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时下,人们对膳食脂肪摄入量的增加,使肥胖变得越来越普遍。众所周知,肥胖会使机体内脂肪堆积进而导致新陈代谢失调。由于氧化应激增强,肥胖可能会引起一些慢性疾病,如动脉粥样硬化、糖尿病、高血压等。许多研究已经证明,食用一些多酚类含量丰富的果蔬可  相似文献   
英国和意大利研究人员最近透露,每天食用3支香蕉可以降低中风风险。早餐、午餐和晚餐分别食用一支香蕉可以使脑部血栓形成的概率降低21%。富含钾的食品如坚果类也能起到相同的效果。有研究表明:每天摄入钾1600mg足以使中风风险降低  相似文献   
改革开放以来,我国乳制品工业在行业规模、乳制品产量、技术装备、质量安全等方面都有了根本的转变。但由于乳制品工业发展时间短,发展速度过快,基础薄弱,特别是由于奶源管理、质量控制、检测手段落后等方面的原因,质量安全问题时有发生,给消费者的生命和财产安全带来损害。按照标准GB2762-2005《食品中污染物限量》的规定,涉及生乳的标准包括铅、总汞、无机砷、铬、硒等5项指标。  相似文献   
水的摄入对仔猪健康和生产具有重要影响,但仍是一个未充分了解的参数。提高饮水质量应该成为猪场的一个标准操作规范以改进猪群健康和生长性能。全世界猪场业主的一个共识是要建立一个可盈利的猪生产系统,但达到这个目标,每个阶段猪(母猪,仔猪,育成猪和肥育猪)生产性能水平至关重要。不同的圈舍、饲料、管理和生物安全等指标综合在一起决定了生产性能水平,但首要的是猪群的健康。  相似文献   
由于食品在生产、加工、包装及运输等环节有时会被三聚氰胺污染,食品中含有微量三聚氰胺是不可避免的,因此世界卫生组织将这一化学物质每日可容忍摄入量设定为每千克体重0.2毫克。  相似文献   
一、存在的问题(一)大水大肥损失浪费严重有机肥投入少,有的农户连种几茬,甚至几年都不施用有机肥,土壤的有机质含量降低,透气性能差;保水保肥能力差,氮磷钾三大元素投入量大,施用量是作物正常摄入量的6~10倍,导致大量盐离子未被作物吸收而残留在土壤中,增加了土壤的含盐量,使下茬作物不能平衡正常吸收养分。  相似文献   
In order to research the dynamic changes of nutrient intake and serum biochemical indexes of barn feeding ewes in different pregnant stages, and provide evidence for reasonable diet formulation and health state analysis of barn feeding goats, each 10 healthy female goats in non-pregnancy, early pregnancy and late pregnancy were randomly selected in this experiment, whose feed intake were determined;6 ill parturient ewes and each 8 healthy female goats in non-pregnancy, 1 month pregnancy, 2 months pregnancy, 3 months pregnancy, 4 months pregnancy and labor were randomly selected in this experiment, whose 7 serum biochemical indexes were determined.The results showed as follows:① In comparison to NRC(2007) goat nutritional requirements, DM, ME and CP intakes were more than the requirements in non-pregnant and early pregnant ewes, while DM, ME and CP intakes were less than the requirements in late pregnant ewes;Ca and P intakes were much more than the requirements in various stages of ewes.② From non-pregnancy, pregnancy to labor, healthy ewes' GLU content decreased (3.44 to 2.57 mmol/L) and KB content increased (14.93 to 23.55 μg/mL), while ill parturient ewes'GLU content was significantly decreased to 0.85 mmol/L(P<0.05) and KB content was significantly increased to 42.98 μg/mL (P<0.05);Healthy ewes' TP content decreased (70.55 to 59.94 g/L) and ALB content had little change (33.55 to 32.61 g/L), while ill parturient ewes' TP and ALB content both further decreased (56.79 and 29.72 g/L, respectively);Healthy ewes' Ca and P content had little change (2.21 to 2.19, 2.62 to 2.25 mmol/L, respectively), while ill parturient ewes' Ca (1.80 mmol/L, P<0.05) and P (2.17 mmol/L) content both decreased;Healthy ewes'AKP content decreased (258.57 to 104.35 U/L), but ill parturient ewes'AKP content increased (180.53 U/L).All the analysis showed that the inadequate energy intake of ewes in late pregnancy was the root cause of the decreased GLU and other serum biochemical indexes contents and the increased KB contents and the ill parturient ewes was diagnosed as pregnancy toxemia.Therefore, the ewes'diet formulation should be adjusted, different stages of ewes should be separated to feed, the energy intake of ewes in late pregnancy should be increased.  相似文献   
1提高采食量通常泌乳母猪的能量摄入量取决于母猪的自身体况,产乳量和乳组分以及体重和体组成的变化。泌乳期间的总采食量与母猪的泌乳性能、繁殖性能呈正相关。而泌乳期的采食量下降对母猪的生产性能影响很大,如发情间隔延长,受胎率降低,窝产仔数减少,产仔率降低。通常母猪养殖生产中在泌乳期都应该保持较高的采食量。2蛋白质现代母猪由于体重大、产仔数多、泌乳量高,因此需要泌乳旺期母猪日粮中提高蛋白质含量,且保  相似文献   
谈到哺乳期仔猪的饲养,许多养户都感到头疼,不免发出感叹;小猪太难养了,本人在实际工作中总结了一点浅薄的经验,在这里和大家简单谈谈。1应使仔猪在第一时间吃上初乳因为初乳中富含母源抗体,仔猪在24--36h能直接吸收初乳中的母源抗体IGA等免疫物质,因此初乳是出生3周龄内应对疾病和不良环境挑战所必须的营养,仔猪吃不到初乳或吃的不足,就容易生病或死亡,初乳理想摄入量为体重的5--7%,  相似文献   
一名营养学家称,植物性饮食和素食主义饮食的日益流行可能会减少对大脑健康至关重要的一种营养素的摄入量,这种营养素主要存在于动物性食品中。据权威医学杂志《英国医学杂志》刊登的一篇题为《我们是否忽视了英国潜在的胆碱危机?》的文章称,放弃富含动物产品的饮食可能对胆碱摄入量产生“意想不到的后果”。这种重要的膳食营养素对于大脑健康至关重要,尤其是在胎儿发育期间,而且还会影响肝功能。但是肝脏产生的胆碱不足以满足人体要求,因此必须从饮食和补充剂中获得。  相似文献   
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