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辣椒新品种辣优4号的选育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
辣优 4号是以湖南地方品种分离株Ⅱ经多代自交筛选纯化的优良自交系 33号椒为母本、以材料h7 1经多代单株自交筛选的优良自交系 30号椒为父本配制而成的辣味型一代杂种 ,熟性早 ,前期产量比对照品种湘研 1号增产 16 .5%~ 4 9.1%。一般产量 16 0 0~ 2 80 0kg·(6 6 7m2 ) - 1。田间表现抗疫病、青枯病和病毒病。结果性好 ,单果质量 35~ 50g ,果实长牛角形 ,果表面光滑 ,色绿 ,商品率高 ,品质优良。现已在广东、广西、江西、海南、湖南等地推广种植 ,面积达80 0hm2 。  相似文献   
辣椒新品种平椒3号的选育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何志兰 《辣椒杂志》2006,4(3):14-16
平椒3号是以自交系99101为母本,自交系9949为父本配制的早熟一代杂种。果实羊角形,青熟果深绿色,果纵径17.7cm,果肩径3.0cm,果肉厚0.25cm,平均单果质量29.5g,肉质脆嫩,辣味浓且有香味,商品性好。田间对疫病、炭疽病、病毒病的抗性明显优于猪大肠。露地栽培每667m2青椒产量为3700kg左右,适宜西北地区及四川、山西、湖南等嗜辣地区露地栽培。  相似文献   
川腾2号辣椒是以自交系03-8-4-2作母本,以自交系03-9-4-6作父本配制而成的一代杂种。该品种极早熟;果实粗牛角形,纵径12.2cm,横径4.5cm,果肉厚0.4cm,单果质量53.2g;青熟果深绿色,老熟果红色,外观商品性好;肉质脆嫩,微辣,适鲜食。露地667m2产鲜椒3000kg左右。耐寒、耐热、耐旱、耐涝,抗病毒病、疫病、炭疽病、蚜虫、跗线螨、烟青虫等的能力超过湘研1号,与湘研11号相当,为强或较强,适合四川和全国种植。  相似文献   
对超级杂交稻国稻1号和杂交稻汕优63的株型特征以及农艺性状进行了比较分析,结果表明:国稻1号的单产之所以显著高于汕优63的,主要因为前者分蘖多且分蘖快,单位面积有效穗数和每穗总粒数多,而且结实率高。  相似文献   
平阳霉素对盆栽小菊意大利红的诱变效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1、2、4、8 mg·L-1平阳霉素(PYM)对小菊品种意大利红离体培养的叶片和茎段进行诱变处理.结果表明,PYM对叶片和茎段愈伤组织的诱导和分化具有明显的抑制作用,随着PYM质量浓度的增加,愈伤组织的诱导和分化均呈明显的下降趋势.对茎段外植体经不同质量浓度PYM处理后的M1代,进行田间主要观赏性状观察和统计分析,发现诱变后代与对照相比,平均株高、冠幅、节间长度和叶片长/宽均减小,花径增大,管状花数目和舌状花数目增加.诱变后代中还出现了叶色、叶型、花色以及花型变异的植株.随着PYM质量浓度由低到高,花型的变异率分别为0、2.5%、3.3%和1.2%,花型多为舌状花向下翻卷,或舌状花前端变尖;花色的变异率分别为0、4.9%、8.2%和1.2%,花色均往浅色方向变异.PYM最适的诱变质量浓度为2~4 mg·L-1.  相似文献   
Samples from eleven birds (chicken, dove and peacock) with symptoms of fowlpox, caused by the avipoxvirus (APV), were collected in seven different areas of the Windhoek district, Namibia between April and October 2021. A fragment of the 4b core protein and the DNA polymerase gene of APV were amplified by PCR from the DNA of the samples and sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the viruses present in the chickens all belonged to clade A1 while the viruses in the doves and peacock were from subclade A3.1. This is the first report of subclade A3.1 avipoxvirus in peacock. In addition, all of the samples obtained from chickens were shown by PCR to be positive for the integration of reticuloendotheliosis virus while those from the doves and peacocks were negative. This study is the first characterization of avipoxvirus in Namibia and provides additional information on the presence of avipoxvirus in southern Africa.  相似文献   
