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Summary Flowering and true seed production from different order inflorescences in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) were evaluated in two experiments. The number of flowers per inflorescence, berry set, berry weight, number of seeds per berry and seed weight generally decreased from primary inflorescences to tertiary inflorescences and inflorescences on lateral stems. The possible relation with carbohydrate distribution is discussed. Quality of the seeds produced from the different orders of inflorescences was a function of seed size; larger seeds showed better germination, emergence and seedling growth. Late harvest of berries increased berry weight and number of seeds per berry from primary inflorescences. Application of additional nitrogen during the flowering period did not affect flowering or differences between inflorescence positions in seed production, but it significantly decreased the number of seeds per berry. The practical implications of these results for true seed production are discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Both the amount and frequency of irrigation were based on evaporation from a screened USWB Class A pan. From the time tuber initiation had been completed, and full cover had been attained (about 60 days after planting), until the crop was lifted, 40–60 days later, sprinkler irrigation with the equivalent of 0.7–0.8 of pan evaporation was sufficient for maximum yields. However, with trickler irrigation 20% more water was required, perhaps due to percolation losses under the tricklers. Irrigating by sprinkler whenever 25 mm of pan evaporation had accumulated was sufficient although irrigating at 12.5 mm further increased yield somewhat. However, daily irrigation by tricklers did not increase yields compared to irrigating whenever 25 mm of pan evaporation had accumulated (every 4–5 days). Trickler irrigation was found unsuitable for potatoes because the soil cracked and exposed the tubers to attack by the potato moth (Phthorimaea operculella).
Zusammenfassung In Zypern wird die Hauptmenge an Kartoffeln auf Terra rossa Tonb?den in Kokkinochoria, einer Küstenregion, gepflanzt (Tab. 2). Das Legen erfolgt von Mitte Dezember bis Mitte Februar, was mit der Regenzeit über-einstimmt (Tab. 1). Das Auflaufen und der Knollenansatz finden daher bei ausreichender Bodenfeuchtigkeit statt. Ab Februar regnet es jedoch zu wenig und zu unregelm?ssig, der Bestand muss beregnet werden (Abb. 1). Das wird fast ausschliesslich mit fahrbaren Sprengern (sprinkler) gemacht. Es wird über die Ergebnisse von fünf Versuchen berichtet, davon drei mit Sprengern und zwei mit Tr?pfchenberegnern (trickler). Sowohl die Menge als auch die H?ufigkeit der Bew?sserung beruhten auf der Verdunstung, die mit einer vom Wetterdienst der Vereinigten Staaten (USWB) geprüften Verdunstungsplatte Klasse A gemessen wurde (Abb. 1). Bew?ssert wurde vom Ende des Knollenansatzes und Bestandsschlusses (ungef?hr 60 Tage nach dem Legen) bis zur Ernte, 40–60 Tage sp?ter (Abb. 1). Bei einer Beregnung mit dem Sprenger war eine Wassermenge, die einem Wasser?quivalent von 0,7–0,8 der Verdunstung entsprach, für H?chstertr?ge ausreichend (Abb. 2). Bei der Tr?pfchenberegnung war jedoch 20% mehr Wasser erforderlich (Abb. 2, Tab. 4), vielleicht wegen der Versickerungsverluste unter den Beregnern. Die erh?hten Ertr?ge, die durch die gesteigerte Wassermenge entstanden, ergaben sich durch gr?ssere Knollen (Abb. 3). Gleichzeitig nahm das spezifische Gewicht linear mit der steigenden Wassermenge geringfügig ab (Tab. 3). Wasserüberschuss führte zu grossen Lentizellen und gelegentlich zu inneren und ?usseren Rissen der Knollen (Abb. 4). Eine Beregnung durch Sprenger nach einer Verdunstung von 25 mm, was einer Verringerung des verfügbaren Wassers um 54% in den ersten 30 cm des Bodens entsprach, genügte, obwohl eine Bew?sserung nach weiteren 12,5 mm den Ertrag geringfügig erh?hte (Abb. 2). Eine t?gliche Bew?sserung durch Tr?pfchenberegnung erh?hte im Vergleich zur Beregnung nach 25 mm Verdunstung (jeden 4–5 Tag) den Ertrag nicht. Bei Tr?pfchenberegnung, aber nicht bei Beregnung durch Sprenger, brach der Boden auf und erm?glichte den Befall der Knollen durch die Kartoffelmotte (Phthorimaea operculella).

