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百合的9 个优良品种快速繁殖条件优化的研究表明,不同百合品种的鳞片分化小鳞茎能力有一定差异,高者达 86.0% ,低者仅13.0% ;低温处理可大大提高鳞片的分化率;不同部位的百合鳞片分化小鳞茎的能力不一,分化能力大小依次为下部、中部、上部;生长调节剂组合对百合鳞片分化能力和小鳞茎增殖也有较大的影响,最适宜鳞片分化的组合为 B A 0.5 m g· L- 1+ N A A 0.5 m g· L- 1,最佳的小鳞茎增殖的组合为 B A 1.0m g· L- 1+ N A A 0.1 m g· L- 1;适当提高蔗糖质量浓度对鳞茎的形成有促进作用,以100 g· L- 1效果最好.  相似文献   
ABA对‘西伯利亚’百合试管鳞茎发育及休眠的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
赵海涛  刘春  明军  穆鼎 《园艺学报》2010,37(3):428-434
 以东方百合杂种系的‘西伯利亚’百合(Lillium ‘Siberia’)为材料,研究了ABA 及其合成抑制剂氟啶酮(Fluridone)对试管鳞茎发育及休眠的影响,结果表明:在黑暗条件下生长原基只发育成鳞片,加入ABA 合成抑制剂Fluridone 后鳞片和鳞片叶同时生成,在含有Fluridone 的培养基中加入外源ABA 后,Fluridone 促进鳞片叶片生成的作用被逆转,说明外源ABA 可以抑制鳞片叶的生成。Fluridone可以降低鳞茎的休眠程度,当外源ABA 与其同时存在时,Fluridone 的这种作用会被逆转,说明外源ABA可以促进鳞茎休眠。鳞茎的休眠程度在15、20 和25 ℃培养条件下会随温度升高而加深,在25 ℃条件下鳞茎进入完全休眠,低浓度的外源ABA 对于15、20 和25 ℃条件下鳞茎的休眠没有促进作用,说明温度对休眠的影响可能不是通过ABA 发挥作用的,除了ABA 外还存在尚不清楚的物质影响着休眠形成。百合试管鳞茎休眠深浅与其形态发育没有直接的因果关系。  相似文献   
杂种朱顶红鳞片扦插繁殖技术研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
杂种朱顶红单鳞片扦插只在鳞片远轴面产生突起,不形成小仔球;双鳞片扦插能在内外鳞片的连结处形成小仔球,其中以外部位置,外鳞片厚、内鳞片薄类型生成的小仔球数多,且生根数多;6月份扦插比 4月份有利于小仔球的发育;湿度为 60 %~ 80 %的基质比湿度为 2 0 %~40 %的基质有利于小仔球的发育  相似文献   
Summary In vitro maintenance of plant organs can enhance programs in plant breeding and germplasm resources. In bulbous plants, such as onion (Allium cepa L.) and leek (A. ampeloprasum L.) induction and storage of in vitro bulblets could enable long term maintenance of special genotypes. In vitro cultivated seedlings of onion and leek were induced to form bulblets by increase in sucrose concentration (30, 50, 150 g/1), and addition of benzyladenine (BA-0, 12.5 mg/1), or ethephon (0, 5, 20 days). The highest bulbing ratios were obtained within combinations of sucrose and ethephon treatments. BA caused not only bulb swelling but also an increase of multiple adventitious shoot formation. Increasing the sucrose concentration and treatment with ethephon are used to obtain bulblets for in vitro storage under conditions of slow growth.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - BDS medium according to Dunstan & Short (1977) - BD maximal basis (bulb) diameter - BI bulbing index - BC basal callus - BS basal sprouting - ND bulb neck diameter  相似文献   
以野百合(Lilium brownii)籽球为试材,采用基质栽培,研究不同浓度磷酸二氢钾处理对野百合籽球生长及生理相关指标的影响。结果表明: 500~1 500 mg·L-1的磷酸二氢钾对野百合生长均有明显促进作用,能提高野百合叶绿素含量、根系活力,增加其籽球的可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖和淀粉含量。野百合生长的最适磷酸二氢钾浓度为1 500 mg·L-1,各指标与对照相比均达到了显著水平。其籽球重、根重、叶重分别比对照高66.29%,138.92%,71.17%;叶绿素含量、根系活力分别比对照高35.25%,198.10%;籽球的可溶性蛋白含量、可溶性糖含量和淀粉含量分别比对照高18.10%,40.81%,10.26%。  相似文献   
