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因液压油液的温度、压力及油中已溶解或未溶解的空气量等因素变化时,油液的特性会发生非线性行为变化,从而影响液压系统的性能,为此对液压油的综合特性进行了研究。推导出溶解了空气的液压油液密度及油中空气含量随油液压力、温度变化的函数关系;应用Matlab软件编制的仿真程序,对液压油的非线性特性进行了大量仿真计算,并讨论了影响液压油密度、体积弹性模量的因素。  相似文献   
Objective management of grazing livestock production systems needs monitoring of forage production at the managerial unit level. Our objectives were to develop a system that routinely estimates forage above-ground net primary production (ANPP) at the spatial and temporal resolution required by farmers in the Pampas of Argentina, and to facilitate adoption of the system by end users as a managerial support tool. Our approach was based on the radiation use efficiency (RUE) logic, which proposes that ANPP is determined by the amount of photosynthetically active radiation absorbed by the canopy (APAR), and the efficiency with which that energy is transformed in above-ground dry matter (radiation use efficiency, RUE). APAR is the product of incoming photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and the fraction absorbed by the canopy (fPAR). We estimated fPAR as a non-linear function of MODIS normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). RUE was empirically estimated for the two principal forage resources of the region, yielding the following relations: ANPP = 0.6 × APAR + 12, (R2 = 0.86; p < 0.001; n = 18) for the upland sown pastures, and ANPP = 0.27 × APAR + 26, (R2 = 0.74; p < 0.001; n = 18) for the lowland naturalized pastures, with ANPP in g/m2/60 days and APAR in MJ/m2/60 days. The models were able to predict independent ANPP values with acceptable accuracy. Computational procedures were automated and run in a Relational Data Base Manager System that stored and managed all the information. The system is currently monitoring 212,794 ha in 83 farms and provides monthly ANPP values for the previous month and a history of the last 6 years. The data so generated show ANPP differences between the two major forage resources, considerable variability of a given month’s ANPP among years and paddocks, and contrasting among-farm differences in the efficiency of conversion of ANPP and forage supplements into beef production. The system was well accepted by end users who utilize it mainly for making near real time decisions according to last month ANPP, and explaining results of previous production cycles by incorporating ANPP as an explicative variable. However, there were differences among farmers in the degree of utilization, apparently related to the advisor’s attitude toward this new technology. Our results indicate that (1) forage production of large extensions can be monthly monitored at the paddock level by a small laboratory with capabilities in geographic information systems, and (2) advisors and farmers apply this information to their managerial decisions.  相似文献   
ANSYS软件参数化建模研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型通用有限元ANSYS软件在结构分析、结构优化设计等工程问题上有广泛的应用。优化设计成功与否的关键是参数化建模与形成分析文件,本文详细讨论了参数化建模的细节与注意事项以及分析文件的形成,为结构优化设计人员提供帮助。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to estimate irrigation return flow in irrigated paddy fields considering the soil moisture. The proposed model was applied to examine its feasibility with regard to the growing period of rice. Simulation results showed a good agreement between the observed and simulated values: root mean square error (RMSE) of 6.05-7.27 mm day−1, coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.72-0.73, and coefficient of efficiency (E) of 0.54-0.55. The estimated average annual irrigation return flow during the period from 1998 to 2001 was 306.2 mm, which was approximately 25.7% of the annual irrigation amounts. Of this annual irrigation return flow, 14.1% was attributable to quick and 11.6% to delayed return flow. These results indicate that considerable amounts of irrigation water in the paddy fields were returned to streams and canals by surface runoff and groundwater discharge. The modeling assessment method proposed in this study can be used to manage agriculture water and estimate irrigation return flow under different hydrological and water management conditions.  相似文献   
