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喀斯特山区野生燕麦农艺性状的主成分与灰色关联度分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为进一步发掘喀斯特山区野生燕麦的优异基因资源,拓宽燕麦资源的遗传基础,对采自不同喀斯特山区的80份野生燕麦进行了农艺性状进行主成分和灰色关联度分析。结果表明,主成分分析中,筛选出的特征根累积贡献率大于85%的有穗粒数因子、穗长因子、株高因子以及千粒重因子,共4个主成分;灰色关联度分析中,株高与穗长、有效穗与穗粒数、小穗与株高、穗粒重与穗粒数、千粒重与穗粒重之间相互的关联度最大,关系最为密切。  相似文献   
对12个桉树无性系进行了生长、分枝、通直度、树皮厚度及抗风性进行研究,表明无性系间的性状指标均达到极显著或显著差异,E11和E7号无性系的单株材积分列第1、2位并显著高于其它10个参试无性系;用聚类分析方法将12个参试无性系分成6类,可根据实际情况需要进行选择.以产量、形质指标为选择目标,可选择E7、E11、E2、E8、E3号5个无性系;以抗风性强作为首选指标,则可选择抗风性强、产量中等至较好、形质中等的E12、E5、E1、E10、E6号无性系.  相似文献   

Mineralization is the dominant process controlling soil-solution P in the Spodosols of the southeastern United States. Pine trees growing in these soils are typically colonized by ectomycorrhizal (EM) fungi that are known to produce phosphatases. Little, however, is known of the dynamics of EM short roots or phosphatase activity in tree plantations. To address this question, short root densities, EM morphotypes, and associated surface acid phosphomonoesterase in a 12-year-old Pinus elliottii plantation in northern Florida were evaluated. The density of total (living and dead) short roots changed little from February through June, with a mean of 7.6 cm3 soil. The majority of the short roots, however, were inactive or dead with only 14 to 38% appearing viable upon visual inspection. The majority of the viable short roots were mycorrhizal. The most abundant morphotypes were formed by Cenococcum and Thelephora but these had low phosphatase activity. In contrast, less frequently observed morphotypes had substantially higher rates of enzyme production and these may play an important role in sustainable P nutrition of plantation trees.  相似文献   
对昆明市海口林场2012年栽植的5种桉树早期生长性状进行了观测研究。结果发现,5种桉树中,造林成活率较高的有本沁桉、邓恩桉及多利桉,树高和地径表现最优的是多利按。不同种桉树中苗圃地生长表现最优的,上山栽植以后生长表现不一定最优,这与不同生长发育阶段、不同环境条件有着密切关系。  相似文献   
Fractal geometry is a potential new approach to analyze the root architecture, which may offer improved ways to quantify and summarize root system complexity as well as yield ecological and physiological insights into the functional relevance of specific architectural patterns. Fractal analysis is a sensitive measure of root branching intensity and fractal dimension expresses the "space filling" properties of a structure. The objective of this study was to find out the fractal characteristics of root systems in a remote area of the Taklimakan desert in China. The entire root system of two naturally occurring species were excavated and exposed with shov- els in 2007. The species were Tamarix taklamakanensis and Calligonum roborovskii. A one-factorial ANOVA with species as factor showed statistically a highly significant difference in fractal dimensions, indicating differences in their pattern of root branching. There was no relationship between root diameter and two parameters of fractal root models a and q, representing general characteris- tics of root systems, for