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The superiority of wheat grain yield under no-till has been reported by many authors, and others reported significant interaction between wheat cultivar and tillage system for grain yield and other related traits. Hence, new breeding initiatives are needed to introgress favorable traits into wheat and other crops in areas where no-tillage is being adopted. The identification of such traits is solely possible via the assessment ofgermplasm under no-tillage. Moreover, Moroccan wheat breeding programs are carried out solely under conventional tillage system whilst the conservation one is becoming widely adopted. So, the ultimate objective of this research is to find out if the used wheat commercial cultivars behave differentially under no tillage system and to propose the use of appropriate cultivars for the appropriate tillage system and to implement a breeding program specifically for no tillage system. The experiment has been carried out during 2006-2007 at Douyet (F6s). Cultivars have been sown according to a strip-split plot design. At maturity, yield, yield components and related traits have been recorded. The results indicated that both water regime (WR) and variety (Vat) had a highly significant effect on all measured traits. In contrast, tillage system (TS) had similar effect on yield, grains m-2, biomass, and plant height, but had no effect on harvest index, 1000-kernel weight and heading date. The TSxVar interaction has been significant to highly so on all traits except on heading date. The magnitude of the interaction for grain yield was more important under irrigated treatment than under rainfed one. On the whole, No Tillage yielded more grains than conventional one. Moreover, Achtar and Areal (bread wheat cultivars) and Marjana and Marzak (durum wheat cultivars) yielded more under No-Till. The significant interaction between TS and Var paves the way for the implementation of a breeding program under no till system.  相似文献   
[目的]筛选适宜的杏制干品种并对其制干工艺进行研究.[方法]对大胡安娜、佳娜丽、库买提、赛买提等46个杏品种的鲜杏自然晾晒制干,通过对46个品种的杏干果肉的总糖、总酸、制干比等指标测定及感官评价,筛选出适宜的杏制干品种.以库买提为原料,通过采用促干剂、蒸汽漂烫、NaHSO_3溶液浸泡、漂烫结合NaHSO_3溶液浸泡等处理方法,经过自然晾晒得到杏干,并对杏干的总糖、总酸、制干比、水分、残留SO_2量进行测定以确定最佳制干工艺.[结果]适宜的制干品种为大胡安娜、黑叶杏、库买提、佳娜丽等.最佳制干工艺条件为整果经90℃热水漂烫3 min,再浸泡于浓度为3.75 g/L的NaHSO_3溶液中1 h后晾晒.[结论]采用该工艺提高了制干速率,制干时间缩短2 d,且杏干感官品质好.  相似文献   
4月10日,由我校陈阜教授主持的公益性行业(农业)科研专项现代农作制模式构建与配套技术研究与示范项目启动会在北京举行。现代农作制模式构建与配套技术研究与示范项目以构建符合我国国情和有区域特色的现代农作制模式与技术体系为目标,从我国农业生产发展的需求出发,探索建立粮食增产、  相似文献   
在玉米杂交制种中,花期相遇是保证制种田高产的关键。除人为因素外,父、母本在生长发育过程中受特殊的气候条件影响,或者外引的亲本因地理环境条件的改变,都可能导致花期不遇。因此,做好花期预测,搞好花期调节对提高杂交制种田产量至关重要。  相似文献   
茂绿等制作径山茶的品质效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对茂绿等制作径山茶的品质和效益进行了比较分析,结果显示,茂绿品种的制茶品质连续3年(2005-2007年)感官审评总得分位居第一,有较强的品质优势,其生产效益连续3年(2006-2008)平均排名第一,具有较大的效益优势,为此,确认其为径山茶的适制良种。  相似文献   
一、选料 腌制酱茄一般于每年立夏至小暑进行,要求鲜茄嫩而色泽紫红,籽少、皮薄、肉嫩,大小均匀,直径6-7cm,每公斤12-15个,表皮无斑点、虫伤及裂口。鲜茄摘回后,及时用小刀从结蒂处削去蒂把,并冲洗干净,然后用针或竹签在茄果上刺6-8个孔眼,以利吸咸排卤。  相似文献   
<正>随着科研人员对苦荞麦营养价值、药理功效等相关理论的深入研究,人们对苦荞药食同源特性的认识和理解越来越深刻,利用苦荞为原料加工成的苦荞产品更是受到消费者的亲睐。由于苦荞种壳厚、不易脱壳制得具有高芦丁含量麸皮层全营养苦荞米的特性,限制了苦荞产品的精加工和深加工,一定程度上也降  相似文献   
<正>油炸土豆片是将土豆去皮切片后,用热油炸制的小食品。它含有新鲜土豆的全部营养成分,香又脆,鲜美可口,价格适中,是老幼皆宜的保健小食品。(1)清理洗涤选  相似文献   
米曲霉和黑曲霉双菌种制曲对豆酱酶系影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄豆和面粉为主要原料,以淀粉酶、蛋白酶、β-葡萄糖苷酶和纤维素酶的活性为指标,采用单因素试验方法,研究米曲霉和黑曲霉(质量比为1:1)对豆酱制曲酶系的影响,优化制曲工艺参数。试验结果表明,采用添加熟面粉的方式,制曲时间为36h,制曲温度为29~32℃,接种量0.04%,双菌种曲中酶的活性高于单一米曲霉曲。  相似文献   
<正>郑道芳男汉族1961年出生,1982年安徽农学院茶学系机械制茶专业(农学士)毕业。1995年以前,主要从事制茶机械研制和制茶工艺技术研究工作,先后取得省、厅级科研成果4项,发表论文10余篇。其间,1986年贵州大学外语系VST培训班学习;  相似文献   
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