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近50年来,通过树种调查、繁殖技术研究、造林试验,在西双版纳普文林场,成功地培育出8种热带雨林标志树种的人工林及7种热带山地雨林标志性树种的人工林,并散生培育热带雨林树种12个。还在热区退化地造林中评选出了2个造林先锋树种。它们既形成了高大整齐的林分外貌,也逐步形成了多层次多物种的森林复层结构。在这些人工林下出现了众多的雨林标志树种的天然更新幼苗幼树,说明这些人工林所形成的雨林环境具有可持续经营性。实践表明,西双版纳的热带雨林是可人工恢复的。  相似文献   
While riparian vegetation can play a major role in protecting land, water and natural habitat in catchments, there are high costs associated with tree planting and establishment and in diverting land from cropping. The distribution of costs and benefits of riparian revegetation creates conflicts in the objectives of various stakeholder groups, and elicitation of importance weights of objectives and determination of rankings of a number of policy options by these stakeholder groups becomes critical in decision-making. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is a multicriteria analysis technique that provides an appropriate tool to accommodate the conflicting views of various stakeholder groups. The AHP allows the users to assess the relative importance of multiple criteria (or multiple alternatives against a given criterion) in an intuitive manner. This paper presents an application of AHP to obtain preference weights of environmental, social and economic objectives which have been used in ranking riparian revegetation policy options in a small catchment (watershed) in north Queensland, Australia. The preference weights towards environmental, economic and social objectives have been obtained for the various stakeholder groups (landholders, representatives of local sugar mill staff, environmentalists, recreational fishers and the local community). The AHP technique has proved useful in eliciting objectives and ranking policy options as well as in checking for consistency of the statements of stakeholder groups. Implementation of this approach requires a complex data elicitation process.  相似文献   
Restoration of the mangrove vegetation in the Mahanadi delta,Orissa, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Das  P.  Basak  U.C.  Das  A.B. 《Mangroves and Salt Marshes》1997,1(3):155-161
In India, mangroves occupy 6740 km2 of which the Mahanadi delta andBhitarkanika mangrove forests of Orissa cover 191.44 km2, most of whichhas been severely overexploited. World wide concern to conserve mangrovesnecessitated propagation of mangroves to re-establish them on barren andswampy land along tidal creeks around Paradeep port of Orissa. Avicenniaofficinalis, Aegiceras corniculatum, Bruguiera parviflora, B. sexangula,Ceriops decandra, Excoecaria agallocha, Heritiera fomes, Kandelia candel,Rhizophora mucronata, Sonneratia apetala were vegetatively propagated andplanted over 10 ha of degraded salt-marshy wetlands of Mahanadi delta inpure and mixed stands depending on the intensity and the frequency of tidalinundation at the experimental site. Survival was significantly higher(80%) in S. apetala followed by A. officinalis, R. mucronata, K.candel and H. fomes (70–75%). S. apetala recorded the maximumgrowth in height (3.0 m after 2 years) whereas C. decandra showed theminimum growth (0.5 m). Growth performance was better with plants in mixedstands than the plantation with single species. This gives us hope topropagate and re-establish mangroves for conservation in scientificallymanaged plantations in a physiologically arid environment.  相似文献   
针对土地利用情况较为复杂的上海市近郊地区,设计了一套涵盖农用地整治、农村居民点整治、工业用地整治的土地整治潜力评价方法体系,并以宝山区为例进行了实证研究。  相似文献   
Nitrogen (N) supply is the major limiting nutrient in most reclamation schemes. In reclaimed mine soil (RMS), examining the N dynamics can be especially informative for understanding constraints on recovery that restrict revegetation success. Scholarly studies worldwide have focused on exogenous N incorporation to alleviate N shortages in the agriculture, and forestry sectors. Currently, growing concerns for the negative consequences of mining have highlighted N deficiency as one of the most significantly identified abiotic limits. Only a few researchers have focused on the N transformation mechanisms in drastically altered mine soils. The review comprises the last 10 years’ research on mine reclamation approaches using legume and non-legume plant communities. Also the capacity of different amendments