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植物叶组织弹性模量新的计算方法   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
总结了以往几种植物组织总体体积弹性模量ε的计算方法,并推导出另外两种新的计算弹性模暑的公式。用各公式对几个树种各自的同一条PV曲线的数据计算出ε值,结果表明,同一组数据用不同公式计算的弹性模量的值不相同,有的差异很大。文章初步讨论了不同的公式产生误差的原因。根据数学推导过程我们认为新公式最准确.  相似文献   
果实裂果影响因子研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
裂果是一类生理性病害,果实开裂后既影响外观,又容易受到病菌的侵染出现浆烂果,果实商品价值严重降低并造成重大经济损失。笔者从果实的表型特征、遗传因素、生理特性、矿质元素、环境、植物生长调节剂、栽培措施等方面对裂果的影响因子进行了分析,并就今后研究的方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   
The effect of vapour pressure deficit, temperature and radiation on the postharvest susceptibility of gerbera flowers toB. cinerea, on the water relations of gerbera flowers and on the lesion formation after conidial infection ofB. cinerea was studied. The temperature range in whichB. cinerea could germinate and growin vitro is 5–30 °C. In climate chamber experiments flowers had more lesions ofB. cinerea at temperatures of 20 and 25 °C than at 10 and 15°C. At 15, 20 and 25°C the infectivity ofB. cinerea conidia was negatively affected during a storage-period of 7 days. At a vapour pressure deficit (VPD) of 200 Pa significantly more conidia ofB. cinerea were infective than at 800 Pa. At a VPD of 800 Pa the susceptibility of gerbera flowers forB. cinerea was not significantly different than at 200 Pa. High radiation levels in glasshouses in spring and summer negatively influenced the infectivity of conidia ofB. cinerea on the flower surface, but did not affect the susceptibility of gerbera flowers forB. cinerea. In spring and early summer conidia lost their infectivity at high radiation levels, high temperatures and high levels of VPD. In summer gerbera flowers could be more susceptible toB. cinerea because of high temperatures in glasshouses, but the negative effect of radiation on the conidia ofB. cinerea seemed to overrule the temperature effect. Thus, the numbers of lesions in spring and summer can be low compared with the numbers in other seasons, although the numbers ofB. cinerea colonies on spore traps can be high. The effect of temperature on the susceptibility of gerbera flowers can probably be explained by changes of water status in the petals. At higher temperatures the number of lesions and the turgor (=water potential—osmotic potential) in the petals increased. Temperatures <10°C during lesion formation (RH>95% and VPD<50 Pa) had a temporary negative effect on the number of lesions. After 3 days of incubation the numbers of lesions were about equal (30 lesions/cm2) from 5 to 20°C. At 30°C no lesion formation was observed even after 3 days.  相似文献   
京西山区人工林水分参数的研究(Ⅱ)   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
应用PV技术研究了京西山区油松、侧柏、白皮松、栓皮栎、元宝枫、刺槐及火炬树等7个树种人工林水分参数(膨压)、ε(细胞弹性模量)及RCV(细胞体积比)的季节变化及其相互关系,研究表明:(1)膨压与叶水势呈良好的线性关系,但参数α(保持最大膨压)和b(渗透调节能力)因树种不同及季节变化有较大的差异;(2)最大体积弹性模量(ε ̄(max))没有明显的季节变化规律,但树种之间的差异是比较明显的,其中侧柏的ε ̄(max)值最小,白皮松的ε ̄(max)值最大;(3)和ε随RCV(细胞体积比)的变化因树种和季节不同而异,在与RCV的关系中,油松和侧柏呈“直线型”,白皮松和4种阔叶树种则呈“指数型”.ε与RCV的关系却有5种类型,即“山峰型”(如油松、侧柏、元宝枫、栓皮栋等),“S型”(如白皮松、生长初期的元宝枫)、“指数型”(如刺槐、火炬树及生长初期的栓皮栎)、“对数型”(如生长初期和落叶期的火炬树)及“直线型”(如落叶期的栓皮株和元宝枫).这些类型是反映树木渗透调节能力大小的重要标志。  相似文献   
For examining links between growth of salinity-exposed cotton and corresponding changes in physiological characters, a bioregulator was used as a tool for specific manipulations. Greenhouse-grown cotton ( Gossy-pium birsutum L. cv. Paymaster 145 ) was subjected to NaCl levels up to 14.9 dS m−1. The bioregulator MCBuTTB, a cytokinin analog with known ability in improving growth and yield in several salt-stressed crops, was applied by imbiding seed (0 or 268 ppm) plus one foliar spray in dosages equaling 0, 1, and 3 kg ha−1 at 45 DAP. MCBuTTB improved germination, growth, flowering, and finally boll weight. This result coincided with lower osmotic and higher water potentials in leaves, higher leaf turgidity, and more agilely reacting stomata. Treated plants had higher K and preferably Na concentrations in its leaves but ion accumulation was not a precondition for osmotic adjustments, because in cotton exposed to a manmtol-simulated drought MCBuTTB triggered a similar osmotic adjustment and sustained vigour. Regression analyses indicated that osmotic adjustment alone did not cause the raised leaf turgidity. All characters which contribute to salinity resistance appeared as mutually depending and interacting but they respond to a regulatory agent of cytokinin-like activity.  相似文献   