either species (a: the ratio of the sum of root cross-sectional areas after a branching to the cross-sectional area before root division; q: the distribution of the cross-sectional areas after branching). We have found significant linear relation- ships between the diameter after branching and root length and biomass respectively, because of the self-similarity of root branching. Branching rules are the same for roots of all sizes and lengths. Root biomass for the root systems of entire trees can be estimated by measuring the diameter of each root at the base of the trunk or the diameter after branching. We have shown that the diameter of each root at the base of the trunk and the diameter after branching are effective indices that can be measured easily in order to estimate the root lengths, biomass and other parameters of root architecture.  相似文献   
小麦-簇毛麦T4DL·4VS易位染色体对小麦农艺性状的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步探究小麦-簇毛麦T4DL·4VS易位系的育种利用价值,选用以T4DL·4VS易位系为亲本组配的5个F2群体为试验材料,研究了T4DL·4VS易位染色体在不同遗传背景中对小麦农艺性状的影响。结果表明,在所有组合中,T4DL·4VS易位染色体对有效穗数、每穗小穗数和穗粒数无明显影响;在与郑麦9023、周9823和绵阳26配置的3个组合中,T4DL·4VS易位染色体对株高表现出一定的正向效应;在与周9823、石4185和扬麦15配置的3个组合中,T4DL·4VS易位染色体对千粒重表现出负向效应;在与郑麦9023、周9823和扬麦15配置的3个组合中,T4DL·4VS易位染色体对穗长表现出负向效应;在与扬麦15配置的组合中,T4DL·4VS易位染色体对叶面积表现出一定的负向效应。可见在不同背景中T4DL·4VS易位染色体对农艺性状的遗传效应有所不同。  相似文献   
以丰产性好、抗旱力强的栽培大豆晋豆23为母本,山西农家品种半野生大豆灰布支黑豆为父本杂交衍生的447个RIL作为供试群体。将亲本及447个家系分别于2011、2012和2013年采用随机试验种植,按照标准测量叶长、叶宽和叶柄长3个性状,并于2012年8月1日和8月8日和2013年8月2日和8月9日各测量1次叶绿素含量。采用QTLNETwork 2.0混合线性模型分析方法和主基因+多基因混合遗传分离分析法,对大豆叶片性状和叶绿素含量进行遗传分析和QTL间的上位性和环境互作效应研究。结果表明,叶长受2对加性-加性×加性上位性混合主基因控制,叶宽受3对等效主基因控制,叶柄长受4对加性-加性×加性上位性主基因控制,叶绿素含量受4对加性主基因控制;检测到10个与叶长、叶宽、叶柄长和叶绿素含量相关的QTL,分别位于A1、A2、C2、H_1、L和O染色体。其中2个叶长QTL分别位于C2和L染色体,是2对加性×加性上位互作效应及环境互作效应QTL;3个叶宽加性与环境互作QTL分别位于A2、C2和O染色体;2个叶柄长QTL分别位于L和O染色体;3个叶绿素含量QTL分别位于A1、C2和H_1染色体。叶片性状和叶绿素含量的遗传机制较复杂,加性效应、加性×加性上位互作效应及环境互作效应是大豆叶片性状和叶绿素含量的重要遗传基础。建议大豆分子标记辅助育种中,一方面要考虑起主要作用的QTL,另一方面要注重上位性QTL的影响,这对于性状的遗传和稳定表达具有积极的意义。  相似文献   
水、氮供应和土壤空间所引起的根系生理特性变化   总被引:24,自引:6,他引:24  
在限制根系生长的胁迫条件下.,研究了补充和不补充供应水、氮对玉米根系生理特性及养分吸收的影响。结果表明.,正常生长条件下.,水、氮供应促进了根系生长.,增加了根系吸收总面积、活跃吸收面积和TTC还原量.,促进了根系对养分的吸收.,从而提高了产量.;限制根系生长.,水分的作用与正常条件下相同.,氮素的作用则受控于土壤水分。补充灌水增强了氮肥作用.,供氮促进了根系生长.,改善了根系生理特性.,减少了限制根系生长所引起的不良影响.;不补充灌水限制了氮肥作用的发挥.,供氮导致了根系生物量和生理特性下降.,加重了限制根系生长的不良影响。  相似文献   
新疆褐牛体尺性状指标与体重的主成分分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
选择30头18月龄左右新疆褐牛进行体尺、体重测定,选择累计贡献率达89.505%的7个主成分进行分析。结果表明,新疆褐牛体尺指标尻长、腰角宽、髋宽、坐骨宽及体重的变异较大,选育潜力大;体重与体斜长、胸围、腰角宽、髋宽等指标存在极显著相关(P<0.01),与管围呈显著相关(P<0.05);从主成分的特征根与累计贡献率来看,第1至第3主成分起主导作用的第1主成分主要反映体型外貌特征,第2主成分主要反映尻部特征,第3主成分主要反映后躯特征。  相似文献   
掌叶覆盆子的根插繁殖   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为解决掌叶覆盆子枝条杆插成活率较低的问题,以获得高效的人工沙培育苗技术采用掌叶覆盆子的根插条进行扦插繁殖试验。结果表明:1)保留须根的数量对根插效果无明显影响;2)长度为20cm、根径0.4cm以上的根插条在出芽率、出土时间和成活率上的综合表现良好;3)埋根深度以5cm为宜;4)插条以50μg/g ABT-1生根粉浸泡0.5和1h使生根率分别提高了17.4%和18.4%,但不定芽成活率分别减少了29%和26%,降低了繁殖系数;5)全年皆可取材进行扦插,冬末春初为最佳时期。  相似文献   
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