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Young willow ptarmigan chicks were fed an artificial chick diet (ACD), and different supplements. One group got ascorbic acid supplements, another neomycin and Oxytetracyclin in the water, and a third was given ascorbic acid and sprouts of Vaccinium myrtillus. Chicks that were fed ACD only, showed low weight gain and high mortality rate. The numbers of bacteria in the gut were high and the incidence of villous epithelium erosion and bacteria colonizing the gut epithelium were high.Admixture of ascorbic acid to the diet improved the viability of the chicks and reduced the number of coliforms in the gut.Antibiotics in the water reduced the number of C. perfringens, enterococci and coliforms in the gut, and improved the gut epithelium conditions.Combined supplements of ascorbic acid and Vaccinium myrtillus resulted in strongly viable chicks with healthy gut epithelium. C. perfringens was not demonstrated in the gut, and the numbers of enterococci and coliforms were low.  相似文献   
The effect of dietary selenium (Se) and vitamin E (Vit. E) in pigs on Se and Vit. E in plasma and on Se in tissue from liver, heart, m. long, dorsi and m. psoas major was studied; and furthermore was the influence on the enzymes ASAT and ALAT studied.Two levels of Se were used, 0.03 and 0.06 mg Se per kg feed. Within each Se level 2 levels of Vit. E were used, 15 and 45 i. u. per kg feed. This resulted in 4 groups: 1. low Se and low Vit. E; 2. low Se and high Vit. E; 3. high Se and low Vit. E; 4. high Se and high Vit. E.Ten% of all pigs fed low Se, and 4% of the pigs fed low Se and high Vit. E diet died with severe symptoms of Se deficiency. None of the pigs fed the high Se diet died with such symptoms. Plasma Se determinations have been shown to indicate the Se status in pigs almost as accurately as liver Se determination. ASAT and ALAT enzyme determinations were not of any diagnostic value.There was a good agreement between dietary Vit. E level and the corresponding levels in plasma. Oxidized herring oil seems to enhance the Vit. E need.  相似文献   
水分胁迫及复水对虉草生理生化特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过温室盆栽控水试验,研究了虉草在自然干旱与复水过程中生理生化指标的变化规律,旨在探讨虉草对于水分变化的响应特性及耐旱能力。结果显示,1)干旱胁迫期间,尽管土壤含水量下降迅速,但是叶片相对含水量在水分胁迫前8 d仍维持在正常水平,直到第12天时才显著下降。2)在持续干旱过程中,可溶性蛋白与丙二醛含量不断增加。3)叶绿素、叶绿素a、类胡萝卜素含量及Chla/Chlb与Car/Chl的比值整体上均随干旱胁迫时间的延长而呈上升趋势。4)干旱胁迫后期,叶绿素荧光参数Fo、NPQ增加,Fm、Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo与qP均有所下降。5)复水后,各指标均能迅速得到不同程度恢复。研究结果初步表明,虉草具备较强的保护与损伤修复能力,使其能够适应较大程度的干旱逆境。  相似文献   
郑淑惠 《青海草业》2010,19(3):40-42,51
分析了退耕还林(草)现状,结果表明,退耕还林草的后续产业发展不足,提出发展退耕还林草的后续产业对策。  相似文献   
春秋兼用家蚕新品种“春华×秋实”的育成   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
以丝质优、耐氟污染性能较强的品种为育种材料,采用常规杂交育种方法,育成一对春秋兼用的中丝量家蚕新品种春华×秋实。浙江省蚕品种实验室共同鉴定和农村试养鉴定表明该品种具有以下特点:孵化、眠起、老熟齐一,体质强健好养,茧型较大,产量高;茧丝质优良,春期饲养茧层率23.46%,鲜茧出丝率17.54%,茧丝长1 263 m,解舒率83.52%,纤度2.773 dtex,洁净94.50分;综合经济性状优良,与对照品种菁松×皓月相比,万蚕产茧量提高7.0%,与对照品种秋丰×白玉相比,万蚕产茧量、万蚕茧层量、茧丝长、解舒丝长、鲜茧出丝率分别提高1.7%、8.9%、9.0%、6.6%、8.1%。新品种已通过浙江省农作物品种审定,适合在浙江省及长江中下游蚕区推广饲养。  相似文献   
对市售12批阿莫西林产品进行监督检查,结果含量均不符合规定,并存在企业伪造GMP证、套用兽药产品批准文号、擅自使用未批准的商品名等违规现象.本文从兽药产品文号、主要成分含量、成分、标签和说明书等方面分析产生的原因,并提出了加强管理的意见.  相似文献   
对引入青海省西宁地区的齐卡肉兔进行了纯种扩群,并测定了它们的生长发育指标和繁殖性能,结果表明,齐卡肉兔在西宁地区表现出了良好的适应性。  相似文献   
N、P、K肥配施对杂交甜高梁草产量及效益的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用D-最优化设计研究N、P、K肥配施与杂交甜高粱品种甜格雷兹饲草产量及效益的关系,结果表明:N肥对草产量和效益影响最大;在较高N水平下,P、K间交互效应均利于甜格雷兹的增产增收;其最优施肥方案为N150.53kg/hm^2、P20550.82kg/hm^2、K2075.71kg/hm^2,草产量为112.09t/hm^2,获得效益20.902×10^3元/hm^2。  相似文献   
应用前后对比分析法,对三峡水库重庆库区云阳县移土培肥一期与二期工程进行效益分析;得出移土培肥工程将给三峡库区带来巨大的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益的结论;说明该工程不仅能带动库区经济发展,并对其社会及生态环境产生深远影响。  相似文献   
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