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以固体碳源反硝化工艺应用于闭合循环养殖废水的脱氮提供理论和技术参数为目的,研究了以一种非水溶性可生物降解多聚物材料(BDPs)聚丁二酸丁二醇酯(PBS)作为反硝化碳源和生物膜载体的填料床反应器对含盐水体硝酸盐的去除效果及动力学特征。结果表明:水力停留时间对NO3--N去除效果影响较大,NO3--N去除率随水力停留时间延长而提高。在温度为(29±1)℃,进水NO3--N质量浓度为25~236 mg/L的条件下,进水NO3--N负荷低于0.32 kg/(m3·d)时,NO3--N体积去除负荷随进水NO3--N负荷的增加呈线性上升;进水NO3--N负荷为0.32 kg/(m3·d)时达到最大NO3--N体积去除负荷为0.21 kg/(m3·d);进一步提高进水NO3--N负荷则NO3--N体积去除负荷开始下降且出水中出现NO2--N积累。动力学研究结果表明以PBS为碳源和生物膜载体的反硝化速率遵循一级反应动力学。用Eckenfelder模型拟合,求出反应速度常数K值和常数n值且相关性良好。采用该动力学模型参数可以预测出水NO3--N浓度并用于实际闭合循环养殖系统的工程设计和优化运行。  相似文献   
We investigated the effects of poultry manures (PM) and cow manures (CM) using estimated mineralizable nitrogen (EMN) method on nitrate, nutrient content and growth parameters of komatsuna and compared with chemical fertilizer (CF) in an abandoned soil. We applied manures as EMN based on their total N content. The 100% of EMN by PM or CM enhanced dry matter (DM) but depressed nitrate content. The PM-Keifun (PMK) with total N (4.87%) produced greater growth parameters, DM, nutrient content and lower nitrate content but manures with total N (<2%) could not. The solo CF150 did not promote leaf number but increased nitrate and Na content. In conclusion, a higher total N (>4%) concentration of manure led to increase availability and nutrient contents, DM, and depressed nitrate content of komatsuna, comparable with solo CF in an abandoned soil.  相似文献   
The influence of influent nitrate on phosphorus removal efficiency of phosphate reduction systems under anoxic and aerobic condition was studied by changing the concentration of influent nitrate. It was shown that nitrate had significant influence on phosphorus removal efficiency of phosphate reduction system under anoxic and aerobic condition. When influent nitrate concentration was between 105 mg/L and 160 mg/L, it was favorable to anoxic phosphate reduction. However, influent nitrate had a remarkable inhibition on aerobic phosphate reduction, and there was a significant negative correlation between them (R2=0.982 7). The difference on phosphorus removal efficiency was mainly due to different influence of nitrate on microenvironment structure under various oxygen environments. Moreover, different concentrations of influent nitrate also affected the pH value in the reactor, which can affect phosphate reduction process. It was found that slight alkaline (pH around 8) was favorable for phosphate reduction under anoxic and aerobic condition.  相似文献   
A deficiency in selenium(Se) in the human diet is a worldwide problem. The intake of Se-rich vegetables can be a safe way to combat Se deficiency for humans. However, most leafy vegetables can accumulate a high content of nitrates, which poses a potential threat to human health. Light is an important environmental factor that regulates the uptake and distribution of mineral elements and nitrogen metabolism in plants. However, the effects of Se forms and light conditions, especially light spectra, on the uptake and translocation of Se and on nitrate reduction are poorly understood. In this study, lettuce(Lactuca sativa L.) was treated with exogenous Se applied as selenate(10 mmol L~(-1)) and selenite(0.5 mmol L~(-1)) and grown under five different light spectra: fluorescent light(FL), monochromatic red LED light(R), monochromatic blue LED light(B), and mixed red and blue LED light with a red to blue light ratio at 4(R/B=4), 8(R/B=8), and 12(R/B=12), respectively. The effects of light spectra and Se forms on plant growth, photosynthetic performance, Se accumulation and nitrate reduction were investigated. The results showed that the light spectra and Se forms had significant interactions for plant growth, foliar Se accumulation and nitrate reduction. The Se concentration and nitrate content in the leaves were negatively correlated with the percentage of red light from the light sources. Compared to Se applied as selenite, exogenous Se applied as selenate was more effective in reducing nitrate via promoting nitrate reductase and glutamate synthase activities. The lowest nitrate content and highest plant biomass were observed under R/B=8 for both the selenate and selenite treatments. The significant effect of the light spectra on the root concentration factor and translocation factor of Se resulted in marked variations in the Se concentrations in the roots and leaves. Compared with FL, red and blue LED light led to significant decreases in the foliar Se concentration. The results from this study suggest that the light spectra can contribute to Se distribution and accumulation to produce vegetables with better food quality.  相似文献   
