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In order to study and analyze L1 gene of bovine papillomavirus(BPV)in Guizhou province,the L1 gene of BPV-GZ01 strain was amplified,cloned and sequenced using bioinformatic softwares and methods,and the secondary structure,tertiary structure,B-cell preponderant epitope,conserved domains analysis, transmembrane domain and signal peptide of L1 gene were predicted.The results showed that the length of L1 gene was 1 494 bp,encoding 497 amino acids.The L1 gene of BPV-GZ01 strain shared an amino acid identities of 98.6%,99.4%,98.4%,94.4% and 91.3%,and a nucleotide identities of 99.1%,99.8%,99.4%,87.6% and 82.8% with those of BPV2,BPV2-SW01,BPV2-AKS01,BPV13 and BPV1 strains,respectively.The results of phylogenetic tree analysis indicated that there was a close relationship between BPV-GZ01 and BPV2-SW01 strains.The prediction of secondary structure of L1 protein indicated that the random coil,extended strand and alphahelix took a higher percentage.The L1 protein was supposed contain 6 potential antigen epitopes.And no transmembrane domains and no signal peptide were found.The tertiary structure of L1 protein was curved spiral structure.These results provided a theoretical basis for immunologic diagnosis and further research of nucleic acid vaccine of BPV.  相似文献   
To establish a rapid assay for Listeria monocytogenes(LM) detection,a Real-time PCR method was developed targeting iap gene of LM.The results showed that the test for 15 bacteria strains,only LM was positive,indicated that the method had high specificity.In addition,the sensitivity of Real-time PCR was 6.5 CFU/mL.Stability and reproducibility of the test showed that the coefficient of variation for the same sample repeat the Ct values were less than 2%.Furthermore,a total of 3 positive samples for LM were detected from 139 clinical samples by the method,which was in accordance with the testing result by GB 478930-2010 standard detection protocol.Therefore,the Real-time PCR method provides a novel rapid,sensitive and good repeatability detection method for LM infection.  相似文献   
猪增生性肠炎及其防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘二龙 《猪业科学》2006,23(5):54-56
猪增生性肠炎引起猪生长缓慢。给养猪企业造成很大的经济损失。本文从病原学、发病机理、流行病学、临床症状、病理变化介绍了该病,并提出了预防、治疗的方案。  相似文献   
<正>犬的子宫蓄脓指犬的子宫腔内贮留大量脓汁并伴有子宫内膜囊泡性增生的疾病称犬的子宫蓄脓,是发情后期的一种疾病,一般分为开放型和闭锁型子宫蓄脓2种。自2006年8月至2007年9月期间,在安丘市畜牧局宠物门诊共收治5例患有子宫蓄脓的小型犬,分别为京巴3例,博美和西施  相似文献   
阴道增生多发生于母犬的发情期前和发情期,是阴道黏膜对雌激素反应亢进引起的。发情期间分泌的雌激素会使阴道黏膜发生充血、水肿现象,尿道口前端的阴道底壁黏膜对雌激素反应较前庭部黏膜强,故该部位最常发生增生。  相似文献   
目的 分析鼻内窥镜治疗鼻内翻性乳头状瘤的临床效果和复发情况.方法 选取2009年5月至2013年5月收治的鼻内窥镜治疗鼻内翻性乳头状瘤患者30例作为观察组,同时选取同期收治的传统开放手术治疗鼻内翻性乳头状瘤患者30例作为对照组.对比两组的手术情况、临床治疗有效率和复发率.结果 观察组手术时间、术中出血量和住院时间均少于对照组(P<0.01);观察组治愈率高于对照组,但两组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),观察组术后6、10、12、24个月的复发率均显著低于对照组(P<0.05或0.01).结论 鼻内窥镜治疗鼻内翻性乳头状瘤疗效确切,可明显减少术中出血量,缩短住院时间,降低复发率,值得推广.  相似文献   
槟榔防治小瓜虫病初报   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多子小瓜虫为纤毛虫纲,膜口亚目,凹口科,小瓜虫属。其幼虫钻入鱼体表上皮层或鳃组织间刺激周围的上皮细胞增生,剥食吸收上皮细胞及血球营养造成寄主烦躁不安最后死亡。由于其特殊生物学特性,容易形成胞囊,能抵御外界不利环境及一般药物作用,所以难以找到理想的药物进行治疗。治  相似文献   
1病理变化 流产型可见流产母羊胎膜水肿,血染,子叶呈黑红色、粘土色,胎膜周围的渗出物呈棕色。流产胎儿水肿,腹腔积液,血管充血,气管有淤血点。组织学检查,胎儿肝、肺、肾、心和骨骼肌的血管周围常有网状内皮细胞增生。牛胎膜常水肿,胎儿苍白,贫血,皮肤和黏膜有小点出血,皮下水肿,肝有时肿胀。  相似文献   
1条件致病性病毒的概念 条件致病性细菌已是传染病学中被广泛接受的概念,对多种病毒病都提到相应病原在鸡群中的普遍存在.但是,由这些不同病毒引起的病却并不是普遍发生和流行.虽然,其中相当多的病毒只是弱毒或须要一定条件激发下才会引起发病.在一些鸡可同时检出3种甚至4种不同的病毒,但对个体的感染显然不会是同时开始发生的,其中先发生感染的病毒并没有直接引起发病.  相似文献   
犬的哈德氏腺也称瞬膜或第三眼睑,是位于眼角内侧的小腺体。在犬外科疾病中犬哈德氏腺增生占有一定比例,尤以单侧眼发生较多。1 临床症状 患犬内眼角长出一浅红色或粉红色的肿物,随着病程延长,肿物颜色逐渐变深。病犬眼发痒、流泪,如不及时治疗,还可继发结膜炎、角膜炎等。患犬体温、呼吸、脉搏、食欲和精神状态变化不大。2 手术治疗 手术摘除是本病最有效的治疗方法。保定患犬用氯胺酮进行全身麻醉,按3~5mg/kg体重1次性肌注,待确实麻醉后,患犬侧卧保定,将0.1%肾上腺素3~4滴于增生哈德氏腺和内眼角上,用…  相似文献   
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