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本研究基于"生产、生活、生态"的空间理论视角,揭示中国农业文化遗产"三生"空间人地关系的研究现状。以"农业文化遗产"为关键词,采用Citespace5.5文献计量分析工具和归纳方法,梳理了近年来中国农业文化遗产的研究成果,结果表明:2005—2020年中国农业文化遗产的研究经历了初步探索、波动增长、平稳发展三个阶段,各个阶段上的研究热点具有明显差异。目前中国农业文化遗产在景观价值挖掘、旅游开发、乡村振兴等领域的研究成果已初具规模,但在基础性理论方面尚未形成权威的认知。农业文化遗产在"三生"空间上的研究对于解决"三农"问题具有重要的实践意义,今后应更加关注基础理论的更新、强化实证研究、贯彻"分层"保护思维、完善社区参与、加快农业文化遗产地的评价指标体系构建和动态保护,以期实现农业文化遗产的高效利用及可持续发展。  相似文献   
荒漠绿洲过渡带土壤饱和导水率的空间变异特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
土壤饱和导水率(saturated hydraulic conductivity,Ks)是影响土壤水文过程的重要参数,反映了土壤的入渗性能与持水能力.为探究荒漠绿洲过渡带土壤Ks的空间分布特征及影响因素,基于网格法(2 km×2 km)在黑河中游荒漠绿洲过渡带不同景观类型布设27个样点,获取0—30 cm土层基本物理性...  相似文献   
“一分钟游程”构园法则将人的视觉感受与园林组景共同考虑,以25~30 m作为组景转换的理想距离,对游路结构进行反复烘托与不断强化,从而形成柔和、丰富的“构景曲线”。选择南北方各具代表性的苏州沧浪亭和北京恭王府花园,分析其园林的景观布局,对比园林空间序列的“起”“承”“转”“合”间距。结果表明,“一分钟游程”构园法则在南方私家园林及北方皇家园林中同样适用,为今后的游线组织与组景布设提供了设计参考。  相似文献   
Quantification of currently attainable yield and fertilizer requirements can provide detailed information for assessing the food supply capacity and offer data support for agricultural decision-making. Datasets from a total of 5 408 field experiments were collected from 2000 to 2015 across the major wheat production regions in China to analyze the spatial distribution of wheat yield, the soil nutrient supply capacity(represented by relative yield, defined as the ratio of the yield under the omission of one of nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P) and potassium(K) to the yield under the full NPK fertilizer application), and N, P and K fertilizer requirements by combining the kriging interpolation method with the Nutrient Expert Decision Support System for Wheat. The results indicated that the average attainable yield was 6.4 t ha~(-1), with a coefficient of variation(CV) of 24.9% across all sites. The yields in North-central China(NCC) and the northern part of the Middle and Lower reaches of the Yangtze River(MLYR) were generally higher than 7 t ha~(-1), whereas the yields in Southwest China(SWC), Northeast China(NEC), and the eastern part of Northwest China(NWC) were usually less than 6 t ha~(-1). The precentage of area having a relative yield above 0.70, 0.85, and 0.85 for N, P, and K fertilizers accounted for 52.3, 74.7, and 95.9%, respectively. Variation existed in N, P, and K fertilizer requirements, with a CV of 24.8, 23.9, and 29.9%, respectively, across all sites. More fertilizer was needed in NCC and the northern part of the MLYR than in other regions. The average fertilizer requirement was 162, 72, and 57 kg ha~(-1) for N, P_2O_5, and K_2O fertilizers, respectively, across all sites. The incorporation of the spatial variation of attainable yield and fertilizer requirements into wheat production practices would benefit sustainable wheat production and environmental safety.  相似文献   
近50年兰州城市空间扩展模拟及其未来预测   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