粒径对冻融过程中加氮灌溉土壤N2O排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
通过室内模拟的方法,研究了冻融过程潮土两种粒径(1 cm和0.25 mm)在加氮灌溉条件下N2O的排放通量,并且分析比较了3种氮素形态(铵态氮、硝态氮和酰胺态氮)和3种浓度(40、200和800 mg/L)对土壤N2O的排放通量的影响。结果表明:冻结前,除硝态氮浓度在大于200 mg/L时,细土N2O排放通量小于粗粒径土壤,其他氮素形态和浓度得到相反结果;冻结过程细土达到N2O稳定排放通量的时间要早于粗粒径土壤;融化后细土比粗粒径土壤早出现N2O排放峰,并且该峰值总体比粗粒径土壤小;随氮素浓度增加,粗粒径土壤3种氮素形态平均N2O累积排放量分别比细粒径土壤多45.46%、7.81%和46.87%。建议土壤在加氮灌溉时应尽量避免施加硝态氮肥,铵态氮肥的施用应尽量考虑降低浓度,并建议在灌溉越冬水且土壤冻结后耙碎大土块以减少N2O排放。  相似文献   
Abstract. Nitrate leaching measurements in Denmark were analysed to examine the effects of husbandry factors. The data comprised weekly measurements of drainage and nitrate concentration from pipe drains in six fields from 1971 to 1991, and weekly measurements of nitrate concentration in soil water, extracted by suction cups at a depth of 1 m, from 16 fields in 1988 to 1993. The soils varied from coarse sand to sandy clay loam.
The model used for analysing the data was: Y = exp (1.136–0.0628 clay + 0.00565N + crop ) D0.416, with R2= 0.54, where Y is the nitrate leaching (kg N/ha per y), clay is the % clay in 0-25 cm depth (%), N is the average N-application in the rotation (kg/ha/y) and D is drainage (mm/y). The most important factor influencing leaching was the crop type. Grass and barley undersown with grass showed low rates of leaching (17-24 kg/ha/y). Winter cereal following a grass crop, beets, winter cereals following cereals and an autumn sown catch crop following cereals showed medium rates of leaching (36-46 kg/ha/y). High rates of leaching were estimated from winter cereals following rape/peas, bare soil following cereals and from autumn applications of animal manure on bare soil (71-78 kg/ha/y). Estimates of leaching from soil of 5, 12 and 20% clay were 68, 44 and 26 kg/ha/y, respectively. Leaching was estimated to rise significantly with increasing amounts of applied N.
The model is suitable for general calculations of the effects of crop rotation, soil type and N-application on nitrate leaching from sandy soil to sandy clay loarns in a temperate coastal climate.  相似文献   
Nitrogen (N) fertilizer management for production of bread quality wheat may increase nitrate residues in the soil. To assess soil nitrate levels associated with bread quality wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) production in Eastern Canada, an experiment was conducted for 2 years at each of two sites in Québec. Four cultivars (Columbus, Katepwa, Max and Hege 155-85), four N levels (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg N ha−1) and two N timings (all at seeding time or 60 % at seeding and 40 % at anthesis) were combined in a factorial arrangement on a Bearbrook clay and a Ste-Rosalie clay. Residual soil NO3-N levels were measured in the 0–20 and 20– 60 cm soil layers. The cultivars used have potential as bread wheats. Cultivar effects on soil nitrate levels existed only in the Ste-Rosalie soil, suggesting that the cultivars used were better adapted to the conditions on the Bearbrook soil. Changes in soil NC3N levels over winter indicated that mineralization had occurred. Calculated balance-sheet values were larger than measured residual NO3-N in the autumn of each year, indicating that NO3-N was lost from the systems, possibly due to denitrification. Potential increases in, and thus potential pollution from, residual soil NO-N existed only at the 180 kg N ha−1 level. Overwinter changes in soil NO3-N levels were proportional to the inverse of the fall NC3N levels. Differences between sites were large for many of the variables measured.  相似文献   
Efficient N management is essential to optimize yields and reduce degradation of the environment, but requires knowledge of deficit irrigation effects on crop yields and crop N outputs. This study assessed the N content and N-use efficiency of cotton over the 2008 and 2009 growing seasons in a single field site of the Thessaly Plain (central Greece). The experiment consisted of nine treatments with three fertilizer rates (60, 110 and 160 kg N ha−1) split into three irrigation levels (approx. 