to alleviate N shortages in mine soils is emphasized. The major findings of the present review suggest: (i) Revegetation using legume and non-legume species is a self-sustaining and economical alternative to mineral N fertilizer application; however, they cannot fully activate the biological N cycle in RMS. (ii) A more biological amendment-assisted revegetation would enhance the key concepts of “soil-biomass N balance” and would be ideal for N recovery in imbalanced mine soil. Altogether, grass-legume seeding offers a potentially valuable mine reclamation tool for managing N and addressing the challenges of sustainable development.  相似文献   
Reforestation of saline sodic soil is increasingly undertaken as a means of reclaiming otherwise unproductive agricultural land. Currently, restoration of degraded land is limited to species with high tolerances of salinity. Biochar application has the potential to improve physical, biological and chemical properties of these soils to allow establishment of a wider range of plants. In a glasshouse trial, we applied biochar made from Acacia pycnantha (5 Mg ha−1) or no biochar to either a low (ECe 4·75 dS m−1, ESP 6·9), a moderate (ECe 27·6 dS m−1, ESP 29·3) or a high (ECe 49·4 dS m−1, ESP 45·1) saline sodic soil. The regional common reforestation species Eucalyptus viminalis and Acacia mearnsii were planted as tubestock in to the soils. Early establishment indicators, including growth, plant condition and nutrition, were assessed at the end of a simulated growing season, 108 days after biochar application. Application of biochar increased height, and decreased root : shoot and the concentration of Mn, N and S in plants of E. viminalis when grown in the highly saline sodic soil. Biochar application increased the concentration of B in leaves of E. viminalis and increased the concentration of P, K and S in leaves of A. mearnsii when grown in the low saline sodic soil. The results confirm that there is potential for biochar to assist in reforestation of saline sodic soils. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
国家尺度上基于地形因子的光温及气候生产潜力修正算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】光温/气候生产潜力作为农用地分等中的重要指标之一,直接影响分等结果的准确性。从理论上来说,不同地形地区的光温条件应各不相同,以目前这种一个县一种作物只具有一个生产潜力值的情况来看,当县内地形差异明显时,仅使用一个生产潜力值不能反应出光温条件在县内的异质性,从而使分等结果不能准确描述耕地质量的差异性。论文旨在解决这一问题。【方法】从地形对于光照、温度和降水等与生产潜力密切相关的因子具有严重关联性的角度入手,通过寻找地形因子与生产潜力的关系,利用地形因子对生产潜力进行修正。由于生产潜力是以国家级尺度的数据进行计算的,为了保证修正后生产潜力值的可比性,在国家级尺度上开展修正,以900 m×900 m的DEM数据为计算地形因子的数据来源,首先利用SPSS软件,分别对坡度、坡向、海拔与生产潜力做回归分析,筛选相关性最高的回归模型,确定不同地形因子与生产潜力的相关性;其次利用回归方程、县内平均地形因子值、平均生产潜力值和待修正区的地形因子值得出生产潜力修正公式;最后以不同地形因子与生产潜力的相关系数为权重,将单因子修正后的生产潜力值进行加权,得到最终的综合修正生产潜力值。【结果】以目前农用地分等中正在使用的生产潜力值和DEM数据生成的地形因子做回归分析,其中,参与修正光温生产潜力的样点共3 779个,参与修正气候生产潜力的样点共2 765个。回归分析结果表明,坡度和坡向与光温生产潜力的相关系数分别为0.0008和0.0002,说明在国家级尺度上,以900 m×900 m的DEM数据对坡度、坡向和生产潜力进行回归分析时,这两者与生产潜力的相关性过小,故暂不列为修正生产潜力的因子;海拔与光温生产潜力的相关系数达到0.835,与气候生产潜力的相关系数达到0.721,说明海拔与生产潜力具有高度相关性。根据海拔与生产潜力的回归方程得出,海拔对光温生产潜力的影响系数为1.479,对气候生产潜力的影响系数为1.095。论文以四川省长宁县为例进行了实例验证,结果表明,修正后的生产潜力值与海拔的趋势相同,体现出地势差异对光温条件的影响,并且海拔偏离县平均海拔越大的地区,生产潜力修正后偏离潜力的平均值越多。【结论】国家尺度范围内,海拔对于生产潜力具有重要的影响作用,并且海拔对于光温生产潜力的影响程度高于对气候生产潜力的影响程度,而坡度、坡向在该尺度内与生产潜力不具有明显的相关性。基于数据的限制,论文旨在侧重数学模型方法和修正思想的论述,与实际应用还有一定的距离,在未来研究中可探索利用国家级控制可比性、分区域利用更加精细的数据进行局部修正的方法进一步分析坡度、坡向对生产潜力的影响。  相似文献   
城镇化发展中的村镇建设用地整理--以河南省沁阳市为例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用实地调查法对沁阳市村镇建设用地的现状进行了现场踏勘,并结合GB50188-93村《镇规划标准》,利用定性判定与定量分析相结合的方法,对沁阳市村镇建设用地的潜力进行了预测。结果显示,沁阳市村镇建设用地的内部潜力为861.6hm^2,城区建设用地潜力为166.0hm^2,闲散地的潜力为225.7hm^2,建设用地潜力合计为1253.3hm^2。提出了村镇建设用地整理的途径:可以通过撤乡并镇、迁村并点,调整村镇等级结构,提高土地的集约利用率,为村镇建设提供大量用地;可以通过改造村镇内部的闲置土地,盘活建设用地存量;通过乡镇企业进入工业园区,非农人员进住城镇居民区,农民留在现代农业园区实现土地集中利用,避免占用耕地;制定多渠道筹集资金的政策,保证村镇建设用地整理顺利进行。  相似文献   
新疆海岛棉品种的亲缘关系和利用潜力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以MINQUE(1)统计方法,利用P=μ+G+ε模型对23个已定名的新疆海岛棉品种的产量及品质等性状的2年资料进行了遗传及聚类分析;采用加性-显性遗传模型对6个定名品种间的30个F1品质性状进行了方差分析.结果表明,23个品种的纤维长度、比强度、整齐度、反射率、黄度及单株皮棉产量、铃数、衣分存在极显著的基因型差异;比新...  相似文献   
内蒙古水资源开发利用动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口的增长、经济的发展、社会的前进都与水资源息息相关,水资源量能否满足它们的需要往往牵扯到区域可持续发展与水资源承载力之间的关系。本研究以水资源负载指数模型为工具,以人口发展为权衡因子,以不同情景人均需水量为变化因子来评价2000-2008年内蒙古自治区水资源开发利用潜力和超载情况。研究结果表明,东部盟市水资源量相对丰富,水资源承载力较大,中西部盟市水资源量超载严重,各盟市间水资源承载能力不均衡且空间变异性大。  相似文献   
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