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旱地豌豆新品种定豌7号是以"天山白豌豆"为母本,"8707-15"为父本杂交选育而成。2004-2006年在定西市区域试验中,3a 15点(次)平均折合产量1 903.35 kg/hm2,较对照品种定豌1号平均增产6.43%。籽粒含粗蛋白含量226.0 g/kg(干基)、赖氨酸12.6g/kg(干基)、粗脂肪11.2 g/kg(干基)、粗淀粉642.8 kg(干基)、水分14.0%,为高淀粉、高赖氨酸品种(系)。适宜在年降水350 mm以上,海拔2 500 m以下的干旱、半干旱山坡地、梯田地和川旱地种植,水地和二阴地种植产量更高。  相似文献   
Abstract. A land evaluation using unsophisticated data successfully predicted yield ranges of various crops in Burundi. Yields of wheat, pea, bean, maize and potato predicted from data for climate, soil and land use technology were compared with observed yields from farm trials and from seed station and research station trials. The predicted range of yield for each crop suitability class enclosed the mean farm yields 13 times out of 16 and yields on seed stations and research stations 10 times out of 15 and 14 times out of 21 respectively. The variability of the observed yields exceeded the predicted range of yields. The method is considered as validated. The method appears to be applicable for multi-year studies at a broad scale, but yield variation according to the weather from year to year is not accounted for. The variances of the yields on farms are greater than the variances in seed station and research station trials.
Since the method predicts correctly the mean regional farm yields, it could be useful for land use planning, research into optimal regional cropping specialisation, studies on food policy, and for evaluation of economic return and sustainability of different crops.  相似文献   
夏大豆荚而不实是阻碍黄淮平原生态类型区大豆生产发展的一大障碍,为了解决这一问题,进行了10多年研究,基本弄清了该症发生的机理,形成了一套行之有效的防治措施,并在生产中得到推广应用。其结果是:大豆荚而不实大致可分为矮缩、徒长和中间三种类型,这主要是一种因土壤缺硼而引起的生理性病害。据相关分析,土壤有效硼含量与大豆单株空秕荚率呈显著负相关(r=-0.4628*),籽粒含硼量与单株空秕荚率呈极显著负相关(r=-0.7597**),无论何种质地的土壤,其有效硼含量与籽粒含硼量均呈极显著正相关(r=0.8295**)。发生荚而不实的环境因素有土壤缺硼、迎茬栽培、施肥不当、气候条件和品种原因等。其主要防治措施为增施硼肥、合理轮作倒茬、应用植物生长调节剂、优化施肥技术及病虫害综合防治等。  相似文献   
植物生长调节剂预防夏大豆荚而不实研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪洋  张慎举  侯乐新 《安徽农业科学》2007,35(28):8933-8935
[目的]制定夏大豆荚而不实的预防措施。[方法]采取田间小区试验方法,进行夏大豆应用植物生长调节剂预防荚而不实试验。[结果]在黄淮平原夏大豆生态类型区,应用784-1、烯效唑、增产灵、亚硫酸氢钠、ABT生根粉5号及三十烷醇等6种植物生长调节剂,大豆单株空荚发生率相对减少7.7%~45.6%,大豆相应增产9.4%~21.1%;既有效减少荚而不实又显著增产的植物生长调节剂为三十烷醇7、84-1和ABT生根粉5号,其适宜的使用浓度分别为0.52、005、mg/kg;夏大豆应用植物生长调节剂预防荚而不实发生的生理生态效应为:根瘤数量增加14.7~27.0个/株,硝酸还原酶活性提高66.2%~89.3%,固氮酶活性增强29.0%~39.9%,根瘤固氮(N)量提高4.1~5.9μg/(株.h);大豆叶片叶绿素含量(鲜重)提高0.37~0.86μg/g,光合速率(CO2)提高3.7~7.8μg/(dm2.h);株高、茎粗、分枝、单株荚数、单株粒数、单株粒重等性状明显改善。[结论]该研究为进一步有效解决夏大豆荚而不实问题提供了新的依据。  相似文献   
The characteristics of 50 isolates of Mycosphaerella pinodes and 17 isolates of Phoma medicaginis var. pinodella , originating from several regions of France where ascochyta blight is prevalent, were investigated using cultural, physiological, molecular and pathogenicity analyses. M. pinodes was distinguished from P. medicaginis var. pinodella on the basis of presence of pseudothecia, a higher proportion of larger, bicellular conidia, compared with the smaller, predominantly unicellular conidia of P. medicaginis var. pinodella , and a slower linear growth rate on agar under a 12-h light regime. RAPD analysis clearly distinguished the two species, which had low intraspecific variability. Although both species gave identical symptoms, they could be distinguished by their incubation period and aggressiveness, respectively, shorter and higher for M. pinodes . Virulence tests gave no definitive evidence for the existence of pathotypes among the M. pinodes isolates. Two unidentified isolates had similar characters to both M. pinodes and P. medicaginis var. pinodella in some features but were distinguished from them by their RAPD patterns.  相似文献   
