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The cumulative cardiotoxicity that occurs as a result of doxorubicin chemotherapy is irreversible and can affect both quality and quantity of life for the cancer patient. Cardiac troponin I (cTnI) is a sensitive and specific marker of cardiomyocyte death. The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate serum concentrations of cTnI in dogs with lymphoma or osteosarcoma given doxorubicin chemotherapy, and with known cardiac outcome, based on a minimum assessment by physical examination and thoracic radiography. Serum samples were also available for cTnI measurement from seven healthy dogs given intracoronary doxorubicin. Serial serum samples obtained before, during and after doxorubicin chemotherapy showed increased cTnI concentrations in some clinical patients following chemotherapy (P = 0.0083 compared to baseline), but this did not correlate with clinical signs of cardiomyopathy. In dogs that subsequently developed cardiomyopathy however, serum cTnI concentrations were elevated before clinical signs became evident (confirmed with echocardiography).  相似文献   
我国每年都能查扣到多起非法走私大量马来穿山甲鳞片进入境内的案件,由于不知如何根据鳞片来估计个体数量,而给森林公安机关立案、量刑与处罚带来极大不便。通过统计9头马来穿山甲鳞片的数目(Sm)、鲜重(Sfw)、干重(Sdw),分别获得了以Sm、Sfw、Sdw为参数来估计马来穿山甲个体数量(N)的3个方程,它们是①Sm/929.8≤N≤Sm/681.8;②Sfw/835.4≤N≤Sfw/389.8;③Sdw/774.3≤N≤Sdw/367.9。执法部门在办理此类走私案件中能通过这些方程方便快捷地估算出走私物品的个体数量,能为同类案件的立案、量刑和处罚提供依据。  相似文献   
为了研究石榴杂种后代不同叶片颜色的成因,采用分光光度法对8个石榴杂种单株和2个亲本(母本豫大籽、父本突尼斯软籽)对照单株生长期叶片中叶绿素、类胡萝卜素和花青素含量进行了研究。结果表明,在生长初期,叶片表现红色的4个单株花青素含量均高于对照,其中5号单株花青素含量最高,达到4.12mg/g;叶片表现黄绿色的4个单株叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量的变化趋势与对照基本一致,其中4号单株叶绿素含量和叶绿素/类胡萝卜素的值最高,而3号单株叶绿素a/b最低。在生长旺盛期,8个石榴单株叶绿素、类胡萝卜素和花青素含量的变化趋势一致,与对照无明显差异。经方差分析,不同石榴单株在不同的生长期其叶绿素和类胡萝卜素含量均存在显著差异,不同石榴单株间花青素含量存在显著差异,而不同石榴单株在不同的生长期其叶绿素/类胡萝卜素的值无显著差异,可以初步得出石榴杂种后代间叶片颜色不同是由于生长期花青素、叶绿素含量和比值不同造成的。  相似文献   
个人课题的研究在教师专业成长过程中,发挥着重要的作用和影响。在个人课题的研究中,表现出有鲜明的特征、清晰的途径、重要的作用,这些方面对教师专业成长都有一定的积极的促进和影响。  相似文献   
1994-2003年在黄土高原半干旱区的陕西吴旗县、安塞县进行中国沙棘优良类型和俄罗斯优良沙棘品种引种试验,采用家系选择法初步筛选出5个中国沙棘生态经济型优良单株,对3个俄罗斯良种沙棘的生长适应性经济性状进行了评价。前者生长迅速、树冠好、根系发达、郁闭快、水土保持效益好,果实较大、单株产量较高、Vc和含油量较高,适于在黄土丘陵区种植;后者经济性状较好,果实大、无刺或少刺,但适应性较中国沙棘差。  相似文献   
Residues of antineoplastic drugs in canine excretion products may represent exposure risks to veterinary personnel, owners of pet dogs and other animal care‐takers. The aim of this study was to measure the extent and duration of platinum (Pt) excretion in pet dogs treated with carboplatin. Samples were collected before and up to 21 days after administration of carboplatin. We used validated, ultra‐sensitive, inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry assays to measure Pt in canine urine, faeces, saliva, sebum and cerumen. Results showed that urine is the major route of elimination of Pt in dogs. In addition, excretion occurs via faeces and saliva, with the highest amounts eliminated during the first 5 days. The amount of excreted Pt decreased over time but was still quantifiable at 21 days after administration of carboplatin. In conclusion, increased Pt levels were found in all measured excretion products up to 21 days after administration of carboplatin to pet dogs, with urine as the main route of excretion. These findings may be used to further adapt current veterinary guidelines on safe handling of antineoplastic drugs and treated animals.  相似文献   