【目的】以东方百合品种明星无菌叶为材料建立快繁体系,为其种球产业化生产提供技术支撑。【方法】以花器官培养获得的无菌小鳞片及叶片为材料,以添加不同浓度6-BA、2,4-D的MS培养基诱导不定芽及小鳞茎产生;以不同浓度的蔗糖诱导小鳞茎的膨大及根的产生;以珍珠岩、草炭、蛭石的混合基质作为小鳞茎移栽基质。【结果】用6-BA诱导无菌小鳞片产生不定芽时以1.5 mg/L为宜,诱导率为75.0%;用2,4-D诱导无菌叶片产生小鳞茎时以2.0 mg/L为宜,诱导率为91.7%;添加70.0 g/L蔗糖的MS培养基适宜小鳞茎膨大及根的产生;带小鳞茎及根的组培苗在珍珠岩∶草炭∶蛭石=1∶1∶1的基质中移栽成活率最高,达100.0%。【结论】东方百合品种明星可利用无菌叶片建立无性快繁体系。  相似文献   
贮藏温度对百合试管鳞茎糖类含量及其萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 以百合试管鳞茎为材料,对其在-1℃和4℃贮藏期间碳水化合物变化与田间萌芽情况进行研究。结果表明:在低温贮藏过程中,碳水化合物变化趋势是淀粉含量下降,可溶性糖和还原糖的含量增加。4℃贮藏40d萌芽率可达到100%,50d后萌芽整齐度提高。试管鳞茎在4℃条件下贮藏50d时可溶性糖含量最高,且与萌芽率和萌芽整齐度表现一致,是解除休眠的最佳条件。  相似文献   
亚洲百合‘普瑞头’的组织培养及休眠小鳞茎获得的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以‘普瑞头’百合为试材,研究了百合鳞片分芽及生根的最佳培养基配方,对亚洲百合休眠小鳞茎的获得进行了探讨。结果表明:鳞片分芽的最佳培养基为MS+BA 1.0 mg/L+NAA 0.05~0.5 mg/L,生根培养基为1/4MS和1/4MS+N从0.5 mg/L;采用最佳配方25℃组织培养‘普瑞头’百合,培养120 d获得深度休眠的小鳞茎。  相似文献   
An efficient procedure is described for cultivar identification in lily, based on polymorphism in bulb scale proteins analysed by isoelectric focusing (IEF). Seventy (84%) out of 83 cultivars from which in vivo bulbs were analysed showed a unique banding pattern. Analysis of in vitro bulblets from 62 commercial cultivars resulted in 47 (76%) unique banding patterns. Cultivars with identical protein patterns always belonged to the same cultivars classification group (i.e., Asiatic hybrids, Oriental hybrids or Lilium longiflorum). Protein bands characteristic for the cultivar groups have been found. The protein patterns appeared to be very consistent and were not affected by the soil-type on which the bulbs were grown, long-term bulb storage, different protein sample storage methods, in vitro growing conditions, or in vitro bulblet storage. However, in six out of 10 cultivars from which in vivo bulbs and in vitro bulblets were analysed, protein patterns from in vivo bulbs consisted of a greater number of, and/or more intensely stained bands than those from in vitro bulblets of the same cultivar. The protein patterns appeared to be unsuitable markers for selection of reference cultivars for distinctness, uniformity and stability (DUS) testing as no relation was found between morphological characters and protein patterns. Cultivars with identical or very similar protein patterns were generally clearly distinct on the basis of morphological characters.  相似文献   
以东方百合‘Siberia’与新铁炮百合‘Sayaka’远缘杂交种的组培苗为试材,用正交实验方法筛选出最适合该组培苗诱导鳞茎培养基,并进一步研究不同浓度的JA、ABA对鳞茎增大的影响。结果表明:MS+0.2 mg/L 6-BA+0.06 mg/L NAA+85 g/L蔗糖为该远缘杂交种组培苗诱导成鳞茎的最适培养基,鳞茎平均直径达到10 mm;0.1 mg/L JA最有利于鳞茎的增大;0.5 mg/L ABA最适合鳞茎增大培养,ABA浓度越高鳞茎休眠越深。  相似文献   
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