The pea weevil, Bruchus pisorum (L.), is one of the most intractable pest problems of cultivated pea, Pisum sativum L., in the world. This study investigated the transfer of pea weevil resistance from two accessions (PI 595946, PI 343955) of wild pea, Pisum fulvum Sibth. & Sm., to interspecific populations derived from crossing these accessions with a weevil-susceptible pea cultivar ('Alaska 81'). Partial life tables characterized weevil stage-specific mortality and survivorship on parents and interspecific progeny in two glasshouse trials. Larval mortality rates on pods (F3 plants) of several F2:3 families were between 36.0% and 52.9%. These means were statistically similar to mean mortality rates on pods of resistant parents (45.4% and 46.2%), but significantly greater than mean rates on the susceptible parent (1.2% and 10.6%). Pod surface characteristics contributed to high neonate larval mortality on pods of resistant parents and interspecific progeny. Seed resistance was not broadly transferred to interspecific progeny [revealed by high weevil survivorship in seeds (means mostly >80%) and high seed damage ratings of 3–5 where ratings of 1–2 denote resistance (production of resistant seed averaged 4.2% to 22.8%)]. Estimates of total weevil mortality on pods and seeds of eight F2:3 families were 50–70%. Thus, weevil resistance in the Pisum secondary gene pool can be transferred to interspecific progeny, thereby providing a potential avenue to develop weevil-resistant pea cultivars.  相似文献   
苦荞芽菜活性成分变化规律及营养成分分析评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苦荞具有多种活性物质,对人体保健具有重要作用。对人工控水条件下苦荞芽菜幼苗期活性成分的研究表明,随着苦荞萌发时间的变化,芦丁含量呈曲线变化,播种后第23~25天到达顶点,为最佳采收期;播种后第21天几乎检测不到胰蛋白酶抑制剂的活性,此时营养成分更易于被人体吸收利用。荞麦芽菜中氨基酸营养均衡,维生素含量及部分矿质元素含量均高于小麦粉和大米,是不可多得的膳食营养改善材料。  相似文献   
通过对龙口粉丝传统工艺的研究,筛选出影响豌豆蛋白和淀粉得率的因素,确定了最佳工艺路线和方法,即在常温下接种乳酸杆菌浸泡豌豆48 h,浸泡介质的pH值为5,静置分离60 min,碱溶酸沉浆液预热到40℃,获得较为理想的产品品质和得率。蛋白得率达到20%以上,蛋白含量达到90%以上,淀粉得率35%以上,淀粉中蛋白含量小于1%。  相似文献   
植物生长调节剂对减轻夏大豆发生荚而不实的效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在产量水平为2400kg/hm2左右的豫东平原夏大豆产区,应用784-1、烯效唑、增产灵、亚硫酸氢钠、ABT生根粉5号及三十烷醇等6种植物生长调节剂,大豆单株空荚发生率相对降低7.7%~45.6%,单株粒重提高1.2~2.7g;既有效减少大豆荚而不实又显著增产的植物生长调节剂为三十烷醇、784-1和ABT生根粉5号。这3种调节剂减轻荚而不实并显著增产的生理生化生态效应为:根系健壮发达,根系吸收力增强;根瘤数量增加,硝酸还原酶活性和固氮酶活性分别提高66.2%~89.3%和29.0%~39.9%;叶片叶绿素含量提高2.81~3.08mg/g,光合速率(CO2)增强25.2~27.3 mg/(dm2·h),大豆增产12.3%~14.7%。  相似文献   
针对目前豌豆收获机械化技术在国内研究较少,为实现中国豌豆收获机械化配套作业,减轻劳动力投入,设计了一款豌豆割晒机械装备。首先对豌豆特性进行研究,分析了豌豆收获作业存在的问题。然后基于TRIZ理论中“物-场模型”分析方法进行了切割系统及输送系统的“物-场模型”功能分析,同时采用“冲突解决原理”解决割晒系统中涉及的矛盾冲突,获得合适的解决方案,并依据豌豆植物特性对割晒机主要机构进行了创新设计。完成了豌豆割晒系统中割晒装置、防缠绕拨禾装置、输送铺放装置等关键设计方案求解。最后基于虚拟样机技术建立豌豆割晒机模型结构,并加工出样机,在河南南阳、内蒙古商都、北京平谷3处试验田进行田间试验。田间试验结果1表明,割晒机有较强的适应性,割茬高度小于40 mm,收割效率达到0.13~0.19 hm2/h,北京平谷区试验中收割损失率仅4.96%,漏割率为4.78%。所设计豌豆割晒机作业效果满足农户需求,可为后续豌豆相关收获作业机械装备研究提供参考。  相似文献   
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