Résumé A Chypre, une grande partie des pommes de terre est cultivée dans une région c?tière, le Kokkinochoria, sur des sols argileux (terra rossa) (tableau 2). La plantation se fait sur toute la période de mi-décembre à mi-février, ce qui co?ncide avec la saison pluvieuse (tableau 1). La levée et la tubérisation ont normalement lieu dans des conditions d'humidité suffisante du sol. Mais à partir de février, la pluviométrie est insuffisante et irrégulière (fig. 1) et il faut irriguer la culture, ce qui est fait presque exclusivement avec des sprinklers mobiles. Voici le compte-rendu des résultats de 5 essais, 3 avec sprinklers et 2 avec goutte à goutte. La dose et la fréquence de l'irrigation ont été établies à partir de l'évaporation d'un bac sous abri classe A du bureau météorologique américain (USWB) (fig. 1). L'irrigation a été effectuée à partir de la fin de l'initiation des tubercules et lorsque la couverture complète du sol était atteinte (environ 60 jours après plantation), jusqu'à la récolte, c'est à dire 40 à 60 jours plus tard (fig. 1). Avec les sprinklers, l'apport de l'équivalent de 70 à 80% de l'évaporation du bac était suffisant pour atteindre un rendement maximum (fig. 2). Mais avec le goutte à goutte, il fallait 20% d'eau en plus (fig. 2, tableau 4), surement à cause des pertes par percolation sous les goutteurs. Les augmentations de rendement obtenues avec les quantités croissantes d'eau étaient d?es au grossissement des tubercules (fig. 3). Le poids spécifique des tubercules diminuait légèrement mais linéairement avec les doses croissantes d'eau (tableau 3). L'irrigation en excès a fait appara?tre de larges lenticelles et a provoqué occasionnellement des éclatements internes ou externes des tubercules (fig. 4). L'irrigation par sprinklers, chaque fois que 25 mm d'eau s'étaient évaporés du bac, était suffisante, ce qui correspond à une diminution de 54% de la réserve utilisable dans les 30 premiers centimètres du sol. Cependant, l'irrigation supplémentaire à 12,5 mm a augmenté un peu le rendement (fig. 2). Mais l'irrigation journalière par goutte à goutte n'a pas augmenté les rendements par rapport à l'irrigation chaque fois que 25 mm d'eau s'étaient évaporés du bac (tous les 4 à 5 jours). Avec l'irrigation goutte à goutte, mais pas avec les sprinklers, le sol se craquelait, exposant les tubercules aux attaques de la teigne (Phthorimaea operculella).
Changes in crude protein (CP), non protein nitrogen (NPN), total sulphur (TS) contents, carbon/nitrogen (C/N) and nitrogen/sulphur (N/S) ratios and albumin protein (AP) were studied in four sizes of peas at various stages of the commercial canning process. Of all the parameters considered, NPN, AP, and TS showed the most regular trend to decrease during the commercial canning process. In this paper the use of these three parameters is proposed to obtain a Heat Treatment Index (HTI) applicable to raw, blanched and canned peas, according to the equation: HTI=(NPN×AP)/TS.  相似文献   
颗粒尺寸对螺旋加料机定量加料性能的影响   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
为提高螺旋加料机定量加料性能,开展颗粒尺寸对加料量稳定性和准确性的影响研究。以粒径3~5 mm的球形谷物颗粒单圈加料约40 g螺旋加料机为研究对象,基于软球模型,通过对螺旋加料过程颗粒物料力链及颗粒群运动分析,建立具有分料装置的螺旋加料机离散元仿真模型;应用PFC3D(particle flow code in 3dimensions)软件对粒径3、4及5 mm颗粒物料进行螺旋加料过程仿真分析,并以粒径3、4及5mm的球形散珠为试验对象,进行颗粒运动和定量加料试验。综合分析得到:随着球形颗粒粒径的逐步减小,最大接触力逐渐减小,力链分布愈均匀浓密,颗粒间运动的一致性得到提高,物料混合运动趋势逐步减弱,定量加料的稳定性和准确性逐步提高。粒径3 mm球形散珠螺旋加料转动60°,平均加料量为6.477 g,加料量标准差为0.537,加料量最大相对误差为±0.153%。  相似文献   
建立了考虑作用于转子与转轮上不平衡力的大型水轮发电机组振动计算模型,以某混流式水轮发电机组为例,采用有限元法对机组转动部分的动力响应进行了计算和分析,主要讨论了不平衡力的相位差、结构阻尼比、导轴承刚度和转动频率对机组动力响应的影响,在刚性支撑模型基础上改变不平衡力的相位差,在弹性支撑模型基础上改变结构阻尼比和各个导轴承刚度进行了分析比较。计算结果表明不平衡力的相位差、结构阻尼比、导轴承刚度和转动频率对机组动力响应都有着不同程度的影响,为减小机组振动以及优化水轮发电机组支撑结构提供了参考。  相似文献   
赵国瑞 《湖南农机》2011,38(3):42-43
分形几何中计算自相似集的Hausdorff维数是一个比较重要的基本问题,文章主要将分形几何中和自相似集相关的各类分离条件进行了系统的整理,并对它们之间的关系进行了讨论.  相似文献   
