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旋转式微喷头转速对水力性能影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过试验分析了旋转式微喷头的转速对水力性能的影响,试验处理设置为:3种喷嘴直径,分别为1.4mm、1.8 mm和2.4 mm;5种阻尼脂量,分别为无阻尼、1/6阻尼脂、1/3阻尼脂、2/3阻尼脂和全阻尼。结果表明,利用阻尼脂可以显著降低微喷头的转速,在100~250 kPa工作压力下,微喷头的转速可以从无阻尼时的2230~4225 r/min降到全阻尼时的0.1~1.1 r/min。与无阻尼的高速旋转微喷头比较,低转速微喷头可以显著增加射程,在100~250 kPa工作压力时,其射程增加20.5%~31.8%。而在低转速区,微喷头的射程变化不大,在200kPa工作压力下,直径1.8 mm喷嘴微喷头转速从0.41 r/min增加到6.1 r/min时,射程仅降低4.4%。与无阻尼的高转速微喷头比较,低转速微喷头水量分布更趋近于三角形分布。  相似文献   
中国优秀旅游城市空间分布及其动力机制研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
优秀旅游城市是我国旅游经济活力的主要释放点,对其进行空间分析有助于认识我国旅游业发展的空间格局。通过最邻近指数计算,判断出中国优秀旅游城市在空间形态上呈凝聚型。进一步探究这种不均衡性的区际分异,则发现不仅存在东、中、西三大经济区的分布态势差异,在同一个区内,还存在不同等级优秀旅游城市的分布态势差异。文章分别从区域经济水平、城市体系结构以及旅游资源分布三个方面给出解释。最后针对不同区域给出相应的城市旅游发展策略。  相似文献   
筛选拦截效果最佳、经济效益最佳的植物篱模式,为密云水库水源保护区控制坡耕地氮磷流失提供技术参考。设置“桔梗+狗牙根”“丹参+狗牙根”“桑树+野牛草”“黄芩+野牛草”4种不同的植物篱模式,监测2020年天然降水条件下的地表径流、泥沙以及养分情况,分析不同植物篱模式下径流小区的产流和产沙情况,探讨不同植物篱对坡耕地地表径流、泥沙和养分的拦截效率及其影响因素。结果表明:4种植物篱种植模式都能够起到截流减沙,减轻水环境富营养化的作用,从而避免对下游水体的污染。其中“桑树+野牛草”植物篱效果最为显著,大雨雨强下可以减流57.96%,减沙96.64%,暴雨雨强下可以减流64.63%,减沙97.17%;对氮的相对拦截量为93.14 mg,相对拦截率约88.27%;对磷的相对拦截量为25.17 mg,相对拦截率约80.72%,能有效减少地表径流中的氮、磷含量。在考虑经济效益、社会效益和生态效益下,开展植物篱防控面源污染工作中,最佳的物种选择为“桑树+野牛草”,其次为“黄芩+野牛草”。野牛草在防控水土流失与面源污染方面效果十分显著,可以作为水土保持的先锋植物推广。  相似文献   
Leprosis is caused by the Citrus leprosis virus cytoplasmic type and is vectored by the mite Brevipalpus yothersi. Miticide applications, which cost $54 million annually, are based on inspection for the presence of mites. The aim of the present study was to characterize the spatial patterns of B. yothersi-infested trees and trees with leprosis symptoms for further improvement in sampling and disease control. The presence of mites and the occurrence of leprosis were assessed over two years in 1160 Valencia trees and 720 Natal trees in a commercial sweet orange grove in Sao Paulo State, Brazil. To assess the natural growth and dispersal of mites and leprosis, mite populations were not controlled during the experimental period. Maps of mite-infested trees and trees with leprosis symptoms were analysed at three different levels of spatial hierarchy using complementary methods, i.e. among adjacent trees within and across rows, within quadrats, and the strength and orientation of aggregation among quadrats. The study showed that the spatial patterns of virus-infected and mite-infested trees were different, with a strong aggregation pattern of trees with leprosis symptoms that increased over time. Conversely, the spatial pattern of B. yothersi showed randomness or weak aggregation at all three spatial hierarchical levels. Disease incidence increased steadily in plots of both cultivars, unlike in mite-infested trees where incidence fluctuated over time. These results have important implications for the development of better management strategies for leprosis. Sampling methods and action thresholds for mite control should consider primary disease inoculum in addition to the incidence of mites.  相似文献   
