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文章分析了莎士比亚名剧《麦克白》中的英雄麦克白堕落的原因,认为决定性原因在于麦克白自身,在于他未能抵制野心和权欲的诱惑,而其夫人的蛊惑和女巫的预言等仅仅是起催化作用的外因。文章指出麦克白最终的结局是他自己自觉选择的命运。  相似文献   
Sixty of the 65 dairy farms with cubicle houses in the Norwegian county of Oppland were included in a field study of the management of calving in 1990. The farmers recorded the location of the cow when giving birth, farmer presence and whether assistance was given during calving, occurrence of suckling, and time after birth when cow and calf were separated. Such data were recorded for a total of 1125 calvings. About 10% occurred on pasture, while 78% of the remaining calvings took place in the cubicle-equipped section. Thirteen percent calved in a calving pen, the remaining cows being tethered at the time of calving. Thirty-two percent of the calvings took place in houses lacking a calving pen altogether. Farmers were present during 41% of the calvings. Suckling most frequently occurred after pasture calvings, and was least frequent after calvings within the cubicle-equipped section of the cowhouse. Injuries to the calf caused by trampling or contact with fittings etc. were rare, and no more common in association with calving in the cubicle-equipped section than with calving taking place with the cow isolated from the rest of the herd. All calves were removed from their dams within 24 h after birth.  相似文献   
In order to survey the behaviour of choosing the alley area instead of a cubicle as a lying place (cubicle refusal), a questionnaire was sent to the 273 dairy farms in Norway known to keep cows in cubicle housing systems. Sixty-six percent of the farmers contacted were included in the study. The median herd size was 18 cows (range 7-118). More than 85% of the herds had sheds providing one or more cubicles per cow. The mean herd occurrence of cubicle refusal was 6%, but showed great variation (range 0-55%). Regression analysis showed a significant association between rearing heifers in slatted floor pens and an increased cubicle refusal occurrence (p = 0.02, R2 = 0.05), while herd size, use of litter, or cubicle-to-animal ratio were not found to be associated with cubicle refusal. The practice of rearing heifers in slatted floor pens accounted for about one half of the observed cubicle refusal (etiologic fraction = 0.51).  相似文献   
作为文化现象的"朱湘之死"的现象学阐释可能有多种,但主要与四个方面紧密相关融注了边缘、焦虑、精美、悲剧的文化身份;诗与人的清醒悖逆;"救赎诗"的自觉营构与乌托邦话语;"诗的救赎"的自为献祭."朱湘之死"是一种"理性死亡",也是一种"意向死亡",最终完成了诗人朱湘从"救赎诗"到"诗的救赎"的诗学之旅.  相似文献   
Fifty-nine of the 65 dairy farms with cubicle sheds in the Norwegian county of Oppland in 1990 were included in a study of rearing accommodation, cubicle refusal and mastitis incidence. The farmers recorded the favoured resting location of the individual cows and heifers throughout the final week of pregnancy as well as during calving. The observations were matched with individual records of mastitis cases during the first 30 days after calving. Mastitis incidence in the heifers was analysed by logistic regression using rearing accommodation and cubicle refusal as independent variables, controlling for herd as a clustering factor. Cubicle refusal was found in 29% of the heifers, but in only 3% of older cows. The results of the analysis indicated a tendency for cubicle refusal to be associated with an increased mastitis incidence among the heifers (OR = 2.2, c.i.95%OR = 0.9-5.4, P = 0.08). Cubicle refusal accounted for 21% (0-32%) of the mastitis cases in the study population (PAF = 0.21).  相似文献   
拒腐防变重在把握自我。法律的制约,制度的约束,群众的监督,这是拒腐防变的外部监控机制。然而,共产党员如果忽视自身世界观的改造,摆不正自己的位子,不能正确行使权力,在金钱、美女诱惑下就可能企图超越法律、摆脱监督、挺而走险,最终走上犯罪的道路。因此,要正确地认识自己,自觉地接受监督,把握人生航向,抵制各种腐朽思想的侵蚀,洁身自好,这是世界观改造的最基木要求。堤防首先要从自己的思想和行为筑起,才能立于不败之地。在当今物欲横流的社会,共产党员更要经得起各种环境的考验。  相似文献   
通过对出版活动的深入研究,作者首次发现了出版活动中贯穿始终的文化载体,以文化载体论为核心确立了出版科学在现代科学体系的独立地位。提出了出版科学的四个层次:即出版哲学、出版学、出版技术科学和出版技术,阐述了文化载体的结构与功能、历史演化和运行规律。  相似文献   
分析社会主义核心价值体系实现的概念,阐述社会主义核心价值体系教育实现的一般过程,分析大学生对社会主义核心价值体系自觉追求的特点,进而提出增强大学生对社会主义核心价值体系认同和自觉追求的几点思考。  相似文献   
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