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贺红早  陈训  李苇洁 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(27):8432-8434
用TTC法测定了顶坛花椒花粉的活力和寿命,用拟合二次方程(Quadratic)、分析建立曲线估计模块(Curve estimation)的方法分析了顶坛花椒花粉活力和寿命对微量元素Zn的响应。研究结果表明:在3~8年和生长在海拔600 m左右的顶坛花椒花粉具有较强活力,散粉后花粉的最长寿命为6 d。当ZnSO4浓度为0.08%时,各年龄级的顶坛花椒花粉活力达到最大值;ZnSO4浓度为0.06%时,Zn可以促使不同海拔的顶坛花椒花粉活力达到最大值;当ZnSO4浓度为0.09%时,顶坛花椒花粉寿命可以从散粉后6 d延长到7 d。因此,当ZnSO4浓度为0.06%~0.09%,顶坛花椒花粉活力和花粉寿命均能大幅度提高。  相似文献   
本研究旨在通过研究常温与低温贮藏分别对番茄组织内果胶酶(PE)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的影响,为番茄贮藏运输及加工提供理论基础。通过研究得出,PE、PPO、POD、CAT在常温与低温贮藏条件下,随着番茄的成熟与衰老其活性都是前期过程中有升高阶段,而到了后期又呈现下降趋势;低温贮藏的番茄,PE、PPO、CAT、POD活性均低于常温贮藏的番茄;PE活性的变化与绿熟番茄果实硬度的变化基本一致。  相似文献   
无角道赛特绵羊精液低温和冷冻保存试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用不同成分的稀释液对无角道赛特14号种公羊鲜精进行了低温保存(4℃)和冷冻保存(-196℃)试验。结果表明:在4℃条件下,精液在A、B、C和D四种稀释液中分别保存72h、72h、144h和192h后,仍然满足输精要求,从而确定D液为最佳稀释液(30g/L葡萄糖、14g/L柠檬酸钠、3g/L乙二胺四乙酸钠、2g/LvE、50mL/L卵黄)。在冷冻保存试验中,C液为细管精液冷冻保存最佳稀释液(56g/L蔗糖、52g/L乳糖、4g/L乙二胺四乙酸钠、2g/LvE、50mL/L甘油、50mL/L卵黄),冻后精液的活力为0.48;在上述实验基础上,给C液中分别添加催产素(添加后浓度为20IU/100mL)、前列腺素(添加后浓度为0.1mg/100mL)及催产素 前列腺素(20IU/100mL 0.1mg/100mL)进行细管精液冷冻保存,其冻后活力分别为0.55、0.48、0.52,说明含20IU/100mLOT的C液对无角道赛特绵羊精液的冷冻保存效果最好。  相似文献   
贮藏温度对不同发育期东方百合花粉生命力的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以花粉萌发率为指标,研究了3种贮藏温度对3种发育时期东方百合Siberia和Sorbonne植株花粉生命力的影响。结果表明:不同发育时期的新鲜花粉生命力不同,开花当天花粉生命力最强,未开放完全显色花蕾花粉次之,未开放显色1/2花蕾花粉最差。贮藏后,未开放完全显色花蕾花粉保持生命力时间最长,开花当天花粉次之,未开放显色1/2花蕾花粉最差。贮藏温度对百合花粉生命力有很大影响,-18℃冷藏条件有利于保持百合花粉生命力,4℃次之,常温条件最差。  相似文献   
Uncertainty in parameter estimates from sampling variation or expert judgment can introduce substantial uncertainty into ecological predictions based on those estimates. However, in standard population viability analyses, one of the most widely used tools for managing plant, fish and wildlife populations, parametric uncertainty is often ignored in or discarded from model projections. We present a method for explicitly incorporating this source of uncertainty into population models to fully account for risk in management and decision contexts. Our method involves a two-step simulation process where parametric uncertainty is incorporated into the replication loop of the model and temporal variance is incorporated into the loop for time steps in the model. Using the piping plover, a federally threatened shorebird in the USA and Canada, as an example, we compare abundance projections and extinction probabilities from simulations that exclude and include parametric uncertainty. Although final abundance was very low for all sets of simulations, estimated extinction risk was much greater for the simulation that incorporated parametric uncertainty in the replication loop. Decisions about species conservation (e.g., listing, delisting, and jeopardy) might differ greatly depending on the treatment of parametric uncertainty in population models.  相似文献   