The Roglio basin, in the relatively arid Central Tuscany (Italy), is characterised by the presence of 191 badlands that have developed on Pliocene fine-grained blue clays. A morphometric analysis on the badlands has highlighted that these landforms formation and distribution are primarily related to the steepness of the hill flanks, which favour runoff and gravitational processes, along with favourable aspects, typically the southern ones that experience a stronger solar-induced daily thermal variation. A detailed physico–chemical analysis of the clayey material involved has also been carried out, with the specific aim of testing whether this plays a role in the various stages of activity shown by the Roglio basin badlands. The results indicate that there are no significant differences in the physico–chemical properties of an active vs. an inactive/dormant badland. Observation and field data, however, indicate that the dynamic of the Roglio basin badlands is strongly controlled by the occurrence of earth flows and the velocity of sediment removal at the bottom of the badlands. These two processes, variously combined at different intensity in relationship to many local factors, are likely to be the main responsible for the different stages of activity shown by the Roglio basin badlands.  相似文献   
对雷州半岛玄武岩母质土壤剖面稀土元素地球化学特征进行了研究,结果表明:土壤剖面中稀土元素的分布既受母岩的控制,又叠加了风化成壤作用的影响,∑REE和δEu对母岩有明显的继承性,风化成壤作用则导致REE在剖面上部富集以及土壤中Ce的显著正异常,并造成轻、重稀土之间发生一定的分馏(以轻稀土富集为主要特征),但轻稀土或重稀土内部未出现明显的分异;∑REE与Fe2O3含量呈极显著负相关,可能与风化成土过程中铁氧化物结晶程度提高,富含REE的无定形铁含量降低有关;∑REE与P2O5、MnO则呈极显著正相关,应当是由于剖面中含有较多的赋存REE的磷酸盐矿物和锰氧化物矿物所致;∑REE与黏粒组分(尤其是<1μm的组分)呈极显著正相关,表明风化成壤过程中黏土矿物含量增加所导致的对REE的吸附效应是造成该区REE富集的重要原因,其中黏粒对轻稀土元素的吸附更为明显。  相似文献   
Pedotransfer functions(PTFs) have been developed to estimate soil water retention curves(SWRC) by various techniques.In this study PTFs were developed to estimate the parameters(θ s,θ r,α and λ) of the Brooks and Corey model from a data set of 148 samples.Particle and aggregate size distribution fractal parameters(PSDFPs and ASDFPs,respectively) were computed from three fractal models for either particle or aggregate size distribution.The most effective model in each group was determined by sensitivity analysis.Along with the other variables,the selected fractal parameters were employed to estimate SWRC using multi-objective group method of data handling(mGMDH) and different topologies of artificial neural networks(ANNs).The architecture of ANNs for parametric PTFs was different regarding the type of ANN,output layer transfer functions and the number of hidden neurons.Each parameter was estimated using four PTFs by the hierarchical entering of input variables in the PTFs.The inclusion of PSDFPs in the list of inputs improved the accuracy and reliability of parametric PTFs with the exception of θ s.The textural fraction variables in PTF1 for the estimation of α were replaced with PSDFPs in PTF3.The use of ASDFPs as inputs significantly improved α estimates in the model.This result highlights the importance of ASDFPs in developing parametric PTFs.The mGMDH technique performed significantly better than ANNs in most PTFs.  相似文献   
This paper presents the influence of selected methodological aspects on the results of particle‐size distribution (PSD) as measured by the laser diffraction method (LDM). The investigations were carried out using the Mastersizer 2000 with Hydro MU attachment (Malvern Ltd., UK). It was found that for the investigated soils: (1) optimal speed of pump and stirrer was 2500 rpm, (2) optimal measurement time was ≈ 1 min, (3) there are two, practically equivalent methods for soil‐sample dispersion: chemical (with the use of a solution of sodium hexametaphosphate) or physical (by means of ultrasound application for 4 min at a maximum power of 35W), (4) one must not use the chemical and physical dispersing methods simultaneously, because this can lead to aggregation (not dispersion) of soil particles, (5) the Fraunhofer theory (physical models) can be used to convert scattered‐light data to PSD. In the case of the Mie theory, the best results were obtained for a refractive index (RI) in the range of 1.5–1.6 and an absorption index (AI) of 1.0. It was also found that most of the discussed parameters depend on design of the measuring device and on the type and volume of the investigated suspensions. It is necessary, therefore, to explain how the data was obtained every time and to specify the details in the methodological part of the paper.  相似文献   
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