利用高分辨率航片、Landsat TM影像和土地利用现状图,建立兰州市1949-2005年城市扩展G IS空间数据库,应用改进的SLEUTH模型,重建兰州市1949-2005年城市空间扩展过程,并情景模拟未来扩展趋势。采用两种不同历史年份跨度情景、校准SLEUTH模型。研究表明:该模型客观地重建了兰州市1949-2005年城市动态扩展过程;两种不同情景预测仍将继续沿河谷扩散发展,在城市增长方式与空间分布上既相似又有显著差异:情景1预测城市扩展趋势快于情景2预测,更接近于现实城市扩展趋势;情景2预测对城市扩展控制较严格,更趋向于可持续发展。建议近期内加强兰州建成区内部土地利用空间结构优化与空间置换,进而加快城市职能的空间置换,同时为未来发展预留一定的土地储备和发展空间。  相似文献   
基于区位熵的含义构建了入境旅游经济区位熵,以其为测算工具,选取1995年、2000年和2005年时间断面的入境旅游相关数据,探讨了中国入境旅游经济发展水平的空间格局演变特征,并运用相关分析方法定量分析了其成因。结果显示中国入境旅游经济发展水平空间格局的演变特征为:呈繁荣区与落后区两极演变格局,经历了分散-集聚-扩散的演变过程,从东至西一直呈现出显著的梯度地带性差异。目前的显著性影响因素为高等级旅游资源的吸引度、社会经济水平、商业服务业的发育程度、航空旅客吞吐量、第一大城市的规模、城市化水平等。而客运量和吞吐量、区域城市的等级体系首位比等因素的影响则不显著。  相似文献   
耕地利用效益是评估区域耕地利用协调程度的必要前提,也是农业高效可持续发展的重要保障。本文以东北黑土区为研究区,依据耕地利用系统理论,构建“经济-社会-生态”效益框架,运用综合评价法、探索性数据分析法与地理探测器模型,从县域尺度分析2020年东北黑土区耕地利用效益空间差异和影响因素。结果显示:1)耕地利用综合效益、经济效益和生态效益整体上均呈现为由南部和中部平原地区向西部和北部低丘缓坡地形区减少趋势,社会效益则主要表现为由南部向北部递减的分布趋势。2)耕地利用综合效益整体上具有显著的集聚特征,高集聚主要在辽宁省南部以及北部黑龙江省县域范围分布,低集聚则集中分布在东部内蒙古和中部吉林省县域。3)从影响因素来看,黑土区耕地利用综合效益中气候、农业机械化程度和农作物复种指数是关键影响因素,且因素间的交互作用影响更加显著。为更好的提升黑土区耕地利用效益,需要把握乡村振兴协作、保护经营机制、农业综合措施和绿色技术创新等方面的促进作用,实现农业资源高效利用和可持续发展。  相似文献   
弧目大蚕蛾卵块空间分布型及其应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用6种聚集度指标对弧目大蚕蛾卵的空间分布状况进行调查与分析,结果表明:(1)该虫卵的空间分布符合负二项分布,其空间图式是聚集的,分布的基本成分是卵块的个体群;(2)最适抽样数N与平均卵密度m及允许误差D的关系为N=(I/O)。[(6.6814/m)+0.9758]。  相似文献   
We compared the assemblage structure, spatial distributions, and habitat associations of mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) morphotypes and size classes. We hypothesised that morphotypes would have different spatial distributions and would be associated with different habitat features based on feeding behaviour and diet. Spatially continuous sampling was conducted over a broad extent (29 km) in the Calawah River, WA (USA). Whitefish were enumerated via snorkelling in three size classes: small (10–29 cm), medium (30–49 cm), and large (≥50 cm). We identified morphotypes based on head and snout morphology: a pinocchio form that had an elongated snout and a normal form with a blunted snout. Large size classes of both morphotypes were distributed downstream of small and medium size classes, and normal whitefish were distributed downstream of pinocchio whitefish. Ordination of whitefish assemblages with nonmetric multidimensional scaling revealed that normal whitefish size classes were associated with higher gradient and depth, whereas pinocchio whitefish size classes were positively associated with pool area, distance upstream, and depth. Reach‐scale generalised additive models indicated that normal whitefish relative density was associated with larger substrate size in downstream reaches (R2 = 0.64), and pinocchio whitefish were associated with greater stream depth in the reaches farther upstream (R2 = 0.87). These results suggest broad‐scale spatial segregation (1–10 km), particularly between larger and more phenotypically extreme individuals. These results provide the first perspective on spatial distributions and habitat relationships of polymorphic mountain whitefish.  相似文献   
文章针对当前地理空间数据整合与持续高效更新所存在的问题,在地理空间数据更新中引入了“数据同化”这一思想和概念,对持续高效更新存在的问题及“地理空间数据同化”的涵义和关键技术进行了论述.  相似文献   
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