The germinability of the Vicia sativa L. seed samples in the base collection at the Centro de Recursos Fitogenéticos (Spain) was controlled in 1986 and 1996. The mean germination of the collection, assessed by One-Sample T Test, was higher than 85%, suggesting its viability was properly maintained along the period. However, changes in germination along the same period assessed by Paired-Samples T Test showed a slight decrease in its global germinability. More data on the viability of stored seeds worldwide – including communication of unpublished data – are needed. Viability assays should be performed according to standard, internationally coordinated protocols and statistical analysis, within an adequate documentation system that assures the integrity of accession information.  相似文献   
The long-term persistence of plant populations may partly depend on pollination processes and seed production. The exact role of pollination in determining plant population viability still remains largely unclear. Orchid species have often been shown to be pollinator limited. Especially, non-rewarding species are characterized by infrequent pollinator visits and low seed set. Therefore, it can be hypothesized that, if overall population fitness of orchid species is influenced by seed production, non-rewarding species should be more prone to local extinction than rewarding species. To study the importance of nectar reward on orchid persistence, we collected historical records about the distribution of 32 orchid species in Flanders (Belgium) and 37 orchid species in the Netherlands. For both regions, present distribution patterns were compared with historical data. Between 1930 (Flanders) or 1950 (the Netherlands) and 2000, 26 (81%) species showed decreases in distribution range in Flanders, eight of which had gone extinct, whereas 29 (78%) species showed declines in distribution area in the Netherlands, five of which went extinct. Contrary to previously reported results, orchid distribution patterns were not related to nectar reward. There was also no significant relationship between nectar reward and extinction for both regions. Orchids typically occurring in wet grasslands and heathlands suffered greater losses than orchids typically confined to forest habitats or calcareous grasslands. We conclude that the production of nectar does not represent a safeguard for local extinction of orchid species. Habitat loss and other deterministic threats associated with habitat fragmentation and deterioration are more important determinants of orchid persistence.  相似文献   
玫烟色拟青霉Paecilomyces fumosorose础地理分布广泛,昆虫寄主多样,能侵染多种昆虫,包括同翅目、鳞翅目、鞘翅目、膜翅目等,是一种重要的昆虫病原真菌。近年来国外有关其生物学、分类、生化和应用的研究报道显著增多,但国内研究较少。虽然该菌寄主广泛,但国内外对其研究主要作为粉虱、蚜虫等刺吸式口器害虫的微生物防治因子。在自然界致病的鳞翅目幼虫虫尸上分离到1株玫烟色拟青霉,其对蚜虫、粉虱等刺吸式口器害虫有较高毒力。本试验利用惰性载体辅以农(副)产品为材料,对其在不同载体上生长、产孢量及对分生孢子存活的影响进行研究,对于开发和利用这一生物防治资源具有较为重要的意义。  相似文献   
目的研究滇龙胆花粉活力、花粉粒形态、柱头可授性、传粉者及访花行为,明确滇龙胆的传粉生物学特征。方法采用TTC染色法、醋酸洋红染色法、I2-KI染色法和过氧化物酶法检测花粉活力;用FEIQUANTA 200扫描电子显微镜观察花粉粒形态;用联苯胺—过氧化氢法测定柱头可授性;人工观察并记录访花者种类及其访花频率。结果最适合测定滇龙胆花粉活力的方法为过氧化物酶法,开花后第3天滇龙胆花粉活力达到最高 (65.98%)。在同一天中花粉活力也会发生变化,开花当天花粉活力在14:00达到最高 (64.71%),之后花粉活力开始显著下降。滇龙胆花粉粒外观呈球形,具有3条萌发孔沟,属于N3型花粉,花粉外壁条纹形成网格状。柱头在开花第4、5天出现极强柱头可授性,柱头可授性分别达57.69%和63.16%。滇龙胆的访花昆虫主要为蜂类和蚁类,在11:30—12:30访花昆虫数量最多。蜜蜂为最主要传粉昆虫。结论本研究对滇龙胆植物的有性生殖规律具有重要意义,为滇龙胆资源保护和引种栽培提供参考。  相似文献   
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