用P-V技术研究了冬小麦苗期、拔节期和孕穗期功能叶膨压维持方式。结果表明,在水分胁迫条件下,各时期小麦叶片均产生渗透调节能力,水分胁迫越重,渗透调节能力越强。苗期中度水分胁迫使叶组织|β|和EVm减小,弹性改善。拔节期和孕穗期水分胁迫使组织弹性减小,而且,水分胁迫越重,叶组织弹性越差。说明除苗期渗透调节和弹性调节并存外,在小麦生育中后期,干旱条件下叶片主要靠渗透调节维持膨压,不存在弹性调节能力。  相似文献   
橡胶树乳管膨压的测定技术及其变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
橡胶树胶乳是其韧皮部乳管在受到伤害胁迫后排出的液体细胞质。胶乳的再生和排出均与乳管膨压存在一定关联。本文综述了橡胶树乳管膨压的测定技术及其变化规律的研究结果,发现现有的几种乳管膨压测定技术均存在一定缺憾,对乳管膨压变化规律的研究也因测定方法等的限制不够深入、系统,且未与目前生产上普遍使用的乙烯利刺激割胶制度联系起来;并展望了将植物细胞压力探针技术改进后用于橡胶树乳管膨压测定研究的可能性。  相似文献   
Tan  Weixing  Hogan  Gary D. 《New Forests》1997,14(1):19-31
The morphological and physiological responses to nitrogen (N) limitation in jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) seedlings were studied following the initiation of four different dynamic N treatments for six and 15 weeks. The N treatments produced needle N concentrations from 11 to 31 mg g-1dry weight, and seven-fold difference in dry weight at 15 weeks. Low-N jack pine seedlings: 1) had an higher root/shoot ratio; 2) extended their tap root more rapidly; 3) were better able to maintain turgor when shoot water potential declined; and 4) had a larger dry weight fraction and apoplasmic fraction than seedlings with higher foliar N concentrations. These responses may contribute collectively to enhance drought tolerance in N-limited plants, thereby affecting seedling quality. Modifying nursery fertilization regimes, other than optimal as usually applied, may thus be needed to produce stock for use on particularly droughty sites. Knowledge of the nature of drought at a particular site could be an important consideration when making decisions related to fertilization.  相似文献   
Drought and salinity are two of the most important factors limiting the lemon yield in south-eastern Spain. The effects of drought and salt stress, applied independently, on water relations, osmotic adjustment and gas exchange in the highest evapotranspiration period were studied to compare the tolerance and adaptive mechanisms of 13-year-old ‘Fino 49’ lemon trees, in immature and mature leaves. The study was carried out in an experimental orchard located in Torre Pacheco (Murcia). Three treatments were applied: Control, well-irrigated; drought-stress (DS), non-irrigated from 15th May to 7th July and salinity, irrigated with 30 mM NaCl from 1st March to 7th July. At the end of the experiment, only DS trees showed a decreased leaf stem water potential (Ψmd). Under DS conditions, both types of leaf lost turgor and did not show any osmotic or elastic mechanism to maintain leaf turgor. Osmotic adjustment was the main tolerance mechanism for maintenance of turgor under salt stress, and was achieved by the uptake of Cl ions. Gas-exchange parameters were reduced by DS but not by salinity, stomatal closure being the main adaptive mechanism for avoidance of water loss and maintenance of leaf turgor. Salinity gave rise to greater Cl accumulation in mature than in immature leaves. The increase of proline in immature leaves due to DS indicates greater damage than in mature leaves.  相似文献   
京西山区人工林水分参数的研究(Ⅰ)   总被引:21,自引:5,他引:21  
应用PV技术研究了京西山区油松、侧柏、白皮松、栓皮栎、元宝枫、刺槐及火炬树等7个树种人工林水分参数ψw ̄(tlP)(膨压为零时的渗透势)、ψs ̄(sat)(饱和含水量时的最大渗透势)及ψw(叶水势)的季节变化。研究表明:①在自然条件下,树木叶水势的季节变化主要决定于土壤水分状况的好坏,因而它是反映土壤水分季节变化规律及树木受旱程度的良好指标,②供试树种的水分参数ψw ̄(tlP)和ψs ̄(sat)都有其季节性变化规律,这种变化规律主要与树木的物候特点有关,而与土壤水分状况没有明显的关系,②在一个生长期内,树木展叶和嫩枝生长的春季和夏初,是树木耐旱能力最弱的时期,重点研究这一时期树木的耐旱特点具有十分重要的意义。④在维持膨压的能力方面树种之间的差异是十分明显的,其中针叶树种明显强于阔叶树种。依据ψw ̄(tlP)的年均值来比较树种耐旱能力的大小,其顺序由强至弱为侧柏、白皮松、油松、栓皮栎、元宝枫、火炬树、刺槐,这一结果与野外的实际观察相吻合,也与苗木耐旱性的研究结果基本一致。  相似文献   
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