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莜麦又名裸燕麦,属禾本科一年生草本植物,须根,茎中空有节,叶片长而尖,穗为圆锥花序,子粒为颖果。喜欢凉爽气候和湿润环境,要求较低的温度,约需1500~1900℃的积温,日照均温在10℃以上,无霜期为90~110天,为长日照短日期作物,对自然环境抗逆性强,耐寒、耐旱、耐瘠,抗盐碱。  相似文献   
This study aims to investigate the variation in occurrence of white-belly rice kernel(WBRK) and white-core rice kernel(WCRK) among different positions within a panicle. Twenty-four M4 mutants involved in four panicle types, namely the compact, intermediate, loose, and chicken foot panicle were used. They derived from a japonica rice cultivar Wuyujing 3. Considerable differences in morphological characters existed among the four types of panicle, especially in panicle length, the secondary branch number and ratio of grain number to total branch length. Marked differences were found in WBRK and WCRK among different positions within a panicle for all types of panicle. In general, grains located on the primary rachis and top rachis branches had higher WBRK and WCRK percentage than those on the secondary rachis and bottom rachis branches. WCRK exhibited larger variation among grain positions than WBRK did. Moreover, there was a significant difference in WCRK/WBRK among grain positions within a panicle, with primary rachis and top rachis branches having higher values than the secondary and bottom rachis. In addition, panicle type showed no significant effect on the pattern of WBRK and WCRK occurrence within a panicle. The results indicated the difference in mechanism of WBRK and WCRK formation in grain position within a panicle, and are valuable for breeding and agronomic practices aimed at lowering chalky grain rate.  相似文献   
醉马草,别名药草,是禾本科芨芨草属多年生、丛生草本植物,高60"---100cm;节下贴生微毛。叶片较硬,卷折。圆锥花序紧缩近穗状;小穗灰绿色,成熟后变为褐铜色或带紫色;芒长约1cm,中部以下稍扭转。颖果圆柱形。花期夏秋季。地理分布:在我国分布于内蒙古、宁夏、甘肃、青海、新疆、四川等省区。该草全草有毒。在我实习区主要分布于哈密地区东天山山脉附近的沿天山一带乡(镇)的草场上,  相似文献   
日本无刺葱木是近年我国从日本引进的一个葱木变种,系五加科落叶乔木。树高5米以上,茎及叶柄有极少量针刺,1~5回奇数羽状复叶,长达1米,小叶卵形至阔卵形,缘有锯齿,背面无柔毛,花为小型,花序聚集成圆锥花序,花期7~8月。葱木是名贵中药材,又名刺木通、树头菜、刺嫩芽。葱木根皮的皂甙含量为8.8%,氨基酸含量5.11%,共含有15种氨基酸,有7种为人体必需氨基酸。嫩芽总皂甙含量2%,氨基酸含量26.3%。葱木具有补气安神、强精滋肾、祛风活血、止痢止痛的功能。葱木还是一种传统的绿色保健林菜,嫩芽营养丰富,在国内外市场很受欢迎。近年国内生产的刺嫩…  相似文献   
梓树属紫葳科梓树属,落叶乔木,喜光,喜沙壤土,幼树抗寒能力较差。梓树开白花,花为圆锥花序,每一花序中有小花100余朵,花冠淡黄色或黄色,四周有紫色斑点,花期4~5月。梓树叶大深绿,蒴果细长下垂,是庭院观赏、城市绿化的理想树种之一。一、种子的采集及调制  相似文献   
From 1986 to 1990, we conducted a research projoct to study the theory and techniques of supca-high yielding and developed a set of new cultural techniques called ““Three Highs and One Stable(THOS)““, i.e., high rate of panicle-bearing tillers, high filled grains, high harvest index and stable number of panicles per unit area.  相似文献   
吴玲 《花木盆景》2006,(6):30-30
虎耳草(Saxifraga srolonifera Meerb)为虎耳草科虎耳草属多年生常绿草本。株高15cm,葡匐茎细长、分枝、红紫色,叶数枚基生,圆形或肾形,基部心形或截形,叶面绿色,常带白色或绿色斑纹,叶背紫红色。圆锥花序顶生,花白色、花期4-5月。浙江省有丰富的野生资源。  相似文献   
In recent years, much progress has been made in China on the relationship between grain yield of F1 hybrid rices and some physiological characters. Experiments were conducted in our plant physiological lab during 1982-1991 to analyze the relationship of the grain yield of F hybrid rice with the distribution and concentration of P and C using isotopes ^32P and ^14C.  相似文献   
<正>黄山栾(Koelreuteria integrifoliola Merr.),无患子科栾树属,落叶乔木,原产我国。小枝棕红色,密生皮孔;二回奇数羽状复叶;顶生圆锥花序,长约30cm,花黄色,径约1cm,中间红色;蒴果椭球形,先端钝,熟时褐红色;种子圆球形,黑色;花期8~10月,果熟期11月。黄山栾树形端正,枝叶茂密而秀丽,春季嫩叶多为红色,入秋叶色变黄;秋初开花,满树金黄,十分美丽;果形奇特,惹人喜爱,是理想的  相似文献   
胡松华 《花卉》2014,(11):22-23
假连翘(Duranta erecta)是马鞭草科假连翘属植物,原产于墨西哥、巴西和印度洋群岛。为常绿灌木,其枝长,下垂或平卧,叶对生,卵状椭圆形或倒卵形,先端短尖或浑圆,基部楔形,边缘在中部以上有锯齿。总状花序腋生,排成一个顶生的圆锥花序,通常着生在中轴一侧,花冠蓝色或白色。果肉质,卵形,成串,熟时橙黄色。  相似文献   
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