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Dry Matter Production, CO2 Exchange, Carbohydrate and Nitrogen Content of Winter Wheat at Elevated CO2 Concentration and Drought Stress
Methods of mathematical modelling and simulation are being used to an increasing degree in estimating the effects of rising atmospheric CO2 concentration and changing climatic conditions on agricultural ecosystems. In this context, detailed knowledge is required about the possible effects on crop growth and physiological processes. To this aim, the influence of an elevated CO2 concentration and of drought stress on dry matter production, CO2 exchange, and on carbohydrate and nitrogen content was studied in two winter wheat varieties from shooting to milk ripeness. Elevated CO2 concentration leads to a compensation of drought stress and at optimal water supply to an increase of vegetative dry matter and of yield to the fourfold value. This effects were caused by enhanced growth of secondary tillers which were reduced in plants cultivated at atmospheric CO2 concentration. Analogous effects in the development of ear organs were influenced additionally by competitive interactions between the developing organs. The content and the mass of ethanol soluble carbohydrates in leaves and stems were increased after the CO2 treatment and exhausted more completely during the grain filling period after drought stress. Plants cultivated from shooting to milk ripeness at elevated CO2 concentration showed a reduced response of net photosynthesis rate to increasing CO2 concentration by comparison with untreated plants. The rate of dark respiration was increased in this plants.  相似文献   
Germinating seeds and young plants of winter rape var. Górczañski were vernalized for 56–63 days under conditions of 9-hour day, at the temperature 2 and 5 °C and in continuous darkness at the temperature 2 °C. After vernalization the plants grew under conditions enabling to complete vernalization: in a glass-house at the temperature day/night 15/10 °C and in semi natural conditions of open vegetation hall in the period from June till August. After sub-optimal vernalization further growth of the plants at lowered temperature increased its effectiveness (completion of vernalization). Depending on the degree of the vernalization of the plants the completion of their vernalization was both obligatory, i.e. conditioning the acquisition of the ability of generative development, and facultative i.e. accelerating this development. It has been demonstrated that the population of plants of the examined variety is strongly differentiated not only with respect of vernalization requirements in the particular plants, but also what regards the effectiveness of vernalization completion. New observations have been made indicating that the mechanisms controlling the successive phases of generative development, i.e. phase of forming flower buds and the flowering phase are not identical which may be interpreted as indicating that the "flowering factor" is polymorphous.  相似文献   
