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To characterize the DNA rearrangement of both the T-DNA region and the genomic insertion site during T-DNA insertion, the Genomewalker strategy was used to isolate the junctions between the inserted DNA and the plant genomic DNA in six rapeseed events as well as the genomic DNA at the sites before integration. During transformation in each of the six events, portions of both the right border(RB) and left border(LB) regions of the T-DNA were deleted, ranging from a 7 nucleotide deletion of the LB repeats in event RF1 to a 207 bp deletion of the LB region in event RF2. For the six events, T-DNA integration resulted in a deletion at the target site spanning less than 100 bp. Sequence analysis indicated that the T-DNA was integrated into the coding region of various native rapeseed genes in events RF1 and RF2. Duplications of the genomic DNA target site were observed in events RF2, RF3 and Topas 19/2. And multimerization of transgenes was found in event Topas 19/2, in which, the T-DNA was integrated as a head-to-head(RB-to-RB) concatemer into the recipient genome. In event MS1, chromosomal translocation or a large target-site deletion may have occurred during T-DNA integration, which was identified due to a failure to amplify the presumptive insertion site based on the flanking rapeseed DNA sequences. Our results provide comprehensive data concerning transgene organization and the genomic context of the T-DNA in six rapeseed events, which can aid in the developing of insert fingerprinting and the monitoring of long-term genetic stability and potential unintended effects of transgenic events.  相似文献   
<正>丰抗王(葫芦型)系日本甜葫芦和中国瓠瓜的远缘杂交一代种,籽大苗壮,下胚轴不空心容易嫁接,靠接和插接均宜,与西瓜、甜瓜嫁接亲和力强,成活率高。嫁接的瓜苗高抗各种土传病害,根系发达,吸收水肥能力强,生长健壮,耐热性好,早发不早衰,尤其是瓜田生长后期仍然碧绿健壮,产量高,品质好,绝对没有异味和皮厚、空心现象,是克  相似文献   
该文介绍了杂交水稻制种机插大田管理技术规范,于2013年作为安徽省地方标准颁布,标准号:DB34/T 1832-2013。  相似文献   
江苏省扬州市网友问:油菜蚜虫怎么防治?答:今年入秋以来气温偏高,雨水偏少,气候条件十分利于蚜虫的迁飞、繁殖、危害。部分田间油菜蚜虫发生较重,成、若蚜聚集在油菜叶片背面,致使叶片受害卷曲、发黄,植株矮缩、生长缓慢,严重时叶片枯死。因此,凡油菜田有蚜株率达10%的田块,每亩用10%烯啶虫胺20~30毫升或20%吡蚜酮20克对水30~40公斤均匀细喷雾.喷药时要注意喷及叶背及心叶。  相似文献   
<正>近年来,南部县大力推广长白×约克二元外种杂交母猪(即LY母猪),笔者在工作实践中总结出一套饲养经验,现和同行做一个简单交流。1过好"三关"1.1应激关农户从种猪场购回LY母猪时,为防止运输对猪产生应激,冬天可用红糖、姜片煮沸,待冷却后加少许食盐让猪饮用;夏天可用陈艾、板兰根、黄连加适量白糖煮沸,待冷却后按每头猪加入1~2包兽用藿香正气颗粒、少许食盐让其饮用。进圈当天不喂料,只饮水。  相似文献   
2011-2013年冬季,作者采用分组全天跟踪的方法,调查小太平鸟迁徙期活动特征和食性。结果证明:小太平鸟冬季由北向南成群迁徙过程中,会在某个生境优良的区域停留取食9~15日、成群活动在树冠上部。小太平鸟在迁徙期停留区域取食植物果实种类有20种,有人工栽培树种果实,也有野生树种果实。今后应持续迁移路线、停歇地、种群动态监测。  相似文献   
<正>一、乐至县油菜生产现状乐至县地处四川盆地中腹,属亚热带季风气候区,是油菜的适宜种植区域。油菜是该县主要的油料作物,是农民收入的主要来源之一。县内油菜常年种植面积22万余亩,总产3万吨以上,产值近2亿元,提升油菜生产水平对提高农民的种植效益,促进产业发展有十分重要的现实意义。当前,随着农村劳动力大量向城市  相似文献   
唐景斌 《种子科技》2014,(12):47-48
南京市高淳区多年的试验结果和高产栽培经验证明,要想提高油菜产量,应该以合理群体为起点,努力提高单株生产力,采取“秋发、冬促、春稳、活熟”的技术途径,使油菜角果群数量与质量能协调提高,最终实现高产稳产。文章对广大农业工作者有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   
<正>油菜菌核病是四川省油菜栽培过程中的主要病害并常年发生,直接导致油菜减产和受害植株含油量降低。在长期油菜栽培生产过程中,人们已经习惯油菜菌核病在花期发生和危害,并根据油菜菌核病的侵染时期集中在油菜初花、盛花和谢花等时期采用药剂喷雾方式进行菌核病防治。然而,随着我省近年油菜耕作制度的改变和免耕制度的推行,油菜菌核病在冬季出现大量苗期侵染和危害油菜幼苗现象。苗期油菜受害植株先是在  相似文献   
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