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赵杰 《安徽农业科学》2014,(27):9553-9554
[目的]探究紫外分光光度法用于测定蔬菜中硝酸盐的含量是否快捷、方便、准确.[方法]选取日常生活中常见的、代表性较强的白菜为材料,分别放置0、2、4、6、8d,用亚铁氰化钾、乙酸锌、硼酸、活性炭等试剂处理蔬菜匀浆,制得待测液.采用紫外分光光度法测定蔬菜样品待测液中硝酸盐含量,并做加标回收试验,以判断试验准确度.[结果]该方法加标回收率较高,说明准确度较高,RSD小于3.7%,具有较高的精密度.[结论]此方法操作简便、结果准确,适用于蔬菜中硝酸盐含量的测定.  相似文献   
Expression of insecticidal protein for transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton is unstable and related to nitrogen metabolism. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between leaf carbon nitrogen ratio (C/N) and insecticidal efficacy of two Bt cotton cultivars. C/N ratio and Bt protein content were both measured at peak square period and peak boll period respectively under 5-7 d high temperature and different nitrogen fertilizer rates on the Yangzhou University Farm and the Ludong Cotton Farm, China. All plants were grown in field. The results showed that the C/N ratio enhanced slightly and the Bt protein content remained stable at peak square period, but significant increases for the C/N ratio and decreases markedly for the leaf Bt protein concentration were detected at the peak boll period. The similar patterns at the two growth periods were found for the leaf C/N ratio and Bt protein content by different N fertilizer treatments. When nitrogen rate was from 0 to 600 kg ha-l, the C/N ratio was reduced by 0.017 and 0.006 for Sikang 1 and Sikang 3 at peak square period, compared to the 1.350 to 1.143 reduction for Sikang 1 and Sikang 3 at peak boll period, respectively. Correspondingly, the leaf Bt protein contents were bolstered by 2.6-11.8 and 26.9-36.9% at the two different growth periods, respectively. The results suggested that enhanced C/N ratio by high temperature and nitrogen application may result in the reduction of inseetiocidal efficacy in Bt cotton, especially in peak boll period.  相似文献   
The present study aims to understand the effects of long-term fertilization on soil organic carbon (SOC), black carbon (BC), enzyme activity, and the relationships among these parameters. Paddy field was continuously fertilized over 30 yr with nine different fertilizer treatments including N, P, K, NP, NK, NPK, 2NPK (two-fold NPK), NPK+manure (NPKM), and CK (no fertilization), N, 90 kg urea-N ha^-1 yr^-1; P, 45 kg triple superphosphate-P205 ha^-1 yr^-1; K, 75 kg potassium chloride-K20 ha^-1 yr^-1; and pig manure, 22 500 kg ha^-1 yr^-1. Soil samples were collected and determined for SOC, BC content, and enzyme activity. The results showed that the SOC in the NPKM treatment was significantly higher than those in the K, P, and CK treatments. The lowest SOC content was found in the CK treatment. SOC content was similar in the N, NP, NK, NPK, 2NPK, and NPKM treatments. There was no significant difference in BC content among different treatments. The BC-to-SOC ratios (BC/SOC) ranged from 0.50 to 0.63, suggesting that BC might originate from the same source. Regarding enzyme activity, NPK