应用化学计量学对近红外光谱数据进行建模是近红外光谱分析中的难点和关键。随着研究的深入,现有分析建模的改进算法和新方法的应用不断出现。本文详细阐述了数据预处理、定性和定量建模优化方法的研究进展。在降噪消噪方法中,小波(WT)变换是最为常用和有效的工具,应用非常广泛。波长优化选择方法是现在研究的重点之一,主要有遗传算法(GA)、无信息变量消除方法(UVE)和连续投影算法(SPA)等。在模型优化算法中,主要是在偏最小二乘法(PLS)、人工神经网络(ANN)和支持向量机(SVM)的基础上提出多种改进算法,能够更加有效地优化模型。但每种算法各具优点的同时也存在着一定的局限性,对于不同类型待测物的数学模型,优化的方法也有所不同,所以在实际应用中将多种数学挖掘方法结合,相互取长补短,将成为今后研究趋势。   相似文献   
对几种典型的农业装备虚拟现实系统模型建立方法进行研究,比较分析了各自的优缺点.在VC++6.0环境下,通过UG和Creator双方二次开发相结合的方法,实现了从UG(CAD)到Creator(VR)的模型转换,通过直接转换建立了农业装备的虚拟现实模型.经过在虚拟现实系统中实验测试,该转换模型满足了农业装备虚拟现实的要求.  相似文献   
热熔堆积(FDM)型3D打印时易受外部环境和参数设置的影响而发生故障,造成打印件的失败.为避免成型过程失败后继续打印,造成材料和时间的浪费,提出热熔堆积型3D打印故障自动诊断方法.该系统基于卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Network,CNN)的图像识别技术,通过监视、分析打印成型中零部件表面...  相似文献   
A three-dimensional Lagrangian random flight model was constructed for numerical simulations of maize pollen dispersion. The model simulates the paths of tracer particles which are interpreted as individual pollen grains, with particle motion determined by the mean flow and a stochastic turbulent velocity. The Lagrangian approach was chosen because it can be extended to complex flow regimes. The capacity of the model to simulate measured patterns of pollen deposition was tested by comparing simulations to measurements for a small maize canopy isolated within a large field of soybeans near Ames, Iowa, USA in August 2003. For this application, measurements from a single point meteorological observation were used to generate a surface layer wind profile over the maize canopy and surrounding soybean field. The method used to construct the wind field included development of internal boundary layers as the airflow passed from one canopy surface to another. The dispersion model produced spatial patterns of particle deposition that included the sharp near-source deposition gradient consistent with observations. The model tended to over-predict particle deposition near the source field and under-predict deposition at greater distances. Inclusion of the effect of the roughness difference between the maize canopy and the surrounding soybean canopy on the flow field was found to be essential for simulation accuracy. Agreement with observations improved considerably by including an approximation for vertical motions induced by changes in surface cover. These results indicate that the Lagrangian random flight model provides a realistic simulation of pollen dispersal from an isolated maize canopy. A more complete hydrodynamic model should be explored to better represent the influence of surface inhomogeneities on winds and turbulence.  相似文献   
Intr0ducti0nNorwayspruce(PiceaabiesKarst)is0l1eoflI1e111ostimportal1tc011iferinFra11ce.lnl99l,tI1etotaIareaofNorwaysprLICewasestimatedt0be723000I11112.ItsvoIUmewasl27Inilli0I1m3.Tl1eanl1uaIvoILl111eiI1crc-mentwas5.74millionm3.ltiswideIyacceptedII1atIargeri11itialspacingssI1ouldbeusednow.l111940's,thedensity0ftl1epIantatiol1rangedfr0m5000to10000stems/hm2.Nowtl1einitiaIdensityvariesbetweenI000to250Ostems/I1m2.TI1eIargestspacit1g111aybe650~800stems/hm2.S0ithasasignifica11cetostLldyt…  相似文献   
以珠海市淇澳岛红树林为评价对象,共收集32个具有代表性样地的近景景观图片和对应植物群落的相关资料,采用美景度评价法( SBE)获得公众对每个林分景观的美景度值,然后利用多元化理论模型I建立美景度与景观要素之间的回归关系。建模结果显示:影响红树林近景景观的主要因子有6个,即林分郁闭度、树干形态、树种组成、树干排列、林下层总盖度、平均林下层高度。得到淇澳岛红树林美景度与这6个因子间的线性模型,其复相关系数为0.759,F检验结果显著( P=0.019<0.05)。分析表明:树干通直、树干自由式排列有利于提高景观的美景度;林分郁闭度、树种组成、林下层总盖度过高或过低均会给景观美学质量带来负面影响。针对这些景观要素的特征提出了红树林景观营造的优化技术。  相似文献   
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