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田间小棚繁殖烟蚜茧蜂的繁蜂效果研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了田间小棚繁殖烟蚜茧蜂的繁蜂效果,比较了在不同接蜂量和蚜量范围条件下的僵蚜数量及其羽化情况。接蜂量和接蜂时的蚜量是影响僵蚜数量的2个重要因素,以接蜂时的蚜量对繁蜂效果的影响更为明显。在接蜂量为蜂(♀)蚜比1∶100、蚜量范围2 000~3 000头/株的条件下,可获得较好的繁蜂效果,僵蚜的数量可达到8 000个/株以上。在繁蜂前期僵蚜的质量较高,僵蚜的羽化率可保持在90%以上,在繁蜂后期受重寄生蜂的影响,僵蚜的质量明显下降。应用田间小棚繁殖烟蚜茧蜂时,重寄生蜂是影响后期繁蜂质量的重要因素。  相似文献   
在关于混合态的海森堡不确定关系的基础上,研究了纯态和混合态的最小不确定性和压缩效应.虽然最小不确定态必定是纯态,但在某些并非最小不确定态的纯态或混合态中,依然可 以实现力学量不确定度的压缩.还给出了普通统计学的不确定关系,它们不涉及量子相干性却与量子力学的海森堡不确定关系具有相似的数学结构.  相似文献   
1987~1992年连续6年研究结果表明,白跗平腹小蜂Anastatusalbitarsis对马尾松毛虫Dendrolimuspunctatus、柳杉毛虫Dendrolimuslatipennis、水青蛾Actiasseteneningpoana等13种主要森林害虫卵有较明显的抑制作用。在林间,该蜂对马尾松毛虫第1、2代卵的自然抑制力分别力16.55%和22.29%,对柳杉毛虫越冬代卵的自然抑制力为23.45%;对水青蛾第1、2代卵的抑制力分别力5.49%和2.63%;在林间,人为释放白跗平腹小蜂对第1代马尾松毛虫卵的校正抑制力为33.5%,在室内12.3~28℃范围内,每头雌峰对马尾松毛虫、水青蛾和柞蚕剖腹卵的日破坏数(寄生数)分别力15、18和26粒,一生破坏数分别为56、91和208粒。即使虫卵即将孵化,该峰同样亦能寄生,并羽化出正常的子代白跗平腹小蜂。  相似文献   
研究结果表明,无论是香菇生料菌砖栽培,还是金针菇熟料袋栽,菌种世代的多少对产量均无明显的影响,这可能是由于菌种通过无性繁殖,遗传性变异甚小之故;研究结果还表明,金针菇菌丝生长的速度似乎有随着菌种工代的增多而加快的趋势,这窨是由于低代菌种自琼脂培养基移接天以杂本屑,棉籽壳等为主要原料的粗质培养基上的时间较短,适应酶的活性较弱,分解,利用高分子化合物的能力较差,故菌丝生长速度较为缓慢?还是由于其他原因  相似文献   
The infection process ofRhizoctonia solani AG-3 was studied on potato sprouts, cv. Bintje, in growth chamber trials at 15 °C. Initially hyphae ofR. solani grew predominantly in the longitudinal direction of the sprouts (runner hyphae). They tended to follow the junctions between epidermis cells as was observed by SEM. The hyphae formed side-branches mainly half-way of the subterranean parts of the sprouts. They branched several times with short swollen cells to form infection cushions. Lesions developed only underneath the infection cushions and were first observed five days after inoculation. The necrotic area was proportional to the area covered with infection cushions on the sprouts. Depth of the lesions could extend up to the vascular bundle. Sprouts were colonized only in healthy tissue in the epidermal layer underneath the infection cushion and in necrotic tissue. A few days after appearance of the lesions,R. solani formed brown, uninfective mycelium on and in the circumference of these lesions.Aldicarb did not influence any part of the infection process. Ethoprophos delayed the emergence of sprouts, but increased the number of sprouts per tuber. As soon as sprouts had emerged, growth was considerably promoted by ethoprophos. Ethoprophos delayed the appearance of lesions and reduced their size. Oxamyl showed the same effects to a smaller extent.As the size of lesions appears to be proportional to the size of the infection cushions, any agents that change the size of the infection cushions, such as pesticides or antagonists, may alter the severity of the disease.Samenvatting Het infectieproces vanRhizoctonia solani AG-3 werd bestudeerd op aardappelspruiten, cv. Bintje, in een klimaatcel bij 15C. Aanvankelijk groeide de schimmel met runnerhyfen voornamelijk in de lengterichting van de spruit. Via SEM kon waargenomen worden, dat de hyfen hierbij vooral over de begrenzingen van de epidermiscellen groeiden. Het mycelium vormde veel zijvertakkingen, bestaande uit iets gezwollen korte cellen, welke voornamelijk halverwege op het ondergrondse deel van de spruit gevormd werden. Een dichte massa van deze cellen vormde een infectiekussentje. Lesies, welke vanaf vijf dagen na inoculatie werden waargenomen, bevonden zich slechts onder spruitoppervlak bezet met infectiekussentjes. De lesiegrootte was recht evenredig met het spruitoppervlak dat bezet was met infectiekussentjes. De diepte van de lesies reikte tot aan de vaatbundels. De spruit werd alleen door de schimmel gekoloniseerd in gezond epidermisweefsel onder het infectiekussentje en in necrotisch weefsel. Enkele dagen na verschijning van lesies vormde R.solani bruin, niet infectieus, mycelium op en rondom de lesies.Aldicarb had geen effect op het infectieproces. Ethoprophos vertraagde de opkomst en verhoogde het aantal tot ontwikkeling gekomen spruiten per knol in gestoomd zand. Direct na opkomst had ethoprophos echter een sterk groeistimulerend effect. Ethoprophos vertraagde de lesievorming en reduceerde de lesiegrootte, vergeleken met onbehandelde planten. Oxamyl vertoonde deze effecten in geringere mate.Daar de lesiegrootte direct gecorreleerd blijkt met de grootte van het infectiekussentje, mag verwacht worden dat elke beïnvloeding van de ontwikkeling van het mycelium van R.solani, bijvoorbeeld door pesticiden of antagonisten, een verandering van de lesiegrootte ten gevolge heeft.