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本文综述了奶牛繁殖疾病的发病原因和调控措施,分析认为奶牛的营养状况是影响奶牛繁殖力的重要因素。理想的奶牛管理应做到整个泌乳期始终监测奶牛的体况和奶牛日粮中微量元素的维生素的含量,避免营养素的不平衡而引发的奶牛繁殖障碍,同时应避免奶牛过肥或过瘦。适当补充某些维生素和矿物质十分重要。  相似文献   
等离子体光谱分析表明:研究的10种蜂蜜均含有人体所需的多种矿物元素。人体血浆中Cu/Zn,K/Na,Ca/Mg比与身体状况密切相关。研究表明荞麦蜜的Cu/Zn比最高,K/Na比也较高,而K/Na,Ca/Mg比以枣花蜜为最高。食用蜂蜜的人将受蜂蜜中矿物元素的影响而改善这些价值,有益于健康。  相似文献   
对两个番茄品种,吸钾量的研究表明,“渝抗二号”番茄对K^+的吸收率较高,“早丰”番茄地上部分K^+的分配较多。当用NaNO3代替营养液中的KNO3后,K^+的分配比例与完全培养液中的植株相似,但分配到地上部的比例较小。加Na^+后,“渝抗二号”植株的叶和茎中的含K^+量比“早丰”更多,表明不同番茄品种在不同的K^+和Na^+环境中,有着明显不同的离子吸收和分配机制。  相似文献   
Data from six primiparous and nine multiparous Holstein cows were used to clarify the difference of Ca and P mobilization between primiparous and multiparous cows during early lactation. The dry matter intake (DMI) of primiparous cows was lower (P < 0.01) than those of multiparous cows. Milk yield was lower in primiparous cows at 7, 14, 21 (P < 0.01), and 28 days (P < 0.05) after parturition. There was no significant difference in milk Ca and P concentrations between primiparous and multiparous cows. There were no significant differences in plasma Ca and P concentrations between primiparous and multiparous cows. The plasma P level at 7 days postpartum in primiparous cows was lower (P < 0.05) than 28 days postpartum. The concentration of plasma osteocalcin (OC) measured as bone formation marker of primiparous cows was significantly higher than multiparous cows (P < 0.01) at 21 and 28 days postpartum. The urinary deoxypyridinoline (DPD) as bone resorption marker of primiparous cows tended to be higher (P < 0.10) than multiparous cows at 21 days after parturition and decreased to the same level as that of multiparae toward the peak lactation. These results show that Ca and P mobilization of primiparous cows are more active than multiparous cows.  相似文献   
研究了不同施肥处理和刈割日期对杂交狼尾草Ca、P和Mg含量的影响及其与家畜营养的关系,结果表明,有机肥的施用显著降低了植株Ca含量,对植株P和Mg含量无显著影响;随无机氮施用水平的提高,杂交狼尾草植株Ca和Mg含量显著提高,P含量显著降低;植株Ca、Mg含量均随刈割日期的推迟而显著提高,植株磷含量随刈割日期的推迟呈先降后升的规律;根据NRC推荐的饲养标准(奶牛、肉牛和绵羊),所有处理杂交狼尾草植株Mg含量均能满足家畜的需要,Ca:P为(0.95~2.67):1;利用杂交狼尾草饲喂高产奶牛时,应注意日粮中Ca、P的添加.  相似文献   
Conventional feedstuffs in Brazil are expensive, which has led to the search for less conventional cheaper and locally available feedstuffs. Thus, this study was carried out to determine the dietary effect of dry sweet potato vines (SPV) on the performance and some carcass characteristics of rabbits. A total of twenty‐seven weaned White New Zealand rabbits (14 male and 13 female) 35 days old with an average initial weight of 755 g were allocated into three treatments. Nine rabbits were assigned to each treatment in a completely randomized design. Three diets were formulated