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1建立国家兔产业技术体系的目标2007年,农业部和财政部提出了构建"现代农业产业技术体系"的思路,主要目的是:按照优势农产品区域布局规划,依托具有创新优势的现有中央和地方科研力量和科技资源,围绕粮食等主要产业的发展需求,以农产品为单元,以产业为主线,建设从产地到餐  相似文献   
秋辉(Fallglo)是用鲍威尔桔柚与坦普尔桔橙杂交育成的早熟杂柑.我国2000年通过柑桔“948项目”从美国加利福尼亚州引进。该品种果形端庄整齐,外观艳丽,果皮红艳有光泽,且结果性能良好,是一个较早熟、易剥皮的宽皮柑桔类型。秋辉树势中庸,树冠圆头形,枝梢细密披散,无刺;叶片狭长  相似文献   
伊维菌素透皮剂对藏羊寄生线虫的驱除试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
放牧家畜内外寄生虫病的治疗,不仅需要广谱,安全,高效的驱虫药物,而且需要方便使用的剂型,才能为广大牧区群众接受并推广应用。青海省牧业区劳动力少,牲畜饲养管理粗放,对每年的驱虫工作造成困难。为了寻找简便易行而且行之有效的驱虫方法,我们对伊维菌素透皮剂进行了驱虫效力观察。现报道如下:1  材料和方法1.1  药物:伊维菌素透皮剂:由青海省畜牧兽医科学院试制(中试产品),推荐剂量为0.1ml/kg体重。1.2  试验动物:湟源县寺寨牧场周岁藏羊。经粪便虫卵(幼虫)检查,证实自然感染有线虫。1.3  时…  相似文献   
獭兔养殖业的发展占我省畜牧业经济很大的比重,有不少偏远的农村也开始发展獭兔养殖,但他们的饲养方式很落后,很传统。经过反复探索,不断总结,积累了獭兔养殖的很多经验,并逐步完善得到不断推广和应用。我们黑龙江省冬季严寒的自然气候特点,与獭兔喜凉怕热(仔幼兔怕寒而热)的生物学特性吻合。所以我总结了适合严冬季节饲养獭兔取得高产仔,高成活、高效益的新技术,更好地弥补了农村养殖獭兔的不足。1冬季獭兔饲养环境的改善及饲养方式的转变1.1饲养环境改善创新我们农村养殖獭兔冬季基本上都置放一个冷屋里,都是单层兔笼养殖。我针对北方冬季…  相似文献   
法系獭兔血液中AKP活性与体尺、体重性状的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对20只40日龄法系獭兔和20只68日龄法系獭兔(公、母各半)血液中AKP活性进行了测定,并分析了40日龄与68日龄法系獭兔血液中AKP活性与体重、体长、胸围的相关性。结果表明:40日龄时法系獭兔血液中AKP活性高于68日龄;日龄相同时,公兔活性显著高于母兔(P<0.05);40日龄AKP活性与体重有较为密切的关系,其他相关则不显著。  相似文献   
This experiment was conducted to study the effects of different levels of compound Chinese medicine on growth performance,nutrients apparent digestibility,immune function and slaughter performance of weaning Rex rabbits.70 healthy Rex rabbits at age of 60 days were divided into 7 groups with 5 replicates per group and 2 rabbits per replicate.Group Ⅰ was fed with basic diet as control group,group Ⅱ was fed the basal diet supplemented with antibiotic (contains 50 mg/kg milligrams bacitracin zinc,10 mg/kg colistin sulfate).The other five groups (Ⅲ,Ⅳ,Ⅴ,Ⅵ and Ⅶ) were fed the basal diet supplemented with 1%,2%,3%,4%,5% compound Chinese medicine,respectively.The pre-test period lasted for 7 days and the trial period lasted for 45 days.The results showed as follows:①The ADG in group Ⅳ was significantly higher than that in groups Ⅰ,Ⅱ and Ⅲ (P< 0.05),the F/G in group Ⅳ was significantly lower than that in other groups (P< 0.05).