Compound 1 (SMTP-7, also FGFC1), an isoindolone alkaloid from marine fungi Starchbotrys longispora FG216 and fungi Stachybotrys microspora IFO 30018, possessed diverse bioactivities such as thrombolysis, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties, and so on. It may be widely used for the treatment of various diseases, including cerebral infarction, stroke, ischemia/reperfusion damage, acute kidney injury, etc. Especially in cerebral infarction, compound 1 could reduce hemorrhagic transformation along with thrombolytic therapy, as the traditional therapies are accompanied with bleeding risks. In the latest studies, compound 1 selectively inhibited the growth of NSCLC cells with EGFR mutation, thus demonstrating its excellent anti-cancer activity. Herein, we summarized pharmacological activities, preparation of staplabin congeners 14;especially compound 1 14;and the mechanism of compound 1, with potential therapeutic applications.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONPolar transport is one key feature of auxin action was believed as a positional signal plays a wide arrange ofroles in plantgrowth and development,such as the gravity response[1],the initiation of lateral roots[2],positiondetermination of leaf primordial[3,4],differentiation of flower primordial[5],the axis formation in developingembryos[6~8],the patterned differentiation of vascular tissues[9~11].Polar auxin transport(PAT)system contributes indole-3-acetic acid(IAA)thorough …  相似文献   
芝麻是我国重要的特色优质油料作物。提高芝麻单产水平是实现我国粮油安全生产的重要举措。为建立芝麻高产高效栽培模式,本研究以耐密植黑芝麻新品种豫黑芝1号为试验材料,在3个产区(漯河、信阳和三门峡),开展了不同栽培密度(12万株/hm2、15万株/hm2、18万株/hm2、21万株/hm2)下豫黑芝1号产量及产量相关性状变化分析。结果显示,豫黑芝1号在不同产区的生育期差异明显;种植密度对豫黑芝1号的株高、有效果节数、主茎果轴长、单株蒴果数、千粒重和单株产量等性状变化程度不同;对小区产量及单株产量影响显著。在21万株/hm2密度下,豫黑芝1号单产水平最高达到1463.33 kg/hm2(三门峡)。研究为芝麻高产高效生产提供了技术支持。  相似文献   
【目的】通过分析关中奶山羊αs1-酪蛋白(alpha-s1 casein, CSN1S1)基因组织表达谱及其生物信息学功能,初步探究CSN1S1基因在奶山羊乳成分合成中发挥的作用。【方法】以关中奶山羊为研究对象,利用PCR扩增并克隆CSNIS1-1和CSN1S1-2 2个突变形态,并利用ProtParam、NetPhos、SingalP 4.1 Server、NPS和Phyre2等多种生物信息软件和在线工具对CSN1S1基因及其突变形态的蛋白质结构、理化性质、磷酸化位点等进行分析,通过实时荧光定量PCR检测CSNIS1-1和CSN1S1-2在关中奶山羊肝脏、脾脏、乳腺、肾脏、子宫、输卵管6个组织中的相对表达量。【结果】关中奶山羊乳腺上皮细胞中存在CSN1S1-1和CSN1S1-2 2种突变形态。对测序结果比对显示,CSN1S1-1存在3个碱基的突变,CSN1S1-2不仅存在3个碱基的突变,还存在6个碱基的缺失。CSN1S1-1与CSN1S1蛋白相似性为99.07%,CSN1S1-2与CSN1S1蛋白相似性为97.20%。蛋白理化性质分析显示,CSN1S1-1中碱基的突变导致第31位亮氨...  相似文献   
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