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紫丁香在干旱山区的培育及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫丁香是我国传统名花,已有千余年栽培史。其灌丛大而丰满,叶形秀丽,圆锥花序硕大而布满树冠,色稚而芳香,宜丛植于建筑物周围,道路两旁,草坪之中,林缘、茶馆、凉亭附近。可与多种丁香穿插配置成专类园,形成美丽、清雅,青枝翠叶,花开不绝的旅游景区。[第一段]  相似文献   
八角金盘的组织培养研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
0 引言 八角金盘又称八手,手树,原产日本和台湾等地,是五加科金盘属,常绿灌木;伞状花序,再组成顶生圆锥花序.因其叶片常八裂,有时边缘呈金黄色而得名.八角金盘植株高2 m,常数干丛生,且直立挺拔,叶片浓绿,四季长青,是著名的荫生植物.  相似文献   
蓝花楹,别名蕨树,又名蓝雾树,为紫薇科蓝花楹属落叶乔木,树形酷似凤凰木。顶生或腋生圆锥花序,长25-35厘米,花钟形、繁多,深蓝色或浅紫色,开花时叶落尽,春末夏初开满枝头。果为蒴果,圆形稍扁,浅褐色。  相似文献   
1.板叶参 从台湾引种选育的优良品种。其主根粗大如人参.全株光滑,茎叶肉质多汁,株高约50厘米(含花茎)。叶片肥厚.长3厘米~4厘米,宽约2厘米,深绿色。8月-9月开粉红色小花、圆锥花序.果实为蒴果,圆球形。播种量每平方米0.5克左右。一般播后5天-7天萌发,20天-25天苗高6厘米-8厘米,即可定植于田间。定植后5周-8周.一般株高15厘米-20厘米,梢长15厘米-20厘米时,开始采收顶梢.以后每隔15天-20天采收一次。  相似文献   
南酸枣为漆树科南酸枣属落叶乔木,冠大荫浓,树冠球形至扁球形。树干端直,树皮褐色,条片状剥落。奇数羽状复叶互生,小叶7~15片,对生,卵状披针形,长4~12厘米,全缘。花杂性异株,淡紫红色,雄花和假两性花排成聚伞状圆锥花序,长4~10厘米,雌花单生叶腋,花期4~5月。核果椭圆形,黄色,  相似文献   
红花桉(Eucalyptus ficifolia F.Muell)幼叶与成长叶异样,成熟叶片大,革质,卵形至倒卵形,长7~11厘米,宽4~6厘米,先端有尖头,叶柄长2~3厘米,中脉两面突起,侧脉羽状,两面明显,叶片上面深绿,具蜡质层,下面苍绿,网脉明显。花大,有花梗,花排成聚伞式圆锥花序;萼片与花瓣连合成一帽状体;种子极大,最大者长达1厘米。宽0.6厘米.  相似文献   
Itwasdifficulttousethepronouncedheterosisofindi ca_japonicahybridsriceduetothepaniclesterilitycausedbymaleandfemalegameteabortion.Thefemalegameteabortioninmostofsubspecifichybridscouldbesolvedbyusinganabortion_neutralgeneS5_n,awidecompatibilitygene.T…  相似文献   
Rice is the most important food crop in China, the development of hybrid rice is a great achievement to improve rice yield. The basis of heterosis utlization in hybrid rice is development and use of the cytoplasmic male sterile system. Though China is lea…  相似文献   
莜麦又名裸燕麦,属禾本科一年生草本植物,须根,茎中空有节,叶片长而尖,穗为圆锥花序,子粒为颖果。喜欢凉爽气候和湿润环境,要求较低的温度,约需1500~1900℃的积温,日照均温在10℃以上,无霜期为90~110天,为长日照短日期作物,对自然环境抗逆性强,耐寒、耐旱、耐瘠,抗盐碱。  相似文献   
This study aims to investigate the variation in occurrence of white-belly rice kernel(WBRK) and white-core rice kernel(WCRK) among different positions within a panicle. Twenty-four M4 mutants involved in four panicle types, namely the compact, intermediate, loose, and chicken foot panicle were used. They derived from a japonica rice cultivar Wuyujing 3. Considerable differences in morphological characters existed among the four types of panicle, especially in panicle length, the secondary branch number and ratio of grain number to total branch length. Marked differences were found in WBRK and WCRK among different positions within a panicle for all types of panicle. In general, grains located on the primary rachis and top rachis branches had higher WBRK and WCRK percentage than those on the secondary rachis and bottom rachis branches. WCRK exhibited larger variation among grain positions than WBRK did. Moreover, there was a significant difference in WCRK/WBRK among grain positions within a panicle, with primary rachis and top rachis branches having higher values than the secondary and bottom rachis. In addition, panicle type showed no significant effect on the pattern of WBRK and WCRK occurrence within a panicle. The results indicated the difference in mechanism of WBRK and WCRK formation in grain position within a panicle, and are valuable for breeding and agronomic practices aimed at lowering chalky grain rate.  相似文献   
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