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The effect of harvesting bamboo savanna on the dynamics of soil nutrient pools, N mineralization, and microbial biomass was examined. In the unharvested bamboo site NO inf3 sup- -N in soil ranged from 0.37 to 3.11 mg kg-1 soil and in the harvested site from 0.43 to 3.67 mg kg-1. NaHCO3-extractable inorganic P ranged from 0.55 to 3.58 mg kg-1 in the unharvested site and from 1.01 to 4.22 mg kg-1 in the harvested site. Over two annual cycles, the N mineralization range in the unharvested and harvested sites was 0–19.28 and 0–24.0 mg kg-1 soil month-1, respectively. The microbial C, N, and P ranges were 278–587, 28–64, and 12–26 mg kg-1 soil, respectively, with the harvested site exhibiting higher values. Bamboo harvesting depleted soil organic C by 13% and total N by 20%. Harvesting increased N mineralization, resulting in 10 kg ha-1 additional mineral N in the first 1st year and 5 kg ha-1 in the 2nd year following the harvest. Microbial biomass C, N and P increased respectively by 10, 18, and 5% as a result of bamboo harvesting.  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of woody vegetation on herbaceous vegetation in southern Africa have focused almost exclusively on savannas with isolated trees with no attention given to multi‐species bushclump savannas. The influence of multi‐species bushdumps on herbaceous vegetation was investigated in a mesic savanna in the Eastern Cape. Development of bushdumps appeared to reduce herbaceous production underneath the clumps by up to 90%. The herbaceous layer underneath the bushdumps was distinctly different to that of the open grassland and it also had slightly higher quality compared to that of grassland. Effective bush control measures are warranted if these savanna areas are to sustain beef and mutton production as is currently the case.  相似文献   
金沙江干热河谷稀树灌草丛植被恢复方式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了金沙江干热河谷稀树灌草丛植被区自然概况,植物群落演替基本理论及封山育林(自然演替)与人工造林(人工促进恢复)2种恢复方式区基本情况。通过对比研究,结论是:封山育林自然演替3年后的稀树灌草丛,植物群落比人工促进恢复方式的复杂,生物多样性体现较好,灌木类逐渐转向耐旱、耐热、耐火、更新力强的抗逆类型发展,每获得1kg生物量的投入是人工播种方式的1/3。  相似文献   

Fire research in the Kruger National Park has largely been focussed on the effect of the season and frequency of burning on the vegetation. Very little information is available on the effect of fire behaviour and in particular fire intensity, on the flora of the Park. Consequently a research project was conducted to develop statistical models for predicting fire intensity, flame height and rate of spread in the field. The devleopment of these models constitutes the initial phase of determining the relationship between fire behaviour and vegetation response.  相似文献   
Determination of which aspects of habitat quality and habitat spatial arrangement best account for variation in a species’ distribution can guide management for organisms such as the Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis), a federally endangered subspecies inhabiting savannas of Midwest and Eastern United States. We examined the extent to which three sets of predictors, (1) larval host plant (Lupinus perennis, wild lupine) availability, (2) characteristics of the matrix surrounding host plant patches, and (3) factors affecting a patch’s thermal environment, accounted for variation in lupine patch use by Karner blues at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana and Fort McCoy, Wisconsin, USA. Each predictor set accounted for 7-13% of variation in patch occupancy by Karner blues at both sites and in larval feeding activity among patches at Indiana Dunes. Patch area, an indicator of host plant availability, was an exception, accounting for 30% of variation in patch occupancy at Indiana Dunes. Spatially structured patterns of patch use across the landscape accounted for 9-16% of variation in patch use and explained more variation in larval feeding activity than did spatial autocorrelation between neighboring patches. Because of this broader spatial trend across sites, a given management action may be more effective in promoting patch use in some portions of the landscape than in others. Spatial trend, resource availability, matrix quality, and microclimate, in general, accounted for similar amounts of variation in patch use and each should be incorporated into habitat management planning for the Karner blue butterfly.  相似文献   
草坪是园林造景的重要景观元素之一。本文通过综合论述草坪植物的设计原理,草坪植物空间的营造,及疏林草坪、稀树草坪、开阔草坪、草坪边缘植物景观的种植形式等,针对性地探讨海南热带草坪植物种植设计方法与思路。  相似文献   
Large ungulate populations are associated with the degradation of many forest plant communities, but it is unclear if these population sizes are strictly a contemporary phenomenon. Human exploitation models predict they are not, with ungulate numbers varying with long-term fluctuations in hunting pressure. Alternatively, human disturbance models predict that abiotic limitations normally restrict herbivores, with contemporary increases reflecting increased productivity associated with agriculture and forestry. Both can explain ungulate abundance, but may have different implications for plant conservation because they predict different levels of prior evolutionary exposure to herbivory. Here, I review historical records and stand structure studies from degraded oak savanna of western North America to examine whether current ungulate levels