在冬期施工,对于土方开挖、钢筋绑扎、人员的通行、砼的浇铸、砼的温度控制,基坑的保温等都带来一定困难,为此提出了深基坑锻锤基础才是最佳实践应用。  相似文献   
Two-year field trials with winter wheat cultivars Batis and Toronto were conducted in Southern Bavaria, Germany, to investigate the possible causes of cultivar differences in response to N supply varying in total amount and time of application. Cultivar-related differences in grain yields were observed in treatments with low and medium N supply. High doses of N supply resulted in grain yield adjustment or grain yield advantage for cv. Toronto. The results of this study revealed a consistent, genotypic pattern in response to N fertilization in spite of strong seasonal effects. Systematic modifications in canopy growth rates in response to N supply were of particular relevance and a main factor for differences in tillering intensity resulting in modified stand densities. In the present study, cultivar differences in spike development and interactions with N supply related more to abortion than to initiation processes for number of spikelets and number of flowers per spikelet. High grain density (grains per m2) of cv. Toronto was evident during reproduction stages even under conditions of medium N supply. However, decreased growth rates during the later part of grain filling in combination with low 1000 grain weight, which was barely modified by N fertilization, allowed only partial utilization of this potential. It is assumed that sink limitations were of particular relevance for grain yield development in cv. Toronto, while cv. Batis combined a less intense response to N supply with more stability in the development of grain yield components.  相似文献   
准确、及时地监测区域作物长势状况对农业规划和政策的制定与调整具有重要的意义。遥感技术作为一种收集大面积作物长势信息的有效手段,正日益受到关注。为提高冬小麦长势遥感监测的准确性和全面性,该研究基于田间实测的冬小麦拔节期地上鲜生物量(aboveground fresh biomass,AFB)、叶面积指数(leaf area index,LAI)、叶片叶绿素相对含量(soil and plant analyzer development,SPAD)和叶片氮含量(leaf nitrogen content,LNC)4种生长相关理化参数,利用熵值法获取各参数权重构建冬小麦理化复合参数(physico-chemical composite parameter,PCCP)。利用显著性检验和籽粒产量数据分析复合参数在量化冬小麦长势方面的性能。然后,以Sentinel-2A作为数据源,分析不同遥感指数与LAI、SPAD、AFB、LNC和PCCP的相关性。选取相关性较高的遥感指数作为反向传播(back propagation,BP)人工神经网络(artificial neural networks,ANN)的输入,建立冬小麦长势遥感监测模型,对PCCP进行估计。评价模型精度并用于监测研究区冬小麦长势分布特征。赋权结果表明,作物物理参数的权重大于生化参数,其中LAI的权重最大,为0.387,AFB和SPAD次之,LNC的权重最小,为0.105;PCCP性能评估结果表明,与单一理化参数相比,PCCP值能更好地揭示作物长势状况的差异,其与最终籽粒产量的相关性更好, 决定系数提高0.035~0.468,均方根误差减少46.2~520.0 kg/hm2;在遥感监测过程中,PCCP比单一理化参数有更好的应用潜力,BP-ANN长势遥感监测模型模拟PCCP精度较高,在测试集中决定系数为0.830,均方根误差为0.080;研究区冬小麦总体长势稳定且分布集中,呈现"中部差,南北好"的空间分布特征。因此,构建作物理化复合参数用于量化作物长势是提高长势监测可靠性和准确性的一种有效方式,可为冬小麦田间管理提供科学依据,服务于发展智慧农业和建设农业强国的战略需求。  相似文献   