to similar protein and energy levels: 0SPV – diet without inclusion of dry sweet potato vines; 10SPV – diet with 10% alfalfa hay replaced by dry sweet potato vines; and 15SPV – diet with 15% of alfalfa hay replaced by dry sweet potato vines. The experiment lasted for 49 days during which data for feed intake and body weight were recorded. The daily feed intake ranged from 73.17 to 78.02 g; daily weight gain from 22.32 to 23.17 g; feed conversion ratio (FCR) from 3.16 to 3.49 and final live weight ranged from 1839.44 to 1880.55 g. None of the evaluated performance parameters as well as carcass weight, heart weight and percentages of fat and protein in meat were significantly affected by any of the tested dietary treatments. However, the liver weight was statistically lower in animals fed the diets containing 10% of SPV, mainly due to lower glucose content. Glycogen within the tissue, did not differ significantly among treatments. It was therefore concluded that up to 15% of SPV can successfully be included in the diet of rabbits as a cheaper replacement for alfalfa hay without adversely affecting performance.  相似文献   
为指导消费者选购整体营养价值高的鲜牛奶,以及优化鲜牛奶供给结构,本文借鉴瑞典锁孔(Keyhole)标识、较健康选择标志、指引星标签、选择标识、NuVal评分标签的营养素度量法以及评价鲜牛奶的营养成分、信息显示形式等国外实践经验,构建富含营养素食物(NRF)9.3模型,对《中国食物成分表》(第6版第2册)收录的鲜牛奶(全脂,光明鲜牛奶)、鲜牛奶(全脂,现代牧场鲜牛奶)、鲜牛奶(全脂,完达山鲜牛乳)、鲜牛奶(全脂,辉山鲜博士鲜牛奶)、鲜牛奶(全脂,一鸣鲜牛奶)、鲜牛奶(全脂,新希望千岛湖牧场鲜牛奶)6种鲜牛奶营养数据开展营养评价。结果发现,6种鲜牛奶的NRF 9.3值均大于0,每418.4 kJ的鼓励性营养成分含量均高于限制性营养成分含量,但这些鲜牛奶间的营养价值差别不大。虽然6种鲜牛奶适用于评分、评级FOP标签方案,但鲜牛奶仅能以2~3星级展示,不及评分的区分度高,更适合采用评分型方案。  相似文献   
茶园生物菌肥的营养效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究腊状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus megaterium)、K1菌株(胶质芽孢杆菌)(Bacillus mucilaginosus)及K2(胶质芽孢杆菌)、K3(胶质芽孢杆菌),两类细菌在实验室条件下的解磷、解钾作用,通过对特定波长、不同pH值条件下培养液的吸光度来确定单位体积菌数的多少,结果显示,在pH值为5.5~6.5之间的吸光度较高,即这些菌株能在此pH值范围内较好生长。将菌株发酵液与菜籽饼混合,配制成生物菌肥施入茶园土壤具有提高土壤速效养分含量、促进茶树新梢生长、增加茶叶产量的效果。结果表明:所选菌株作为菌种配制茶园生物菌肥,对提高土壤肥力,促进茶树生长,增加茶叶产量均有较好效果。  相似文献   
湖南省麦迪卡药石(MEDCAL STONE)资源丰富,质量优良,具有富硅、富钾、富微量元素和离子轻稀土的特点,具有很强的吸附性能,可溶出多种有益矿物质,增加水中氧的含量,调节水的pH值,生物活性强,对防治疾病具有重要作用。经过近20 a的研究,农业上应用在作物施肥、药膳食疗等方面,均有极好的社会、经济效益。同时,产地水土、森林、人文资源特好,生态景观优美,不但是天然的无公害农业基地,也是发展休闲农业、旅游农业的"风水宝地"。  相似文献   
[目的]以3种矮化砧木做中间砧嫁接早金香梨,进行矮砧嫁接树矮化效应及叶片矿质元素含量研究.[方法]根据公式计算致矮系数;分别采用凯氏法、钒钼黄比色法和火焰光度法测定N、P、K含量,Ca、Mg、Fe、Zn含量的测定采用原子吸收光度法.[结果](1)3个矮化砧木对早金香梨嫁接树均有显著的致矮作用,致矮效果由大到小依次为:中矮2号> 82-5>中矮1号;(2)早金香梨嫁接树叶片中,被测矿质元素均与对照有极显著差异,其中,中矮1号、82-5做矮化砧的嫁接树叶片中,N、Ca、Mg、Fe含量均表现升高的趋势,Fe分别升高了66.5;和53.6;;而中矮2号做矮化砧的嫁接树叶片中,所测定的矿质元素的含量均有不同程度的下降,其中K和Ca的降低程度均超过了10;.[结论]中矮2号为矮化砧木类型,82-5、中矮1号为半矮化砧木类型;中矮1号、82-5矮化中间砧能促进嫁接树对矿质元素的吸收,尤其是对Fe的吸收,而中矮2号矮化中间砧作用相反,需增施肥加以改善.  相似文献   
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