaculture effluents. Reuse of treated bioreactor outflows in recirculating aquaculture would offer considerable water savings and valuable alkalinity recuperation. However, such bioreactors may leach detrimental wood-bound contaminants, preventing outflow reuse. To determine water reuse potential, woodchip media from two hardwood species (white ash, Fraxinus americana; Norway maple, Acer platanoides) were evaluated for 206 d under a range of operating conditions (start-up, steady-state, reducing conditions, and drying-rewetting cycles) for a spectrum of potentially harmful dissolved contaminants. Aerated outflows also were evaluated for acute and chronic toxicity to the biologically sensitive invertebrate Ceriodaphnia dubia. Dissolved metal leaching subsided within the first few weeks of operation, though initial concentrations of copper and zinc were detected at concentrations of concern. Elevated concentrations of tannins-lignin and total ammonia nitrogen were detected throughout the study and were influenced by operational phase. Acute toxicity was not generally detected, though chronic toxicity was observed during drying-rewetting cycles in the maple outflows. The measured toxicity was not correlated with water chemistry, indicating an additive effect of several toxicants. Overall, significant differences in outflow water quality between ash and maple wood species were negligible. Results indicated that bioreactor outflows may be applicable for aquacultural reuse, though reusing outflows immediately following start-up or restarting after a dry period would not be recommended.  相似文献   
建立了水产品中三磷酸腺苷(ATP)、二磷酸腺苷(ADP)、腺苷酸(AMP)、肌苷酸(IMP)、次黄嘌呤核苷(HxR)和次黄嘌呤(Hx)6种ATP关联化合物的高效液相色谱检测方法。样品中的ATP关联物经高氯酸提取并用氢氧化钠调节pH值至6.0-6.4后,以AQ-C18(250 mm×4.6 mm,5μm)柱为分析柱,0.02 mol/L KH2PO41-0.02 mol/L K2HPO4(V/V=1/1)的缓冲液为流动相进行洗脱,在254 nm波长下用高效液相色谱进行检测,外标法定量。研究表明,ATP、ADP、AMP、IMP和HxR线性范围为0.2-40.0μg/ml,Hx线性范围为0.1-20.0μg/ml,相关系数均大于0.999 0;ATP、ADP、AMP、IMP和HxR检出限为5.00 mg/kg,Hx检出限为2.5 mg/kg(S/N=3);对真鲷、鱼师鱼、鲑鱼、凡纳滨对虾和梭子蟹5种水产品进行3个浓度水平的加标实验,回收率在85.5%-105%之间,相对标准偏差(RSD)小于12.9%。实验结果表明,该方法简便、准确,适合于水产品中ATP关联物的测定。  相似文献   
福建武夷山自然保护区珍稀、濒危和特有植物及其分布   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在收集整理20多年保护区野外植物调查数据基础上,总结了福建武夷山国家级自然保护区珍稀、濒危及中国特有属植物分布。列入国家重点保护的野生植物共计35种,其中属国家Ⅰ级保护植物3种,国家Ⅱ级保护植物19种,国家Ⅲ级保护植物13种。列入《中国濒危植物红皮书》国家重点保护的珍稀濒危植物28种。高等植物模式产地种共记录47种。中国特有属植物共计27属31种,其中单种属12属12种,少种属9属10种,多种属6属9种。  相似文献   
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