are strictly a contemporary phenomenon. Although it was impossible to quantify pre-European herd sizes, all evidence indicates a strong relationship between hunting pressure and ungulate abundance. Historical accounts repeatedly describe large herds of deer and elk at first European contact, followed by sharp declines immediately after colonization, and then rapid recovery beginning in the early 1900s as subsistence hunting waned. Stand structure data for oak woodland appear to support this model. Present-day oak woodlands mostly derive from mass recruitment from 1850 to 1910, coinciding with the near elimination of ungulates by hunting. Although these results suggest that large ungulate herds are not strictly a contemporary phenomenon, browsing intensity appears to be unprecedented given limited hunting, predator extirpation, and savanna fragmentation within productive pasture and early successional forest. Hunting pressure thus continues to be important, in that it is now largely absent.  相似文献   
Quantifying the degree to which natural or protected areas are representative of a specified baseline provides critical information to conservation prioritization schemes. We report results on southeastern Vancouver Island, Canada, where we compared environmental conditions represented across the entire landscape, in oak savanna habitats prior to European settlement (<1850), and in both protected and unprotected oak savannas in the present-day. In this region, oak savannas represent a rare habitat type, harboring many threatened species. Before European settlement, oak savannas occurred in a distinctly different subset of environmental conditions than they do today. Compared to the entire landscape, oak savannas were historically found predominantly in warm, dry, flat, and low-lying areas, but habitat destruction has left oak savannas in largely the exact opposite set of conditions at present. Thus, the range of conditions in both protected and unprotected oak savannas at present are highly unrepresentative of historical conditions. It appears that fire management by indigenous peoples maintained oak savannas historically across large areas of flat low-lying conditions with deep soils, where succession otherwise produces closed coniferous forest. These areas have since been almost entirely converted to agricultural and urban areas, leaving remnant oak savannas largely on steep, rocky hilltops, where the habitat is maintained by shallow soils. Our results provide quantitative guidance for setting conservation priorities for oak savannas in this region, while highlighting the important general issue of the major role traditional land-use practices can play in shaping landscapes, and therefore in influencing the baselines used to set conservation priorities.  相似文献   
Understanding the impacts of agricultural land use is desired for proper management of riparian forests buffers (RFs) in savannas. In this light, we analyzed the relationship between woody plant diversity and soil properties of RFs in farmlands (FAs) and protected areas (PAs) along Afram (Guinean zone) and Tankwidi (Sudanian zone) Rivers located within the Volta sub-basin of Ghana. ALOS-AVNIR imageries were used to map RFs to facilitate sampling of soil and woody vegetation (dbh ≥5?cm) using stratified randomized design (72 plots; size: 500?m2 each) for the analysis of soil physical and chemical properties and Shannon-Wiener plant species diversity. Although the fractions of sand, silt, and clay varied between the PAs and FAs, they were predominantly categorized as sandy loam. Along the Afram River, there were no significant differences in the concentrations and nutrient stocks of soil C, N, P, and K as well as the pH, moisture content, and bulk density between PA and FA. For the Tankwidi River, the concentrations and nutrient stocks of C and K significantly decreased from PA to FA while N, P, pH, bulk density, and moisture content were not different. Of the soil attributes measured C, N, P, pH, ground slope, and soil moisture had significant relationships with the diversity and density of the riparian woody plants. Controlling agricultural activities in riparian forests could preserve soil properties similar to that found in protected areas.  相似文献   
Parks are managed to preserve their pristine state. Fire has had a varied role in this, depending on shifting paradigms of savanna functioning. Formerly, an equilibrium theory of functioning prevailed where fire was at first an unavoidable evil, and then an evil to be avoided as far as possible. Subsequently, fire was regarded as natural and was applied with fixed return period and seasonal timing to compartments with fixed boundaries. Recently, non‐equilibrium theory has supplemented equilibrium models in explaining a savanna functioning that is partly event‐driven. In these terms savannas are understood to have high patch diversity arising from catenal variation, species individuality and the spatio‐temporal variability of events. Policy and practice in fire management is accordingly shifting towards regarding fire parameters (e.g. return period, seasonal timing, intensity and extent) not as scalars but as vectors (i.e. with frequency distributions), and to burning under diverse conditions.  相似文献   
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