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青梅青梅又称广西青皮,龙脑香科常绿大乔木,国家二级重点保护野生植物。高可达30米,胸径1.2米。主干通直,分枝高,天然整枝良好。单叶互生,薄革质,长矩圆形或长椭圆形。花期4-5月,圆锥花序长3~9厘米,顶生或腋生,淡红色花朵有5片花瓣。果期7-8月,褐色果实近似球形,有1颗种子。青梅是中国特有的热带珍贵用材树种,树干通直圆满,出材率高,木材花纹美观,材质致密硬重,耐腐性强,实为建筑、造船及  相似文献   
优良观赏树种——小叶丁香   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小叶丁香又名四季丁香,为木犀科丁香属落叶灌木。植株丛生,成熟树高1~1.5米:单叶对生.叶近圆形或卵圆形,基部楔形、圆形至阔楔形,叶片长2-3厘米:3年生树开始开花结实,圆锥花序密集,  相似文献   
李协和 《花卉》2010,(6):20-21
近年华南经台湾引进四种风铃木.均为紫葳科风铃花属花木。掌状复叶革质、对生.有小叶3.5片,长椭圆彤。长约8~15厘米.全缘。先端尖.具长柄。顶生圆锥花序.花大而美观。萼筒不规则,齿状5裂,裂片曲皱,钟形漏斗状,花后结蒴果,种子行翅。原产南美洲热带。  相似文献   
栾树(Koelrenteria paniculata)又名灯笼树,属无患子科栾树属。落叶乔木,其树形高大而端正,树皮灰褐色,小枝稍有棱。无顶芽,皮孔明显。奇数二回羽状复叶,枝叶茂密而秀丽,春季红叶似醉,夏季顶端的大圆锥花序,黄花满树。秋叶鲜黄,蒴果膨大,成熟时红褐色或桔红色,果皮薄膜质,三角状卵形,似灯笼。种圆形,黑色。栾树适应性强,喜光,耐寒,耐干旱,耐瘠薄、石灰质土壤。耐一定盐渍及短期水涝。  相似文献   
A study was done on the relationship between Aphelenchoides besseyi and the symptoms of small grains and erect panicles. This is an important rice disease in Jiangsu Province, China. A. besseyi was extracted from small grains and erect panicles and cultured artificially, and then inoculated into bud and leaf sheaths of seedlings of two Oryza sativa cultivars, namely Zhendao 2 and Wuyunjing 7 in a greenhouse. The effect on rice growth, in particular the small grains and erect panicles, was revealed by the extent of the disease, seed expansion stages, nematode load, and nematode mortality. In contrast to healthy seedlings, the height, length, and the numbers of spikelets of unhealthy panicles of Zhendao 2 were decreased by 6.7, 16.4, and 13.5%, respectively. Before anthesis, nematodes were attracted to the leaf sheath and apical meristem, nematode load increased by 40%; after anthesis, nematodes occurred in spikelets principally and the number increased by 90.8%. The percentages of infected seeds and nematode load were highest in plump seeds and lowest in empty seeds. Nematode mortality on grain with normal endosperm was lower than seeds with abnormal endosperm. Results indicated that A. besseyi was the pathogen in rice with the symptoms of small grains and erect panicles. Wuyunjing 7 manifests only the small grains and erect panicles symptoms and not the symptoms of leaf white-tip. These symptoms of small grains and erect panicles are new symptom records for the disease caused by A. besseyi on rice.  相似文献   
黄莹 《中国林副特产》2011,(4):38+41-38,41
福禄考(Phlox),花葱科,多年生草本植物。原产于北美。茎直立性至匍匐性。叶全缘,对生或上部叶互生。聚伞花序至圆锥花序;花冠显著包旋、喉部紧缩成细筒;花色有蓝、紫、粉红、绯红、白等。  相似文献   
1关中地区蓖麻生产概况 蓖麻(Castor-oil plant)属大戟科经济作物,掌状裂叶,盾状着生,圆锥花序顶生,雌花位于上部,雄花位于下部,雄蕊很多,蒴果具有软刺,种子有种阜,胚乳丰富。蓖麻原产于非洲东部,其栽培历史悠久,为世界十大油料作物之一。世界蓖麻年种植面积在330万hm^2,蓖麻籽年产量120万t左右,主要生产国有印度、中国和巴西。我国常年种植面积约27万hm^2,  相似文献   
1燕麦是禾本科燕麦属1年生草本植物,株高80~120厘米,丛生,须根系,分蘖较多,茎由4~7节组成,具圆锥花序,千粒重25~35克。燕麦喜冷凉湿润气候,种子发芽最低温度3-4℃,幼苗能忍受2-3℃低温。不耐热,在夏季温度较低的山区适于燕麦生长。生长期需水分较多,喜富含有机质的壤质土,能适应不同的酸碱土壤类型。  相似文献   
杨允菲 《草业学报》1997,6(3):37-41
对拂子茅、假苇拂子茅、硬拂子茅3种拂子茅种群圆锥花序小穗的分布格局分析,结果表明,3种拂子茅种群在各节位上的小穗数均适合于Weibull分布,随着节位序的增加均呈饱和型指数增长,通过赋予各统计参数生物生态学涵义,从宏观上分析与揭示了有关生命现象与发展规律及其生物生态学机理。  相似文献   
雀梅,俗称鼠米、酸味,鼠米科雀梅藤属植物,原产我国东南沿海各省区,日本、印度也有。雀梅为有刺攀援落叶灌木,叶近对生,薄革质,常绿或半常绿,卵形或椭圆形,边缘有细锯齿:花期9—10月,淡黄色,有芳香,排列成穗状分枝的圆锥花序;果球形,成熟期为翌年的4~5月,紫黑色,偏酸爽口,故又称“酸味”。  相似文献   
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