1.0, 0.7 and 0.4 of the amount applied by the producer). Reduced water supply induced a shift in the distribution of N within the plant with seeds becoming an N sink under conditions of water stress. Total crop N increased linearly with irrigation level and reached a maximum average of 261 and 192 kg N ha−1 in 2008 and 2009, respectively. Fertilizer application did not trigger a crop N or yield response and indicated that N inputs were in excess of crop needs. Variation in weather patterns appeared to explain annual differences of nitrate-N in the top soil and N uptake by the crop.The index of lint production efficiency (iNUE) detected crop responses caused by irrigation and annual effects, but failed to account for excessive N inputs due to mineral fertilizer applications. A maximum average iNUE of 9.6 was obtained under deficit irrigation, whereas an iNUE of 8.1 was obtained under 40 cm irrigation when crop N uptake was not excessive (192 kg ha−1 in 2009). In contrast, NUE, as an estimator of N recovery efficiency, identified excessive fertilizer inputs as N losses to the environment and indicated that 60 kg N ha−1 was a rate of high N removal efficiency and long-term N balance. However, NUE failed to account for crop N responses to irrigation and weather/management patterns. In this case study, neither index was able to detect all the factors influencing the N mass balance and both were required in order to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the environmental performance of our cropping system.  相似文献   
Abstract. This paper compares nitrate leaching losses from organic farms, which depended on legumes for their nitrogen inputs (66 site years) with those from conventional farms using fertilizers under similar cropping and climatic conditions (188 site years). The conventional farms were within Nitrate Sensitive Areas in England, but sites following special practices associated with that scheme were excluded. Nitrate losses during the organic ley phase (including the winter of ploughing out) were similar (45 kg N ha–1) to those from conventional long-term grass receiving fertilizer N inputs of less than 200 kg N ha–1 (44 kg N ha–1) and from the grass phase of conventional ley-arable rotations (50 kg N ha–1). Losses from conventional grass receiving higher N inputs were greater than from organic or less intensive grass. Nitrate losses following arable crops averaged 47 and 58 kg N ha–1 for the organic and conventional systems respectively, with part of the difference being due to the greater proportion of non-cereal break crops in the latter. Thus under similar cropping, losses from organic systems are similar to or slightly smaller than those from conventional farms following best practice.  相似文献   
Abstract. Regions in the Po Valley, Northern Italy, are characterized by intensive crop‐livestock farming systems. A simulation model has been chosen for an inter‐regional project, which should help in defining groundwater vulnerability and pollution risk on a regional scale, in relation to agricultural land use, by allowing the prediction of nitrate leaching under different climate, soil, crop and management scenarios. The model derives from the coupling of a hydrological model, MACRO, simulating water flow and solute transport in structured soils, with a model simulating soil N dynamics, SOILN. The aim of this work was to test the model's ability to simulate nitrate leaching through soil after land spreading of pig slurries. A dataset obtained from lysimeter experiments which had been carried out in the period 1976–1981 was used for this purpose. Four soil types were compared (silty clay, sandy loam, loam and sand) in factorial combination with four rates of pig slurry (0, 142, 284, 426 g of N m–2, accumulated values from 1976 to 1979) for a seven crop sequence. The efficiency of the MACRO model ranged from 0.96, in the sandy‐loam soil, to 0.81, in the sand. Percolation was usually under‐estimated, the relative error ranging from 0.7 to 14.6, depending on the soil. The low efficiency of the SOILN model in simulating nitrate leaching is attributed to the lack of knowledge of the mechanisms regulating N transformation processes and especially the mineralization of pig slurry N. This lack of knowledge hampers the correct setting of the N transformation parameter values. A remarkable improvement of the model's performance was obtained by changing a few coefficients which control the mineralization‐immobilization turnover of the faeces‐organic N. The model efficiency, following this recalibration, ranged from –0.62 to 0.84, and the relative error ranged from –56 to 35, depending on soil and treatment. N leaching was under‐estimated at the low pig slurry N application rates and over‐estimated at the high ones.  相似文献   
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