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Using 15 indica rice varieties with different panicle weight, some ideal plant type characteristics in heavy panicle type of hybrid rice (HPT) and their relation to yield and its components were studied. Results showed that the leaf area index (LAI) of the HPT varieties was lower than that of medium panicle type (MPT) and light panicle type (LPT) varieties, but its decreasing rate of LAI and efficient LAI after heading was slower and had much higher percentage of efficient LAI, specific leaf weight, and ratio of grain to leaf area (cm^2) in comparison with the MPT and the LPT varieties. The length, width, thickness, and area of top three leaves of the HPT varieties were significantly larger than those of the MPT and the LPT varieties, and these components of top three leaves were significantly and positively correlated with the number of spikelets and filled grains, grain weight per panicle, and grain yield. The flag leaf in HPT varieties was erect with sorrow leaf angle, and their leaf angle of 2nd and 3rd leaf from top increased in sequence. The plant height of the HPT varieties was higher than that of the MPT and the LPT varieties, and their leaf site of top three leaves also increased in sequence. Therefore, HPT varieties as an ideal plant type could increase the utilization efficiency of sunlight energy. The ideal plant type characteristics and their adjuncts for the HPT varieties are proposed in this article.  相似文献   
珍珠花,学名省沽油(staphy yuea hama zda),落叶灌木,圆锥花序,小花白色,花期4—5月,含苞待放时似串串莹的珍珠,故名珍珠花。珍珠花产于山区,生于山坡丛林,为阴性树种,耐荫蔽,怕水涝,忌强光直射,环境要求不严,适应性强,主要分布在湖北、陕西、江苏、安微、浙江、河南、河北、东北等省。  相似文献   
丁香属于木犀科丁香属的落叶灌木或小乔木。因其花筒细长如钉且香而得名,又称洋丁香。花序硕大,呈顶生或侧生的圆锥花序,花色淡雅、芳香,花两性。花色以白色和紫色居多,也有淡紫、蓝紫或紫  相似文献   
莜麦又名裸燕麦,属禾本科一年生草本植物,须根,茎中空有节,叶片长而尖,穗为圆锥花序,子粒为颖果。喜欢凉爽气候和湿润环境,要求较低的温度,约需1500~1900℃的积温,日照均温在10℃以上,无霜期为90~110天,为长日照短日期作物,对自然环境抗逆性强,耐寒、耐旱、耐瘠,抗盐碱。  相似文献   
Rice breeding for maximum yield is a hot topic today in the rice community of the world, and a hard out to crack into the bargain. For many years, we have been devoted to the subject. In 1987 we discussed the subject in publications at home and abroad,  相似文献   
醉马草为多年生草本植物,生命力、繁殖力和耐早力极强。一般在早春萌芽,须根柔韧,茎秆直立,丛生,株高60-100厘米,通常具3—4节,叶片狭长,较硬,卷折。圆锥花序常紧缩成穗状,小穗为灰绿色,成熟后为褐色或带有紫色,芒下部扭转、宿存,二颖近等长,主要生长于山谷地带。醉马草是一种排斥其它牧草生长的植物,在醉马草成片生长的地方,不会有其他植物存活,家畜在饥不择食的情况下进食该草,  相似文献   
紫丁香(Syringa oblata Lindl),又名百结、情客等,木犀科丁香属。是一种落叶灌木或小乔木类型的观赏花木,高可达4米,枝条粗壮无毛。叶广卵形,通常宽度大于长度,宽5~10厘米,端锐尖,基心形或截形,全缘。顶生或侧生圆锥花序,花序长8—20厘米或更长,花小芳香,白色、紫色、紫红色或蓝色。蒴果长圆形,顶端尖,平滑。喜光,稍耐荫,阴地能生长,但花量少或无花,耐寒性较强,耐干旱,忌低湿,喜湿润、肥沃、排水良好的土壤。  相似文献   
外观形态很相似凌霄花(Campsis grandiflora Loiel)是紫葳科木质大藤本落叶攀援花木,而炮仗花(Pyrostegia ignhea)是紫葳科木质大藤本常绿攀援花木。二者都是空中攀援能手,凌霄花靠茎上的气根吸附他物向上生长;炮仗花茎蔓上生有卷须,靠卷须缠绕固着他物向上生长。只要有参天的依附物它们就能攀援到达十几米甚至于二十米的高空。特别是,它们的花也很类似,皆为顶生圆锥花序或圆锥形聚伞花序,筒状花冠,反卷,桔红色,十分美丽,花多、花大,花期都特别长。  相似文献   
(一)生物特征 墨西哥玉米为禾本科蜀黍属一年生草本植物.根系发达,茎杆粗壮,直立丛生,直径1.5~2厘米,高约3米;分蘖力强,每兜可分蘖20~30株;叶片披针形,叶面光滑,茎脉明显;花单性,雌雄同株,雄花顶生,圆锥花序,多分枝;雌花穗状花序,多而小,从单株6节以上的叶丫中生出,每节雌穗1个,每株7~10个,每穗4~8节,每小穗有一小花,授粉后发育成颖果,单穗4~8个颖果,成稀疏串珠状排列;种子长椭圆形,成熟时呈麻褐色,壳质坚硬,千粒重75~80克.  相似文献   
The leafing rates of fourteen rice varieties were measured in a sowing-time experiment, and a rapid leafing genotype at the vegetative growth stage was discovered in an indica variety Yanhui 559. The leaf number on the main culm of Yanhui 559 was always 4-5 leaves more than that of Lemont, and the leafing rate of Yanhui 559 was significantly higher than that of Lemont based on similar growth durations from sowing to heading. Furthermore, the difference of the leafing rate was significant at the vegetative growth stage, but not distinctive at the panicle initiation stage. Genetic analysis of the leafing rates in the two backcross populations of Yanhui 559 and Lemont showed that major and quantitative genes controlled the expression of rapid leafing character. Based on results of investigation for some plants with similar growth durations in the backcrossing populations, the rapid leafing genotypes exhibited earlier tillering and more tiller numbers per plant, and its yield components including the number of panicles per plant and number of grains per panicle were superior to those of the slow leafing genotypes. Further research and application feasibility of the rapid leafing genotype in breeding were discussed.  相似文献   
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