准确提取单木树冠边界是获取森林数量参数的重要基础,是高分辨率遥感图像林业应用的技术难题。基于DOM航空影像数据源,采用面向对象的方法对研究区内的2个树种的林分进行了单木树冠边界提取研究。首先利用桉树和杉木的空间分布矢量数据对DOM航空影像进行掩膜处理,在掩膜区域内进行多层次多尺度图像分割得到初步树冠分割结果,并剔除非树冠信息;再以树冠信息种子对象为基础,使用区域增长算法对树冠信息种子对象增长得到单木树冠范围;最后使用形态学滤波的方法优化单木树冠边界,完成林区内桉树和杉木两类树种的单木树冠边界提取。结果表明,由于不同树种的树冠存在尺度和形态差异,进行单木树冠分割时需要设置不同的参数才能到达较好的分割效果。本研究中桉树和杉木的单木树冠提取总体精度分别为86.75%与89.21%,可满足林业部门获取森林单木树冠的精度需求。  相似文献   
四川省绵阳市农科所1991年用甘蓝型油菜双高隐性核不育系绵1AB-1作母本,品872—161—134作父本进行转育,F2代出现不育株进行成对兄妹交,经多代选择,培育出隐性核不育系绵7AB-4(双低)。以其不育系的不育性状为选择目标,从中分离纯化出2个农艺性状无明显差异、育性不同的株系,分别定为绵7AB-4-1和绵7AB-4-2,前者兄妹交和可育株自交的不育率分别为50%和25%,后者分别达到80%和60%。笔者对新材料绵7AB-4-2与其姊妹系绵7AB-4—1的农艺性状和SSR引物多态性进行研究,为其进行分子标记、克隆及进一步利用奠定基础。  相似文献   
长牡蛎和福建牡蛎分别是我国北方和南方沿海重要的养殖贝类。为比较分析二者的动态生长情况,实验基于动态能量收支理论(DEB),以连续监测的水温和叶绿素a浓度为强制因子,通过现场实验、模型调试和文献查阅等方式获取模型参数,利用Python 2.7软件分别构建了桑沟湾长牡蛎、深沪湾福建牡蛎的个体生长模型,并以两种牡蛎的实测生长数据进行验证。结果显示:①所构建的DEB模型能够较好地模拟长牡蛎、福建牡蛎的个体生长情况(壳高、软组织湿重等),模拟值与实测值之间相关性显著;②长牡蛎和福建牡蛎的温度耐受上限(TH)、温度耐受下限(TL)、半饱和常数(FH)等参数存在差异,这可能与不同海域的理化环境、食物组成及牡蛎的选择性摄食有关;③在模拟周期内,受温度和食物的双重限制,长牡蛎冬季生长缓慢,而福建牡蛎处于持续增长状态,期间主要受到食物的限制。本研究结果可为后续生态系统模型构建和牡蛎养殖容量评估提供基础数据。  相似文献   
Behavioural tracking of endangered adult Sakhalin taimen (Parahucho perryi) by acoustic telemetry was conducted in the Bekanbeushi River system that flows through eastern Hokkaido in 2008–2010. A total of 39 tracked P. perryi showed extensive use of the river system, both upstream and downstream, regardless of the month or year. No tracked adult P. perryi stayed in the ocean for more than 1 day. Some of the fish (20%) dwelled in upstream habitat consistently from spring to autumn, while 40% of individuals showed wide utilisation of the entire upstream and downstream systems. Although 39.4% of tracked fish utilised two or more primary tributaries to the main river, 6.1% used only the main river system. Distinct variability was observed between individuals based on the proportion of time spent in each stream reach (up‐, mid‐, and downstream). A trend was observed in 2008 and 2010 showing that tracked fish moved to the upper stream reaches when water temperatures downstream increased. This trend was not observed in 2009 when the summer water temperature downstream was more than 2 °C below average when compared to 2008 and 2010. Our results suggest that adult P. perryi in the Bekanbeushi River system exhibit high behavioural plasticity, that is, the fish can select habitats based on their own individual requirements. Our results also demonstrate the importance of physical continuity among river reaches both upstream and downstream such that P. perryi does not experience barriers in moving to optimal habitats.  相似文献   
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