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以山东济南地区为例,进行了中小型定制衣柜企业的现状调查。在目前木材、五金等原料成本不断攀升、国家房地产调控的形势下,为中小型定制衣柜企业制定适宜的市场营销策略提出建议。  相似文献   
以苏南丘陵区邓下小流域为研究区,针对目前小流域内植被物种多样性状况和水平,选择物种丰富度指数(33、Shannon—Weiner指数(SW)、Simpson指数(SP)和Pielou均匀度指数(J)作为物种多样性的测度指标,分析不同植物群落结构特征。对流域内现有主要植被类型(茶园、杉木林、马尾松林、毛竹林、水田和旱耕地共6种)以0—10cm,10—20cm,20~40cm和40~60cm分层挖土壤剖面,分析各植被类型下土壤养分效应,以期为小流域综合治理与植被恢复中植被模式选择提供理论指导。  相似文献   
Since the 1970s tree planting has been promoted to meet the multipurpose needs of subsistence farmers and to arrest deforestation in many developing countries. Financial support and extension systems were developed as tree growing outside the forest became more important. The limited success of the forest extension approaches used in the 1980s has been attributed to the failure to ascertain householders' priorities and attitudes to tree growing. Although the broader theoretical paradigm of factors influencing householders' planting of trees has been discussed household and regional level analyses are rare. This study used discriminant analysis to assess the extent to which social and economic factors affect smallholder farmer tree planting in Orissa, eastern India. The validity of the predictive model to define the different groups was tested by assessing the accuracy of classification. The significance of the factors was probed using the identified variables in the discriminant functions developed for smallholder farmers in the coastal and inland zones of Orissa. The results contradicted some common assumptions that only large landowners with a substantial income are innovators. The likelihood of adopting agroforestry is dependent on the progressive attitude of farmers, membership of village organisations, their wealth status and, more importantly, their perceived risk concerning agricultural production. This approach enables tree planters and non-planters to be characterised and hence give better targetting of planning and social forestry programmes.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
文章以乌海市平沟煤矸石山上平台和边坡两种不同小地形上的土壤为研究对象,通过野外调查取样和室内分析化验,研究煤矸石山两种小地形对土壤养分的恢复情况。结果表明,土壤有机质、全N、碱解N含量在两种不同小地形上表现为边坡>平台,土壤P素、K素含量表现为平台>边坡,总体而言,边坡上土壤养分恢复效果比平台好。平台和边坡上土壤养分含量在不同土层深度中均表现为:0~20 cm层>20~40 cm层。通过参考土壤养分分级与丰缺度标准,目前土壤养分丰缺度主要呈现出缺或极缺状态。  相似文献   
以无水乙醇为燃料,运用荷电雾化技术,实验研究了锥-射流喷雾模式下双网格燃烧器的燃烧与热损失特性。结果表明,在当量比Φ为0.85~1.40区间内燃烧稳定,圆形片状火焰附着于燃烧网格附近,火焰直径与燃烧器内径相当。火焰温度、燃烧效率均随当量比的增大先上升后下降,在当量比Φ=1时分别达到最大值1 197.38 K、93.26%。尾气温度随当量比的增大而降低,壁面热损失随当量比增大而增加。壁面热损失与燃料完全燃烧释放热量比例为27.25%~33.08%,其中辐射热损失略高于对流热损失。燃烧器热效率在当量比Φ≤1下可达69%。双网格燃烧器可实现小尺度条件下液体乙醇的良好喷雾、蒸发与燃烧。  相似文献   
针对小水电站年发电量序列的特点,将最小二乘支持向量机(least squares support vector machine,LS-SVM)回归模型引入年发电量预测领域,并给出了相应的过程和算法。与常规基于人工神经网络(artificial neural net-works,ANN)的智能预测方法比较,该模型优点是明显的:①将神经网络迭代学习问题转化为直接求解多元线性方程;②整个训练过程中有且仅有一个全局极值点,确定了预测的稳定性。最后,一个实际的预测例子表明:该模型实现容易、预测准确,适用于小水电站预测。  相似文献   