沿黄荒漠绿洲区景观格局构建及优化对防治土地荒漠化、促进生态可持续发展具有重要意义。以磴口为研究区,分析2005—2020年磴口景观类型时空演变特征,结合最小累积阻力(MCR)模型、电路理论和水文分析法综合识别生态廊道和生态节点,利用重力模型和景观连接度指数判断生态廊道和生态节点重要性,构建磴口荒漠绿洲区景观格局并提出优化建议。结果表明:1)2005—2020年磴口主要植被景观中,耕地规模最大且持续扩张,草地呈先增加后减少趋势,林地则持续缩减;2)识别出重要草地生态源地8块,重要生态廊道99条和重要生态节点345个。以耕地和草地类型为主,均位于研究区中部和东南部;3)提取出需重点优化生态障碍点面积159.83 km2,需重点优化生态夹点面积81.18 km2,分别位于研究区西北部和中部区域;4)最后,从维持南部并扩大西北部生态源地规模、打通并优化重要林草生态廊道和生态节点、生态障碍点和生态夹点等多方面提出荒漠绿洲区景观格局优化建议。本研究可为荒漠绿洲区生态环境规划提供重要科学依据。  相似文献   
针对西北旱区大豆玉米复合种植机具短缺、机械化程度低等问题,设计西北旱区大豆玉米复合种植联合播种机。该机由旋耕装置、起垄装置、覆土装置、施肥装置、播种装置及机架等组成,能够实现旋耕、起垄、施肥、双幅覆膜覆土、镇压及播种等多个作业过程。对播种机关键部件进行设计与分析,利用离散元模型对覆土过程进行模拟仿真,分析覆土过程中膜边膜上覆土均匀性;采用DEM-MBD对大豆玉米播种装置耦合仿真,分析大豆玉米播种装置播种均匀性。仿真结果表明:1)土壤因跳跃和泼撒而落到垄面的颗粒数≤1.3%;2)播种装置对大豆和玉米种子挤压力≤10 N,土壤颗粒对鸭嘴的阻力≤50 N。田间试验结果表明:玉米播种装置播种合格率、漏播率和重播率分别为95.63%、1.65%和2.72%,大豆播种装置播种合格率、漏播率和重播率分别为91.24%、0%和8.76%,机组作业期间运行稳定,具有良好的作业效果,满足大豆玉米带状复合种植需求。  相似文献   
为探究浙江省全域土地综合试点的空间分布格局与影响因素,优化全域土地综合试点布局,基于2019—2021年浙江省全域土地综合整治试点POI数据,运用平均最近邻、标准差椭圆、核密度、网格维数法系统分析浙江省全域土地综合整治试点时空分布特征,并利用地理探测器模型探究其主要影响因素。结果表明:1)浙江省全域土地综合整治试点整体呈集聚分布状态;集聚过程中连片分布特征呈不断加强趋势,由嘉兴市、衢州市和台州市“三核心”变化为以嘉兴市、湖州市和绍兴市为核心的连片高密度区;2)浙江省全域土地综合整治试点在空间分布上概率不等,分形结构复杂,存在局部围绕平原地区集聚情况;重心逐渐由东南向西北迁移,移动幅度逐渐变小;3)政策文件数、农作物播种面积、人均GDP、地形起伏度和城镇化率是影响浙江省全域土地综合整治试点空间分布的主要因素,影响强度依次递减,且影响因子的交互作用大于单因子对试点空间分布的影响。本研究可为浙江省优化国土空间布局和深化全域土地综合整治政策提供科学依据。  相似文献   
用烧结法标志中国对虾,在靖海湾和五垒岛湾进行增殖放流,研究其回游与分布规律。重捕资料表明,6月中旬幼对虾对湾内河口浅水区生活随体长增长,逐步向深水扩散;8月上,中旬主群陆续游向湾外,按地形走向向西南回游,部分向东或东南;10月份回游对湾外水域的对虾有向东,东北或东南回游的现象。  相似文献   
Understanding the links between large scale spatial structuring of fish assemblages and shaping factors is essential to develop comprehensive ecosystem-based fisheries management. In this study, we investigated spatial patterns of bottom fish assemblages in the North Sea in relation to prevailing water masses in the region. We based our analysis on catch data from the German Small-Scale Bottom Trawl Survey conducted between 1987 and 2005 and used both ordination techniques and Mantel tests. Spatial variability of bottom fish assemblages was larger than inter-annual variability. Five significantly different bottom fish assemblages were associated with the following prevailing hydrographical regimes: i) the English Channel, ii) Continental Coastal, iii) central North Sea, iv) northern North Sea, and v) northern Atlantic water masses. Associations were generated by gradients in relative proportions of abundant species such as grey gurnard ( Eutrigla gurnardus ), dab ( Limanda limanda ), whiting ( Merlangius merlangus ), haddock ( Melanogrammus aeglefinus ) and Norway pout ( Trisopterus esmarki ). Taking into account large scale spatial structuring of catch data Mantel tests confirmed significant correlation between the fish assemblages and hydrographical variables. In summary, our results strongly support the hypotheses that hydrographical features such as water masses, fronts, and residual currents could shape bottom fish associations in the North Sea. Spatial demarcations of bottom fish assemblages indicated by this study can be used to support ecosystem-based fisheries management strategies.  相似文献   
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