为掌握黄海北部辽宁近岸海域鳀(Engraulis japonicus)产卵场的分布特征及其关键环境因子,基于2021年4—12月开展的产卵场综合调查获取的鳀样品及其鱼卵密度数据,运用Garrison重心分布法阐释鳀产卵洄游分布特征及其主产卵期;通过基于Tweedie分布的广义可加模型(generalized additive model, GAM)的构建,分析主产卵期内鳀卵密度与同步获取的海水表层温度(SST)、海水表层盐度(SSS)、海水表层叶绿素浓度(Chla)、浮游动物丰度(Fd)、浮游植物丰度(Fz)和深度(Depth)等6个环境因子,以及时间(月份,Month)和空间(经纬度、Lon和Lat)因子之间关系,并识别主控因子。结果显示,海域内鳀产卵期较长,由4月持续至11月,5—8月为主产卵期,其中,5—6月为产卵盛期。鳀产卵场规模和位置时空变化明显,时空因子与鳀卵密度分布呈密切非线性相关(累积偏差解释率为48.1%),(SST, SSS) (18.7%)和Depth (5%)次之。鳀产卵期适温范围较广,产卵场分布表现出高温高盐(低温低盐)增效作用和高温低盐限制作用。产卵初期(4月),鳀产卵场规模和鱼卵密度均较低,产卵重心位于海洋岛东南侧深水区;盛期(5月底—6月初)在SST主导下,鳀产卵场规模和鱼卵密度均至年内最高值,核心产卵场位于石城岛–庄河河口一带海域;此后,随着辽南沿岸水系盐度的下降,高温低盐的抑制作用使SSS因素主导产卵鱼群避开沿岸海域,鳀产卵场迁移至外海深水区,7月后位于30~50 m等深线之间;9—10月鳀繁殖活动基本结束,10月鳀卵仅零星分布于调查海域,直至12月未有鳀卵采获。研究可为黄海北部辽宁近岸海域鳀产卵场研究及鳀资源合理开发利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   
为研究不同接种方法和接种时期对玉米拟轮枝镰孢穗腐病(Fusarium verticillioides ear rot,FER)抗性鉴定的影响,选取高抗×高抗、高抗×高感、高感×高感组合各3份,2022年在北京顺义和河南新乡分别用针刺果穗注射法与双牙签法在玉米吐丝后5、10、15 d进行接种。结果表明,吐丝后5、10和15 d接种,针刺果穗注射法分别比双牙签法的平均病情严重度高6.3%、3.9%和1.8%;吐丝后5 d接种,不同组合采用针刺果穗注射法接种未达到显著差异,采用双牙签法达到极显著差异(P<0.01);吐丝后10 d和15 d接种,不同组合使用针刺果穗注射法均达到极显著(P<0.01)差异,牙签法均未达到显著差异。采用双牙签法接种时,建议吐丝后5 d接种;采用针刺果穗注射法接种时,建议吐丝后10~15 d接种。  相似文献   
【目的】分析减量施肥对冬小麦休闲期农田杂草物种多样性及生态化学计量特征的影响,旨在为化肥农药“双减”政策产生的生态环境效应科学评价提供参考。【方法】以陕西杨凌曹新庄试验地冬小麦肥料试验为基础,设置不施肥(CK)、减量施肥(氮(N)、磷(P2O5)用量分别为165和122 kg/hm2)和常规施肥(N、P2O5用量分别为220和160 kg/hm2)3个处理,测定不同处理小麦产量及夏季休闲期农田杂草的生物量、株高、盖度、多度、频度、丰富度,以及藜、狗尾草和马唐的有机碳、全氮、全磷含量,计算植物多样性指标及生态化学计量比(C/N、C/P、N/P),研究减量施肥对农田杂草物种多样性及生态化学计量特征的影响。【结果】与对照相比,减量施肥和常规施肥处理均对冬小麦休闲期农田杂草的生物量、株高、盖度、多度、频度有明显影响,冬小麦籽粒产量和杂草生物量增加;施肥处理藜和地锦草的株高和生物量均显著增加,其他农田杂草的株高和生物量总体降低。与对照相比,施肥处理苋的有机碳含量以及藜、狗尾草、马唐和葎草的全氮含量均显著增加,藜、马唐全磷含量显著降低。相较于常规施肥,减量施肥处理狗尾草全磷含量显著降低。与对照相比,减量施肥和常规施肥处理藜、狗尾草和马唐氮磷比和碳磷比总体显著增加,碳氮比显著降低。相对于常规施肥处理,减量施肥处理缓解了藜和马唐氮磷比的增加幅度。与对照相比,施肥处理的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数和Margalef丰富度指数均显著降低;与减量施肥处理相比,常规施肥处理Pielou均匀度指数与丰富度显著降低。植物β多样性指数表明,常规施肥对小区植物多样性的影响最大。【结论】减量施肥和常规施肥处理冬小麦休闲期农田杂草的物种多样性均明显降低,但减量施肥处理缓解了常规施肥对农田杂草生物多样性和生态化学计量特征的影响。  相似文献   
没食子酸对水稻细菌性条斑病防治作用的持效期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)检测没食子酸(gallic acid,简称GA)在水稻叶片上的残留时间,并在检测水稻叶片上残留量的同时接种病原菌,调查接种后水稻细菌性条斑病的发病情况,以确定GA在水稻叶片上对水稻细菌性条斑病防治作用的持效期。研究结果表明,GA不具有内渗作用,只残留在水稻叶片的表面。分别用100、200和400 mg/L的浓度处理叶片后,GA在叶片表面的残留时间分别为16、24和28 d。200 mg/L浓度处理叶片后,GA对水稻细菌性条斑病防治作用的持效期为16 d。研究结果可为有效使用GA防治水稻细菌性条斑病奠定基础。  相似文献   
气候变化对陇东冬小麦生态影响特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黄土高原比较有典型代表性的残塬"董志塬"的变暖及冬小麦生态响应特征进行研究,发现"董志塬"近35 a来年平均增温线性趋势达0.0505℃,增温表现出平均气温、最高气温、最低气温同时上升,且冬春季增温速度最快,秋季次之,夏季增温最平缓;增温对冬小麦的生态影响主要体现在全生育期(线性趋势0.91 d/a)、越冬期(线性趋势0.85 d/a)显著缩短,春季发育期普遍提前(返青期以0.57 d/a的线性趋势提前,拔节期以0.42 d/a的线性趋势提前,成熟期以0.48 d/a的线性趋势提前),而春季各发育期间间隔日数并未出现缩短的趋势.认为气候变暖对当地农业生产有利有弊,气候变暖,尤其冬春气温显著升高将导致越冬期土壤水分损耗增大,春旱加剧,不利于春季农业生产;另一方面冬小麦全生育期缩短,成熟期提前,能有效提高复种指数和土地利用率.  相似文献   
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