黄土丘陵沟壑区燕沟流域的景观构成及功能类型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】统计分析燕沟流域不同生态功能景观的斑块构成,为流域治理效果评价和景观格局优化提供依据。【方法】野外现地勾绘景观斑块类型图,内业进行数字化处理,建立燕沟流域的景观类型分类系统和数据库,统计相关景观指数,分析流域景观构成。【结果】(1)燕沟流域景观类型中,杂灌丛(浓杂灌丛和稀杂灌丛)面积最大,农田、刺槐林、成熟果园和草地面积次之;以上6种景观类型占流域面积的91.03%、占流域斑块数的81.68%,构成流域景观的主体;流域整体景观属于细粒结构。(2)三大景观功能类型中,生态防护型景观的斑块数、斑块面积、斑块周长均最高,占流域景观的近2/3,经济生产型景观次之;生态防护型、经济生产型、生活服务型三类景观的面积比约为2.08∶1∶0.12。(3)流域内自然景观与人类主导景观斑块面积的比例相当,经济生产型景观是人类主导景观的主要组成部分。【结论】目前燕沟流域景观构成的特点为:景观类型多样,斑块数量丰富,景观整体粒级微小,景观破碎,人类活动对流域景观的构成影响大;三大景观功能类型的构成,为燕沟流域治理效果评价和景观格局优化提供了依据,可作为同类地区小流域治理的重要参考。  相似文献   
Rapid contrast injection is recommended for triple‐phase helical computed tomography (CT) of the liver. However, a large‐gauge catheter is needed for faster contrast injection and this is not practical for small breed dogs or cats. The purpose of this crossover group study was to evaluate applicability of a lower injection rate with a small‐gauge (G) catheter for triple‐phase hepatic CT in small dogs. Triple‐phase CT images were acquired for six beagle dogs using three protocols: an injection rate of 1.5 ml/s with a 24 G catheter, 3.0 ml/s with a 22 G catheter, and 4.5 ml/s with a 20 G catheter. Enhancement of the aorta, portal vein, and hepatic parenchyma was measured in each phase (arterial, portal, and delayed) and image quality was scored subjectively by two observers. Injection duration, time to scan delay, and time to peak enhancement were also recorded. Contrast injection duration decreased with a higher injection rate (n = 6, P ≤ 0.01), but time to peak enhancement and time to scan delay were not significantly affected by injection rates and catheter sizes. Contrast injection rate did not significantly affect aortic, portal, and hepatic enhancement. In addition, separation between each phase and quality of images was subjectively scored as good regardless of injection rate. Findings from the current study supported using an injection rate of 1.5 ml/s with a catheter size of 24 G for triple‐phase hepatic CT in small dogs (weight < 12 kg).  相似文献   
唐山市沙流河镇水资源供需平衡优化分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
运用系统论和线性目标规划法,结合唐山市沙流河镇实证研究,构建小城镇水资源供需平衡优化数学模型,剖析该镇水资源供需矛盾,提出水资源供需平衡优化方案。结果显示,沙流河镇水资源补给总量为1490.55万m3·a-1,若对水资源利用量不加约束,2001、2005和2010年沙流河镇用水总量分别达到2352.73万m3、2429.73万m3和2491.72万m3;水资源超采量分别达到862.18万m3、939.18万m3和1001.17万m3;其中农业用水量最大,占90%以上。鉴于农业用水比重大、利用效率低,提出沙流河镇实施、推广节水灌溉技术和积极退耕还林等节水措施。经过逐年逼近平衡的办法,到2010年沙流河镇水资源量可以节余63.32万m3,基本实现全镇水资源供需平衡。  相似文献   
浙江省水稻三种飞虱对杀虫剂的敏感性测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了调查浙江省水稻飞虱抗药性现状,采用稻茎浸渍法测定了2010—2011年采自浙江省嘉兴市褐飞虱田间种群、杭州市白背飞虱种群以及长兴市和嘉兴市灰飞虱种群对几种常用杀虫剂的敏感性。测定结果表明,嘉兴种群褐飞虱对吡虫啉分别产生了615.9~814.2倍抗性,对噻虫嗪产生了66.2倍抗性,对噻嗪酮具有13.0倍抗性,对烯啶虫胺尚敏感;相对于2008年种群,2010年杭州白背飞虱种群对毒死蜱的敏感性降低了9.5倍,说明白背飞虱对毒死蜱的抗性上升很快;相对于2007年种群,2010—2011年长兴灰飞虱对噻虫嗪、毒死蜱和吡虫啉的敏感性分别降低了1.6,2.5和2.3倍;噻虫嗪和毒死蜱对长兴种群灰飞虱的毒力略高于嘉兴种群。根据敏感性测定结果,提出了针对防治水稻飞虱的田间用药和抗药性治理的参考意见。  相似文献   
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