treatment had higher urease activity than NPKM treatment. The urease activity of NPKM treatment was significantly higher than that of 2NPK, NP, N, P, K, CK, and NPKM treatment which produced higher activities of acid phosphatase, catalase, and invertase than all other treatments. Our results indicated that long-term fertilization did not significantly affect BC content. Concurrent application of manure and mineral fertilizers increased SOC content and significantly enhanced soil enzyme activities. Correlation analysis showed that catalase activity was significantly associated with invertase activity, but SOC, BC, and enzyme activity levels were not significantly correlated with one another. No significant correlations were observed between BC and soil enzymes. It is unknown whether soil enzymes play a role in the decomposition of BC.  相似文献   
<正>马铃薯种薯退化主要症状:植株矮小,叶面遍布病斑,结薯数量减少,块茎变小,产量下降,品质变劣,不耐贮藏,马铃薯种薯退化对马铃薯生产影响巨大。马铃薯种薯退化是因植株体内有马铃薯卷叶病毒、马铃薯A病毒等病毒引起。研究发现,马铃薯茎尖分生组织病毒含量很少,几乎为零。所以,可以通过茎尖分生组织培养技术脱除马铃薯病毒,从而有效避免因马铃薯种薯退化带来的损失,恢复品种优良性状和提高产量。兵团第6师农业科学研究所从  相似文献   
在红肉脐橙幼果期和着色前分2次喷施不同浓度的外源 ABA和 GA3,研究其对红肉脐橙果肉糖含量的影响。结果表明:10 mg/L ABA处理显著或极显著提高了果实成熟时的葡萄糖、果糖和总糖含量,50 mg/L ABA处理极显著提高了果实蔗糖含量,而100 mg/L ABA处理极显著降低了果实葡萄糖含量;中低浓度的 GA3(10、50和250 mg/L)极显著提高了果实蔗糖含量,10 mg/L GA3处理对果实葡萄糖和果糖含量无明显影响,但极显著提高了果实总糖含量,50、250和500 mg/L GA3处理极显著降低了果实葡萄糖、果糖和总糖含量。表明着色前较低浓度的外源 ABA处理(10和50 mg/L)可提高果实中一种或几种糖的含量,而较高浓度的 GA3处理(250和500 mg/L)则严重阻碍了果肉中糖的积累。  相似文献   
选取北京某优质农产品种植公司的6月中旬、12月下旬2条具有代表性的鲜切生菜供应链为研究对象,对整个链条温度波动规律分别进行为期7d的实地考察测量;并根据调研的温度曲线,在实验室条件下模拟供应链温度,测定鲜切生菜的微生物含量变化.研究结果显示,2条供应链温度都呈现出较大波动性:6月中旬实际供应链温度波动范围为在1.2~24.1℃,12月下旬为-6.1~16.2℃;运输过程温度波动较小,装车卸货等环节温度波动较明显.实验室模拟条件下得到的鲜切生菜微生物含量变化规律与供应链温度波动曲线存在正相关性,相关系数6月中旬0.849 77,12月下旬为0.847 99.  相似文献   
以新台糖16号为试验材料,在甘蔗生长初期、拔节期和糖分积累期喷施不同浓度的吲哚丁酸水剂,通过对其品质性状指标的测定与分析,探讨增糖剂对甘蔗品质和产量的影响。结果表明:吲哚丁酸喷施5次的增糖效果优于4次。喷5次的1000倍液处理、600倍液处理和500倍液处理的甘蔗蔗糖分与空白对照比均达显著或极显著水平,600倍液的效果最稳定,在各月份都比对照增糖达显著水平以上。不同处理的蔗茎产量与对照相比,均达显著与极显著水平;各处理之间差异达显著水平,600倍液增产效果最好。吲哚丁酸600倍液处理对甘蔗糖分、重力纯度和蔗茎产量的提高效果最明显。  相似文献   
为明确5%杀单·毒死蜱在粤糖60号配套栽培上的总体防虫效应、速效性、持效期等,为其在粤糖60号大田生产上配套应用提供科学依据。以粤糖60号为供试甘蔗品种,设5%杀单·毒死蜱药剂处理,与常规农药3%呋喃丹及空白对照处理进行比较,采用沟施、撒施覆土方法进行杀单·毒死蜱防治粤糖60号易遭受的害虫药效试验。结果表明,在本试验条件下,各处理间的枯心率、虫节率、蔗茎产量、含糖量差异极显著或显著。在粤糖60号种植时和大培土时每667m2各施用低毒农药5%杀单·毒死蜱6kg,对甘蔗螟虫、绵蚜虫、蓟马和地下害虫金龟子等具有良好的防治效果,能减少品种遭受虫蛀茎为害,有效提高甘蔗蔗糖分,对粤糖60号增产、增糖具有明显的促进作用。建议在粤糖60号配套栽培中注意因虫选药、科学合理用药,尤其是螟虫、绵蚜虫、蓟马、金龟子等为害严重的地块种植该品种推荐配套使用5%杀单·毒死蜱进行防治,以达到增产、增糖和增收的目的。  相似文献   
蔬菜中硝酸盐的含量不仅与蔬菜种类、品种、器官、生长期有关,还受土壤肥料、温度、光照、湿度等外界环境条件的影响。如何控制蔬菜硝酸盐含量应引起大家的足够重视,在蔬菜生产中,根据肥料养分状况和各种蔬菜品种的需肥特性,科学合理的施肥,应以有机肥为主,其它肥料为辅。在施肥方法上以基肥为主,追肥为辅。在肥料成分上以多元素复合肥为主,以单元素肥料为辅。现将主要措施介绍如下。  相似文献   
无糖组培微环境控制技术高新设备的研制与应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
无糖组培微环境控制技术已经成为植物组织培养的新领域,受到广泛的关注。目前日本已经开展实验室范围内的大规模植物无糖组培。笔者详细介绍了目前国内最新研制的无糖组培微环境控制技术高新设备的系统构造和性能。通过对该设备的调试和运行,开展了众多植物种苗的无糖组培试验,结果表明在控制光照和CO2浓度等微环境条件下,该设备能有效提高植物组培苗的生物量、根干重、生长率、叶绿素a和可溶性蛋白质,不仅实现植物种苗的快速培养、大量繁殖,而且能够促进植株生根发芽,提高组培种苗移植后的成活率。  相似文献   
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