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基于果实相关性状的桃品种初级核心种质取样策略研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以国家种质资源圃(北京)编目的558份桃品种的18个形态学和农艺学性状为基本数据,研究了桃品种初级核心种质构建的取样策略,包括总体取样比例的确定及取样方案的选择,以获得最佳的初级核心种质。本试验共设10%~90%9个总体取样比例;取样方案研究包括分组原则和组内取样比例的确定。结果表明,桃初级核心种质的适宜总体取样比例为10%;按品种类群分组结合多样性比例取样为构建桃初级核心种质的最佳取样方案;利用此取样策略从558份桃品种中提取56份作为核心样本,对其代表性进行检测表明所构建的初级核心种质能够很好地代表桃原始种质的遗传多样性。  相似文献   
1983~1985年以“黄壳早”、“芦竹青”、“古巴苎麻”和“武冈红皮种”为材料进行自交,并观测了自交一代的分离和变异情况,研究结果表明:a.根据自交一代的形态分类,可将“芦竹青”繁殖后代分为40个类型,“芦竹青”自交一代的麻骨颜色分离为四种,其分离比例为9.3:4.2:3:0.7,基本符合孟德尔遗传规律;b.个体间产量性状差异很大,株高变冥为0.23~1.68m,茎粗变异为0.48~1.14 cm,有效株变异为1~23株;c.40个类型的纤维细度的变异呈正态分布,变异为1168~1905公支,最细的类型和最粗的类型相差747支上述结果表明:苎麻自交后代的形态性状、产量性状和纤维细度均产生显著的分离和差异。  相似文献   
光敏核不育水稻选育与利用的几个问题讨论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对现有光敏核不育材料进行了分类,分为4种遗传类型;其中,温光弱感到光敏核不育系是最为理 想的遗传工具,并就其选育途径和选择“粳不籼恢”繁殖制种技术体系进行了论证.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONIntheworldoftoday,theglobalclimatechangeanditsinfluenceonecologyhavebe-comeaveryimportantproblem,towhichmanyscientists,governnentleadersandordinarypcoplepaycloseattentionI1-'].Inl979,theWorldClimateResearchProgram(WCP)waslaiddowninthefirstworldclimatemeeting.lnl99(),thesecondworldclimatemeetingwasconvcl1edinGencva,andalltl1eexpertsagreedthattheglobalwarmlngwillbeextremelyseriousdisasterthananynatUralcalamityever.Attl1eMectingof"WorldEnvironmentandDevelopment,"holdinBrazil…  相似文献   
The position of plants withRhizoctonia solani sclerotia (black scurf) on progeny tubers was mapped for an experimental field at Haren where potatoes were grown continuously and in rotation with other crops for five successive years, and for another field at Borgercompagnie with a 12 frequency of potatoes during three potato crops. Initially, the distribution of plants with black scurf on both fields was rather dense and homogeneous. In the following years the distribution became heterogeneous and patchy. The local decline ofR. solani AG 3 (the common potato pathogen) in Haren was apparently caused by an unknown factor selectively suppressingR. solani AG 3, while simultaneouslyR. solani AG 5 increased in mass. This AG 5 type proved to be an inferior competitor of AG 3 on the potato plant in a laboratory experiment. The specificR. solani antagonistVerticillium biguttatum did not play a role. A similar factor could have reduced the formation of black scurf in the experimental field at Borgercompagnie, whereV. biguttatum was also too infrequent to account for the decline.R. solani AG 5 was not present here and could not indicate the presence of a selective factor against AG 3.  相似文献   
The electrokinetic properties of feline blood lymphocytes isolated by centrifugation over Ficoll-Isopaque gradient were investigated. A biphasic electrophoretic mobility (EPM) distribution was regularly observed with a low-mobility (LM) population (mean EPM: 0.82) accounting for 32% of blood lymphocytes and a high-mobility (HM) population (mean EPM: 1.09) representing 68% of blood lymphocytes. Following fractionation on nylon-wool columns, lymphocytes with B-cell properties (64% sIg+; 9% guinea pig erythrocytes (GPE)-rosette+, PHA and Con A unresponsive) were enriched in the adherent fraction and belonged mainly (78%) to the LM population. In contrast, lymphocytes with T properties (5% sIg+, 42% GPE-rosette+, PHA and Con A responsive) were recovered in the effluent fraction and comprised 84% of HM elements.Thus, in cat blood, LM lymphocytes are likely to represent in majority B cells and HM lymphocytes T cells. This indicates that cell electrophoresis provides an interesting mean for differentiating B and T cells in the cat.  相似文献   
通过多点水稻苗田大面积示范试验结果表明,通化市农科所研制的水稻苗田除草剂“封闭1号”具有除草效果好(90~100%)、安全、使用方便、成本低等特点。1988~1991年,累计推广面积(苗田)达15.6万亩,创造经济效益150万元。  相似文献   
Various bacterial pathogens attack potato plants and tubers. These pathogens includeErwinia, Corynebacterium (Clavibacter), Psuedomonas andStreptomyces. Over the past few years there have been significant advances in the molecular biological analysis of several of these pathogens and this is now helping us to understand the major aspects of virulence mechanisms. However, to date, such information is not sufficiently useful to allow us to intervene rationally in these potato diseases, except by the standard practises of good husbandry.  相似文献   
  1. Onchocerca gutturosa is reported in Danish cattle for the first time. Microfilariae were found in 38 (9.4%) of 406 cows that were 2 years or older.
  2. Microfilariae were not randomly distributed throughout the skin but were concentrated in the umbilical area.
  3. No difference in prevalence was observed between breeds of cattle.
  4. Most of the infected cows had grazed on fields close to streams that contained Simulium ornatum, the vector of O. gutturosa.
  5. Differences in preferred biting sites of S. ornatum from cow to cow were correlated with the arrangement of hair.
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