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONIntheworldoftoday,theglobalclimatechangeanditsinfluenceonecologyhavebe-comeaveryimportantproblem,towhichmanyscientists,governnentleadersandordinarypcoplepaycloseattentionI1-'].Inl979,theWorldClimateResearchProgram(WCP)waslaiddowninthefirstworldclimatemeeting.lnl99(),thesecondworldclimatemeetingwasconvcl1edinGencva,andalltl1eexpertsagreedthattheglobalwarmlngwillbeextremelyseriousdisasterthananynatUralcalamityever.Attl1eMectingof"WorldEnvironmentandDevelopment,"holdinBrazil…  相似文献   
新疆石河子地区沙漠增温效应对绿洲农业影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
由于沙漠 ,绿洲 ,空气的比热等热性能不同 ,形成沙漠夏季温度明显高于绿洲 ,进而对绿洲地区增温 ,称沙漠增温效应。石河子地区 1 0 0 km范围内沙漠对绿洲的增温平均 1 .76℃ ( 1~ 2℃ ) ;根据绿洲距沙漠的远近与气温间存在的线性关系 ,回归方程为 :y=2 7.5 2 97- 0 .0 335 x。 r=- 0 .881 3*。沙漠增温效应对绿洲农业有多方面作用 ,形成夏季富照高温、秋季大日较差以及促成棉花在夏季的“冷害”等 ,深刻地影响绿洲特色农业、栽培技术及人们生活  相似文献   
塔里木河流域生态环境恶化的水文效应   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12  
塔里木河是我国最大的内陆河。 4条源流出山口多年平均天然径流量 2 2 4 .9× 10 8m3 (195 7~ 2 0 0 1年 )。在全球变暖的大背景下 ,塔里木河流域山区气候出现变暖增湿的趋势 ,2 0世纪 90年代径流量达 2 4 1.9× 10 8m3 ,增幅 7.6 %。由于源流区人类开发利用水资源的影响 ,使得补给塔里木河干流的水量不断减少 ,水文条件改变 ,造成干流上、中游段耗水严重 ,导致下游生态与环境急剧退化。自 2 0 0 0年以来 ,实施的从开都河—博斯腾湖向下游绿色走廊应急输水 ,已使下游生态环境开始恢复生机。  相似文献   
9种除草剂对花生白绢病菌的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在实验室条件下测定了氟乐灵、乙草胺、异丙甲草胺、异恶草酮、乳氟禾草灵、乙氧氟草醚、三氟羧草醚、恶草酮、二甲戊乐灵等9种除草剂对花生白绢病菌Sclerotium rolfsi Sacc.的影响.结果表明:9种除草剂对花生白绢病病菌的毒力有较大差异,三氟羧草醚和乙氧氟草醚的毒力较高,IC50分别为7.88mg·L-1和18.91mg·L-1;9种除草剂对菌丝干重均有抑制作用,且随剂量的升高而升高,乙氧氟草醚和三氟羧草醚抑制作用最明显,在100mg·L-1和50mg·L-1时抑制率均达90%以上;除乙草胺和异丙甲草胺部分剂量外,其他除草剂对菌核数量均有不同程度的抑制作用,三氟羧草醚作用最为明显,在供试剂量下抑制率均达96%以上;除乙草胺、氟乐灵在供试剂量下对菌核单重有抑制作用外,其他除草剂在多数剂量下对菌核单重均有刺激作用,三氟羧草醚在50mg·L-1时,是对照菌核单重的8.34倍;而各种除草剂在供试剂量下,对菌核萌发均没有影响.  相似文献   
The Pocono mesic till barrens (PMTB) are a unique assemblage of fire-maintained shrub communities that support numerous rare species. Historically these barrens covered a large area in the vicinity of Long Pond, Pennsylvania, USA. However, due largely to regional fire suppression instituted in the early 1960s, over 70% of the area covered by barrens succeeded to fire-intolerant forest that does not support the rare species. We investigated the influence of forest proximity on barrens succession across three geomorphic types during periods of high fire frequency and fire suppression, testing the hypothesis that forest processes such as seed rain, shading, and detrital enrichment of soils enhances barrens succession through a contagion effect. Evidence of a forest contagion effect should be shown by increased rates of barrens succession with increasing proximity to the nearest forest edge. In order to detect a forest contagion effect, barrens persistence and barrens succession were modeled in proximity zones of 0-50 m, 50-100 m, 100-200 m, and greater than 200 m from the nearest forest edge. We used existing GIS data layers for fire, geomorphology, and vegetation distribution in 1938, 1963, and 1992. The layers were modified and overlain using ArcView software to determine persistence and succession rates for each unique combination of layers in each proximity zone from 1938 to 1963 (pre-fire suppression) and 1963 to 1992 (post-fire suppression). ANCOVA results indicate that proximity to the nearest forest edge significantly affected barrens persistence rates in both time periods, but succession rates were significantly affected in 1938 to 1963 only. Twenty-eight percent of the 1938 barrens succeeded to forest by 1963; 56% of the 1963 barrens became forest by 1992. Results support previous findings that barrens persistence is enhanced by increased fire frequency, and that barrens persist longer where they overlie flat glacial till than on other geomorphology types.  相似文献   
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