②The apparent digestibility of DM in group Ⅳ was significantly higher than that in groups Ⅰand Ⅱ (P< 0.05),the apparent digestibility of DM in group Ⅶ was significantly higher than that in group Ⅰ (P< 0.05).The apparent digestibility of CF in group Ⅳ was extremely significantly higher than that in group Ⅰ (P< 0.01),the apparent digestibility of CF in group Ⅶ was significantly higher than that in group Ⅰ (P< 0.05).The apparent digestibility of NDF in group Ⅳ was extremely significantly higher than that in group Ⅰ (P< 0.01),and significantly higher than that in groups Ⅱ,Ⅲ,Ⅴ and Ⅶ (P< 0.05).The apparent digestibility of ADF in group Ⅳ was significantly higher than that in groups Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅴ and Ⅶ (P< 0.05).The apparent digestibility of CP in group Ⅳ was significantly higher than that in groups Ⅰ and Ⅱ (P< 0.05).③ There were no significant differences in the contents of IgG,IgA and IgM of serum among all groups (P> 0.05),the spleen index in group Ⅳ was significantly higher than that in groups Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ and Ⅴ (P< 0.05).④There were no significant differences in the slaughter rate,half eviscerated slaughter rate and all eviscerated slaughter rate among all groups (P> 0.05).In summary,adding compound Chinese medicine and antibiotics in the feed both could improve the growth performance,nutrients apparent digestibility,immune function and slaughter performance of weaning Rex rabbits,and the appropriate compound Chinese medicine level in the diet of weaning Rex rabbits was 2%.  相似文献   
试验旨在研究枯草芽孢杆菌对獭兔生长性能、营养物质表观消化率及毛皮品质的影响。试验选取30日龄、体重相近(1.15±0.05)kg的健康獭兔80只,随机分为4组,每组20个重复,每个重复1只。对照组饲喂基础饲粮,试验1、2、3组在基础饲粮的基础上分别添加100、200、300 g/t枯草芽孢杆菌。预试期7 d,正试期28 d。结果表明:与对照组相比,试验1组的末重、平均日增重和平均日采食量均显著提高(P<0.05),试验1、2、3组料重比均显著下降(P<0.05)。与对照组相比,各试验组总钙的消化率均提高,其中试验3组显著提高(P<0.05);试验2组中性洗涤纤维的消化率显著提高(P<0.05);试验1、2组酸性洗涤纤维的消化率显著提高(P<0.05),试验3组极显著提高(P<0.01)。与对照组相比,试验1、2组的皮重显著提高(P<0.05),各组间獭兔被毛密度提高不显著(P>0.05)。综上所述,獭兔基础饲粮中添加100 g/t枯草芽孢杆菌有利于提高生产性能、改善毛皮品质。  相似文献   
生姜癞皮病的发生危害及病原初步鉴定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
生姜癞皮病在山东7月开始发病,8月中旬至9月中旬为盛发期。病株植株矮小、茎细、分枝少,叶色变淡,根茎表皮疣裂,根系腐烂,产量品质降低。病原物为南方根结线虫。砂质土壤、连作重茬、过量施钾肥均可加重该病的发生。  相似文献   
本病是由致病性大肠杆菌及其毒素引起的一种暴发性、死亡率很高的仔兔和幼兔的肠道传染病,以水样腹泻或胶冻样粪便及严重脱水为特征的传染病.如不及时诊治,势必造成大批死亡.宁晋县耿庄桥乡郭某饲养的600多只獭兔发生本病,经我院诊断与治疗,取得了满意效果,现报告如下.  相似文献   
正1发病情况2011年5月,河北省行唐县养兔专业户齐某饲养的260只獭兔开始发病,病初表现为后肢跖部间皮肤表面充血、肿胀,化脓、破溃,结痂。部分病兔脱毛、腹泻,排出稀薄或带有粘液的细软粪便,先后死亡38只,其中成年兔12只、幼兔和哺乳仔兔26只。  相似文献   
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